
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 08, 2023, 03:32PM
Generally, green squares indicates missing textures. Does this happen with certain powers or all powers?
The one I notice most is Deadly Drain, I'm not sure if other powers are missing any or are stylised to be more of just a glow effect instead. I've tried uninstalling her, redownloading the files and installing again but it's still just green squares.

Then its clear that there's a missing required 'texture' file somewhere that wasn't included with the mod, in order for the effects to display properly. Check the effects file code for the affected powers and compare what's in your textures sub-folder within your MUA game files with what is referenced for textures in the effect files, ensuring all the important texture files are there.

Chances are that is what the issue is.

Quote from: zmikey08z on May 08, 2023, 02:01AM
Hey, I'm not sure if it's me but with Selene some of her effects are missing and are just green squares. I've dragged them all in correctly, they're definitely in the game files, used heroselect and am using her correct .xml file. Just a tad confused on if it's me being a dunce or if it's the mod as I've been away from mods for a while  :laugh:

So, you got the Official Characters Pack, the original Selene mod, and then my booster, right? And you started a new game? If you did all of that, and you're still seeing green squares, then yes, it's a texture issue. I'll look into it when I get a chance. (Please tell me precisely which powers other than "Deadly Drain" you are noticing green squares with. I need to know the exact areas to look into.)

Yeah, I have the OCP, original Selene and then your booster and started the game over multiple times. Turns out I was incorrect about the other ones, it's just Deadly Drain that's got the issue. Please don't rush to fix it, she's still a great mod otherwise and a ton of fun so thank you for making it!

Yeah it's the latest one, I only installed it around 2 weeks ago

Everyone, the following mods & boosters have been updated:

Groot -- Fixed damage output of his Xtreme.
The Outsider's 250 Celebration ( :phoenix: Jean Grey) -- New mannequin, fixed keyboard icons.
Selene (booster) -- Added some textures that some have been missing from their games.

The Outsider's 250 Celebration (scroll down for Jean):

June 02, 2023, 06:13PM #2558 Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 04:13AM by Outsider

NFL great Tom Brady once said, "In life, you only get one retirement speech, and I used up mine last year." The same is true with me. I learned that I can't ever be done with character modding. Ever since I've stopped making character mods nearly 15 months ago, I've been working on the creation of the EXG, which included quite a few enemies. Stan Lee never called it quits, and I guess I can't either. I unfortunately made a liar of myself, but hey, life is unpredictable like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So, the Agent wasn't my last mod after all -- I'm back. But I definitely can't create mods on the regular anymore, so I'll just do it sparingly whenever I'm in the mood. And when I literally can't do it anymore, I'll just walk away without saying anything.

That said, on the same day as the release of Street Fighter 6, Aventureiromax and I present to you a joint collaboration mod of the legendary Japanese world warrior Ryu Hoshi, known simply as Ryu. Check him out.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-3 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and two sound/voice files using his voice from Street Fighter 4 with either modern or classic special move shouts.
-Uses assigned number #152 (Mannequin will clash with Polaris and Static.)

1. Hadouken: Fires his signature projectile of ki energy.
2. Shoryuken: Performs a rising uppercut, launching an enemy upward.
3. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: Performs a jumping rotating kick.
4. Shakunetsu Hadouken: Fires a stronger Hadouken that explodes with fire damage.
5. (Level 1 Super) Shinkuu Hadouken: Focuses and releases a beam-like version of his Hadouken for stronger damage.
6. (Level 2 Super) The World Warrior: Increases melee damage and evasion chances.
7. (Level 3 Super) Super Shinkuu Hadouken: Focuses and releases an ultimate beam-like version of his Hadouken for Xtreme damage.

This mod uses up to 60 seconds of his classic theme from Street Fighter games. Neither Aventureiromax nor I claim credit for this track.

Aventureiromax - Mod creation, some coding, skins, animations, effects, mannequin.
Outsider - Evil Ryu texture change, some coding, mod coding additions & fixes, global color to skins, icons, sounds, loading screen, music script.

None so far.


What a wonderful surprise!

I've always deeply enjoyed all of your mods, Outsider. I'm glad that you're open to the occasional return!

Ryu is such a great character to come back with, too.

Great suprise indeed :) Good to see you back to modding characters
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Everyone, the following mods have been updated:

Arachne: Fixed Spider-Woman II skin to no longer need skin 3803, Read It contains recent bug report.
Groot: Added two more skins, updated mannequin. Herostat has changed.
:marvelg: Marvel Girl: She can now perform her powers while flying.
Nebula: Added two more skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
:spidergirl: Spider-Girls Collection (Spider-Gwen): Updated skins & HUDs.

Quote from: TheMK on June 02, 2023, 08:34PM
What a wonderful surprise!

I've always deeply enjoyed all of your mods, Outsider. I'm glad that you're open to the occasional return!

Ryu is such a great character to come back with, too.
Quote from: Polygone on June 04, 2023, 07:56AM
Great suprise indeed :) Good to see you back to modding characters

Much appreciated, fellas.


Not to be outdone by his Japanese friend Ryu, here comes the American world warrior Ken Masters, known simply as Ken. This one is another joint collaboration mod with Aventureiromax. I mean, c'mon... you can't create Ryu and not create Ken, that just isn't done. Anyway, enjoy.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and two sound/voice files using his voice from Street Fighter 4 with either modern or classic special move shouts.
-Uses assigned number #152 (Mannequin will clash with Namorita and Sebastian Shaw.)

1. Hadouken: Fires a projectile of ki energy.
2. Shoryuken: Performs his signature rising uppercut, launching an enemy upward with fire damage.
3. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku: Performs a jumping rotating kick.
4. Shoryureppa: Perform a series of repeat Shoryuken flaming uppercuts.
5. (Level 1 Super) Shinryuken: Focuses and performs a lethal flaming Shoryuken that will hit multiple enemies.
6. (Level 2 Super) Great Fists of Fire: Gains a 25% chance for his attacks to engulf enemies with fire.
7. (Level 3 Super) Super Shinryuken: Focuses and releases an ultimate Shoryuken for Xtreme fire damage.

This mod uses up to 60 seconds of his theme from Street Fighter Alpha 2. Neither Aventureiromax nor I claim credit for this track.

Aventureiromax - Mod creation, some coding, skins, animations, effects, mannequin.
Outsider - Violent Ken texture change, some coding, mod coding additions & fixes, global color to skins, icons, sounds, loading screen, music script.

None so far.


Everyone, the following mods and boosters have been updated.

Batman (booster):
Added animation fixes and alternate sound/voice files.

Elsa Bloodstone:
Fixed entities file in the hopes of fixing problem of power 1 not inflicting damage.

:spidergirl: Spider-Girls Collection:
(Spider-Gwen) Added ATSV & ATSV Unmasked skins & HUDs. Her herostat has changed.

The Outsider's 250 Celebration:
:phoenix: (Jean Grey) Fixed resurrection problem. Now has a 33% chance of turning into Dark Phoenix if she dies. Even lower fightmove & trigger counts.

There may be more updates on the way. Stay tuned.

Great! It also fixes the problem, where Elas's 2nd power not inflicting damage.