Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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Cyke. (Hasn't that question already been asked?)

Describe the best fusion you can think of. Not just the characters.

Ground Smash (luke cage)+ Freeze Beam (iceman)

and now  the question comic fanboys have been asking since stan lee was enlightnhed:
marvel or dc? (marvel 4 me)

Marvel hands down.  DC has some of the bigger characters, but Marvel has more awesome ones.

Whats your favorite Star Wars game?

battlefront 2

Who is the best character in MUA?

hmm....deadpool was on my team throughout my entrire game, so i think hes definetly one of the best...

ipod or zune?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):


Who copies who marvel or dc.

Where beside (wallpaperjunkies) could i get cool marvel wallpaper?

The Internet? Or from shafcrawler. :laugh:

Post the emote icon that you like the most here.

It might be doing a version of the fist pump.

Your least favorite emoticon?


if theres any mmarvel char. that has no mod that u want a mod of who is it? (i want shaman or loki)

hmm hmm hmm hmm though question almost all i want are cover it hmm hmm hmm hmm let me see hmm hmm how about morph or punisher i will have to say :P

have you seen all xmen animated series and wich episode was your favorite???

I've seen all of them and my favorite was the one where Psylocke gets kidnapped my Magneto (only because Psylocke was featured in that episode). I loved the series as a whole, though!

Have you seen the Dark Knight? And if you have, were you expecting the directions the original characters from Begins went?

 Ya I saw the Dark Knight last Friday...I was expecting exactly what I saw in the trailers a great movie, each character was what I had expected to turn out in the Dark Knight after Begins.

With the exception of Rachel...haha I actually found it humorous when Batman kicked the door and picked up Harvey Dent...I was laughing so hard in theatre cause I figured Bruce went gay, hahah a joke of course.

  If charles Xavier turned out in the comics to have acquired the Gem of Cyttorak and become the Juggernaut, how, and who would have stopped him?

A superstrong mindless robot!!! Sorry, that was all that i could think of. And btw Overload, that was the answer I was expecting (regarding my TDK question).

More Batmania

Who would you pick to be in the next batman movie from amongst these ladies:

Catwoman, Poison Ivy or Talia?

Talia. She hasn't appeared yet. Also Catwoman (Halle Berry FTW!) should become good this time.

Would they make a good team?