
Why does Marvel want to change the sex of male characters?

Started by becoming_myself, July 26, 2008, 02:01AM

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nodoubt_jr, think a little, a 3 meter tall, ultra mega strong female, that would be "funny". A Big Joke! But, this could be in a What If comic, with the title: "Change of sex", but in normal, that would be scarry for me (BTW, all scarry and disgusting character is male (almost) and that would be more scarrier in female (female Beast, female Thing, female Ghost Rider, etc.))

There already is a female thing in the comics! I don't remember what's the name of the character!
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Quote from: xlehnsherr on November 07, 2008, 06:06AM
There already is a female thing in the comics! I don't remember what's the name of the character!

Her name is Sharo Ventura at this time her codinane is She-thing. She is one of the alternate skins of Ms.Marvel.

Her uniform when she had the same power of Ms. Marvel

She as she-thing.

Quote from: Juggy on November 07, 2008, 04:50AM
nodoubt_jr, think a little, a 3 meter tall, ultra mega strong female, that would be "funny". A Big Joke!

So women aren't allowed to be strong?

Next you'll be saying that their only use is in the kitchen.
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Hey, I didn't said that! I just said, that changing sex of some characters would be weird. BTW, She-Hulk is one of my favourites! (She-Thing?? That's really weird. But a female Iceman (Icewoman or She-Ice or something, I don't know) would be nice:D

And besides, a female Juggernaut wouldn't be too good, because he is too powerful now, and with a female one, that would be unfair.

And I think, that if there's a character, and Marvel decides, to create it again, with sex changed, well, that's kinda booring. It's OK, to create strong female characters, but please, don't copy another one, create a new!

Quote from: Juggy on November 07, 2008, 07:15AM
And I think, that if there's a character, and Marvel decides, to create it again, with sex changed, well, that's kinda booring. It's OK, to create strong female characters, but please, don't copy another one, create a new!

How about Thundra?

And please edit your posts instead of triple posting it keeps the topic "clean".

How about the new female black panther?  Marvel & DC are both seriously lacking male characters because in the 60's getting girls to read comics was simply not a possibility.  Now there is a demand for more female characters but unfortunately the big two's most successful character's are leftovers from the old male-ocracy.  So, the big two convert major characters to females for a few months or years without success before bring them back their male counterparts.

What's really interesting is the X corner of the marvel universe has been seriously kicking butt in the female department since the 70's.  In my opinion first strong female to be successful (in Marvel) was Storm.

Apparently there is something up with Loki's transgender-fication.  I read an interview with Jeff Loeb that suggests that Loki's being a female has to do with the last Norse God's absenteeism.  I think its Frig or Freya or whatever the name of Thor's God Wench is.  They showed that Loki was keeping her in a Coma to keep her from returning to Asgard.  I'm pretty sure Loki hijacked her divine form for some sinister reason. 

I'll say this though.  Loki is rocking some serious juggs.

Here's a picture from the Big X-Change where numerous X-Men had their genders switched:

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There was this female nightcrawler from that exiles group that traveled around between dimensions already.

Wow! female wolvie is friggin' ugly and scarry! I'd never date her even if paid loads of money! Now, that female angel, we could cut a deal! hehehehe...
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:rofl: no, stop, don't make me puke.  :rogue::storm: is a boy.  :archangel::nightcrawler::wolverine: is a girl. That's funny.

Rogue boy looks like X-Man
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