
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Just to let everyone know, I am still working on my next mod. It's just been slow going because one of my favorite video games - Streets of Rage 4 came out with a Mr. X Nightmare DLC, and I am loving it! My girlfriend and I have been having so much fun playing it, as SOR4 is a mix of classic, old school beat 'em up with a modern fighting game style. Anyway, this mod will be cool, and I'm trying something innovative with this one. Stay tuned. :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: Polygone on July 11, 2021, 03:37AM
Impressive mod once again :)

I appreciate that, Polygone. Feel free to join our Discord server at any time, as we're very active over there.


Be honest... you didn't think this day would ever come. But, it is here. Here comes my mod of Evan Daniels, the young black mutant that was created exclusively for the cartoon X-Men Evolution known as Spyke. Now no longer stuck to skateboarding around Bayville, :storm: Storm's nephew can finally join his teammates for battle against the Masters of Evil. But he's not as slim as you remember... he's been hitting the gym since then, and no, he doesn't play anything like :marrow: Marrow. Now he's a quick, strong, and durable threat with unique abilities, simple but damaging powers, and cool-looking skins. Catch some air with this mod, man.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Healing Factor and Skateboard Ability (can ride, jump, and attack on his skateboard while immune to damage).
-3 hex-edited skins, 2 HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #119 (Shares with Winter Soldier. Will clash in mannequin.)

1. Bone Spikes: Fires razor-sharp shards of bone. Will heat up and burn enemies if fully charged. Also strengthens grab smash.
2. Spear Combat: Attacks enemies with a 4-hit bone spear combo while deflecting projectiles.
3. Skateboard Strike: Charges forward on his skateboard, knocking enemies out of the way.
4. Tornado Blade: Creates twin bone sickles and spins with a chance for critical damage.
5. Scythe Crush: Slams a bone scythe into the ground, blasting enemies upward.
6. (Boost) Speed of Mjnari: From another universe, gains movement and attack speed for a time.
7. (Boost) Porcupine Armor: Grows hard spikes around himself and evolves his strength, endurance, and can reverse damage as a familiar theme plays.
8. (Xtreme) Bad 2 The Bone: Creates large sharp constructs made of bone to trap enemies, then crush them from within.

This mod plays the theme from the "X-Men Evolution" cartoon in one of his boosts. I claim no credit for this track.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, X-Men & Street Skater skins, HUDs, loading screen, mannequin, icons, bone models (except scythe), sounds/voice, earthquake script, etc.
UltraMegaMagnus - Skateboard and bone scythe models
Zignutus - Age of X skin

None so far.


Very cool mod, Outsider! Spyke is great!

I always thought the X-Men: Evolution cartoon was pretty cool; not only did it give us Spyke, but also X-23. Personally, my favorite X-Men cartoon is still the one from the 90's, but there's parts of Evolution that I like better than how that show was. Probably the main one was that Nightcrawler was part of the main cast in Evolution, while he only showed up in two episodes of the 90's show; I think Iceman, another of my favorite X-Men, had as many appearances in the 90's show as well. I still haven't checked out that show Wolverine and the X-Men; I've heard it's good, but I didn't care for how they basically switched around the roles of Wolverine and Cyclops, when Cyclops has already been given a hard time ever since his character was assassinated in X-Factor many, many years ago.

Streets of Rage 4 is a great game! I beat the main campaign a few weeks ago, but haven't gotten or tried the Mr. X Nightmare DLC yet. I might have to pick that up soon!

Everyone, the following characters have been updated:

A-Bomb: Removed Abomination & Titannus as alternates. Herostat changed.
:apocalypse: Apocalypse (booster): Fixed Wrecker of Weakness' instant kill properties, got rid of Doctor Strange references.
:blade: Blade (booster): Added Lord of Night skin, grab smash now stuns. Herostat changed.
:carnage: Carnage: Updated to MUA2 animations. Herostat changed.
Falcon: Updated a couple of skins & HUDs, Shield Throw now works ideally. Herostat changed.
Mistress Death: Added newest skins, added voice file, fixed spelling error. Herostat changed.
Red She-Hulk: Added new Fortnite skins. Herostat changed.
Shazam: Fixed idle animation problem.

Pay close attention for the ones that say "herostat changed," because that means you have to update the herostat of that character as well. I have :polaris: Polaris and :cd: Cloak & Dagger in line for updates as well, but those will take me a bit longer to do, so bear with me with those. I will also start on my next mod soon, but I have to create skins of her. Stay tuned to The Crypt. :king: (evil laugh)

August 01, 2021, 08:22PM #2434 Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 08:45PM by Outsider
In addition to the characters in the previous post, the following characters have also been updated:

:beast: Beast (booster) : Tackle power (The Real McCoy) has been fixed in both talents & powerstyle files.
:cd: Cloak & Dagger: Added new skins by Anderson and some of my skin variations. Both herostats have changed.
:polaris: Polaris (booster): Fixed menu anims so she no longer has Jean Grey's anims. Added some HUDs. Now has her own voice instead of Psylocke's.
:scarletw: Scarlet Witch (booster): Fixed error in talents file.

