
Converted XML2 Skins Galore

Started by durfal, December 28, 2006, 08:06AM

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I still have 8 skins to go, so not I. I'm posting the offsets in the offsets thread as we speak, so if someone wants to, have at it. :P

Me neither. I'm pretending to be the Energizer Bunny on caffeine now.

Left to right, yet again, is 1 to 5. Top to bottom is: Morlock Bruisers, Morlock Claws, Morlock Psionics, Zealot's Minions. Please note that apparently the brighest of the Morlocks got left in XML1 as the ones that didn't make it into XML2 had more colours than drab green, dran brown and doubtfully blue :D



Also, the Ripway link to the first baddie pack is now fixed.

That takes care of character codes 80, 81, 82 and 117. I've taken the time to print out a large table with numbers in it and scrawled the names for all the character codes of XML2 and MUA so as to save myself time on looking them up every single damn time in Window$ Explorer. Yeah.
That's it for today's model rippage -- I've got a heap of clothes that need ironing. Wish me luck!


Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

And.... more!

Classic Lady Deathstrike, Stryfe, Garokk, and Omega Red

One pack of 4 to go :P

And, the final 4 pack.

Gladiator Toad; AoA Forge, Sinister, and Abyss (No Arms)

Abyss' arms and chest swirls are separate models, so I still have them to do. Plus, I found one more skin which I forgot.

Apocalypse's Horsemen, end of act bosses versions

Apocalypse's Horsemen, final fight against Apoc himself versions

As you can see, I still have a Holocaust to do.

Noel, I got a gift for you:

A pic of all the MUA Sentinels, in order (01-04) from left to right.

Sadly, it seems they are all different from the XML2 versions :-X Then again, I don't remember what its' Sentinels looked like too well :P

February 14, 2007, 09:31PM #141 Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 12:11AM by Noelemahc
Yeah, these ARE different from the XML2 ones. Very well then, I'll get them all :D And then start in-game comparison to the XML1 ones because some of the XML1 seem to be based on older, more classick designs.

QuoteAoA Forge
That's not really AoA Forge. In AoA half his face is metal, and one arm is a metal claw :D

EDIT: Had a crazy thought. The Zealot Minions are as close to a baseline male as can get. Is there really no physical way to get those models into 3ds Max? Wouldn't it be cool to have our resident modeling god model models based off official models and their equally official proportions? That would add a spark of genuinity to the customs, wouldn't it? :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

If it were possible to IMPORT alchemy files into Max, I would have done so from the very start, if only to see how they were structured (and to get the F&*^ing bumpmap/refl/glow working) .
What is needed is an import script/plugin to be written, which is waaaay beyond me.
So good idea, but I don't know how to implement it, and strongly suspect that as things stand its close to impossible.
Plus, you get into even more copyright quandraries if you use other peoples geometry without permission, if Acclaim/Raven/Beenox/Whomever wanted us playing with their models they would have released the Max files.

Forget XML2 Sentinels. They're mapped with greater care (i.e. per-finger anims, not "thumb and the rest" like MUA's) and are of a significantly larger scale with no auto-scaling. Dang.
New stuff:

Left to right: Hellfire Club Minion, Lab Tech Female, Lab Tech Male.

Secret Ninja Enemies!

Genoshan Prisoners, Female (!) and Male, AFAIK :D

(includes all the above, plus all five Sentinels -- no preview due to the differentiated mapping. They CAN be used as reskins of, say, Ultimo, Arcade's Big Bot or Destroyer though :D)

Offsets: HellfireClub.igb,-DXT3,256,256,36339,128,128,101875,64,64,29427,32,32,28403,16,16,22635,8,8,22555.

The Sentinels and Ninjas are multiskinned, obviously :D

That takes care of character codes 93, 102, 111, 112, 118 and 119. Whee! Next stop: more soljers! :P

QuotePlus, you get into even more copyright quandraries if you use other peoples geometry without permission, if Acclaim/Raven/Beenox/Whomever wanted us playing with their models they would have released the Max files.
You mean Activision? Acclaim's long dead, AFAIK, and bears no relation to any MARVEL games :P

But on topic -- I will look into the geometry formatting of the various platform versions. They're all compatible with the PC, but have different sizes. Chances are, each has their own format. The differences might tell me new facts about the IGB principles.
Also, it would be prudent to compare the MAX files you convert into IGBs via the Alchemy Pluck-In to the resulting IGBs, maybe something can be gleaned from that. I am not familiar with the inner workings of MAX's format, so I can't really tell you anything further :(

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

My exported IGB's look different to MUA or XML2 ones.
Very different.
So much so that you would probably say, "nah, that wont work in game" were you to compare in a hex editor, were you a casual observer.
The question of an alchemy import plugin for max is one big can o' worms that I dont care to open just now.
We have access to XML meshes, XML2 meshes and some new ones that I (or anyone else) can make. Lets be happy with that for now.
When we have character selection etc sorted I'll think about it again, but for now it's just beyond me.

