
Enigma's Dazzler Mod

Started by Enigma, March 22, 2022, 12:39PM

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March 22, 2022, 12:39PM Last Edit: August 31, 2024, 04:40PM by Enigma
:dazzler:Enigma's Dazzler Mod v4.2 :dazzler:

This is a new and updated version Matt710's Dazzler mod.
*For those of you who don't know, Dazzler was planned to be a playable character but was cut out of X-Men Legends II. She was then added as an NPC to the PC version of XML2, but her voices went unused, she doesn't do anything but just stand there in only one online-only mission, her skin is just Shadowcat reskinned, and her conversation hud is unused and unfinished.
*Much like the original mod, she uses her own original unused XML2 skeleton, which contains Scarlet Witch's 8 power animations, what appears to be a unique idle animation as far as I can tell, and reused menu animations from Magma from XML1 (Matt710 swapped her menu select and menu exit animations presumably to make them different from Magma's. He also changed her menu idle to be her in-game idle instead, again to be different from Magma. I have kept these changes.) All this makes for a unique group of animations and the only case of animation mixing we have for XML2, since Raven did this themselves.

This mod contains the following improvements over the original:

Sound Changes:
*Includes a voicepack using her unused XML2 voices and grunts by Tara Strong along with additional voices by the same actor as Rikku in Final Fantasy X-2 to fill out the voiceset. The Rikku voices feature some lines about singing and such, and the voice she's doing is fairly similar, so I felt they fit in very well. Also includes some grunts from the same actor's role as Harley Quinn in Lego DC Super-Villains and Squirrel Girl in Marvel Heroes.
*Her powers have all new, all unique unique sounds that also now all properly trigger and play correctly, as the coding for her power sounds was a broken mess before.
*She no longer shares power sounds with other characters.
*I fixed a ton of broken coding for her power sounds, as well as removed some power sounds that were redundant or weren't needed.
*For her some of her normal power sounds, I used some short royalty free disco-style musical stings I found online that I felt work very well as power sounds.
*For her Disco Glider power, I looped the opening 5 seconds of a hidden easter egg disco song from Star Wars Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike (You won't even know it's Star Wars-related, I promise.)
*I also used some of Scarlet Witch's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
*Her 2nd Xtreme, Holographic Trickery, now has a voiced callout.
*Her sound file is now called "dazzler_m" instead of "dazzlr_m"

Visual Changes:
*A loading screen made using an image by Shafcrawler that I AI Upscaled.
*I remade her mod's character select portrait using a higher quality image source (it's from the cover of Dazzler Vol 1 #1 and fits in very well with the official XML2 character select portraits).
-I remade her 02 hud, which uses the same image, with the same higher quality image source.
*A higher quality version of her unused XML2 conversation portrait I made by AI Upscaling the better (actually finished) version of it from the MUA1 Prototype.
*I've AI Upscaled her icons and made changes to her talent file and packages so that the icons will appear in higher quality in the character select menu. I also manually touched them up and fixed one of them being half-finished.
*She no longer shares some effects files with Wolverine and Scarlet Witch.
*No longer uses Sunfire's icons for one of her powers.
*The purple rings effect on Disco Glider no longer appears twice at once overlapping in a weird way. It only appears once now.
*Her Photon Explosion's impact effect now uses the unused XML1 Prototype xmanrobo_blasthit effect. This is because it seemed perfectly suited for Dazzler. You'll see why when you use the power.
*Her 2nd Xtreme, Holographic Trickery, previously didn't have any effects except for a weird "dirty water cascading" aura for the holographic duplicate. Now, the power itself actually has an effect. I used the unused XML1 Prototype stanlee_xtreme1b effect, in which white stars rain down, and the holographic duplicate uses an orange aura effect from nodoubt_jr's Dark Phoenix mod, which I feel fits in very well here.
*Removed full screen flashes from Razzle Dazzle's effects.
*Removed Disco Glider's impact effect and removed smoke cloud from one of its other effects because they were out of place and to cut down on the number of effects she has.
*Removed the lines coming off of Disco Glider's rings effect.
*Recolored the falling particles on Disco Glider's trail.
*Removed Light Mist's unnecessary 2nd aura effect.
*Replaced huds 3, 4, 5 and 6.
*Rearranged which power icons go with which powers.

