
Enigma's MUA1 Miscellaneous Mods

Started by Enigma, February 18, 2022, 09:22PM

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August 26, 2024, 08:11PM #136 Last Edit: February 16, 2025, 09:15PM by Enigma
Restored Alternate Opening v5.0

**This mod restored a cut alternate opening for MUA1. Instead of the camera panning over to where the 4 heroes are while Nick Fury talks, the camera is already on them. Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor and Wolverine each have unique voiced dialogue and Nick Fury's dialogue is an extended version of his default opening dialogue. I have restored this.
*Because I wasn't able to get a unique conversation to require 4 characters to trigger, instead I've made 4 different versions, each of which trigger with 1 of the 4.
*If that character isn't there, instead it will play a new version of this conversation I made that only plays Nick Fury's extended dialogue. I edited out the word "Gentlemen" from 1 audio file used for this version.
*I've also made versions that always trigger the generic version and removes the opening conversation completely.
*If anyone knows how to get a unique conversation to require 4 characters to trigger, please let me know.
*If you want to include this in any mods, please credit me and let me know you're doing so.
*Ceamonks890 has given me an optional compatibility patch he made that makes this mod compatible with Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod.

*Ceamonks890: suggestion for removing "Gentlemen" part of audio from version that plays if that character isn't there, how to fix issue with 2 generic enemies being stuck, Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod compatibility patch
*tubularspaceman: telling me about this, assistance and ideas

-Ceamonks890 has given me an optional compatibility patch he made that makes this mod compatible with Darkcloud's Third Person Mode mod. Thanks to him for doing this.
-Fixed issue with 2 generic enemies being stuck (thanks to Ceamonks for the help)
-The version that removes the opening conversation now properly triggers the objective.
-Fixed whatever weird issue was happening with the audio file.
-For the generic version, I've removed the word "Gentlemen" from the audio and subtitles, since if the player is picking a different team of 4, they might not be all men.
-Created a version that always triggers the generic version and a version that removes the opening conversation completely.

August 26, 2024, 08:26PM #137 Last Edit: August 26, 2024, 08:31PM by Enigma
While I have your attention from the mod I just released, Restored Alternate Opening, I want to post an announcement:

Going forward, until further notice, I will be posting about my mods exclusively here on the forums.

Keep an eye on this thread and my other threads for both MUA1 and XML2 for what mods have been updated and released.

Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my work and I hope you continue to.

I will be continuing to make and release mods in the future.

(If you have a bug report for me concerning one of my mods, you can post about it in this thread, the mod's own thread, or send me a PM)

I fixed an issue with Restored Alternate Opening. If you downloaded it in the past 20 minutes, redownload it.

Two Ultron robots remain permanently in idle stance around the first bridge and unable to be killed, with this mod applied. Unsure if its to do with a roster hack or conversation limit being reached, but they no longer spawn in ready to fight currently.

August 27, 2024, 02:28PM #140 Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 02:29PM by Enigma
Oh, I've seen that problem happen off and on for years, long before I made this mod. I always thought it was a common bug in MUA1, and I figured other people knew about it.
I would guess it's something to do with one of the roster hacks or something else. Besides, nothing I did modified the enemies.

August 27, 2024, 05:21PM #141 Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 05:26PM by Enigma
I've updated Restored Alternate Opening to v2.0:

-For the generic version, I've removed the word "Gentlemen" from the audio and subtitles, since if the player is picking a different team of 4, they might not be all men.
-Created a version that always triggers the generic version and a version that removes the opening conversation completely.

Thanks. Unfortunately, the level music for Heli1 now no longer works and there's some nasty audio static playing in the background whenever the conversation voice audio plays on Heli1 or level music attempts to be played.

Yep, its all fixed now. Thanks again.

August 27, 2024, 07:53PM #145 Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 08:00PM by Enigma
I made a small update to add a listing for the new conversation file I made for the generic version of the conversation to the OCP version of the heli1.engb map file, so if anyone downloaded this in the last half hour, download it again.

