
Deadpool - Breaking the 4th Wall

Started by Outsider, March 22, 2013, 06:30PM

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March 22, 2013, 06:30PM Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 05:26AM by Outsider
So, you know how Deadpool has a habit of breaking the 4th wall and believing he's actually a comic book character? Well I'd like to know what ways would you incorporate that habit in MUA. I would make it so that the descriptions in his moveset are of him talking to you, the player. So I edited his talents file. Here, you'll see what it normally says, and in red what I changed it to. Check it out. (NOTE: I used NowhereMan's booster, so he has more moves.)

(EDIT: I credited the wrong modder. It was nshinnosuke who did Deadpool's booster. My bad.)

Assassin Strike:
Wields both swords to perform a double-hit attack. 2nd hit knocks out foes with low $HP.
:deadpool: I take my two swords and slice up the bad guys not once, but twice! And those enemies with low $HP? The 2nd hit will put them to sleep...

Dual Shot:
Pull out two pistols and shoots enemies very swiftly.
:deadpool: I pull out my guns and go BANG! BANG! BANG! on them fools faster than you can say "Deadpool is AWESOME!" ...What? Like you haven't said that before.

Teleport Flurry:
Rapid teleport attack on several targets that stuns them for a time.
:deadpool: I teleport real quick and attack several baddies so hard, I stun them! But who the heck called it a flurry? Can we call it "Super Crazy Death-Defying Deadpool Shuffle?"

Blade Cyclone:
Radial sword spin attack.
:deadpool: Wanna see me dance? Pick this move and I'll spin and slice with my swords at the same time! Oooooh, can I do the moonwalk too? ...No?!? You're no fun.

Grenade Toss:
Throws several grenades that explode when within 3 feet of an enemy or when time expires.
:deadpool: I light a match as I fart, and the stink makes the enemies go BOOM! ...Ok, not really. I just throw several grenades, but it still goes BOOM! within 3 feet or when time expires.

Taunts nearby enemies, lowering their defenses and causing them to attack.
:deadpool: I call Kim Kardashian for a booty call, and enemies get so jealous, they attack me! ...Ok, I don't have that whore's number, but I do taunt them, lowering their defenses.

Battle Cry:
Boosts allies' attack speed and $DMG temporarily.
:deadpool: I boost myself and my less-amazing allies' attack speed and $DMG temporarily. Our hits will have extra mustard on them! Mmmm... I like mustard.

Bullet Mayhem:
Deadpool shoots out several bullets while performing a sliding 360 degree spin.
:deadpool: I fire my guns while doing a sliding 360 degree spin! I told you I can dance! Vote Deadpool for Dancing with The Stars!!! Oooh, I hope I get Karina Smirnoff... sexy.

Random Grenades:
Deadpool throws a handful of random grenades that may explode, freeze or stun enemies.
:deadpool: Life is like a box of grenades; you never know what effect you'll get. I toss a few grenades that could explode, freeze, or stun enemies. Wade Wilson in da house!

Merc's Revenge:
Jump in the air and do a 360 spin, taking down every enemy in sight with instant KO to targets with low $HP percentage.
:deadpool: I have this video game's best Xtreme! I jump in the air, doing a 360 spin while shooting every bad guy in sight! Those enemies with low $HP will die. No, not Jean Grey dead, but really dead, like after you smell my armpits!

1st Outfit -
Dodge: Increases chance to dodge melee attacks.
:deadpool: This boosts my chances of winning a Dodge for being the game's MVP! ...Ok no, it just boosts my melee dodging chances. Son of a (expletive)!
Melee Damage: Increases the $DMG of all melee attacks.
:deadpool: This allows me to hit the baddies with more melee $DMG. Give me more mustard on my attacks! MORE MUSTARD!!!
Defense: Increases $DR.
:deadpool: Umm... it increases my $DR. DUH!!!

2nd Outfit -
Max Energy: Increases maximum $EP.
:deadpool: Please boost my max $EP! Emma Frost, Psylocke, Black Cat, and Selene all came over for sex! I need all the energy I can get!
Health Regen: Increases $HP regeneration.
:deadpool: This boosts my $HP regeneration, making me better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does.
Defense: Increases $DR.
:deadpool: Ok, really? We've been over this. It increases my $DR, you big dummy!

3rd Outfit -
Health Regen: Increases $HP regeneration.
:deadpool: Um, ok can we exchange this for a money regen? And not those cheap SHIELD credits either - real dolla bills, son!
Critical Strike: Increases critical strike chance.
:deadpool: This will boost my chances of hitting at enemies' vital organs. BORING! How about something that boosts the number of free drinks?!?
Defense: Increases $DR.
:deadpool: See, now you're just being annoying! It increases my $DR! $DR! $DR!!!! Now get to the (expletive) game already!

4th Outfit -
Weapon Damage: Increases the $DMG of Deadpool's weapons.
:deadpool: This enhances all my weapons' $DMG, and my chances of being on a Disney Channel show! Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, and now... Wade Wilson!
Energy per Kill: Regain $EP per kill
:deadpool: Every time I murder a good-for-nothing rapscallion, I regain my $EP! Being rewarded for killing? My kind of video game!
Defense: Increases $DR.
:deadpool: Oh, I get it - you're bustin' my chops! Hey, I got a joke for you! Ready? There once was a guy from Nantucket...

These are really great idea!! He looks more 'badass' with this new descriptions, IMO :D

Quote from: Outsider on March 22, 2013, 06:30PM
(NOTE: I used NowhereMan's booster, so he has more moves.)

Bullet Mayhem:
Deadpool shoots out several bullets while performing a sliding 360 degree spin.
:deadpool: I fire my guns while doing a sliding 360 degree spin! I told you I can dance! Vote Deadpool for Dancing with The Stars!!! Oooh, I hope I get Karina Smirnoff... sexy.

Random Grenades:
Deadpool throws a handful of random grenades that may explode, freeze or stun enemies.
:deadpool: Life is like a box of grenades; you never know what effect you'll get. I toss a few grenades that could explode, freeze, or stun enemies. Wade Wilson in da house!

As far as I know, Bullet Mayhem and Random Grenades are from nshinnosuke's booster, not Nowhere Man. Just to inform ;)
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
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Quote from: MUALover on March 22, 2013, 11:25PM
These are really great idea!! He looks more 'badass' with this new descriptions, IMO :D

As far as I know, Bullet Mayhem and Random Grenades are from nshinnosuke's booster, not Nowhere Man. Just to inform ;)

MUALover is right, Outsider. It was nshinnosuke who made the fantastic Deadpool booster :D

And I would like to agree with your post regarding Deadpool. He's not called "The Merc with a Mouth" for nothing :P reading everything above is just hilarious  :rofl:

Quote from: MUALover on March 22, 2013, 11:25PM
These are really great idea!! He looks more 'badass' with this new descriptions, IMO :D

As far as I know, Bullet Mayhem and Random Grenades are from nshinnosuke's booster, not Nowhere Man. Just to inform ;)

Quote from: Zuzu_009 on March 23, 2013, 03:40AM
MUALover is right, Outsider. It was nshinnosuke who made the fantastic Deadpool booster :D

And I would like to agree with your post regarding Deadpool. He's not called "The Merc with a Mouth" for nothing :P reading everything above is just hilarious  :rofl:

Glad ya'll found those funny. I can picture Deadpool saying those things. And thanks for the credit correction - I'll edit it.

It'd be good,i think.Did you see the "work" done in the new deadpool's videogame?I read "great fun,but low depth".Seeing some videos it seems that Activion's guys have done a great work about this "4th wall" thing.