Alright. I was, after all, just voicing my wishful thinking. Which, again, shows why my IRL is as screwed up as it is, but I promise not to mope about it anymore.

We need a masterplan on luring in more modelers to get some weight off your shoulders though :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on February 15, 2007, 07:15AM
We need a masterplan on luring in more modelers to get some weight off your shoulders though :D

What about a trail of chocolate biscuits leading here?
Then we put a sack on their heads...

February 15, 2007, 11:11PM #147 Last Edit: February 15, 2007, 11:35PM by Noelemahc
Okay, checklist for the enemieses and random NPCs. This doesn't list anything from the previous list, of course :E
Code -- Name -- Status

51 - Anubite - Done
52 - Anubite Greater - Done
53 - Assassin Droid - TBD
54 - Behemoth - TBD
55 - Brood - TBD
56 - Claw Beast - Doing ATM
57 - Collector - Doing ATM
58 - Collector Armored - Model is duplicate of previous one.
59 - Core Guard - Doing ATM
60 - Critter - TBD
61 - Critter Large - TBD
62 - Culling Probe - TBD
63 - Death's Corrupt - Present in MUA as "Demonic Soul", code 140.
64 - Death's Hand - Doing ATM
65 - Energy Demon - TBD
66 - Hellhound - TBD
67 - Shifter - Done
68 - Infinite - TBD
69 - Infinite Advanced - TBD
70 - Infinite Advanced Captain - TBD
71 - Empty slot
72 - Infinite Captain - TBD
73 - Infinite Soldier - TBD
74 - Madri High Priest - Done
75 - Madri Priest - Done
76 - Marauder - TBD
77 - Mercenary - TBD
78 - Mikhail's Ranger - TBD
79 - Mikhail's Warrior - TBD
80 - Morlock Bruiser - Done
81 - Morlock Claw - Done
82 - Morlock Psionic - Done
83 - Mutant Mix - Done
84 - Optic Crawler - Done
85 - P.O.W. Guard - TBD
86 - P.O.W. Marshal - TBD
87 - Prelate - TBD
88 - Prelate Lord - TBD
89 - Psychic Demon - TBD
91 - Scarab - TBD
92 - Large Scarab - TBD
93 - Sentinel - Done
94 - Sentry Robot - TBD
95 - Shock Captain - TBD
96 - Shock Trooper - TBD
97 - Sinister Agent - TBD
98 - Terror - TBD, but it is a brood clone, needs comparison
99 - Cape / Undercloak - TBD
102 - Lab Techs - Done
111 - Hellfire Club Minion - Done
112 - Prisoners - Done
113 - Empty slot
117 - Zealot Minion - Done
118 - Ninja - Done
119 - Ninja Healer - Done
120 - SHIELD Agent - Present in MUA
127 - "Charlie" the SWAT Trooper - done for XML1, but XML2 turned out to be higher-def, so TBD.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Moving on :D

Top to bottom: Core Guards, Death's Hands, Claw Beasts, Sinister Agents.

Left to right: POW Guard, Collector, Shock Captain, Alternate Holocaust, Shock Troop.


Offsets: Clawbeast1.igb,-DXT3,256,256,108981,128,128,77717,64,64,43941,32,32,42565,16,16,43589,8,8,43861,4,4,43845.

Notes: All the multiples, yet again, are based off the first model in the set. Somehow, the change in texture caused the devs' IGB builder to rearrange the contents of the file in a seemingly random way. Sheesh.

This covers character codes 56, 57/58, 59, 64, 85, 95, 96, 97 and 133. Note that code 64, Death's Hand, is lacking a bolton (which I will deal with later, sorry), the cape. Sorry about that.

P.S. Yes, another model died on my hands today. Can anyone donate 0403.igb from MUA? I accidentally overwrote my backup XD

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.