Marvel Heroes (2013 - 2017)

Started by White Queen, April 08, 2011, 04:55AM

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Squirrel Girl is so much fun to play as! :D

Game Update 1.4 is now live!

- Squirrel Girl
- Spider-Man Redesign
- Superior Spider-Man Enhanced Costume
- Fortune Card Mark III

Patch Notes:

Updated Poll: Added Squirrel Girl

October 30, 2013, 08:32AM #573 Last Edit: October 30, 2013, 08:43AM by White Queen

He is coming to the Test Center along with the first Asgard Patch, soon.

QuoteG Cost: 900 (this is the deal of the year, btw)

Splinter Cost: 400

Test Center: Loki will be on test center this weekend and will be live approximately one week later.

Playstyle: Several build options available - a Giant's Blood brawler, Ice-Magic Sorcerer or Illusionist (or many combinations thereof).

Default Costume: Movie version. (Classic also ready at launch)


Hello all,

Here's a brief Monday update:

The bulk of today was spent reviewing the outstanding bug reports from the weekend and getting them addressed by their respective teams (engineering, level design, hero design, enemies/bosses, items team, VFX, art, mission design or sound).

We cleared out most of the backlog for the new "bug fix" build which will go to test center tomorrow afternoon. Assuming that build works fine, we'll put it live Wednesday or Thursday. This should provide improvements for Legendary Quests as well as clean up most noticeable bugs.

After these fixes were complete, the team spent time getting ready for the first chapter in our 4-month Asgard rollout.

The first Asgard patch will start out slow and steady, with an investigation of a mysterious situation in Norway. This will involve a game-wide event that supports SHIELD and the Fantastic Four's investigation of the situation (while stopping HYDRA from trying to do the same thing). The game-wide event should take approproximately 2 weeks to complete and will open up access to a new player hub as well as the supplier of Legendary items.

Testing for the patch has been in progress for several weeks internally and will be opened up to the public at the end of the week in test center, with a full week scheduled.

Throughout the Asgard patch, several new crafting recipes will be added and several new item slots, including a Ring slot (which drop in the open world and can be earned through PVP), a Legendary item slot (which is unlocked by level 40 characters), 2 additional artifact slots (for high level heroes) and other item slots to be added eventually.

The Asgard patch will also include a bunch of improvements for new players to coincide with a lot of marketing centering around the US theatrical release of the movie. Marvel will be sending many players our way, so we need to do our best to be welcoming to the new players that we will inevitably encounter. This will coincide with a new character selection screen and brand new waypoint tech which should make the game more accessible to new players.

The Fire and Ice PVP map (located on the eastern side of Asgard on a island controlled by two warring Giant factions) will also be available for live testing this weekend. We'll keep the mode in live beta for approximately one month before we start leaderboards, but all PVP rewards will be awarded at 100% value. We having been testing and iterating this mode for a few months and it's starting to come together pretty nicely. There is no possible way to fully "balance" PVP, but we're at the point where the most strategic and coordinated team is generally winning.

New items will abound in the 4 chapters of Asgard, with 100+ new uniques, 7 new relics (with an unbinding recipe in November), Legendary Items, StarkTech items, rings, new medallions for the half-dozen new supervillians and new artifacts. These will start to roll out in the first patch and continue with each subsequent Asgard patch. This will include the 10 player-designed uniques as they make their way through the pipeline.

In addition to all this, we have several performance optimizations going live with Asgard and well as continued improvements to CPU usage, which is important for zones with a high-number of players.

We'll keep you updated throughout the week.

I don't think they know who they release at all. They've set a priority list and now they're releasing a "hero" (villain actually) who wasn't even in the release list.

He looks pretty cool, maybe they decided to release him and the Asgard Patch since the new Thor movie is coming out this coming month.

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If anyone wants to join the MarvelMods supergroup, let me or Dihan know. Post here when you're online, I'll hop on (when I can) and send an invitation.

Patch 2.0 ( The first Asgard Patch ) is now live on the Test Center.

- Loki
- New Chapter 9 Content: Norway
- Design Review: Colossus
- More...

Expect the first Asgard Update ( 2.0 ) to hit the live server tomorrow. ( Friday )

Loki was actually pretty fun, although I hope they do something with the Norway mission. My boyfriend was playing it and you have to donate items to Mr Fantastic, but the completion is pooled between everyone.

November 08, 2013, 08:55AM #581 Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 11:49AM by White Queen

The first Asgard Patch ( 2.0 ) is now live!

- New Playable Hero: Loki
- New Chapter 9 Content: Norway
- Design Review: Colossus
- UI Updates
- New Storm Asgard Costume and Thor Beta Ray Bill Enhanced Costume

- New Starting Characters List:
* Black Widow
* Luke Cage
* Punisher
* Captain America
* Black Panther
* Hawkeye
* Human Torch
* Colossus
* Storm

ALSO: Updated the poll. :P

And yay I got Emma's Locket of the Lords Cardinal (Unique) from X-Defense. :)

Think I'll make a second account just for the new starters :P

Upcoming Characters

~ With a somewhat specified release date.
Gambit (3rd week of November)
Ghost Rider (After Gambit and before Nightcrawler)
Nova (2014)

~ Announced, but no specified release date.
Moon Knight
Doctor Strange


Also with update 2.01 two new costumes have been added to the G-Store!
- Colossus: Age of Apocalypse
- Scarlet Witch: Ultimate Costume

November 18, 2013, 11:05AM #584 Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 09:11AM by White Queen
Btw, just wanna inform you guys.
The Test Center is live with the newest patch, which includes Gambit and Fire & Ice PVP.
Also, Gambit's Ultimate summons Rogue. :P

Fire and Ice PVP is now available on the Live Server to heroes level 20+
Also, the Asgard event has been completed, thus unlocking the forth HUB, Asgard.