Once again, pay close attention for the ones that say "herostat changed," because that means you have to update the herostat of that character as well.

And with that, I am done with updates for now, as I'd like to move on to my next mod. As always, boys and girls, stay tuned to The Crypt. :king: (evil laugh)

My apologies -- the :beast: Beast booster has been updated once more, as there was an animation issue with his tackle (The Real McCoy) power. The member called defogexa had mixed animations in introducing his genius method, but unfortunately it caused the tackle power error. So, I had to redo it myself to ensure that essential animations were not compromised.
In addition, I've added a more accurate skin & mannequin for him. I am uncertain who did the skin though -- I heard it was BLaw, but when I had to recolor the texture (it had some green fur so I recolored it blue), the texture read "corpo," which I believe is Portuguese, leading me to speculate that it could be either Andersonbrazil or Aventureiromax. Since I am unsure, I placed a "?????" in the credits until I learn who the skinner is.

So to recap, these were the recent updates done...

A-Bomb: Removed Abomination & Titannus as alternates. Herostat changed.
:apocalypse: Apocalypse (booster): Fixed Wrecker of Weakness' instant kill properties, got rid of Doctor Strange references.
:beast: Beast (booster) : Tackle power (The Real McCoy) has been fixed, added more accurate skin & mannequin.
:blade: Blade (booster): Added Lord of Night skin, grab smash now stuns. Herostat changed.
:carnage: Carnage: Updated to MUA2 animations. Herostat changed.
:cd: Cloak & Dagger: Added new skins by Anderson and some of my skin variations. Both herostats have changed.
Falcon: Updated a couple of skins & HUDs, Shield Throw now works ideally. Herostat changed.
Mistress Death: Added newest skins, added voice file, fixed spelling error. Herostat changed.
:polaris: Polaris (booster): Fixed menu anims so she no longer has Jean Grey's anims. Added some HUDs. Now has her own voice instead of Psylocke's.
Red She-Hulk: Added new Fortnite skins. Herostat changed.
:scarletw: Scarlet Witch (booster): Fixed error in talents file.
Shazam: Fixed idle animation problem.

Pay close attention for the ones that say "herostat changed," because that means you have to update the herostat of that character as well.

Now, I am FINALLY done with updates. I'm going to move on to my next mod now. As always, boys and girls, stay tuned to The Crypt. :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: Outsider on August 03, 2021, 12:28AM
I heard it was BLaw, but when I had to recolor the texture (it had some green fur so I recolored it blue), the texture read "corpo," which I believe is Portuguese, leading me to speculate that it could be either Andersonbrazil or Aventureiromax. Since I am unsure, I placed a "?????" in the credits until I learn who the skinner is.

I'm sorry, it was me who said it's by BLaw, because I wasn't aware that there's a second mannequin with a book. But the one you have is from Andersonbrazil, from Small pack 11 ( I checked it and it has the green fur, so it must be it. I'm pretty sure the mannequin is by him too, but I can't find it in the Small packs.

I don't want to spread misinformation, and I can't vouch for the model itself, but the mannequin of Beast reading a book I believe is from Aventureiomax. It's under his DC Last Things page. Beyond that my knowledge of modding is limited. Hope this helps!

Ah, yes that's it. The skin is in the same pack as well, but I don't see any green part in the texture on this one.

Quote from: ak2yny on August 11, 2021, 06:14AM
I'm sorry, it was me who said it's by BLaw, because I wasn't aware that there's a second mannequin with a book. But the one you have is from Andersonbrazil, from Small pack 11 ( I checked it and it has the green fur, so it must be it. I'm pretty sure the mannequin is by him too, but I can't find it in the Small packs.

Quote from: Mynexus92 on August 11, 2021, 01:26PM
I don't want to spread misinformation, and I can't vouch for the model itself, but the mannequin of Beast reading a book I believe is from Aventureiomax. It's under his DC Last Things page. Beyond that my knowledge of modding is limited. Hope this helps!

Quote from: ak2yny on August 12, 2021, 01:49AM
Ah, yes that's it. The skin is in the same pack as well, but I don't see any green part in the texture on this one.

Thanks for the 411. So, Andersonbrazil did the skin, but Aventureiromax did the mannequin. I'll update when I get a chance.

Everyone, Outsider's Last Call (Tarantula), :juggernaut: Juggernaut (booster), and :scarletw: Scarlet Witch (booster) were updated, as there were small errors spotted. They have since been fixed.

I am still working on my current mod -- it's just taking longer than usual because I had to create skins for this character. Stay tuned, boys and girls.


