Playing online (PC version)

Started by Enchantress, July 20, 2008, 01:23PM

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Just a couple quick questions about playing this online with the PC version of the game.

1. Since this game has a single player mode, does it work like Diablo 2 and all you need to play online is like a screen name and password, or do you have to have a subscription to something in order to play online?

2. Can you play online while using a custom character, like for instance you added Mystique to the roster of playable characters?

3. What if instead of adding a character to the roster, you replaced one, say, replaced Deadpool for Havok, would that affect playing online?

1) I've never tried it so I'm not sure.

2) Yes, but you all need to have identical herostats.

3) It wouldn't affect the online, but you'd still need to have identical herostats.
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Thank you for answering the last 2 questions for me. I just ordered my pc version of the game today so I wanted to make sure I didn't do anything to mess it up right away. Anything else know the answer for the 1st question?