September 12, 2024, 12:56PM #147 Last Edit: December 28, 2024, 06:37PM by Enigma
MUA2 and XML1 Trivia v2.1

***This is a modified version of MUA2 Wii/PS2/PSP's trivia. It is compatible with both XML2 and MUA1.
**I have done a few things to fix and change this:
*Fixed some weird phrasing, typos, punctuation, and such.
*Rewrote one question to call the yellow symbiote Scream instead of Venom
*I replaced 5 questions about Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy's son because everyone hates that, myself included, and one refers to them as if they were married which wasn't the case, and 1 contradicts a question about Harry. 1 mentioned Liz Allan so I wrote a new question about her. 1 was about the mother of Norman and Gwen's son, so I changed it to be about Harry's mother instead. 1 of them I replaced with a question about Bruce Banner's parents. 1 of them I replaced with a question about Spider-Man's wrestling name. 1 of them I replaced with a question about the U-Foes.
*There's a question about Thor's mother and the answer is Gaea and Freyja is wrong. Because that's confusing, since who his mother is has changed in the comics, I rewrote the question to say "Which Goddess has sometimes been said to be Thor's mother?" changed the answer to Freya, which is the most recognizable answer, and replaced Gaea with a wrong answer, Hela.
*Because Ben Grimm's hair is sometimes brown and sometimes red, and brown is the right answer and red is a wrong answer, I replaced that question with one about when Hulk left the Avengers.
*Act 5's questions are just all the Act 1-4 questions so I've added 1 new question about the Rivals, 1 about Hulk's real name, added all XML1 trivia questions that weren't in XML2's trivia file (although XML1 has 5 choice per question so I've had to remove 1 choice for each. I've also rewritten some questions and answers to fix weird phrasing, typos, punctuation, and such.), and added some from MUA2 Next Gen that weren't in MUA2 Last Gen's trivia.

*tubularspaceman: replacement question ideas

-Fixed some formatting issues and more punctuation issues.
-Changed wrong answer on the founding member of the Avengers from Spider-Man to Captain America to make it harder.
-Since I realized there was a different question about Hulk's real name in Act 1's questions, and I liked the new one better, I replaced it with one about the Leader's real name and kept the original question's wrong answers.
-Replaced 3 more questions about Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy's son with one about Bruce Banner's parents, one about Spider-Man's wrestling name, and one about the U-Foes.
-Act 5's questions are just all the Act 1-4 questions so I've replaced them. I added 1 new question about the Rivals, added all XML1 trivia questions that weren't in XML2's trivia file, and added some from MUA2 Next Gen that weren't in MUA2 Last Gen's trivia.
-Renamed the mod.

September 12, 2024, 01:11PM #149 Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 08:48PM by Enigma
:doom: Doctor Doom MUA1 Secret Wars Skin v2.0 :doom:


**This is my version of Doctor Doom's MUA1 DLC Secret Wars skin.
*I've basically made a PS2 version of this skin, which it never had. I replaced the hands on the model with the hands and wristbands from Doctor Doom's MUA1 Classic PS2 skin. I replaced the metal parts of the texture with those from his MUA1 Classic PS2 skin as well as using the thumb texture from the Doombot PS2 skin texture. I replaced the eyes with modified versions of the eyes' outlines from the Doombot PS2 skin texture and the human eye parts with those from the texture of Doctor Doom's unused MUA1 PC 3D head. I recolored his legband so it's now metal like it is in the comics. I recolored the belt and belt buckle's textures to be the same color green as the rest of the green parts of the texture. I also fixed various parts of the original textures.
*Bizarrely, this skin's official MUA1 DLC hud design is different from the design the official version of the skin uses but it's also closer to the face that PS2 Classic Doom uses. Because of that, and because it's also different from changes I've made, I've repainted parts of the hud to be as accurate as possible. I've also removed the red outline from it. I then used it to make XML2 and MUA1 style huds and a character select portrait.

*BaconWizard17: skeleton template
*tubularspaceman: testing
*UltraMegaMagnus: original source file of the skin (which I modified)

-Fixed an issue with the hand textures and an issue with the skeleton.