PC Online play

Started by Jedted, March 26, 2007, 10:27AM

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I'm curious does ANYONE play this game online for the PC?  Occasionally i see one game listed but that's it.  I played multiplayer once and it was very frustrating since all the players are forced to be on the screen together.

March 26, 2007, 11:42AM #1 Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 11:54AM by THX
Since MUA's release day I spent hours trying to get MP working the way it should, but when I finally got a game connected, each one was met with an insane amount of lag. :(

From now on, whenever Activision & Ravensoft collaborate to make a game just disregard anything on the PC box relating to online multiplayer.  Chances are it will be broken and no patches will be released to fix it.

LAN and local machine multiplayer seems to work fine though.

edit- if you want we can schedule a time to meet up to see if it works, just for the helluvit

I might be in for that as well.  THX, I'm in NJ so our time zone is the same.  I'm usually available after 9:00 PM, if you want to give it a shot.

I'm up for it if ya wanna try.  If it matters i'm on a highspeed cable connection.  9pm is good for me.

9pm it is!  be there or be square..

AIM is Relaxasaurus if you guys use it.

Tonight's not gonna work for me.  Maybe manana?  Let me know if you guys give it a go and it works.

haha same here.  ended up working til 10:45 :banghead:

will plan on meeting up tomorrow @ the same time

I got in a few hours online and managed to play 1 lag free game.  If ya get more than 2 players it seems that's when the lag hits.  Tried a few games on hard to and every time the game crashed for everyone.

Is there any special setup that needs to be done before trying online?  I jumped on last night around 10:15 and couldn't get past the screen where you put in a name and then it shows IP address.

Quote from: iammingy on March 27, 2007, 12:41AM
Are you guys gonna try playing online with the modded characters? :idea:

i was wondering that myself. Can you even connect with someone who has different mods than you?

I guess we'll find out tonight. I'd like to join in, if there is room.

I tried connecting to a game when i had the colo/mk mod loaded and i was imediatly disconnect.  Same way like when i load a saved game that doesn't have those mods.

i've had pretty extensive experience playing online with the nextgen mod. i found playing with Colossus/MK and the PSP menu worked fine with ppl who don't have it. but some idiots actually try to select the character and crash when I host.. i think they see it or some of it.

recently i hosted a game and played with one other guy. we Desynched a couple times but eventually got through the first stage and were at Mephisto when we got DSed again.
I'm wondering if the game is giving "bad" instructions to the other guy (who probably didn't have any mods) that was causing the Desynch--but it was pretty random... so then i'm thinking it's just bad programming from Activision.

It might work if the host has the mods, not sure though.

Sucks that they didn't make this game mod-friendly.