
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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I got some more updates for you all in addition to the ones recently done. Get them now. The following have been updated...

Added a non-animated mannequin.

:dazzler: Dazzler booster:
Added new voice file, fixed a talents file error.

Added Marvel Duel skin.

Grey Gargoyle:
Changed mannequin.

Gun Girls:
Valerie Cooper replaces Sandi Brandenberg, fixed combat anims.

Added an alternate mannequin.

The Mandarin:
Added Marvel Heroes skin & HUD, leadership ability, 2nd loading screen, fixed talents file errors, updated herostat.

:ultron: Ultron & Sentinel:
(Ultron) Mixed some animations, replaced mannequin, moved flying effects to powerstyle file to shorten herostat
(Sentinel) Added Nimrod skin & HUD, moved flying effects to powerstyle file to shorten herostat.

Changed mannequin.

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on August 18, 2020, 02:09PM
These are some big upgrades! Great work! I appreciate your commitment to always making your mods the best they can be

Thanks for that. It's a lot of work considering how many I've done, but it's worth it.

^Why not keep Sandi Brandenberg as a skin one could swap out a pre-existing Gun Girl for? Doesn't hurt to have options.

September 02, 2020, 10:28AM #2297 Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 10:32AM by Outsider
Everyone, Aurora and :mystique: Mystique have been updated.

Aurora had some serious errors that have been fixed up, and I've even fixed up her brother :northstar: Northstar and changed his herostat.

And for Mystique... well, just like I did for Shang Tsung, I've reduced her fightmove count tremendously, and all of her shape-shifts are still intact. Her herostat has changed.
Mystique Fightmove Count:
BEFORE: 62 (48 KB)
AFTER: 34 (29 KB)

Also, for those who don't know, from Ceamonks' suggestion in the previous post, Sandi Brandenberg was brought back to the Gun Girls as an optional character.

Now, as for my next project, I am working on a character from Alpha Flight (no, it's not Puck). And after that, I'll attempt a much-needed booster for Scarlet Spider. Stay tuned to The Crypt...

Selecting Vibranium suit for your Black Panther Booster seems to be crashing the game somehow. I've not installed anything else relating to his person and replaced default BPs herostat (default position in the herostat aswell) with yours.

Quote from: VordanoVincetti on September 03, 2020, 04:25AM
Selecting Vibranium suit for your Black Panther Booster seems to be crashing the game somehow. I've not installed anything else relating to his person and replaced default BPs herostat (default position in the herostat aswell) with yours.

You have to add a skin 1107 to your game. It was mentioned in the "Read It" file. I created package files so that people can have a sixth skin, but you have to pick one yourself.
However, to make it easier for newcomers, I'll change the herostat. Download it again, as the herostat has changed. You shouldn't have a problem after that.

September 08, 2020, 06:46AM #2300 Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 10:30AM by Outsider

After all of this time, it would appear that Alpha Flight is still missing a couple of key members. So, I'll go ahead and release one of them. Introducing Narya, the Canadian half-goddess known as Snowbird. With interesting powers and unique meta-morphing capabilities, she is surprisingly fun to play as. Check her out.

UPDATE: Added a newer Alpha Flight skin by Anderson. Herostat has changed. (NOTE: In the actors folder, please delete skin 9678. It's useless now.)

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of flight, might, & healing factor.
-3 hex-edited skins, HUD, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound file.
-Uses assigned number #211 (will clash with Juggernaut in mannequin.)