Characters with amazing powers but are little known to the general public is just a crime in my opinion. That said, here comes my mod of Jimaine Szardos - the little-known beautiful sorceress associated with the X-Men that goes by the name Amanda Sefton. :nightcrawler2: Nightcrawler will be pleased to his former lover and foster sister joining the Alliance, and so will you. With multiple powers, cool effects and skins, the amount of fun you'll have with her will make you wonder why she's so little-known when she shouldn't be. Check her out.

-5 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Flight & Teleport.
-4 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #77 (Shares with White Tiger. Will clash in mannequin.)

1. Force Bolt: Fires a projectile of magic that will bounce off walls and stun enemies. Hold button to control it. Also improves grab smash.
2. Levitation: Magically moves enemies or objects.
3. Gypsy Blessing: Fires a concentrated beam of magic that will pierce through multiple enemies.
4. Demonic Shift: Briefly shape-shifts into a demon to scare enemies into running while suffering mental damage (trauma).
5. Flames of Limbo: Creates a supernatural flame that acts as a hazard on enemies near it.
6. (Boost) Mystic Shield: Creates a forcefield out of magic to protect herself and allies, absorbing incoming damage.
7. (Boost) Turn The Tide: Augments her magic to influence the psyche of enemies, switching them to your side temporarily.
8. (Boost) Sorceress Cloak: Renders herself invisible for a time while creating a healing spell.
9. (Xtreme) The Winding Way: Creates a mystical "tornado" that acts as a dangerous hazard for most enemies, while damaging bosses once.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skins, HUDs, loading screen, mannequin, effects, sounds/voice, hex-editing, etc.
Quentin Hex - Unused Marvel Girl icons
Nickjustint - Initial Ms. Marvel voice file

None so far.


Everyone, your boy The Outsider has been hard at work... as usual. The following mods have been updated.

Added Future Fight skin & HUD, new mannequin, fixed up animations, removed faulty Vampire Glide. Herostat has changed.

:scorpion: Scorpion:
Added two new skins & HUDs, new mannequin, fixed up animations. Herostat has changed.

Added DC Unchained skin & HUD, new mannequin, fixed up animations. Herostat has changed.

Also, due to future animation changes happening to the OCP, the following mods have also been updated: Attuma, Aurora, :beast: Beast (booster), Black Cat (booster), Boom-Boom, :cd: Cloak & Dagger (both), Deathbird, Falcon, Fantomex (only E.V.A.), Hank Pym, Jade, John Wraith, Kenshi, Mandarin, Miles Morales, :sinister: Mr. Sinister, :namor: Namor (Deep Six booster), Neo, Onslaught, Pixie, Satana, Sersi, Spawn, :ultron: Ultron & Sentinel (only Ultron), and Wyatt Wingfoot.

As for the next mod project I will work on, I can't tell you who it is or even give out hints, but I know you'll be super excited when the secret is revealed. And I'm quite proud of it already because I converted the skins myself and they came out great (even though I'm still not exactly the best at it). As always, boys and girls, stay tuned to The Crypt! :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: Polygone on August 22, 2021, 11:23AM
Once again nice mod :) Sounds fun

Indeed it is, man. You'll enjoy Amanda Sefton for sure.


One of the games I played back in the day was the PlayStation game Metal Gear Solid. In my opinion, that was one of the greatest games I ever played, and one of the most legendary games ever made. It was WAY ahead of its time with its amazing storytelling and kick-ass gameplay. So, it became my mission to create the series' protagonist into MUA. So, here he is -- Solid Snake. I had to do quite a bit of sneaking to keep this mod a secret until the night of his release, hence there were no hints given. I worked extremely hard on this highly-anticipated mod, including converting his skins myself and getting the right voice files for this mod. Enjoy with my regards.

-6 powers, 3 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Soliton Radar System (will show enemies on the mini-map), Sneaking Suit (immune to cold damage), and Metal Gear Solid (can play 60 seconds of a track from MGS soundtracks).
-2 hex-edited skins, 2 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file voiced by David Hayter and many of the original MGS cast.
-Uses assigned number #73 (Mannequin & loading screens will clash with Karnak and Kamen Rider Black.)

2 more skins & HUDs.

Oh sure, I could tell you what his powers are as I do nearly all of my mods, but where is the fun in that? As the resident man of mystery around here, I like to shock people. So, I created a series of small videos where the MGS cast briefs you on some things to get ready for your mission. You'll just have to find out for yourself...

This mod uses various tracks from the Metal Gear Solid series that last for less than one minute. I claim no credit for these tracks.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skins, HUDs, loading screen, mannequin, icons, sounds, hex-editing, scripts, mission videos, weapon retextures, etc.
UltraMegaMagnus: Bolton animation for one of his powers
BLaw & Andersonbrazil - Weapon models

None so far.