
Enigma's Banshee Mod

Started by Enigma, January 23, 2022, 03:45PM

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January 23, 2022, 03:45PM Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 08:42PM by Enigma
:banshee: Enigma's Banshee Mod v3.2 :banshee:

This is my Banshee mod. It contains the following:

*A voicepack featuring voiced lines and grunts of Quinton Flynn as Banshee taken from Banshee's XML2 NPC conversations.
*For the following powers and etc, he uses sounds I ripped from the PS3 game Thor God of Thunder: Flight takeoff, Flight landing (also used for Aerial Ace's landing sound), Sonic Bubble's power sound,
*For the following powers and etc, he uses power sounds from Lego the Incredibles (there are a couple of male superheroes in that game with powers similar to Banshee): Sonic Scream, Sonic Waves, Aerial Ace's looping sound, Sonic Barrage, Disorienting Note, Deafening Scream, Sonic Bubble's charge sound, Scream of Change, Sonic Waves, Sonic Vibrations

*I've completely recoded and redone everything from the beginning and created new powers, boosts, passives, and Xtremes.
-Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod had numerous bugs and issues so I've completely recoded and redone everything.
*He uses Magneto's skeleton, which I've I hex edited to change the menu animations.
*I've written new combo text for all powers.
*I've redone and rebalanced all AI coding.
*I've redone all power requirements.

*Added a higher quality version of Banshee's unused XML2 character select portait I made by using a higher quality version of the image
*Added a loading screen I made featuring art by Peter Nguyen.
*Added a set of power icons I made.
*He now uses his unused XML2 3D head for all his skins.
*He has 1 alternate skin by shafcrawler.
*I removed the camera shake from all effects that had it.
*Sonic Scream now uses a power effect I made and the impact effect from ThePhoenix's Siryn mod's Sonic Lance power.
*Sonic Barrage uses the same power effect as it does in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod and the same impact effect as Sonic Scream.
*Disorienting Noise uses the same effect it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod.
*Aerial Ace uses the charge effect it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod and the same impact effect as Sonic Scream.
*Sonic Bubble uses his Flight hand effects and a recolored version of one of Havok's unused XML1 Prototype effects.
*Scream of Change uses an effect I made.
*Sonic Waves uses the effects it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod.
*Sonic Vibrations uses effects I made.

*I've made packages for all 9 skin slots that allow his icons to appear in higher quality in the character select menu and so that each skin can have a unique hud and 3D head (right now, there are only 2 skins and they both have the same 3D head and hud, but the option is now there). These are also X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
-I've also added the textures to his package files that won't be in the permanent file in the X-M

*Menu Breaks
*Announcer Callouts: 2 announcer callouts both voiced by Quinton Flynn as Banshee.


