What do YOU want in a sequel?

Started by jonchang, February 10, 2008, 12:25AM

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Perhaps a handspring for a dodge, like in Nemesis for Elektra, Daredevil, and Spidey?

yeah, curse, good idea! and create a hero would be cool. to give a list of all the animations for melee and pick each move as desired. create powers, skins, different abilities as well.

that exists and it is called «City of heoes» for your info...
anyways, marvel gives more imagination into powers than CoH...

CoH and CoV are P2P's though.

Agile heroes doing aerials (no-handed cartwheels) as a dodge maneuver for the right side, handsprings for the left, backflips for dodging back, and somersaulting as dodging forward, like in the original MUA. I can only imagine...

Yeah, I could go for that.  More class-based animation.  If it's a big bruiser he shouldn't move the same as someone like Elektra, and if they're agile they should do agile moves.  Good call.

bring in the sentry.

i'd so like to kick galactus' a$$ with him. Also storylines like stopping a rampaging hulk and then he becomes playable or something. Also banter within the characters and that. Dunno about create-a-hero though tbh, don't think it'd fit too well. And also a little bit more diversity with the simulator missions, it was kind of dull running through the same old levels everytime with a diff. character just to fight a boss you already have to fight in-game. AND MORE DEADPOOL :)

March 23, 2008, 07:23PM #51 Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 04:49AM by SpongeSpider
Here are some features I would enjoy:

Higher Difficulty: The games tasks and bosses should be harder, I disliked it how the game made everyone sound so hard when it was really easy.

Better Comic Book Missions: Another thing I disliked is that the game used the characters already ingame for comic book missions and some of these villians were definatley not their biggest ones! (except for Hawkeye's on PSP) the comic missions should have a characters biggest foe to fight on their comic mission, aswell as the same place where they fought them recreated for the mission. Here are several examples on who some of the characters' comic misions against should be in the next game:

Spider-Man vs. Venom
Wolverine vs. Sabertooth
Iceman vs. Pyro
Thing vs. Puppet Master
Iron Man vs. Mandarin
Daredevil vs. Kingpin

I'll see what else I can think of for other features in the game.

The only NEW X-man they should add is Professor Xavier and maybe Cable. Too many X-men in alliance ruins the game. So the X-men list in alliance should read: Wolverine, Storm, Iceman & Professor Xavier, Deadpool & Magneto. Maybe put Cable in the game. But Xavier is a MUST he was excellent in legends 2.

But get rid of Cyclops, Sabretooth, Nightcrawler and Collosus. They don't need to be there. Too many X-men will ruin the game. Save them for a legends 3.

As for the villans. They should be. Galatacus, Thanas, Kingpin, Carnage and Proteus, Dark Phoenix and The Hellfire Club.

There needs too be a higher difficulty too. Hard was too easy. And the game needs to have more acts.

Oh and add Punisher too. He hould have been there from the start. Keep everyone else and turn Doom into a good guy.

More acts? Critics from IGN say that it takes 20 hours to complete the game itself!

Punisher wasn't in because THQ owned rights for him. Still, BliZZ is working on a mod that is in post-production.

Deadpool isn't really an X-Man. I don't really know why he's in XML2...:scratchhead:

Е мае, жду эту игру с нетерпением!!!

И что бы в ней не было я все равно буду в нее играть!!!

Пожалуйста не удвоьте столб. Это спрашивает вам вы хотите в игре.

Midnight Curse please stop using online translators. They (translators) translate sentences word to word, so what you write here is dumb.
And in MUA2 I want cutscene where Stan Lee makes cameo featuring Deadpool.

Quote from: BlowFly on March 24, 2008, 04:39AM
Midnight Curse please stop using online translators. They (translators) translate sentences word to word, so what you write here is dumb.
And in MUA2 I want cutscene where Stan Lee makes cameo featuring Deadpool.
:bowdown: :rofl: