
Thunderbird III MOD

Started by shafcrawler, December 21, 2007, 07:37AM

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December 21, 2007, 07:37AM Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 10:35PM by shafcrawler

Thunderbird III MOD

Preview Video:


Burning Quake - Channels Plasma through the ground, burning enemies.

Plasma Globules - Launches small plasma balls at targets.

Blazing Plasma Bolt - Launches a giant plasma ball that explodes on contact and harms nearby enemies for a time.

Flame Punch - Charges hand with Plasma and then performs a sweeping punch.

Punch Frenzy - Throws multiple punches charged with plasma.

Plasma Pillar - Creates a column of flame that harms nearby enemies

BLAZING STREAMS - Sends out streams of Fire that cause $DMG_ENERGY and $DMG_RADIATION

Boosts and Passives

Diffusion Damage - Adds $DMG_ENERGY to melee attacks for self and allies.

Plasma Shield - Forms shield of atomic particles that increases defense and damages enemies ;

Energy Combat - Adds additional $DMG_ENERGY to melee attacks

BENGAL'S STRENGTH - Makes Thunderbird invincible, and increases his damage

Note: Please backup anything you might overwrite. I am not responsible for any damage or loss due to installation of the contents of this package.


Here are previews of the loadscreens. Please do not post them outside this forum (though you can use them as wallpapers!)


XML1 style Loadscreen (included in pack)



Cool work! And Merry Christmas!

I've always liked the new Thunderbird as well. Nice to see someone making a mod for him. Great work on the load screens!

havent had time to check this out, but im glad theres a new XML2 modder around :)
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Just wanted to let everyone (read: anyone who cares about him) know that I'm working on an update in order to distance Thunderbird from Sunfire. After I'm done, I'll most likely work on Warpath.

Is there a powerset you plan for him? And will you be working on Sunspot sometime soon?

It'll basically be some melee-type attacks as well as a new radial, a few new boosts and some older moves. I'm actually pretty much done with the powerstyles. Right now I'm working on the more tedious aspects opf modding, like building packages, making new skins, icons, etc. So far to me though, it looks promising enough.

As for Sunspot, I dunno but wasn't nodoubt_jr working on it?

Mod Released! Enjoy!!

Next on my list: Warpath, Sage and XStacy (Stacy X)

Oh, and expect a video for this soon...

I may have to convert more of your mods, I'm looking forward to seeing what Sage and Stacy X have to offer.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Quote from: shafcrawler on July 11, 2008, 02:15AM
As for Sunspot, I dunno but wasn't nodoubt_jr working on it?

yes im working on him, he's been on hold for a while, but i will finish him up.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Just added the preview video for this mod. Enjoy!

(see first post for link)

BLAZING STREAMS lookS amazing!

Thanks very much for this Mod, loved Neal, am sad he's not being used much more these days :(
I'll figure out how to correctly add him to the roster, right now I've replaced Pyro (cuz with Neal on the team, Pyro's defunct ;) )

Also, love the track for the preview video, one of my fave tracks :)