Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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It says there is nothing on the page, and since when has it been released? It's not 12:01 yet

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Thanks for the list, poor Jean she is the weakist in the game :(

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Weaker on her health bar & stronger on her attacks.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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Yeah thats what I ment, I am so excited anyone else? Anyone getting it at 12:01?

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I think they have changed the rules for the voting on capcom unity, you are no longer required to have 30 posts.
Please vote for  :cyclops: I'm begging you
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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I got my copy! Yay! Althought the card we ordered with got messed up so I didnt get the special edition, only normal :( oh well, It is so fun I cant wait for you guys to play! You will all love it, it took me awhile to get over Phoenix's low health once you get kind of good with her you can play good with her, I always save up my lvls till all I have is her left and then when she dies she comes back, but if you dont know how to play her well she will die fast! My fave people so far are Phoenix, duh, Chris, and Storm plus X-23 Hsein and idk who else, Easy is really easy, but I can figure out there other super combos like I can do Phoenix's phoenix rage attack but not the healing field if some one could help it would be great! I am glad these new dlc costumes are real alt costumes instead of color swaps

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My game will be here tommorrow but I've kept my nose in the guide which I got today. The DLC costumes look so much better.

I know, I hope they do these for everyone, although I do think they are a little pricey for costumes

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I just realized that it is only for 6 characters. That is a bummer especially for 400 points/$5. I would understand that for each character's costumes but only 6? That is way too pricey. I'll get it anyway though...I'm not really interested in Shadow Mode though. If it was free I wouldn't mind but not to pay for it.

We've recently announced 2 more pieces of DLC content and from looking at the comments on the wall and posts, it looks like some of you are a bit confused about what's what and we'd like to help you out!
DLC Costume pack- Available March 1st, 2011New costume for Ryu, Iron Man, Captain America, Dante, Chris, and Thor. All 6 are available for 400 Microsoft points or $5 Playstation Network. These are NOT included in the special edition.
Shadow Mode - Available March 1st, 2011. The first Shadow Mode pack will include teams and AI from three Capcom staff members, including producer Ryota Niitsuma, associate producer Akihito Kadowaki, and a QA tester. The first pack is scheduled for release on March 1st, 2011 with more packs becoming available for download at a later date. If you ever wanted to say you beat the producer of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 at his own game, this is your best shot. These are NOT included in the special edition. Pricing is currently undetermined.
Bought the special edition of MvC3? You get Jill and Shuma Gorath! Available March 15th, 2011. The SE version of the game comes with downloadable characters, Jill and Shuma Gorath. You may redeem these characters on March 15, 2011. We did not intentionally delay the DLC characters as we know how badly our fans want to play them. This was an unfortunate technical issue and we apologize for them not being available today. For PS3 copies of the special edition, your PSN code is printed on the back of your art book. On March 15th, your PSN code will be available for activation. If you attempt to enter your code before March 15, 2011, PSN will tell you that it's an invalid code.For Xbox 360 copies of the special edition, we will send you your Xbox LIVE DLC code on March 15, 2011. To register your email with our system, please visit: follow the step by step instructions. The code on the back of your art book is NOT a Xbox LIVE code but rather, the code you input into our redeem site. Jill and Shuma-Gorath is the only DLC that comes with the special edition. Buying the special edition does not also make you eligible for other DLC. Jill and Shuma-Gorath will still be available for purchase on March 15, 2011 for the people who did not buy the Special Edition. Each character will cost $5 Playstation Network or 400 Microsoft points.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

February 15, 2011, 05:47PM #597 Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 05:51PM by midnightphoenix123
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on February 15, 2011, 03:43PM
I just realized that it is only for 6 characters. That is a bummer especially for 400 points/$5. I would understand that for each character's costumes but only 6? That is way too pricey. I'll get it anyway though...I'm not really interested in Shadow Mode though. If it was free I wouldn't mind but not to pay for it.

Lol thats just what I thought very exspensive for not many costumes but I'll get it any way and Im not interested in Shadow mode either, and 400 for each character is a little bit exspensive to but I really want them, and Lars didnt you say 2 more pieces of DLC, because everyone already knew about Shadow mode, costumes, and Jill and Shuma, so did you mean something else or not?

Edit: Does anyone have an xbox 360 and plans on/ is getting MVC3 for it and do you have a Xbox live account? If so My name is Snugbumblebee hope thats right lol something like that, I might have forgot a letter or so, but add me if you would like and just say its who ever from Marvel so we can play!

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I have an XBOX but sadly I don't have XBOX live. I'd love to have played with you though. And thanks Lars for the info. I hope the other 2 packs are more characters  (like the rumored Elektra and Frank West) and maybe more costumes.

I know I want Frank West bad lol, and I want 90's, Marvel Girl, Mew X-Men for Jean and BSAA for Jill! Maybe you can get live in the future and we can play!

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