
coney's Boosters (New Rogue/Jean Grey Updated)

Started by coney, November 12, 2023, 02:46AM

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November 12, 2023, 02:46AM Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 06:32PM by coney
:cyclops: Cyclops Booster :cyclops:  V1.1

My first booster!! This is a simple booster to leader of the X-Men Scott Summers aka Cyclops! My goal was to give Cyclops a better power fantasy because in my opinion some of his powers felt boring, for example Cyclops having a turret never really made sense to me. I wanted to give him a new power that felt more closer to his identity. Cyclops is known for being able to shoot beams that ricochet off surfaces, and I wanted to recreate that. Let me know if you have any feedback or find any issues :)



Popup Combo Attack: No longer does a fixed amount of damage. Now it scales normally. Now deals energy damage.

Optic Beam: No Changes

Optic Slam: Now Pierces

Optic Flash: No Changes

Banked Shot: New Power - Fires a beam that can bounce off walls and pierce through enemies.

Fusion Beam: Damage is now increased by Visor Upgrade

Polarized Beam: No Changes


Optic Rage: No Changes

Flawless Tactics: No Changes


Solar Power: New Power - Cyclops absorbs additional solar energy, increasing his $AR and reducing his energy consumption.

Command: No Changes


Cyclops now starts with 5% Mental and Energy Resistance.

Visor Upgrade: Now also increases Fusion Beams damage and crit chance

Spatial Awareness: New Passive - Cyclops uncanny sense of trigonometry allows him to find the best angles for attacks, adding a chance for a deadly strike to occur for all powers.

Defense Grid: No Changes

Leadership: No Changes

Mutant Master: No Changes


Now features 9 new and updated skins

Uses Ps2 Power Icon textures

Higher quality Hud Head

New effects used for Banked Shot


BaconWizard17: Skins, 3D Heads


V1.1 Banked Shot now can deal multiple instances of damage to same enemy rather than only once.
Check out my mods for other games here!

November 17, 2023, 11:09PM #1 Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 06:51PM by coney
:phoenix: Jean Grey v1.3 :phoenix:

This is a small & simple booster to the Omega Level Mutant Jean Grey! My goal was to give Jean more oomph to her powerset. Jean now uses more of her telekinetic prowess and as the avatar of the Phoenix Force, I wanted to showcase some more of the cosmic entity to make Apocalypse's forces tremble in fear of her destructive power.



Telekinesis: Damage now properly boosted by Mental Mastery. New effect added from XML1

Mental Spike: Now does Mental damage instead of Telekinetic

Psionic Boom: Reworked - A radial telekinetic attack that knocks down all enemies in the area.

Memory Wipe: Now has a chance to nullify enemy powers and reduce enemy damage instead of causing fear. Now does Mental damage instead of Telekinetic. New effect added from XML1 to show successful debuff.

Dark Phoenix: Initial attack now deals Mental damage instead of Telekinetic. Explosion damage now deals Fire damage instead of Physical.

Mental Guardian: Now does Mental damage instead of Telekinetic


Phoenix Force: Jean now uses her XML1 Phoenix Force animation and effects

From The Ashes: Jean now uses her default  XML2 Phoenix Force animation and effect.


Telekinetic Shield: New Power - Create a telekinetic shield around Jean which absorbs a set amount of damage for a time. Nearby allies receive a portion of Jean's shield. Uses her XML1 animation.

Calming Presence: No Changes

Cosmic Entity: New Power - Jean and the Phoenix Force join in unison, transforming her into either Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, or White Phoenix of the Crown. During this time, she gains HP regeneration. As Phoenix, her abilities will consume less EP. As Dark Phoenix, her attacks will all do bonus fire dmg. As White Phoenix, she receives damage reduction.


Jean Grey now starts with 10% Mental Resistance.

Psionic Combat: No changes

Telekinetic Net: No Changes

Mental Mastery: Now increases Critical Hit chance for all mental attacks. Now also increases damage and crit chance for telekinetic attacks.

Flight: No Changes

Mutant Master: No Changes


Now features 9 new and updated skins (Streamlined skins and packages so now Jean uses 0201 - 09)

Uses Ps2 Power Icon textures

Higher quality default Hud Head

Added XML1 Hud heads to respective skins

Added my XML1+2 voicepack


BaconWizard17: Skins, 3D Heads, help with skin swaps
nodoubt_jr: XML1 effects


If using a power that changes Jeans skin (such as Dark Phoenix) at the same time as Cosmic Entity is about to end, then Jean will stay in the White Phoenix skin. Leaving the area seems to fix it.

If using a skin not featured on this booster, then Jean's transformation powers will cause the issue of not reverting back properly

-"Memory Wipe" now uses a her XML1 "Psychic Scream" effect.
-Added additional effect to her flight.
-Added additional effect to "Telekinesis".

-Streamlined powerstyle coding
-Edited "Telekinetic Shield" visual effects.
-Reworked "Telekinetic Shield". Jean Grey's shield now absorbs a set amount of damage. Nearby allies receive a portion of Jean's shield.
-"Phoenix Force" conversion time now properly scales with level.

