Wait, are they killing...(Beeeeeeeep) in Young X-Men (spoilers)

Started by shafcrawler, June 21, 2008, 03:21AM

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So I just checked out the comic books appliaction on Facebook and saw the cover for Young X-Men#5. Here's what strikes me: DUST IS NOT ON THE COVER!!!!!! is she the one they're killing????

here's the link:

Please come up with any information possible, as I really like Dust.

Don't worry I don't think Dust is the one who dies because...



And looking at the cover Rockslide, Greymalkin and Ink are alive too, so the one who dies can be Blindfold or Wolf Club...

I hope it's Wolf Cub because Blindfold is...Blindfold jejejejej

i wanted Ink to be it, oh well at least Dust its find.  I like Blindfold so i hope its the Wolfcub.
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I know that Magma turns Dust to glass.

In that first link (Young X-Men #5), there's some wisps of sand in the bottom right corner.
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it appears she'll be back to being human/sand in issue 5, check out the preview http://comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=861&disp=table
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What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
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Another one bites the dust.
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Was there a pun intended? lol
Quote from: Dihan on August 22, 2008, 05:14AM
Another one bites the dust

Seriously, Wolf Cub was my least favorite Young X-Man so I'm kinda ok with him dying

No, no pun was intended :P

Is he dead or is he "Marvel dead"?

I shouldn't really be spoiling myself on the Young X-Men stuff - I still haven't read the Messiah Complex. I'm waiting for the TPB which is out in November.
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Thay are really pushing dust out there, I'm really starting to like her.