What do YOU want in a sequel?

Started by jonchang, February 10, 2008, 12:25AM

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I wouldn't think that would be good, because if you go over and do the game again, the villains in your roster will just be storykillers.

well i guess a large roster of heroes :P they could include more heroes like gambit, warmachine, shadowcat, rogue, etc etc it's a long list :P lol
maybe the game could be against thanos
more skins !!!!
and lot of powers!!! lol i really love them

I would like to see them get a little more creative with unlockables.

Forget the whole exclusives for this and that.
That just seems to tick people off.

I think collecting things to unlock a character is fine.
Since they like to do different difficulty settings, why not 3 characters getting unlocked after beating each difficulty.

I think they should definitely allow you to recruit characters from the base levels. I hate when you have to save a character or they're in a level with you then they go back to the base and just stand their with nothing good to say. That's a waste of a character.
Don't get me wrong. I like having NPC's of course, but when the NPC could so easily become playable, it's kind of annoying that they aren't.

Anyhoo. I'm sure there's tons more I would like to see in it but I can't think anymore because my brains melted from the heat.  :ugh:

Pretty much what everyone else said...

MORE PLAYABLE HEROES, you can't get enough of them... What i don't want is being teased with heroes and then don't be able to play with them (ex: Vision XD)... It would be cool that things worked like they did with Ironman (if he is on your team, he is NOT an NPC, if he is NOT on your team you can interact with him in Stark Tower), that's a clever way of making an NPC a playable character WITHOUT breaking the story AT ALL... i want that for some characters...

"Real Comic" Playables Heroes... by this i mean "REAL COMICBOOK"... Silver Surfer should be the most unbalanced playable character in the game period. It's kind of lame to play as him and feeling SO weak. After all, if you choose him, you want to feel powerfull, not just have a shinny effect...

I don't mean making the game unbalaced (not in EVERYCASE at least) but making it more comic like. Different Tier of Heroes with Different Tier of Villain will ensure a more "real" experience...


Quote from: Rasdel on June 11, 2008, 06:42AM
MORE PLAYABLE HEROES, you can't get enough of them... What i don't want is being teased with heroes and then don't be able to play with them (ex: Vision XD)...

I completely agree, it always pisses me off, seing Vision and not being able to play as him, or seeing all those inhumans and not getting to fight at least one of them.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

I'll live with the twenty-eight/seven (Depends on whether you replace Defaultman or not) limit... maybe bounce it up to thirty or so... but whatever

I just hope we can mod the sequel too :D

well.....i want a 35 char limit at least! no more then 55 tho.....too many choices......

lol, never too many choices
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

i want Stan Lee as a playable character.           ....lol ^_^ or at least a cameo like in all the marvel movies!

what about a Flight power that works like swimming in the atlantis levels?

Quote from: Magneto on June 15, 2008, 02:20AM
what about a Flight power that works like swimming in the atlantis levels?

That would be very cool! An aerial battle!
Non-flyers can just wear jet-packs or something else... lol

I believe they could use some items, not only mere inferior melee weapons like pipes, but actually some useful stuff, like temporary shields, or stealth suits, or jetpacks. Note I am all referring to Renegade Squadron. :laugh:

June 24, 2008, 09:04AM #101 Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 10:59AM by ToyBoy20
Free roam levels, less console exclusive characters (that means more characters on each system), more than four characters at a time, some dogfights (air battles like :silvers: versus :genis:), and more than ten people on a team!

And the create-a-character feature. Maybe even an ADAPTIVE difficulty (You clear a map, and the game adjusts itself to fit your way of playing. If you suck, the enemies are taken out with two hits. If it's too easy, the game will adjust from "Too easy" to "Why won't you die?")

(I hope Asgard isn't in the sequel. Please, don't make that place in the sequel)
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Quote from: Teancum on June 06, 2008, 08:46AM
Agreed, but stuff like DD's baton swing should not be a carbon copy of Spider-man/Venom.  He should be able to do one really long swing and that's it.

Like Spidey's web swing in Friend or Foe.
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

In FoF (PSP), Spidey could swing as long as he wants, but it expends his energy meter.