-Rebalanced how much EP Disorienting Note uses.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Minor fix to packages.
-Now a standalone mod
-Completely redid his sound file. It now has more lines, more grunts, and all issues with it are fixed.
-Renamed sound file from bansh_m to banshee_m.
-Aerial Ace now has a looping power sound while he's in the air and a flight landing sound.
-For the following powers and etc, he uses sounds I ripped from the PS3 game Thor God of Thunder: Flight takeoff, Flight landing (also used for Aerial Ace's landing sound), Sonic Bubble's power sound,
-For the following powers and etc, he uses power sounds from Lego the Incredibles (there are a couple of male superheroes in that game with powers similar to Banshee): Sonic Scream, Sonic Waves, Aerial Ace's looping sound, Sonic Barrage, Disorienting Note, Deafening Scream, Sonic Bubble's charge sound, Scream of Change, Sonic Waves, Sonic Vibrations
-He still uses Magneto's skeleton, but I've removed the hex editing Marvel Watcher did so that Banshee now has all the fly animations he needs, which Marvel Watcher removed.
-I hex edited the skeleton to change the menu animations.
-I've changed which powers use which animations.
-I've completely recoded everything to remove all issues and make all powers work properly.
-I've rebalanced everything.
-Rewrote all power descriptions.
-All powers that did either Energy damage or had no damage type at all now do Wind damage.
-Added 2 new passives called Vox Ignis and Sonic Sonar.
-Removed Block and Grab.
-Changed all combo text.
-Renamed the following powers: Scream Slam > Sonic Scream, Sound Barrage > Sonic Barrage, Deafening Surge > Deafening Scream, The Voice Within > Sonic Waves, Sonic Protection > Sonic Vibrations, Voice Mastery > Sonic Mastery
-Sonic Scream now actually does knockback, and it now actually levels up. Those things were both broken and unfinished in the original mod.
-Sonic Scream now has a chance to do a Deadly Strike.
-Sonic Barrage is now a "tap the button" power instead of a "hold the button power." This fixed the issues with how the power worked.
-Disorienting Note now stuns enemies instead of making them flee.
-Aerial Ace is now a Charge power and I've completely changed the way it works.
-Aerial Ace's level up info said its knockback leveled up, but it didn't and it doesn't even do knockback so I've removed the popup it used to do and made it do everything about its knockback work properly.
-Deafening Scream is now a radial.
-Deafening Scream now makes enemies flee. It also now does Wind damage in impact and cause Bleed damage over time.
-I removed both of the boosts and the Bemused Melody power that Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod had.
-I added a new boost, Sonic Bubble.
-Sonic Vibrations now increases max EP and lowers EP cost for the whole party.
-I completely replaced and changed which powers required which other powers.
-Renumbered skins to fit in skin slots better.
-Skins are now hex edited.
-Removed AoA skin because it looked very different from the other skins and didn't really look like Banshee.
-Removed duplicate skin.
-Added a higher quality version of XML2 conversation hud by hemlot. All skins use this.
-Added a character select portrait, which is a version of his unused XML2 portrait I remade using a higher quality version of the image.
-He now uses his unused XML2 3D head for all his skins.
-Added new icons I made and altered his talent file so that they can appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
-No longer uses Sunfire's icons for one of his powers.
-I removed the camera shake from all effects that had it.
-Sonic Scream now uses a power effect I made and the impact effect from ThePhoenix's Siryn mod's Sonic Lance power.
-Sonic Barrage uses the same power effect as it does in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod and the same impact effect as Sonic Scream.
-Disorienting Noise uses the same effect it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod.
-Aerial Ace uses the charge effect it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod and the same impact effect as Sonic Scream.
-Sonic Bubble uses his Flight hand effects and a recolored version of one of Havok's unused XML1 Prototype effects.
-Scream of Change uses an effect I made.
-Sonic Waves uses the effects it uses in Marvel Watcher's Banshee mod.
-Sonic Vibrations uses effects I made.
-I've made packages for all 9 skin slots that allow his icons to appear in higher quality in the character select menu and so that each skin can have a unique hud and 3D head (right now, there are only 2 skins and they both have the same 3D head and hud, but the option is now there). These are also the X-Men Legends II Ulimate Patch-style streamlined packages.
-I removed all unneeded files.
-Included more clear installation folders and instructions
-Made it a standalone mode and renamed it.
-Added a loading screen I made using a painting by Peter Nguyen
-Removed 2 of Banshee's CMD AttackTarget/Any lines and switched them to Sight, as I felt they were a better fit for that and he had no Sight lines.
-Changed Banshee's flight sounds to be less generic and more fitting
-Uses his NPC lines from XML2 to give him a robust voicepack with his official voice including grunts. No non-XML2 lines or grunts used!
-I also replaced many of his power sounds with better quality and better fitting sounds.
-*I changed a couple of the powerstyle's sound effects entries so that the new power sound effects would work correctly.
-While I was at it, I corrected some spelling and grammar issues in the talent file.
-Also included are Menu Breaks and a couple of options for Menu Callouts that you can add to your x_voice file.

*Marvel Watcher: original Banshee mod
*ThePhoenix: Siryn mod
*hemlot: improved XML2 Banshee hud
*shafcrawler: alternate skin
*Tubular Spaceman: troubleshooting
*BaconWizard17: Advice and encouragement

May 29, 2023, 05:08PM #1 Last Edit: May 30, 2023, 10:37AM by Enigma
I've updated this to v3.0 and made it a standalone mod.
Check topic post for details.

Can your quality get any better? Thanks! 👍