
BLaw's Mods - Updated Models (2019)

Started by BLaw, April 26, 2012, 04:47AM

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Quote from: BLaw on September 15, 2012, 09:48AM
Try an elimination process:

- WW+GL+Joker+non-Batman character
- WW+GL+Batman+non-Batman character
- WW+GL+Two non-Batman characters
- Joker+Batman+GL+non-WW character
- Joker+Batman+WW+non-GL character
- Batman solo.
- Batman with either GL+WW+Joker alone.
- WW+GL+Batman+Thing
GL stood (one could spin it) when he used the chainsaw. After ending time of power, everything returned to normal.

- WW+GL+Batman+Hulk
GL was walking slow when he used the chainsaw. After ending time of power, everything returned to normal.
- WW+GL+Hulk+thing
GL was walking slow when he used the chainsaw. After ending time of power, everything returned to normal.
- Joker+Batman+GL+Hulk
Not has disabled the chainsaw of GL. I had to restart the game.
- Joker+Batman+WW+Hulk
No problem.
-Batman solo
Works perfectly.
Chainsaw(GL) and Batclaw(Bats) works perfectly.

Works perfectly.

Works perfectly.

Interesting, the problem is in the GL mod? Anyone else could do these same tests?

EDIT: I'll install it again from the beginning.
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Quote from: DeeDooo on September 15, 2012, 10:45AM
It could be too many custom models? The green lantern mod uses a lot of them...

I don't know, but my solution so far is to play with two or three characters :D lol. More than that, problems appear using "Batclaw(Batman)" or "light of imagination (chainsaw Green Lantern)".
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Quote- WW+GL+Batman+Hulk
GL was walking slow when he used the chainsaw.

And afterwards it returned to normal. Sounds to me like the Green Lantern mod needs to be fixed.

Quote from: BLaw on September 15, 2012, 12:15PM
And afterwards it returned to normal. Sounds to me like the Green Lantern mod needs to be fixed.

I sent all these tests to Broly. For now if he wants to review your GL mod will be very good for me :D, because I don't know of many people who have the same problem or another.
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Just had a chance to try out your Batman. Awesome work dude. Actually felt like I was really playing as Batman. Love the animations, the sounds, all of it.

I like em.

btw I loved that Blaw, you used the Brave and Bold sound files. Mid battle hearing batman yell out that he doesn't eat gaspatcho was so funny.

See the preview video here
Visit here to preview the powerset

1. Unique powerset with iconic trademark abilities
2. Custom models
3. A nice loadingscreen
4. Two custom made iconsets
5. An animated mannequin
6. Unique passives per costume.
7. Custom soundset with Tim Daly's voice.

Future Update features
- More skins
- Additional power.

Known or Possible Bugs
- Fist of Steel sometimes doesn't connect. However this is normal: just aim correctly.
- Fist of Steel: when used in the air, when it ends you'll be shot forward like teleportation.
This is unintended, but you cannot hit enemies in the air with that power anyway. I left it
in as a form of teleportation, but you won't get passed any walls or closed rooms with it.

Credits for this Mod:
Support by people at
RaZKurdt for the DCUO model. I think also for
Bizarro if not, someone else ><'.
Detective Comics for Superman, ofcourse ^_^.
Aventureiromax for a few sounds.
Thetommyboy2002 for testing the mod.
Everyone else I forgot.
You for downloading this. And I hope you enjoy it!

Excellent Mod! Thank you very much.
Really raising the bar, on everything.

Yeah this mod is kick ass! I played it already. I only got one concern, Superman's blocking doesn't work sometimes. You have to use the directional movement buttons first to make it work. The blocking feature doesn't work on its own.
"If Clark wanted, he could use his super speed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."  - Batman