X-Men Legends VS X-Men Legends II

Started by marvelfan12345, November 27, 2008, 03:02PM

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November 27, 2008, 03:02PM Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 10:55AM by marvelfan12345
ok. this poll is for fun and anybody can vote and you just choose which game you like better. X-Men Legends or X-Men Legends II. feel free to post.
the icons below are just to show the playable characters for both games. in the second row there are two jeans, because one jean is supposed to repersent dark phoenix. in the second row, dark phoenix, cannonball, cable, and x-man are psp exclusives, while pyro and sabretooth are pc exclusives and beast is an n-gage exclusive
:phoenix: :cyclops: :rogue: :psylocke: :wolverine: :xavier: :colossus: :nightcrawler: :magma: :storm: :jubilee: :beast: :gambit: :iceman: :emmafrost:

:phoenix: :cyclops: :rogue: :wolverine: :xavier: :colossus: :nightcrawler: :storm: :gambit: :iceman: :scarletw: :toad: :magneto: :juggernaut: :bishop: :sunfire: :stark: :deadpool: :phoenix: :cable: :cball: :xman: :pyro: :stooth: :beast:

X-Men Legends II, considering the incredible amount of mods made for the game.

Legends 2 is better but legends 1 felt more like a proper x-men game to me. And it was a lot harder. Legends 2 was too easy

Yeah. I try that PS2 before i found the Cheat.

XML1 is a hundred times better than XML2.  The only things I want from XML2 that wasn't in XML1 are the extra powers and the extra X-Men.

I say both because I liked how XML1 was based in the X-Mansion and how Jubilee, Psylocke, Beast, and Emma were in it.  I also think the story flowed better.

For XML2 I liked that the powers were expanded.  I really didn't like the brotherhood members and ironman replacing spots that X-men could have occupied with the exception of Wanda.  I also liked how characters had more skins. 

Both are very different and deserve a playthrough though.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

I agree with matt here. EVERYONE!  If you didn't try them, than try it out now! :D

November 29, 2008, 10:11AM #9 Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 10:14AM by dark_raven
I liked both games but I prefer X-Men Legends 1. I think that if XML 1 was modificated with more powers, more skins and more X-Men characters (I think that Iron Man shouldn't be in the games...) it would be an excellent game.
Also I agree with Matt that the story of XML1 was better.
So my alineation of X-Men would be:
:beast: :colossus: :cyclops: :emmafrost: :havok: :iceman: :kittyp: :marvelg: :nightcrawler: :phoenix: :polaris: :psylocke: :rogue: :sage: :surge: :storm: :warpath: :wbane: :wolverine: :x-23: :xavier: :cable: :cball: :hellion:

XML1 for sure. Better story. Better environments. I like that stuff in a game. I'll admit that XML2 had better powers and better replay value (it sucked that you couldn't go through XML1 with Emma, Psylocke etc) but it could have been way better. The Brotherhood was a waste. Only 4? No Pyro, Mystique or Avalanche? The average person only knows Scarlet Witch as an Avenger. Pathetic. And why take out the X-Men that were in the first game? The story was abysmal. All over the place. They should have kept the original writers. I will stop now because I am ranting haha. If they make another game with just X-Men, they better not make the same mistakes. They need to build off of the groundwork that XML1 laid with the added perks from MUA.

I agree to some extent of your comments made shadowbox. But you cannot compare Scarlet Witch to Pyro, Avalanche and even Mystique for that matter. Scarlet Witch is such a LEGEND and was part of the original brotherhood in the sixties and since the game is about LEGENDS how can you favour characters like Pyro and Avalanche and Mystique over her? Her palce on the brotherhood team is a lot more worthier than theirs. If people don't know who she is then their not true fans of the x-world. I thought the legends 2 story line was great. I was a big fan of the age of apocalypse and have all the comics released involving that storyline so I was pleased that they took that opportunity to tell that story marking its 10th aniversary. I have to say legends 1 story was better. The only thing I hated was Psylocke. She was seriously underdeveloped and I felt that she should have been given the acrobabtic and grappling stats like Beast and Nightcrawler since she is a skilled martial artist. Plus there should have been some expert difficulty once you completed the game the first time which would allow you to play as all the characters from the beginning. But yeah legends 1 was better only because legends 2 was waaaaay tooo easy.

Wanda was an original member but she wasn't in the first game. The other three were shown to be active members. To just remove them and add her was just a strange move. It's like making Toad an NPC and adding Unus the Untouchable. Makes sense but is weird if you just look at the games. Which brings me more annoyances. Juggernaut? He only appeared in the First Class flashback in XML1. Making Blob playable would have made more sense. They should have been interchanged it and had Cain as the NPC. Just makes more sense in the game world. I seriously think the creators just chose who they wanted and not what made the most sense in the world they created. Bishop? Really? Didn't we save him as a child in the first game? They really should have explained that or at least referred to it. And what happened to Psylocke, Magma, and Jubilee? Would a few dialogue boxes really have made a difference? Instead of that, they added pointless cameos. Ok. I'm done once again. For now at least. ^_^

November 30, 2008, 09:05PM #13 Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 09:12PM by warmachine300
See thats where your going wrong. The Legends 2 story is not a follow on from legends 1. Its based on the 'Age Of Apocalypse' stories. There was never the intention for there to be continuity between the two. Avalanche, Magma and Pyro had nothing to do wth the story so there was really no need for them to be there but it was nice Pyro was included in the story. Personally, I don't much care for Jubilee, she irritaates me but I did feel Psylocke should have been there. As for Juggernaut, he appears TWICE in the first game like Blob does. You also fight him at Muir Island. And when you talk about LEGENDS Juggernaut beats Blob to a pulp hands down! You have to read the books and then maybe you'll understand better. It was a fantstic epic story where the X-Universe was turned upside down. Although they took some liberties tweaking the story a bit i.e keeping Xavier alive, adding pyro and so on, they did a pretty good job. Bishop was a prominent character in the books so he had to be there. And since its based in a different reality from legends 1 there was really nothing to explain for him being there. And why would you want Pyro as a playable character anyway when you already have Sunfire? That would ave been a wasted slot. And what else can Mystique really do apart from shoot guns badly? Leave that to Bishop he's far more cooler at it.

Though I love the Age of Apocalypse storyline I think the story in XML2 was done very superficial. But I think XML2 has the better gameplay, with a lot more skills and things like that and of course these great mods here. I think the storyline in XML1 was done a lot better because you had parts were you had to play Magma for example or classis events from the past, like this sentinel attack. The dialogues were "fresher" in some way too. In XML2 you are almost never outside, you always fight against villains in dark creepy caves or buildings. In XML1 you were a lot outside, I loved especially the first stage in New York.