Power Changes:
*Rewrote her power descriptions to fix grammar and spelling errors, to sound better overall, and to be more accurate as to what her powers actually do.
*Renamed the following powers to be more accurate to what they do and to give them better names: Laser Blast > Prism Beam, Dazzle Burst > Razzle Dazzle, Sonic Release > Sonic Burst, Defracted Shield > Photonic Shield, Laser Shield > Light Mist, Sensory Overload > Disco Fever, Photo-Deflection > Photon Deflection, Photo-Sonic Mastery > Photo-Sonic Energy Mastery
*She's now immmune to stun.
*Removed block, because with her 3 different boosts, she doesn't really need it.
*Changed Holographic Trickery's animation. Originally, it was using the levelup animation, but I changed it to the only unused power animation in the skeleton, which fits it quite well.
*Previously, Light Mist, barely increased her defense and the defense stat only increased from +1 to +3 at its maximum level. Now, it gradually increases by a percentage for every point you put into this power.
*Previously, Light Mist did Energy damage but the description said it did Fire damage. The description now correctly says it does energy damage.
*She no longer shares Scarlet Witch's entities file. Everything she needs is now in her own entities file.
*Fixed issues with 2 of her boosts never ending and the aura effects never going away.
*Changed Razzle Dazzle from a Debuff to a Radial.
*Laser Shield's description said it increased her Attack but didn't. Now it actually does.
-Her Disco Fever Xtreme said it did Physical damage but actually does Energy damage. It says it does Energy damage.
*I rewrote combo text to fit her powers better and fixed issues with some powers not having any combo text.
*She starts with a 5% Energy resistance.
*Removed the unique popup Matt710 created because it didn't work very well, because it felt out of place, and because I needed to cut down on the number of effects Dazzler had.
*Added new passive, Photo-Sonic Energy Combat.
*Removed Laser Light Show because it was very similar to Razzle Dazzle.
*Removed Destructive Shield because it was very similar to her other boosts and passives and its effects were too large and blinding in-game.
*Changed Disco Glider's animation so that her hair doesn't clip through her body anymore.
*Photonic Shield now applies to the whole party and only adds a chance to dodge all powered and non-powered Melee attacks instead of all attacks. Its Attack Rating increase now works properly. It also now uses energy properly.
*Prism Beam's split beams now also do the same damage as the main beam.
*Sonic Burst and her unique popup now do Energy damage instead of Physical damage.
*Fixed issue with the explode part of Photon Explosion not working.
*Fixed multiple issues with how Light Mist worked.
*Holographic Trickery now can't be used in Skirmish mode like the default characters' Xtremes that summon a duplicate.
*Sonic Burst's knockback feature now works properly and the levelup info now lists it.
*Adding missing parts of Holographic Trickery's level up info.
*Streamlined coding of multiple powers.
*Removed all coding that was unneccesary and/or didn't work.
*Revamped power requirements.
*She can now see cloaked enemies.
*Removed all unneeded and unnecessary files.
*Because leveling up split beams doesn't work, Prism Beam now always splits twice.
*Fixed issue with Photonic Shield's Attack Rating not being scaled.
*Holographic Trickery is now listed as a Special instead of a Boost.
*Rebalanced starting stats.
*Fixed issue with Disco Glider's knockback not working.

Other Changes:
*Removed all unused files.
*Her skins are now in numerical order in her herostat.
*Her packages now allow for unique conversation huds and 3D heads for all 9 skins. Be default, she only uses 6 skins and some of them have duplicate 3D heads, but the option is now there.

*Menu Breaks
*Bonus Skins:
-Because 2 different sets of skins are almost exactly the same and have the same conversation huds and 3D heads, I have picked the ones I liked best and included the others as bonuses.
-Dazzler's Ultimate skin is a bonus because the mod is based on the normal comic version, and as such includes disco as a big part of it, and since the Ultimate version is a punk rocker, she doesn't fit in with the mod.

*Matt710: original Dazzler mod
*BaconWizard17: feedback on power sounds.
*Outsider: idea to use disco music for her power sounds
*nodoubt_jr: new Holographic Trickery aura taken from his Dark Phoenix mod
*Shafcrawler: loading screen image
*tubularspacedude: bug report

