If I had a superpower, it would be...

Started by jonchang, February 05, 2008, 11:30PM

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I want to have Illusions for nasty purposes  :doom:

Ive personally always wanted to control time. I feel as though life is goin too fast sometimes so it would be awesome if i could stop it or go back and fix my mistakes. But of course I would also use it to fight crime because that's the best thing you can do with powers imo. I could stop bullets and probably just prevent crimes from happening in the first place. Then again, time travel is a bit confusing so maybe Ill just choose optic blasts cuz blastin stuff is fun an simple! Though i would be able to control it fully unlike good ol' Slim (Cyclops).

From a less flashy stand point, farseeing sounds fun.
mind reading or the more sinister mind control isn't bad also ;)

Time travel would be my choice...then u could control fate/destiny

Quote from: Rynoblazed on April 21, 2010, 12:16PM
Time travel would be my choice...then u could control fate/destiny

OR the power to find out that no matter what you do your still boned with whatever destiny has in store for ya:P

So many powers, but i would be a technopath. Just walk up to an atm and get free 100$ bills:)

flying, not having to wait for the bus anymore :D

If we're talking just normal day to day use? Teleporting, like Vanisher teleporting.
If everyone had super powers? Speed, like that ridiculous can be everywhere at once speed.

If i had superpower it would be super healing....
who wants to age en all.... besides, no safety concerns from ur loved ones.... u wont just die...

I´d choose nature control, time control or teleportation

The power of fire and explosions!

Sure, there are more effective powers out there, but you look me square in the eyes and tell me it wouldn't be awesome to make your neighbor's garbage explode whenever you say a certain word? ("You have defied me for the last time! WATERMELON!" *boom*)

Alternatively, the power of practical jokery.

Same thing as above, except replace *boom* with *pie to the face*

Telekinesis in the first place.
Second would be telepathy, I guess..

Big fan of psychic powers :lol: