New smileys

Started by Teancum, August 13, 2008, 10:25AM

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August 13, 2008, 10:25AM Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 10:31AM by Teancum
Still organizing them, but here they are:

Angel (alternate) :angel_hero:
Blink  :blink:
Bullseye :bullseye:
Cable (alternate) :cable2:
Captain America (alternate) :captainamerica2:
Dr. Octopus :docock:
Firestar :firestar:
Galactus :galactus:
Gambit (alternate) :gambit2:
Green Goblin :greengoblin:
Hobgoblin :hobgoblin:
Moonstar :moonstar:
Nightcrawler (alternate) :nightcrawler2:
Nocturne :nocturne:
Northstar :northstar:
Sandman :sandman:
Shadowcat (alternate) :shadowcat2:
She-Hulk (alternate) :shehulk2:
Venom (alternate) :venom2:
Wasp :wasp:

Blink and Northstar ones are cool!
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Hey, I've been looking for one.  I'll add him now.

those look great :)
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Still looking for:

Black Cat
Silver Sable (for the future)

Teancum, I made one for Shard based off some of the other ones:

August 13, 2008, 10:28PM #9 Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 10:32PM by Venom
I made x-man and a few others a while back if you want to use them but there not excellent like these new ones.

C'mon! No one's done a Toad yet?  :king:

August 15, 2008, 01:20AM #11 Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 01:23AM by iammingy
from the Minimates Multiverse:

Black Cat:
Iron Man:
Spidey 2099:

How about a Dust smiley?

Be sure to check out the amazing spiderman's icon thread! They have real quality potential.

Perhaps checking out the XML2 Catalog could give ideas for different characters.

I like the ones in the first post a lot, especially NC, Nocturne, Blink, and Northstar.

where are u finding these smileys?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):