
Started by mj fan, March 17, 2010, 08:16AM

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What do you think about the serie Ultimatum?

You mean in the Marvel Universe?

SUCKS. It's like the movies: people are getting killed. Movie Goblin: got killed. Venom: "got killed". Octopus: "Got killed". Xavier: "Got killed". Don't wanna go on..

I actually liked the Ultimate Universe. I've read the whole Ultimate X-Men series of it.

I've never really cared for the realism that the Ultimate universe was meant to have. There are too many people these days chomping at the bit for realism when, no matter how much you try, just can't be pulled off. Then they went and pressed the Big Red button in a more disastrous way than 616 Universe did with the Decimation.
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I thought it was crap, horrible story and a horrible way to get rid of so many characters (if you look of the list of dead most were mutants).
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Are they going to continue the Ultimate series? Or is that just a rumour (read somewhere that Ultimate Comics would pick up the universe or something like that).

I never noticed the "realism" of the Ultiverse. I cared more about how the characters were. The darker the stories, the better, but killing off heroes and villains is just wrong (unless nobody likes the character(s) :P )

Yeah its still going, "Ultimate X" seems to be the continuation of Ultimate X-Men. Im guessing its going to be a lot of new characters since they killed so many of the X-Men. Check out the list of dead here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimatum_(Ultimate_Marvel)
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March 18, 2010, 02:32PM #7 Last Edit: March 18, 2010, 02:43PM by mj fan
Ultimate x looks so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's ridiculous AND WOLVERINE TRULY DEAD ?!?
where is jean grey ??? why to kill good characters and create bad characters
look they look aweful    http://www.comicbookresources.com/prev_img.php?disp=img&pid=1263402786
it's ultimate x men not x crap
i'm soooooooooo dissapointed !!!!!


Seems that Ultimate X was released? I found a site which had info.. The blonde kid with the wolverine claws is Wolverine's son. It actually got a good rating on the site (forgot where, I was searching for Sabretooth pictures).

that's actually not a terrible plot device if they don't make him too much like daken or wolverine.

Issue 2 is suppose to have a black hair jean, preview http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=4810&disp=table

Personally im done with the Ultimate Universe, after the total crap that was Ultimatium and the horrible last issues fo Ultimate X-Men i just cant support that crap :(
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I didn't like the end
espescially death of van Damme
I mean he is made of unbreakeble metal in Ultimate Universe
despite that Thing just easilly kill him - thats odd for me

I liked the ultimate series but i hated the too many deaths in it and the fact that WOLVERINE DIED!!!
In the Wolvy vs Hulk i was so happy when nicky told logan that hes power is surviving that equals to NOT DYING...
That the stories continue with  way less dying^^
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Yeah on the site that NDJR gave there's a picture of wolverine lying dead with his claws out, and his "unbreakable" adamantium well... broken. Wth?

Jean Grey has black hair ?!?  :eek:
but.....why have they done that ?!?