Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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January 06, 2011, 01:39PM #300 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:17PM by MarvelFan12345
Jean looks amazing in the game! I love the hair because they finally got her the fiery mane. Her powers look wonderful especially that Phoenix symbol which is a blast! Her fiery powers make her look vicious and incredibly powerful (though wish she did have pink powers). I'm so glad they included a shield. Her Dark Phoenix ability is so cool with her evil eyes, the Phoenix raptor, and of course her ending about destroying planets. Can't wait to see her resurrect.

BTW here are some pics of Jean. One of them shows a levitation like power (with fiery effects)

Oh no! Jean is in? That means...we will never hear the end of that's it, it's Hara Kiri time for me, before it would really start (hope she still dies somehow, although, we would never hear the end of that either)

January 06, 2011, 04:01PM #302 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 04:36PM by midnightphoenix123
OH MY HOLY JESUS< I ALMOST POOPED MY PANTS!!!!!!! JEAN IS IN YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US lol, and yes she looks amazing!

Edit: And I like how they used the voice from WATX I like her Jean voice, because it's nice a calm, but when she begins to fight she totally changes :P I still want them to post what her alt costumes look like, since they did for everyone else, and one of the pics they post for everyone

Edit Again: Ok so Ive watched her gameplay vid like 4 times now, just to see everything, and it doesnt look like she will have and TP or TK powers :( infact the only things that looked like pink TK/TP was right after she uses her healing bubble/Field power, there is some that pops up, I wish that she had a marvel girl costume, that when in MG costume she used TK and TP powers, but in phoenix she uses fire, but plz what am I smokin, and I have a feeling her costumes might be, Phoenix, Here comes tomorrow, Red and Purple, and maybe Blue and Yellow, but just recolors :/ maybe costumes will be dlc but like actual costume changes, cuz I wouldnt buy dlc costumes if they were only color change

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 06, 2011, 04:01PM
OH MY HOLY JESUS< I ALMOST POOPED MY PANTS!!!!!!! JEAN IS IN YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US lol, and yes she looks amazing!

Edit: And I like how they used the voice from WATX I like her Jean voice, because it's nice a calm, but when she begins to fight she totally changes :P I still want them to post what her alt costumes look like, since they did for everyone else, and one of the pics they post for everyone

Edit Again: Ok so Ive watched her gameplay vid like 4 times now, just to see everything, and it doesnt look like she will have and TP or TK powers :( infact the only things that looked like pink TK/TP was right after she uses her healing bubble/Field power, there is some that pops up, I wish that she had a marvel girl costume, that when in MG costume she used TK and TP powers, but in phoenix she uses fire, but plz what am I smokin, and I have a feeling her costumes might be, Phoenix, Here comes tomorrow, Red and Purple, and maybe Blue and Yellow, but just recolors :/ maybe costumes will be dlc but like actual costume changes, cuz I wouldnt buy dlc costumes if they were only color change
I don't think there will be any pink effects. The developers of games usually want a character to have one primary color which in Jean's case is usually a fire type color to represent her Phoenix Raptor and fiery powers and as in Morrison's run her tk and tp also was fiery at times. But she does have some tk and tp (even if they look fiery). In the pics I posted, the first pic has Jean levitating an enemy. She has a tk shield which heals her (her tk and tp can heal her). Plus a lot of her powers were orangish/yellow but looked kinda psionic in nature rather than fiery. I'm very glad that her WATXM voice actress will be voicing her because she was perfect as Jean. The MUA2 voice was nice as well but sounded too old for Jean who should be a little below 30 in the comics.

Yeah I like this voice for her, cause like I said she sounds so nice and sweet, but then she gets punched and its all over lol where she grunts and yells I like it plus her voice is just good, and I like her final line "I've destroyed whole planets, so what chance have you got?" thats so funny lol

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 06, 2011, 06:38PM
Yeah I like this voice for her, cause like I said she sounds so nice and sweet, but then she gets punched and its all over lol where she grunts and yells I like it plus her voice is just good, and I like her final line "I've destroyed whole planets, so what chance have you got?" thats so funny lol

Agreed. With Jean in, Psylocke's inclusion would make it perfect. I think she can make it for DLC which would be great!

January 06, 2011, 07:29PM #306 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 08:52PM by midnightphoenix123
Yeah I hope Psylocke is DLC to, but I really want Emma in as dlc aswell, I think Kitty would rock also because she would be different, but Rogue would also be cool as her and Psylocke are both from mvc2

Edit: I found this pic on Devinart, Squirrel Girl looks really real, I know this isnt real, but I herd rummors, before that she would be in and although she would be werid it would be funny :P

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Quote from: Suigetsu on January 07, 2011, 08:28AM
Whoa...quite huge, but it's cool :D
Way i see it, it's GIANT!!
and still, with Phoenix's announcement, Marvel side still have few ladies

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

I just hope, that if they will still announce a Marvel heroine, than it won't be an X-Men/mutant. I can think of a lot of Marvel women, who would be cool

Quote from: Suigetsu on January 07, 2011, 09:07AM
I just hope, that if they will still announce a Marvel heroine, than it won't be an X-Men/mutant. I can think of a lot of Marvel women, who would be cool
Agreed. i think there are enough X-men already. only female non-Xmen character is she-hulk right now

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

I would like Elektra, Spider-Woman or Ms. Marvel (Or for non-female, Daredevil would be good)

January 07, 2011, 02:00PM #313 Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 02:09PM by MarvelFan12345
Quote from: Suigetsu on January 07, 2011, 12:56PM
I would like Elektra, Spider-Woman or Ms. Marvel (Or for non-female, Daredevil would be good)
I agree with those 3. They should totally be in! BTW more Jean pics.

Her is her official portrait. I only wish they gave Jean her high heels back.

These are fanmade pics (not made by me)
The X-Men

And possible Jean costumes (remember that they are not real).

Back to real news they seem to have releaded new costumes.
MODOK has one of his wife (with lipstick and everything)
Storm has white version of her costume and I think one that is the default but her cape is like her X-Treme X-Men cape.
Captain America has Capunisher and a red version.
Hulk has Red Hulk and Grey Hulk.
Deadpool has Uncanny X-Force.