-Fixed issue with Disco Glider's knockback not working.
-Fixed issue with Photonic Shield's Attack Rating not being scaled.
-Made Disco Fever's level up info more clear.
-Prism Beam's description now says it can pierce.
-Fixed issue with a power requirement.
-Fixed issue with how Disco Glider ends.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-Holographic Trickery is now listed as a Special instead of a Boost.
-Fixed issues with Photon Explosion.
-Because leveling up split beams doesn't work, Prism Beam now always splits twice.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Fixed how Xtreme callouts work.
-Two of the power sounds I'd used for powers I've now removed have been reused as random alternate power sounds for Razzle Dazzle.
-Fixed issues with a few of her voiced lines.
-Rebalanced all powers.
-Rewrote all power descriptions.
-Fixed issue with stun immunity.
-She starts with a 5% Energy resistance.
-Removed the unique popup Matt710 created because it didn't work very well, because it felt out of place, and because I needed to cut down on the number of effects Dazzler had.
-Removed Resurrection Factor passive.
-Added new passive, Photo-Sonic Energy Combat.
-Removed Laser Light Show because it was very similar to Razzle Dazzle.
-Removed Destructive Shield because it was very similar to her other boosts and passives and its effects were too large and blinding in-game.
-Changed Disco Glider's animation so that her hair doesn't clip through her body anymore.
-Renamed Laser Shield to Photonic Shield. It now applies to the whole party and only adds a chance to dodge all powered and non-powered Melee attacks instead of all attacks. Its Attack Rating increase now works properly. It also now uses energy properly.
-Prism Beam's level up info now says how many splits it's leveling up to do.
-Prism Beam's split beams now also do the same damage as the main beam.
-Sonic Burst and her unique popup now do Energy damage instead of Physical damage.
-Fixed issue with the explode part of Photon Explosion not working.
-Fixed multiple issues with how Light Mist worked.
-Holographic Trickery now can't be used in Skirmish mode like the default characters' Xtremes that summon a duplicate.
-Sonic Burst's knockback feature now works properly and the levelup info now lists it.
-Adding missing parts of Holographic Trickery's level up info.
-Renamed Photo-Sonic Mastery to Photo-Sonic Energy Mastery.
-Rewrote power descriptions to make them sound better and be more accurate as to what they do.
-Streamlined coding of multiple powers.
-Removed all coding that was unneccesary and/or didn't work.
-Revamped power requirements.
-She can now see cloaked enemies.
-Removed all unneeded and unnecessary files.
-Removed full screen flashes from Razzle Dazzle's effects.
-Removed Disco Glider's impact effect and removed smoke cloud from one of its other effects because they were out of place and to cut down on the number of effects she has.
-Removed the lines coming off of Disco Glider's rings effect.
-Recolored the falling particles on Disco Glider's trail.
-Removed Light Mist's unnecessary 2nd aura effect.
-Replaced huds 3, 4, 5 and 6.
-Rearranged which power icons go with which powers.
-Overhauled Danger Room Challenge.
-Replaced Menu Breaks and added more.
-Fixed assorted text errors in talents file and Danger Room Challenge file.
-Changed Razzle Dazzle from a Debuff to a Radial.
-Laser Shield's description said it increased her Attack but didn't. Now it actually does.
-Her Disco Fever Xtreme said it did Physical damage but actually does Energy damage. It says it does Energy damage.
-I'd forgotten to include the skeleton.

March 22, 2022, 12:49PM #1 Last Edit: August 25, 2023, 02:00PM by Enigma
Here's her power list (as of v4.0):

Prism Beam = Beam = Dazzler shoots a concentrated beam of Light Energy. Can level up to split at point of contact with enemies.
Razzle Dazzle = Radial = A radial laser Light show that stuns enemies.
Disco Glider = Charge = Dazzler slides through the air on a curtain of Light, knocking back and stunning enemies upon contact.
Photon Explosion = Projectile = Dazzler throw a photon that causes nearby objects and enemies to explode violently.
Sonic Burst = Radial = Dazzler releases a burst of stored Sound that knocks back enemies and can confuse them and make them flee.

Photonic Shield = Dazzler forms a shield of charged Light particles around the entire party, increasing everyone's Attack Rating and adding a chance to dodge all powered and non-powered Melee attacks.
Light Mist = Dazzler creates a fog bank made of refracted Light that increases her Damage Rating and damages nearby enemies.

Disco Fever = Radial = Dazzler creates an intense laser Light show that damages and stuns all enemies. If an enemy is already stunned, they'll instead be critically hit for 50% of their HP.
Holographic Trickery = Boost = Dazzler creates a holographic duplicate of herself made of solid Light that can attack enemies.

Photo-Sonic Energy Combat = Adds Energy Damage to all non-powered Melee attacks.
Photon Deflection = Gives Dazzler a chance to dodge incoming projectiles.
Photo-Sonic Energy Mastery = Increases damage and chance for Criticals withEnergy Damage and increases resistance to Energy Damage.