MUA2's Art style

Started by Teancum, March 18, 2009, 08:13AM

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I'll just say I like it for the most part, but I feel like being critical, so here goes:

:humant: Human Torch looks like a blonde greaser with his Fonz-like greasy hair style.  In other words, his hair looks like plastic

:wolverine: Wolverine's face mask just seems... well, off.  Something about it is way wrong

:stark: Iron Man looks like "Made-of-Cheap-Plastic Man" in a lot of screenshots/trailers

:blackwidow: Black Widow's hair is bubble-gum pink in the newest trailer

Songbird's hair looks like plastic

MUA1 was at least consistent in the quality, but it seems like they have a Senior-level modeler doing characters alongside a Junior-level modeler.  Captain America, Hulk, Thing and Thor look fantastic.  Others, not so much.  Once again I have to say I'm not really impressed.  Raven Software has always done an awesome job in the visuals department, but Vicarious Visions is sortof hit-and-miss.

Now don't get me wrong, I'll still love the game, but it baffles me that some of these models actually got past quality control.  I'd tell these guys to go back and do it right, especially when you're dealing with a comic franchise.

March 18, 2009, 10:07AM #1 Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 10:55AM by Teancum
Agreed. The thing with Wolverine's mask is that it is unattached from the rest of the outfit, and covers only half of his head (it's not a "hoodie").
I'd also add that they still haven't gotten Mr. Fantastic's looks right, and that in at least one picture Daredevil looks way to skinny, and Maria Hill looks like she just sucked a lemon.

Also, Cable looks like some chubby actor, I just can't figure who. Here's a mockup someone did on how he should look:

WOW... That mockup of Cable is 100,000 times better!  Hopefully the powers that be see this so that Cable doesn't look so... feminine

March 18, 2009, 06:54PM #3 Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 07:09PM by haydnc95
i have to agree with everything you say!

Human Torch looks like the thing then hes fired up, in one of the trailors!

Wolverines Mask is way off, it not a 'hoddie' like is should be!

Ironman looks like a pplastic action figure

Black Widows hair is WAY to bright! i liked it in the psp version!

Maria looks like a man??

so far the only characters i like the look of are
Strom, Luke, Thor, Hulk and Nick

From what I've seen in the trailers, most of the characters remind me of wooden puppets.  Kinda annoying.

 :capamer:  Captain America looks too... I don't know... cheesy? He wasn't done too good, IMO.

QuoteHuman Torch looks like a blonde greaser with his Fonz-like greasy hair style.  In other words, his hair looks like plastic

hahahahaha...he's gonna flame up a mundo
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Quote from: piutebob on March 19, 2009, 02:37PM
:capamer:  Captain America looks too... I don't know... cheesy? He wasn't done too good, IMO.

Funny you mention Cap.  To me his model is done really well, but his outfit isn't blue enough.

That might be the thing that throws me off, or something. Maybe his face...

Quote from: Teancum on March 18, 2009, 08:13AM
:blackwidow: Black Widow's hair is bubble-gum pink in the newest trailer

that really bothered me when watching the trailer, it just looked really off
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Quote from: piutebob on March 19, 2009, 05:54PM
That might be the thing that throws me off, or something. Maybe his face...

I think it's the chainmail in his chest that looks odd.

Yeah, i have noticed that too... the faces the looks, they are all off... cap americas "top lip" looks TOO much if you ask me. I mean, i would have given him a stronger jaw... just little details that make the chars look weird if you ask me...


Quote from: Rasdel on March 20, 2009, 05:23AMjust little details that make the chars look weird if you ask me...

Exactly.  It's like they just worked on them for a while and eventually said "Meh, that's good enough I guess"

March 20, 2009, 03:19PM #13 Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 03:28PM by Rasdel
Just to show my point of view...

Look at that face!!! THAT AIN`T CAP! He doesn't even look like a "Good Guy" :S

Definitely nothing like it :(

MUA I deffinitely got Cap and most chars right...

This is a QUICK edit in PAINT to show HOW I BELIEVE it should have been done (compare):

I know it's still not perfect but COME ON, it's better!


Wouldn't you be a bit depressed looking if you'd been killed off?
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