
Enigma's Beast Mod

Started by Enigma, July 07, 2022, 11:23PM

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July 07, 2022, 11:23PM Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 11:26AM by Enigma
:beast:Enigma's Beast Mod v3.3 :beast:

This is my Beast mod. It contains the following:

Sound Changes:
*He has a voicepack combining his XML1 lines and grunts with his XML2 boss grunts and more lines taken from his XML1 and XML2 NPC conversations, all voiced by Richard Doyle.
-I've changed a few lines to other types of lines as I felt they fit better there.
-I've repurposed some lines from XML1 that are unused and some that are only for types of lines only used in XML1
-His new Xtreme Pinball has a voiced callout from the XML1 Prototype which appears to be by a placeholder actor.
*Propeller Kick uses its XML1 and XML2 boss power sound.
*Beastial Instinct uses its XML1 power sound.
*Orbital Bombardment uses its XML1 power sound.
*The following powers use Beast's Marvel Heroes power sounds: Leaping Kick, Furball, Zap Trap, Claw Swipes, Power Repellent, Formulate, Pinball.
-Pinball randomly picks from among 8 different impact sounds.

Power Changes:
*He now has an animation mixed skeleton:
-He has all his XML1 animations.
-I added his XML2 Boss death animation.
-His XML1 menu idle animation is now also used as his in-game idle since he doesn't have an in-game idle by default and that meant he just used the one from his fightstyle.
-He uses 1 of Lady Deathstrike's animations for the new Claw Swipes power.
*Changed autospend from bruiser to bruiser light
*Removed hidden 10% elemental and radiation resistance
*He has Block, Grab, and Might.
*He has the wrestling fightstyle like he does in XML1.
*He has double jump. He can do this be default here, unlike in XML1 where it was part of a passive.
*He has his XML1 and XML2 boss unique Heavy1 and Heavy2 melee attacks. I've made the following changes:
-Heavy1 is now used for heavy1 instead of light1, like it is in XML2.
-Heavy2 no longer does knockback to fit in with how default playable character Heavy2 melee attacks work. XML2 playable melee attacks have heavy2 and knockback pretty similar with the only real differences being the different animation and that heavy2 doesn't do knockback and knockback does.
-For Heavy2, my changes require a longer explanation. By default, some bosses in XML2 don't have fightstyles and only have melee attacks if they have unique ones in their skeletons and powerstyles. Beast is one of these cases. His Heavy2 melee attack fits very well for that role except that it does knockback, which playable characters' heavy2 melee attacks don't really do. In these cases, they don't really have combos either. For playable characters, they can do heavy1 and heavy2 in a row and that's the end of that combo. For their knockback combo, it does light1 attack then trip1 attack then knockback1 attack (which is identical to heavy1) then knockback2 attack (which is identical to heavy2 except that the animation is different and it does knockback). For all these reasons, I've made heavy2 and knockback2 identical except that only knockback2 does knockback.
*He uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of his unique heavy1 and heavy2 effect for those 2 melee attacks as well as knockback1 and 2.
*For all powers the default powers I've used from all 3 versions of him (XML1 Retail, XML1 Prototype, XML2 Boss), as well as his unique Melee attacks, I've rebalanced them for XML2, recoded them to work in XML2, rewrote the power descriptions, rewrote the combo text (and added it in where it was missing), added in damage types where they were missing, and recoded the AI (and added it where it was missing).
*He has his XML1 and XML2 boss power Propeller Kick. I've made the following changes:
-The maximum range is set to the highest maximum range it levels up to in XML1 Retail.
-It now works similar to how the XML2 boss version works, where it hits 3 times to anyone who is near and does more knockback with each hit.
*He has his XML1 power Pinball. I've made the following changes:
-I've renamed it Furball (which is what Cohollow renamed it) to differentiate it from my version of Beast's unused XML1 Prototype Xtreme which is also called Pinball.
-In XML1, he would keep rolling until you let go of the button or until you hit something, which makes him bounce off then stop. I've changed it so  that he'll keep rolling after he bounces off as long as you keep holding the button.
-It now starts out doing knockback, which the XML1 version doesn't get until a later level.
*He has a version of Cyclops's Auto Artillery power called Zap Trap.
*He has his XML2 boss popup power. I've made the following changes:
-I've named it Leaping Kick.
*I've created a new power called Power Repellent. It's loosely based upon a power his XML2 N-Gage playable version has, which is called Big Bomb and has a description that vaguely describes it as a new type of bomb he's invented. I've decided to have it nullify enemy powers. I tried making it a throwable bomb that explodes and nullified nearby enemies but that wasn't really working very well, so I went with the invention being a remote instead.
*I've given him a new power called Claw Swipes.
*He has his XML1 boost Beastial Instinct. I've made the following changes:
-Its XML1 description said "Mentally focuses body and mind to react to anything" but the boost itself didn't really reflect that as it just increased his Physical damage. I've changed it to instead increase his Movement Speed, as I felt that fit the description best, which I've also based my description of it on.
*Cohollow's Beast Mod had a boost called Formulate that decreased EP cost and increased the level of all powers for everyone. A couple default XML2 characters have a boost like this but it only increases the level of all powers. I've used the name, choice of animation, and general idea but completely recoded it and made it only increase the level of all powers so that it's balanced with those other characters.
*I've given him the Regeneration passive and created 2 new passives: Beastial Feats and Beastly Mastery.
-Part of what Beastial Feats does is increases his jumping range, which is part of what his Beastial Instinct boost could do in XML1 but I thought having it be part of a passive instead of a boost was a better idea.
*He has his unused XML1 Prototype Xtreme Pinball.
-In the XML1 Prototype, Beast has an Xtreme callout for Pinball and a normal power called Bowling Ball. In the final game, Pinball was removed and Bowling Ball was renamed Pinball. I have created a version of this that works in XML2 and made improvements to so that it will function better.
*He has his XML1 Xtreme Orbital Bombardment. I've made the following changes:
-It now also gives the whole party a XP boost so that he technically has a Xtreme Boost, since I'm using both of his official Xtremes and neither have a boost element by default.

