Enigma's Beast Mod

Started by Enigma, July 07, 2022, 11:23PM

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July 07, 2022, 11:23PM Last Edit: July 09, 2024, 10:59AM by Enigma
:beast:Enigma's Beast Mod v3.2 :beast:


This is my Beast mod. It contains the following improvements over Cohollow's mod:

Sound Changes:
*Redid Beast's voicepack:
-I expanded his voicepack with NPC lines from both XML1 and XML2, as well as unused XML1 x_voice lines. His new Xtreme Pinball has a voiced callout from the XML1 Prototype.
-I added his XML2 boss grunts, so that he now uses all his grunts from both XML1 and XML2.
-Fixed audio popping issues.
*Every power now has a unique sound. I also added in power sounds where there weren't any before. (Cohollow's mod had very few power sounds and reused them a lot. He also used a lot of XML2's generic whoosh sounds instead of power sounds.)
-I used his XML1 Orbital Bombardment sound for that power and Beast's Marvel Heroes power sounds for all the rest, except for 1 unidentified Marvel Heroes power sound which I used for Beast's running sound during his Pouncing Pound power.
*Fixed many different sound coding issues.
*Adjusted timing on some power sounds.

Power Changes:
*Rewrote power descriptions to fixed various spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors as well as to make them sound better.
-Changed Orbital Bombardment's description to explain how Beast is able to call in an orbital laser strike.
*Rewrote combo text.
*Renamed his Tameless Reflexes passive to Astonishing Reflexes.
*Renamed Uncaged to Beastial Instincts to better fit what it does and to use a XML1 power name.
*Renamed Berserk to Uncaged to better fit what it does.
*Renamed Ravage to Forward Momentum.
*Removed Leadership passive (which I felt it wasn't a great fit for him) as well as the Striker passive (which requires Cohollow's custom Shared Talents file which won't be in the Ultimate Patch anyway).
*Added Regeneration passive, as he has a healing factor in the comics.
*I removed his Beastial Awakening Xtreme and replaced it with a new Xtreme: Pinball. In the XML1 Prototype, Beast has an Xtreme callout for Pinball and a normal power called Bowling Ball. In the final game, Pinball was removed and Bowling Ball was renamed Pinball. I have recreated this Xtreme while also making improvements to it.
-It uses multiple random impact sounds so that you won't just be hearing the same one multiple times in a row.
*I altered his Orbital Bombardment Xtreme. It's now his 2nd Xtreme and Pinball is his first. It also is a little weaker and gives an EXP boost to all party members.
-I also reduced the maxrange of the power from 275 back to what it was in XML1, 225.
-In XML1, Orbital Bombardment is a specific number of random untargeted blasts, but nodoubt_jr and Cohollow both had it target up to 10 enemies on-screen and fire on them individually, which often meant that it only did a couple of blasts and didn't do much in general. The timing on the power was also screwed up. I have returned it to how it worked in XML1 as closely as possible, which fixed these issues.
*Added resistances to Elemental and Radiation damage, which he has in the comics.
*Beast now has double jump moves by default instead of his Tameless Reflexes passive unlocking them. (Thanks to hemlot for doing this for me.)
*The number of levels for each of Beast's powers and passives has been rebalanced. Cohollow had reduced the number of levels for each and balanced him for use alongside his default character boosters. This made Beast not fit in alongside other characters very well, and also, as my booster is being used alongside other non-boostered default characters, Beast needed to be rebalanced to fit alongside those instead.
-Also fixed level coding error with his Uncanny Reflexes passive.
*Fixed multiple coding mistakes with Forward Momentum.
*Changed internal numbering of his power and effects so that they're arranged better and less confusing for me to keep track of.
*His heavy melee attack 1 now uses the same animation it does in XML1.
*Astonishing Reflexes now adds a chance to dodge projectiles instead.
*Corrosive Concoction and Zap Trap now use renamed model files instead of the default XML2 model files. (Thanks to BaconWizard17 for doing this.)
*Removed the boost I had previously added, Terminal Velocity, because there is a limit of 16 talents in the talents file and he had 17, which made Astonishing Reflexes not appear.
*Removed a talent entry from herostat that didn't do anything.
*Fixed formatting errors in powerstyle file.
*Fixed bug with how Formulate's leveling worked.
*Rebalanced Furball's knockback.
*Rebalanced Propeller Kick's knockback and fixed a coding mistake with it.
*Rebalanced level Furball unlocks at.
*Removed an unused line of code from Corrosive Concoction's talents entry.
*Added missing AI coding.
*Removed unneeded coding from Uncaged.
*Rebalanced timing of Uncaged.
*Beastial Instincts now increases his jumping range like it does in XML1.
*Beastial Instincts no longer increases his Attack Rating becaused Uncaged also does that and because Beastial Instincts increases his Critical chance for all powered and non-powered attacks and that's powerful enough.
*I've unscaled all powers except Pinball because it's technically teleport attack and they're all scaled.
*Rebalanced all powers.
*Furball had a hidden Attack Rating increases that wasn't mentioned in the levelup info. I've removed it.
*Removed unused Forward Momentum knockback levelup coding.
*Removed knockback coding from Forward Momentum that didn't actually work anyway.
*Removed Forward Momentum's increased chance of Criticals since it overlaps with his Beastial Instincts passive.
*Removed EP cost reduction from Formulate.
*Added power requirements since he didn't really have any.
*Rebalances starting stats.

