Most disappointing Characters

Started by jonchang, January 03, 2008, 10:51PM

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I disagree. Xavier was always on my team. He is literally unstoppable. His knife attack is a two hit killer cus it has a high critical, crushing ego stops everything insite and his speed was just amazing. His x-treme attack is crappy though.  Yeah Nightcrawler was good.

Yeah, Xavier moves fast for a crippled man!

Xavier was one of my favorite characters, but I have to agree with "-phoenix-" that he doesn't have enough superpowers.  My most disappointing characters were scarlet witch (i just hated her hex attacks, they didn't really damage someone.) and rogue much too slow.

Gotta say, it just cracks me up that Chuck didn't even have a single proper psychic attack.

The hell, lol?

Quote from: Midnight Curse on September 26, 2008, 07:12AM
Yeah, Xavier moves fast for a crippled man!

Xavier hasn't been crippled since Brian Michal Bendis decided that Wanda was the second coming of Jesus.

Professor X - it doesn´t make sense that he´s playable in XML1 in would make sense.
Magneto - Didn´t really deal damage.
Colossus - He wasn´t that smashing how he should
Jean - Didn´t reall deal damage.

I thought Magneto was fairly good, actually. Magnetic Grasp was fun.

The main character i had a problem with is  :colossus: because he really didnt do anything except for his Demolition attack.
:storm: and  :magneto: could have been a little bit better.  You expect so much from them
If only they had not gotten rid of characters like  :magma:, :emmafrost:, :psylocke: and  :beast: then everything would have been fine
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

Storm was cool, although Magneto was a bit of a let down. Maybe some powers where he disarms enemies, a shield that actually looks like his spherical shield, and a power where he chains an enemy to a wall with metal straps. Jean was ok, but she was way better in XMLI. She needed her telekinetic shield and her Phoenix powers should cause energy damage. I've used Colossus and he isn't slow for me. It might be because I downloaded Matt710's booster though. Cyclop was ok, but there isn't much you can do with a character who basically only shoots optic blasts. I liked Rogue although her energy overflow didn't make sense to me since she has never used a power like that in tv, movies, or comics.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on September 26, 2008, 07:12AM
Yeah, Xavier moves fast for a crippled man!
HAHA!!! I could have sworn something was wrong when I was running, and out of the blue, Xavier dashes right next to me like its nothing.  Maybe it was his goal to run the olympics. lol
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

I always had a problem with Jeans XTreme, i mean yeahh its really fun making people work with you, but eventually it gets boring, her XML1 Xtreme was amazing compared to 2, it sucks really, and her attacks just seemed a bit obvious, and they could have been a bit more inventive, i mean compared to like pretty cool, original attacks like MAgnetos Magnetic grasp, and Toads Attacks which were all pretty Cool.


June 01, 2009, 06:34PM #26 Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 06:38PM by warmachine300
For me it was the other way around. Jeans xtreme in XML1 was awful and never dealt any damage when you compare it with Nightcrawlers 'Shadow Blitz' or Storm's 'Cyclone Fury' and many others. It did next to no damage. Her xtreme in legend2 was way better especially when you had a group of madri approaching you it was most useful converting half of them. Plus once their converted and the time limit runs out they can't come back. It was especially useful on the Sentinel level where her mental powers were useless against them, by converting the minor baddies to help fight the sentinels was a tactic I always employed. And with the sheer amount of mental resistant enemies around in both games, converting the non-mental enemies became a must with Jean. Incidentally, her resurrection is better than Xaviers. If one of your allies fall down a hole and dies, Xavier can't bring them back to life with his 'psychic shock'. Only jean can, due to her telekinesis when she resurrects them, she levitates them to the top as well. Great attention to detail

Well i guess it just depnends on how you use her I guess?
Im not a big fan of Jean anyway ;)
Another dissappointing Character I thought Was Jubilee just because she seemed like, more like the sort of characters you love having, but just not playing, because they are a bit boring. She was a bit weak, and like.. on the morlocks. It was awful D: she would die all the time.
But she did get tougher towards the end so its ok.. I guess x]

Jubilee was in XML1 not 2. I'm replaying XML2 w/mods once again.. I am playing around with everyone at 99 at the moment to figure out what powers I like, and once again, I was reminded of how crappy Colossus was made in this game. I want to mod his Thunder Clap to act like his XML1 version... that's really all I care about!

Colossus was better in the first game. I loved everyone's extremes in the first as everyone was unique.