1 more skin & HUDs, voice file

1. Arctic Fist: Uses her super strength to punch an enemy far with knockback.
2. Divine Freeze: With the aid of the Inuit Gods of the North, she fires a beam of cold winter, freezing enemies in place.
3. Hunting Wolf: Shape-shifts into a wolf and runs through enemies with ferocity.
4. Chronicles of Narya: With the spirit of her goddess mother, releases a protective whirlwind around herself, launching enemies upward.
5. Goddess' Influence: Compels nearby enemies into allies.
6. (Boost) Postcognition: Aids the team by sensing enemies and events in the area from six hours ago, and increasing defense.
7. (Boost) Healing Glow: Activates her enhanced cellular rejuvenation to instantly recover a portion of her health.
8. (Xtreme) Great White North: Shape-shifts into a Wendigo, and crushes the area with a dangerous winter blast.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons, sounds, mannequin, hex-editing, etc.
Andersonbrazil - Alpha Flight skin
Lionsden - Modified Classic skin
Zignutus - White Armor skin
UltraMegaMagnus - Animal forms
Aventureiromax - Wendigo skin

None so far.


September 12, 2020, 08:32AM #2301 Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 12:27PM by Outsider

Seven years ago, I had created a booster for Ben Reilly -- the created clone of :spiderman: Spider-Man known as the Scarlet Spider. But, I unfortunately lost the data when my computer at the time shut down for good. Now today, I recreated it into a full mod. He plays much more defensively than Peter Parker, and has decent moves all his own. Check him out.

UPDATE: Added Chasm skin, HUD, and green fire effect. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Might and Web-Zip.
-5 hex-edited skins, 5 HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #225.

1. Web Darts: (Same as Spider-Man's Web Bullets)
2. Red Alert: Anticipates enemy attack, reversing damage, then striking with a counter attack.
3. Web Ricochet: Reflects a high percentage of damage back at attackers and reflects projectiles.
4. Poison Stingers: Fires special web balls with radiation that drains enemy health.
5. Legacy of Kaine: (Same as Spider-Man's Web Throw, but more damage.)
6. (Boost) Taunt: Taunts nearby enemies, lowering their defenses and causing them to attack.
7. (Boost) Carnage Form: Transforms into the symbioted-powered creature known as "Spider-Carnage," gaining dangerous attributes.
8. (Boost) Spider Sense: (Same as Spider-Man's Spidey Sense.)
9. (Xtreme) Scarlet Striker: Spins enemies onto web sacks, then proceeds to strike each enemy down.

Outsider - Mod recreation & coding, redone icons & effects, Chasm HUD & green fire effect, loading screen, hex-editing, etc.
BLaw - Stuff from original Scarlet Spider mod
CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil - Skins & HUDs (except MFF & Chasm)
UltraMegaMagnus - MFF skin & HUD
Escanor610 - Chasm skin
tubular spacedude - Voice file
Enchlore - Alternate skin & HUD
Sazandra125 - Web Shield block effect

None so far.


Very cool!!!

I always liked the concept of Ben Reilly as a character, and I've enjoyed him in everything I've seen him in. I'd even go as far as to say his costume as Spider-Man looks even cooler than Peter Parker's classic red and blues, at least in my opinion. However, I haven't really experienced that much of him, at least in terms of where he's best known or most beloved, because I've been so leery of the Clone Saga. I wonder if it's worth it just to get the best and/or the most of Ben? Some even say Ben Reilly is the absolute best Spider-Man, but I think that might be pushing it a bit.

I do think it would be cool to see more of Ben Reilly in TV shows and movies, though! Maybe he'll show up in a Spider-Verse sequel or spinoff. That would be really cool!

September 12, 2020, 07:55PM #2303 Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 08:05PM by SuperiorSpidey 2002
YESSSSSS  :carnage: :spiderman:
EDIT: Reading the costume list, I thought it'll be more fitting if Noir's the last on the suit list instead of his Ben Reilly suit, considering Noir's more of a bonus(and potentially can be playable separately if a mod will be made by a different user) whereas Ben Reilly's related/belonging to Scarlet Spider but that's up to u
I'm just a Unpopular SpideyFan with naggin' Habit for Camera
My YouTube:
My DeviantArt:

Thanks for your mods, you have great talant! I love size of files - it always says about quality :P

How does one find pics of the characters you've created?