Visual Changes:
*Includes a higher quality version of his XML1 loading screen.
*Includes a version of his unused XML2 Astonishing loading screen I made by scanning a higher quality incomplete version from the XML2 strategy guide and combining it with the unused version in XML2's files, which I then manually touched up.
*Includes his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen, which I've AI Upscaled.
*Includes BaconWizard17's updated skins, 3D heads, character select portrait, and new conversation huds. I also redid his herostat to match the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch order of the skins, as seen in the Skin List file in the "Screenshots" folder.
*I altered his talent file and pacakge files so that Beast's icons can appear in higher quality in the character select screen.
*Includes new icons by BaconWizard17.
*Includes updated packages to allow Beast's icons to appear in higher quality in the character select screen.
*Removed camera shake from 2 power effects.
*Added new effects for new and altered powers.
*Replaced Orbital Bombardment's broken impact effect with a fixed recolored version of that power's original XML1 effect that now uses a texture that
*In both previous Beast mods, and even in XML1, Orbital Bombardment's impact effect used a texture that showed the square edges of the texture, which can happen sometimes if you use certain textures with certain effects. Additionally, the texture was white, which doesn't fit in with the color scheme of Beast's powers. I have replaced the texture with one that doesn't have that issue and have recolored it blue.
*Zap Trap now uses the much higher quality default XML2 version of the Pylon model Cyclops uses for Auto Artillery.

*Bonus X-Treme Gear Hud: I made this conversation hud using an AI Upscaled version of his unused XML1 X-Treme Gear loading screen.
*Astonishing Character Select Portrait: I made this character select portrait using my version of his Astonishing loading screen mentioned above.
*X-Treme Gear Character Select Portrait: I made this character select portrait using my version of his X-Treme Gear loading screen mentioned above.
*Menu Breaks: The current version of x_voice only added 1 custom Menu Breaks for him, so I've added several more.

-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-Removed unused Forward Momentum knockback levelup coding.
-Removed knockback coding from Forward Momentum that didn't actually work anyway.
-Removed Forward Momentum's increased chance of Criticals since it overlaps with his Beastial Instincts passive.
-Removed EP cost reduction from Formulate.
-Unscaled and rebalanced Pinball.
-Added power requirements since he didn't really have any.
-Rewrote some power descriptions.
-Fixed issue with resistances.
-Rebalanced how much damage Sharp Check does.
-Rebalanced Beastial Instincts' leveling.
-Zap Trap now uses the much higher quality default XML2 version of the Pylon model Cyclops uses for Auto Artillery.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Rebalanced number of levels Zap Trap, Pouncing Pound, and Forward Momentum have.
-I've unscaled all powers except Pinball because it's technically teleport attack and they're all scaled.
-Rebalanced all powers.
-Furball had a hidden Attack Rating increases that wasn't mentioned in the levelup info. I've removed it.
-Uncaged now only affects non-powered Melee attacks instead of powered and non-powered Melee attacks to balance how boosts like this work with other characters.
-Beastial Instincts no longer increases his Attack Rating becaused Uncaged also does that and because Beastial Instincts increases his Critical chance for all powered and non-powered attacks and that's powerful enough.
-Rewrote Beastial Instincts' description to be more accurate.
-Rebalanced Beastial Instincts.
-I've added some Menu Breaks because the current version of x_voice only added 1 custom for him.
-Beastial Instincts now increases his jumping range like it does in XML1.
-Astonishing Reflexes now only gives a chance to dodge projectiles.
-Minor fix to Uncaged's levelup info.
-Made some minor fixes to some power descriptions.
-Removed an unused line of code from Corrosive Concoction's talents entry.
-Added missing AI coding.
-Removed unneeded coding from Uncaged.
-Rebalanced timing of Uncaged.
-Rewrote Uncaged's description to be more clear.
-Rebalanced Uncaged.
-Fixed bug with how Formulate's leveling worked.
-Rebalanced Furball's knockback.
-Rebalanced Propeller Kick's knockback and fixed a coding mistake with it.
-Fixed more formatting errors in powerstyle file.
-Rebalanced level Furball unlocks at.
-Fixes to Xtreme 2 callout coding.
-Part of Pinball was coded to do Teleport damage, which I changed to Physical damage because he's not technically teleporting.
-Minor fix to Pinball's max range.
-Fixed formatting errors in powerstyle file.
-Rebalanced Critical chance leveling on Beastial Instincts passive.
-Fixed minor typo in Talents file.
-Corrosive Concoction and Zap Trap now use renamed model files instead of the default XML2 model files. (Thanks to BaconWizard17 for doing this.)
-Removed the boost I had previously added, Terminal Velocity, because there is a limit of 16 talents in the talents file and he had 17, which made Astonishing Reflexes not appear.
-Rewrote Astonishing Reflexes's description to be more clear.
-Removed a talent entry from herostat that didn't do anything.
-His Terminal Velocity boost now unlocks at a different level than his Uncaged boost.
-Fixed minor audio popping.
-Minor typo fix in talent file.
-Fixed minor errors with package files. (Thanks to BaconWizard17 for doing this).
-Fixed minor talent file bug with Pinball.
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages
-I added coding for his resistances to his herostat.
-Renamed Uncanny Reflexes to Astonishing Reflexes.
-Added chance to dodge projectiles to Astonishing Reflexes.
-Fixed typos in his talent file.
-With help from hemlot and BaconWizard17, I fixed an issue with the Pinball Xtreme that was causing Beast to attack the same enemy multiple times instead of multiple enemies randomly.
-I increased the maxrange of Pinball from 240 to 250 just in case.
-I changed Pinball from a Charge power to a Special power.
-I made a bonus X-Treme Gear character select portrait.

*nodoubt_jr: original Beast mod
*Cohollow: 2nd Beast mod
*hemlot: giving Beast double jump moves by default, ideas and feedback
*BaconWizard17: skins, 3D Heads, conversation huds, character select portrait, updated packages, ideas and feedback

Is like you perfected all the characters amazing work.