
The Outsider's Crypt (contains 340 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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March 12, 2018, 09:06PM #1380 Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 09:13PM by Ceamonks890
Starfire also gets my vote! :D

Although if Kratos were changed to Devil May Cry's Dante, I'd have probably voted for him instead.

I would love to see Starfire! The Teen Titans are my favorite DC superhero team and I'd love to have them in MUA in earnest!

In the meantime I've merely been using a Starfire skin on Ms. Marvel to compensate for her absence, but I would be so psyched to have the real thing in there :)

Quote(I know Hobgoblin's picking this one. :laugh:)


Wow... Starfire has taken a commanding lead in my newest poll, and judging from your comments, she appears to be the odds-on-favorite to win this whole thing. I will be watching...

In other news, I found the problem to Agent Venom, so that worked out and Goro can resume.

And I'm starting to think that Maegawa had the right idea of using XML2's passive method where just a few passives were set for all skins so no skin is excluded. I'm guessing four plus the standard defense one is sufficient. I'm considering revamping all of my mods and boosters to that method -- though considering how many I've done, that will take a long while, which is why I'm not sure if I'll do that.

But I digress, keep the votes coming.

Quote from: Outsider on March 13, 2018, 07:15PM
And I'm starting to think that Maegawa had the right idea of using XML2's passive method where just a few passives were set for all skins so no skin is excluded. I'm guessing four plus the standard defense one is sufficient. I'm considering revamping all of my mods and boosters to that method -- though considering how many I've done, that will take a long while, which is why I'm not sure if I'll do that.

It would be cool if you did. It's nice when all 6 skins can have the same passives

hello outsider.
I just voted, I know that in any case we will have another beautiful character in MUA.
Congratulations on all your work in the time I was absent, I hope I can participate more.

I found it astounding that (so far) 50 members have voted! That's more votes than any poll I've conducted in the past.

That said, Starfire is still in a strong lead at 38%, but Kratos and the Custom Agent are catching up to her at 24% and 18%, respectively. The poll ends on Monday night, so if you haven't voted yet, make your voice heard ASAP.

NOTE: For those who don't know, the Custom Agent option is referring to the very first mod (male or female) that you get to customize to your liking -- similar to the Agent character from Marvel Avengers Alliance. You can decide his/her name, where he/she came from, if the new hero is a SHIELD agent, new Avenger, a X-Man in training, etc. You can also decide his/her powers, voice, possibly skin/hair color (if I can pull that off), etc.

I'm mean, Starfire is just asking to be made with all those skins she's got. She has my vote.

March 17, 2018, 09:23AM #1388 Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 09:54AM by Outsider

Ladies and gentlemen, The Outsider brings to you his very first mod since he bought his new computer -- the Shokan prince and four-armed half-dragon known as Goro. As you can imagine, his mod contains brutal powers that all hurt, as well as skins worthy of a monster sub-boss. Plus, Kintaro comes as a special alternate outfit with exclusive moves all his own. Complete the cast of the original Mortal Kombat game today, and download him.

UPDATE: Updated his sound files to now feature his voice from MKX, & fixed double jump animation.

-4 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality for both Goro and Kintaro.
-Abilities of Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality), Might, and Shokan Resistance (takes 20% less damage, cannot be grabbed, stunned, or knocked down).
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, icons, 2 loading screens, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #44 (shares with Silver Samurai. Will clash in mannequin).

1. Kuatan Spin Strike: Goro spins his arms forward and attacks enemies with brutal punches.
2. Shokan Bolt: Goro fires a green bolt of energy from his hands that will knock enemies down.
3. Earthquake Stomp: Goro stomps on the ground, causing radial damage and knockdown.
4. Teleport Stomp: Flies in the air and drops down unto an enemy down hard.
5. (Boost) Kuatan Warrior: Roars while gaining power damage, and immunity from physical damage and fire.
6. (Fatality) Shokan War Dance: Goro performs an enhanced version of his Teleport Stomp on all enemies, crushing them horribly.

1. Tigrar Fireball: Kintaro will shoot intense fireballs from his mouth that will knock enemies down.
2. Ground Flame: Kintaro ignites the ground with intense flame that will burn enemies for a time.
3. Fire Breath: Kintaro will let out an intense stream of fire at enemies.
4. Teleport Stomp: Flies in the air and drops down unto an enemy down hard.
5. (Boost) Tigrar Fury: Roars while gaining striking and healing for a time.
6. (Fatality) Eye of The Tigrar: Kintaro performs an enhanced version of his Teleport Stomp on all enemies, with explosive damage.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds, hex-editing, effects recolor, earthquake & camera shake scripts etc.
Aventureiromax - All skins & mannequin
epicanddragon94 - Carryguy_fightstyle files

None so far.


Everyone, :venom2: Agent Venom, A-Bomb and the recently-released Goro has been updated. And for those of you who may have forgotten, the following mods were updated on March 4th: Kate Bishop - Bloodscream - Jennifer Kale - Strong Guy. Whenever an update comes along, get it right away. For those of you who prefer PS2 skins, the latter four have an option to keep the PS2 skins or use the models.

As for this poll... it's coming close to the end! If you still haven't voted, you're running out of time!

Also, it has recently come to my attention that because I've done so many damn mods (135 to be exact -- yeah I'm shocked, too), that it may be difficult to find some of them on the first post. One person suggested to list them in alphabetical order instead of chronological order.  I'll consider that, but in the meantime, go to the first post and use the Ctrl + F function to find a certain mod you're looking for. If it's not listed, then it may be either the Last Call character, or it's located in the Summer of Shadows sub-section, The Road To 150 sub-section, or perhaps it's a secret mod where a password needs to be obtained... :king: (evil laugh)

My next mod is another Mortal Kombat warrior that is sure to blow everyone away! After that, another Marvel character is coming, followed by the winner of this poll. Stay tuned.

Looks like Starfire is going to win!!! Awesome!!! I'm kind of hoping Blackfire will be an alternate skin, but I don't think there is one of her.

Really excited for another MK character!!! I'm hoping it will be Kenshi or Jade, but I'm sure whoever you pick will be amazing ^_^

73 voices have been heard -- more than any poll that I've ever conducted. The poll is now over, and with 24 of the votes at 32.9%, the winner is... STARFIRE!

So with her win, she has earned her place in The Outsider's Road To 150, and will be modded to complete the DC Teen Titans collection. However, a Mortal Kombat warrior and a Marvel character is in front of her.

Thanks to everyone who has voted, and I have made note of the fact that both Kratos and (surprisingly) the custom Agent did very well, tied at 16 votes (21.9%).


I do have to say that Kratos and the Agent were great mod ideas, too. I almost wanted to vote for one of them, but Starfire was just too special to me not to vote for her. Glad a lot of forum members agreed with me :)