So, my next project is going to shock you all. Once again, it's a character where I've converted the skins and mannequin myself! Very proud of myself there, as this character was very hard to convert. Anyway, hopefully by the end of this month, this character will be revealed. In the meantime, stay tuned...

Quote from: Danieru on September 15, 2020, 07:10AM
Thanks for your mods, you have great talant! I love size of files - it always says about quality :P

I appreciate the kind words.

Quote from: MarkV23 on September 22, 2020, 12:30AM
How does one find pics of the characters you've created?

Sorry, but I have don't have pictures for my mods. As you can imagine, I have too many to do that. Some of my boosters have pictures, though. Just look at the posts.
You can also look at Anderson's Youtube videos, as he tends to showcase recent mods and boosters. It's in Portuguese, but you can see them in action.,9112.0.html


We have characters from Street Fighter, Tekken, and definitely Mortal Kombat. Now Soul Calibur officially joins the fray, and making her debut to MUA from that game is the dangerous and sexy red-clad ninja known as Taki. The demon huntress is strong, quick, and has a full 10-power moveset full of awesome skills. Check her out now, and... welcome to the stage of history retold.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Kunoichi (moves 20% faster, can jump 3X), Soul Calibur (twice the XP gain), Theme Music (can play her theme from Soul Blade).
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequins and sound/voice files from Soul Calibur 6.
-Uses assigned number #121 (mannequin will clash with Omega Sentinel).

This mod uses a one minute snippet of music from Soul Blade. I take no credit for any of this track.

1. Swords of History: A twin kodachi attack that stuns and knocks back. Also strenghens grab smash.
2. Spectral Mist: Throws fireballs created from her ninjutsu.
3. Ninja Cannon: A forward blast that launches enemies upward.
4. Demon Purification: Deadly kodashi attack that can be charged up to slice multiple enemies.
5. Explosive Talisman: A powerful projectile that causes enemies to explode after a very short time.
6. Seal of the Fire Dragon: An unblockable flaming uppercult blade attack.
7. Possession Stance: A counter stance that opens enemies up for a punishing combo attack.
8. (Boost) Kunoichi Stealth: Becomes invisible to enemies, and increasing her attack speed and evasion.
9. (Boost) Soul Charge: Japanese symbols appear across her body, increasing her total damage and momentum.
10. (Critical Edge) Fatal Violet: Seals all enemies with Rekki-Maru, then attacks with Mekki-Maru, for explosive damage.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skins, HUDs, loading screens, icons, mannequin, sounds, kodachi boltons, hex-editing, etc.

None so far.


Hey, this is really cool!

I never thought of Soulcalibur characters being in MUA before, but it actually works very well! There's actually a good number of other characters from there I could easily see being fun to play in a game like this!

Still, even if there ends up only being one, I'm glad it's Taki, because she's the one I'm the best at playing as whenever I play Soulcalibur :)

October 09, 2020, 11:29PM #2309 Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 02:12PM by Outsider
Everyone, the following characters have been updated:

Improved AI to not use a certain power.
Added brief explanation of lingering effect from "Divine Freeze" (unable to shorten it)

Spider-Gwen (Spider-Girls):
Added more accurate voice file.

Stay tuned to The Crypt, for my next mod will soon approach, and :capamer: Captain America will be very happy about who it is...

Quote from: TheMK on September 29, 2020, 07:58PM
Hey, this is really cool!

I never thought of Soulcalibur characters being in MUA before, but it actually works very well! There's actually a good number of other characters from there I could easily see being fun to play in a game like this!

Still, even if there ends up only being one, I'm glad it's Taki, because she's the one I'm the best at playing as whenever I play Soulcalibur :)

Thanks for the compliment. Yes, Taki is the only planned character from Soul Calibur. However, I can easily picture characters like Siegfried, Nightmare, Mitsurugi, and Kilik in this game. Others like Ivy will be a bit more tricky.