-Now features animation mixing.
-"Phoenix Force" now uses its XML1 animation and effects.
-"Telekinetic Shield" now uses its XML1 animation.
-"From the Ashes" now uses XML2's default "Phoenix Force" animation and effect.
-Some power icons were switched around.
-Added additional effects to "Memory Wipe", "Telekinesis", "Psionic Boom", and her unique knockback attack.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-No longer swaps skins during "Phoenix Force", "Dark Phoenix" and "From the Ashes".
-"Cosmic Entity" has been reworked. Now it randomly transforms Jean into either Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, or White Phoenix of the Crown.
Check out my mods for other games here!

November 28, 2023, 06:19PM #2 Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 11:43PM by coney
  :scarletw: Scarlet Witch  v1.2 :scarletw:

This is a booster for the Scarlet Witch! My goal was to give Wanda more powerful and chaotic effects to her powerset because I felt like her base game version didn't really make use of her reality warping capabilities to their full extent. It was really fun working on her because with Wanda anything can happen, such as causing her enemies to shrink in size! Wanda is now fully ready to save her brother Quicksilver from Apocalypse!!



Hex Bolts: Fire homing Hex-Bolt(s) that deal a random damage type and effect. Now uses red colors for effects.
Possible Effects - DMG Blade - Deals Bonus Damage - DMG Wind - Causes Popup - DMG Bleed - Heals Scarlet Witch for percentage of Dmg dealt - DMG Electricity - Shrinks enemies - DMG Radiation - Causes enemies to get stuck in place - DMG - Magnetic - Recover EP based on damage dealt.

Combustion: No Changes

Transmutation (Reality Shift): No Changes

Disaster Field (New Power): Use Chaos Magic to create a field which alters gravity, causing all enemies to become suspended in the air.

Reality Warp (Hex Explostion): Fire a Hex-Bolt which explodes on impact, causing all enemies to shrink in size and reduces their damage for a time.

Misfortune: Cast a spell which trips enemies and either nullifies their powers for a time or causes enemy attacks to backfire, reflecting a percentage of damage back on themselves.


Anarchy Assault : No changes

Revitalize: No changes


Chaos Blessing (Heal): No Changes.

Probability Syphon: No Changes

Amplify Luck: No Changes


Wanda now starts with 10% Energy Resistance.

Protection Spell (Deflect Missiles): No changes

Witchcraft (Scarlet's Touch): No Changes

Chaos Magic Mastery (Hex Mastery): Now increases DMG and Critical Hit chance for all powers.

Mutant Master: No Changes


Now features 9 new and updated skins

Uses Ps2 Power Icon textures

Higher quality default Hud Head


BaconWizard17: Skins, 3D Heads
jonohood mods: Disaster Field Effect inspiration

-Fixed issue with "Misfortune" not dealing increased damage when leveled up.

-Streamlined powerstyle coding
-Added an additional possible outcome for "Hex Bolts".
-"Hex Bolt" now has a chance to deal magetic dmg. Wanda regains EP based on damage dealt.
-"Hex Bolt" energy dmg chance has been changed to bleed dmg. Effect remains the same. Now plays the sound effect for using a health potion when successfully hitting an enemy. Changed coding to more accurately heal based on amount of damage dealt.
-The shrinking enemies effect of "Hex Bolts" no longer affects bosses.
-"Hex Bolts" talent description now lists all possible outcomes.
-"Anarchy Assualt" conversion time now accurately scales with level.
-"Reality Warp" now properly deals energy dmg.
Check out my mods for other games here!

Updated Jean Grey and Scarlet Witch to v1.1
Check out my mods for other games here!

Updated Jean Grey and Scarlet Witch to v1.2
Check out my mods for other games here!

:rogue: Rogue :rogue:

This is a small booster to Rogue! My goal was to improve Rogue's signature power stealing mutant power and make it more viable and fun to use. Rogue will now be able to absorb her teammates powers, as well as enemies like before. Beware Apocalypse! Rogue is now more dangerous than ever!



Southern Smash (Smash): Now includes its XML1 effect.

Power Theft: Reworked - Now deals energy damage, previously dealt no damage at all. Improved the way it targeted enemies, now should be easier to hit enemies with this power. Increased stun duration. Rogue can also use this power to steal ally powers - Be warned, this also damages allies. Allies receive half damage and won't be stunned.

Bedazzle: - No changes.

Energy Overflow: No changes

Tremor: No changes.

Torpedo Strike: No changes.


Energy Drain (Manic Slam): Rogue will now either use her XML1 animation and effects for Energy Drain or use Manic Slam's default XML2 animation and effects. Decreased stun duration and increased nullify duration since the stun lasted longer than the nullify. Enemies now lose energy as well. Energy pack sound effect and visual effect now plays when Rogue hits an enemy with this skill. Damage now scales with Rogue's Strike stat, should now do more damage overall.

Reflective Aura: No changes


Southern Hospitality (Heal): No changes.

Southern Shout: No Changes

Block: No changes.


Marvelous Physique: Increases Rogue's Max HP.

Prism Shield: Now also increases DEF.

Critical Strike: No Changes

Might: No Changes

Flight: No Changes

Mutant Master: New


Now features 9 new and updated skins (Streamlined skins and packages so now Rogue uses 0701 - 09)

Uses Ps2 Power Icon textures

Higher quality default Hud Head

Uses my XML1 voicepack


BaconWizard17: Skins, 3D Heads
nodoubt_jr: XML1 effects
Check out my mods for other games here!

You know exactly what people wanted from the characters, thank you!