X-Men Legends VS X-Men Legends II

Started by marvelfan12345, November 27, 2008, 03:02PM

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Quote from: warmachine300 on November 30, 2008, 09:05PM
See thats where your going wrong. The Legends 2 story is not a follow on from legends 1. Its based on the 'Age Of Apocalypse' stories. There was never the intention for there to be continuity between the two. Avalanche, Magma and Pyro had nothing to do wth the story so there was really no need for them to be there but it was nice Pyro was included in the story. Personally, I don't much care for Jubilee, she irritaates me but I did feel Psylocke should have been there. As for Juggernaut, he appears TWICE in the first game like Blob does. You also fight him at Muir Island. And when you talk about LEGENDS Juggernaut beats Blob to a pulp hands down! You have to read the books and then maybe you'll understand better. It was a fantstic epic story where the X-Universe was turned upside down. Although they took some liberties tweaking the story a bit i.e keeping Xavier alive, adding pyro and so on, they did a pretty good job. Bishop was a prominent character in the books so he had to be there. And since its based in a different reality from legends 1 there was really nothing to explain for him being there. And why would you want Pyro as a playable character anyway when you already have Sunfire? That would ave been a wasted slot. And what else can Mystique really do apart from shoot guns badly? Leave that to Bishop he's far more cooler at it.

You're right about the Juggernaut thing. Totally forgot about Muir Island. But saying that you don't need Pyro because you have Sunfire is like saying you don't need Colossus because you have Rogue. Similar powers but different ways of using them. And where are you getting that XML2 isn't a follow up? It is. At the end of XML1, Apocalypse threatens the X-Men. The story only takes certain elements from the AOA reality. If it followed it exactly, Xavier and Scarlet Witch would be replaced by Dazzler and Exodus (because Charles and Wanda were dead in AOA). And I'm not saying that Magma, Avalanche and the others missing from the group had to be playable. They could have been NPCs. What I'm saying is that they at least deserved a mention. I'd rather hear about what happened to an important character from the first game than hear from Havok. And why wasn't he playable? He says the X-Men don't trust him? They're teaming up with Magneto and his lackeys! They let villains fight alongside them and had a heroic man who made one mistake chauffeur them around? The game's characters and story were just weak compared to is predecessor.

Rogue and Colossus are nothing alike. Rogue can fly, absorb, do other stuff colosus can't. Pyro and Sunfire are exactly alike. I don't see how both of them in the game could have worked

With the exception of Pyro's Firebats.

I think another similarity would be the other PC exclusive: Sabretooth and his long-time archnemesis Wolverine. I would have liked to see a better variation in their powersets.

You are misunderstanding me. I know that Pyro is a copy of Sunfire in the PC game. I was talking about the comics. Pyro shapes fire that comes from the tanks from his back/lighter because he cannot generate it. Sunfire can generate fire and radiation. They could have been made completely different with some creativity. I was using Rogue and Colossus as an example of how characters who can do similar things are very different.

Well, I think the "PC exclusive" characters aren't that exclusive. They are just copy of another character. But, on other platforms, the exclusive characters I think really exclusive (I'm not sure, I didn't tries, just the PC game).

Quote from: Wade Wilson on December 19, 2008, 06:36AM
Well, I think the "PC exclusive" characters aren't that exclusive. They are just copy of another character. But, on other platforms, the exclusive characters I think really exclusive (I'm not sure, I didn't tries, just the PC game).


X-Man, Cannonball, Cable, and Dark Phoenix are pretty unique. They don't sound exactly like another character.

I love X-Men Legends, but X-Men Legends 2 didn't seem to live up to it.

Why X-Men Legends is good:
1.Decent characters :phoenix: :magma: :emmafrost: :jubilee:
2.Good powers
3.A storyline that would proberly happen :magneto:
4.Wasn't realy easy

Why X-Men Legends 2 is good:
1.More characters :bishop: :cball: :cable: :deadpool: :juggernaut: :magneto: :scarletw: :xman: :stark: :toad: :sunfire:
2.Better boss :apocalypse:
3.More powers
4.Mods are made for it

Quote from: zmikey08z on December 20, 2008, 09:05AM
I love X-Men Legends, but X-Men Legends 2 didn't seem to live up to it.

Why X-Men Legends is good:
1.Decent characters :phoenix: :magma: :emmafrost: :jubilee:
2.Good powers
3.A storyline that would proberly happen :magneto:
4.Wasn't realy easy

Why X-Men Legends 2 is good:
1.More characters :bishop: :cball: :cable: :deadpool: :juggernaut: :magneto: :scarletw: :xman: :stark: :toad: :sunfire:
2.Better boss :apocalypse:
3.More powers
4.Mods are made for it
I agree to this, but I didn't had the time, to try X-Men Legends 1, but I believe to you guys.

XML1 is a classic though. Just like JLH has the cinematic potential to reach Justice League Unlimited, I think XML1 may have the potential to make a few cinematics that would go into one of their cartoon shows.

I like both, but I'm going with X-Men 1 cuz it's much darker and deeper :)

I have no powers, my body cannot fly. But I no longer mind, for in my heart and soul -- where it truly matters -- I soar higher than the stars!

March 06, 2009, 10:14AM #26 Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 10:20AM by {:}toxin{:}
i like both one xml  :beast: second xml2 had :cball:
the four i used
:juggernaut: :bishop: :gambit:  :cable:

Do you realy think XML2 is better?
I gonna tell you guys the reasons who Xmen Legends 1 is very very better.

1- a decent history
2- Good Characters
3- Excelent Powers
4- Missions who is really cool to play
5- Level Dificult
6- Is a Game who no have contraditions in the real xmen history

I adore both! Because they are games about my favourite x-men!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

November 15, 2010, 01:43PM #29 Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 01:45PM by mj fan
I liked xml1 storyline but I love xml2 too because i can mod on it  :P
I adore both!