Visual Changes:
*Includes a higher quality unletterboxed version of his XML1 loading screen I found.
*Includes a version of his unused XML2 Astonishing loading screen I made by scanning a higher quality incomplete version from the XML2 strategy guide and combining it with the unused version in XML2's files, which I then manually touched up.
*Includes his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen, which I've AI Upscaled.
*Includes new skins, huds, 3D heads, and icons by BaconWizard17.
*Includes X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages that also allow Beast's icons to appear in higher quality in the character select screen.
*His heavy1, heavy2, knockback1, and knockback2 unique melee attacks all use the XML2 Ultimate Patch version of the effect his XML2 boss unique melee attacks use.
*Leaping Kick uses the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of its XML2 boss effect.
*Propeller Kick uses a recolored modified version of its XML1 Prototype effect.
*Furball uses a power effect that is a combination of its XML1 Retail power effect (which is the dust trail part) and part of 1 of the effects from Cohollow's version of this power.
*Zap Trap uses the same pylon model that Cyclops's Auto Artillery/Deploy Pylon power does as well as the XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of Cyclops's  effect for that power.
*Claw Swipes uses an effect I made and uses a XML2 conversion of Sabretooth's MUA1 PC claw texture I made.
*Power Repellent uses an effect I made and a version of Kincaid's remote bolton from XML1 which was unused in XML2 PC's files.
*Beastial Instinct uses recolored versions of 2 of its XML1 Retail effects.
*Formulate uses effects I made.
*Pinball uses an effect I made.
*Orbital Bombardment uses the following effects:
-A version of its XML1 Retail impact effect that I recolored and also replaced 1 of the textures because the square edges of the texture were visible.
-Recolored versions of its other 2 XML1 Retail effects.
-An aura effect I made.
*I removed the camera shake from all effects that had them.

*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Marvel Snap Original: This loading screen uses art of Original Beast from Marvel Snape by Combo Break and Ryan Kinnaird.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-Astonishing: I made this character select portrait using my version of his Astonishing loading screen mentioned above.
-Marvel Snap Original: This loading screen uses art of Original Beast from Marvel Snape by Combo Break and Ryan Kinnaird.
-X-Treme Gear: I made this character select portrait using my version of his X-Treme Gear loading screen mentioned above.
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-Marvel Snap Original: This loading screen uses art of Original Beast from Marvel Snape by Combo Break and Ryan Kinnaird.
-X-Treme Gear: I made this conversation hud using my version of his X-Treme Gear loading screen mentioned above.
*Alternate Propeller Kick Effects: This is a recolored version of this power's XML1 Retail effect.
*Menu Breaks: In the current version of x_voice, he only has 1 Menu Break. I've added 5 more for a grand total of 6.

*BaconWizard17: skins, 3D Heads, conversation huds, character select portrait, updated packages, ideas and feedback, troubleshooting
*hemlot: ideas and feedback, troubleshooting
*Logan: bug report, testing
*Cohollow: Furball power name, part of Furball effect, idea to give him a version of Cyclops's Auto Artillery power called Zap Trap and what animation to use for it, XML2 Ultimate Patch versions of Beast boss and Cyclops effects, Formulate name and animation idea and general idea,

-I've started completely over, replacing and redoing everything. I've changed literally absolutely everything and added a lot too, so just read the above readme to see what's changed.
-I've removed the rest of the changelog, since none of it is relevant anymore and could confuse people.

Is like you perfected all the characters amazing work.