Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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Depends, if you are short-terming "cake" for pancake. If negative, then indeed you are lying. :P

Dream vacation?

(BTW, have I already asked this?)

Japan! I've been all over Europe and the Americas and mostly around Asia, but that's 1 location I haven't stopped yet. Tokyo here I come (hopefully in december)!!!

What's your favorite TV series based on medics:

House, Grey's Anatomy, E.R. or Scrubs?

I've only ever watched Scrubs so I'll say Scrubs.

Are you going to watch the upcoming Wolverine and the X-Men series?
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Of course!

Do you watch Heroes, the TV series?

Nope. As metnioned by me in another thread earlier, I feel it resembles marvel characters too much. The whole concept is a ripoff of the x-men IMO. Look at the plotlines and it isn't that hard to see.

Who, in your opinion, has a better voice:

Avril Lavigne, Amy Lee (Evanescence) or Dido?

None, Sharon den Adel from Within Temptation trumps them all.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
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Ooh, tough question. Can't answer that. So many variegated places.

Who'd win in the Battle of Butlers: Jarvis or Alfred Pennyworth? :laugh:

If it is Alfred from Batman Jarvis has no chance :D

Who is your favourite batman villain ? (Mines Joker)

Poison Ivy and Black Mask.

Have you seen the Dark knight yet?

July 18, 2008, 10:57AM #399 Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 11:06AM by muafan
Quote from: Venom on July 18, 2008, 01:01AM
If it is Alfred from Batman Jarvis has no chance :D

i agree tho now that the skrulls stand behind jarvis he might win.
nope. beause of religues reasions i cannot see it for 3 weeks.

do u think  :doop: is a studpid charachter?

No Doubt!

Favorite Band?

Linkin Park

Do you like Linkin Park?

Not anymore. They kinda died out for me. I'd go with Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin or Seether.

Which of these flop marvel movies did you like better: daredevil or Hulk (by Ang Lee)?

Mmmm... I'd say Daredevil. The 2003 Hulk didn't cut it. Neither did Daredevil, but I assume he's better since the Hulk storyline is far too repetitive.

Is My Chemical Romance considered emo?

I don't know. Though I personally consider them bad.

So, what will you get me for my 18th birthday?
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