
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Ares

Ares is the winner. Fury awards him the WWE Championship which he happily accepts from him. Ares poses as the crowd gives him a mixed reaction. Some cheers, some boos, but regardless the PPV ends with Ares holding his newly won title high above his head.

QuoteThus ends Month 1: Fox is our winner. He had the most points and now begins month 2

Like the first this month will have 4 episodes of RAW and a PPV with a pre-show match

RAW Episode #5:

The arena lights up as the show starts off. Ares heads down to the ring his newly won WWE

Championship. He grabs a microphone

Ares: I told everyone i was going to be the one to win the championship and looks like i was exactly right. The reign of the God of War is only just beginning and everyone better be prepared for failure if they hope to win this title off of me.

Doctor Doom interrupts him and heads to the ring

Doom: Really, you think no one can beat you? I beg to differ.

Ares: Who the hell are you?

Doom: You are not the one like you i have dealt with before but it matters not you are still no match for Doctor Doom. I shall be the next WWE Champion!

Darth Vader also interrupts and makes his way down to the ring

Vader: You are going be the next WWE Champion? Strange i do believe the next WWE Champion is going to be me.

Ares: There will be no next WWE Champion because i'm not losing this title belt.

Vader: You got the win over me last night i give you that, but flukes do happen.

Doom: The real fluke was me not being in the finals of that tournament.

Ares: You were eliminated first round like the loser you are.

Doom: How dare you speak to me like that!

A lightning bolt hits the stage as Raiden also makes his way down to the ring to get in on the argument

Raiden: I hear a lot of talking, but see a lot less action. I should be the next WWE Champion and i shall be the one to prove it.

Ares: How are you going to prove it?

Raiden: By taking it right to the champ!

Raiden assaults Ares leading to a brawl between the four men in the ring. Nick Fury hits the stage with a microphone

Fury: Gentlemen! Stop it! Now i can see three men in that ring all want a shot at the WWE Championship. I get that, but only one of you are going to get it. These fans want action so i think we have our main event. Tonight it's going to be Darth Vader vs Raiden vs Doctor Doom vs a mystery superstar in a fatal fourway. The winner folks is getting a shot at the WWE championship at our next PPV, Judgment Day. Now clear the ring we've got a match scheduled for up next.

The men in the ring stop fighting for now as they know they will have a chance to earn a championship

match later tonight. They all exit from the ring to clear it.

Soon Megatron wastes little time making his way down to the ring. He feels confident after the last time

he gave Starscream what he thought was a well deserved lesson but tonight he's got another fish to fry.

The lights go out and the organ plays. The Phantom of the Opera makes his way down to the ring. He's not

too happy he walked out of Backlash with neither title, but tonight is a new night to start over

Megatron vs Phantom of the Opera
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

A new month begins -- hope we get even more players!  I'll choose Phantom of the Opera for the first match.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

I'll go with Megatron.

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Also as a note i'd like to make a blanket statement here, as you can tell the roster for this company is intentionally large meaning on occasion some people may get lost in the shuffle. This is intentional, since too little people doesn't leave room for much longevity but at the same time i don't want to necessarily "fire" a character if i don't want to use them for a little time, but just know that if they are on the roster, they can always show back up again.

I also use this if i get tired of writing for someone after awhile, I've found this system to serve this story well, adds some unpredictabiliy for when someone might all of a sudden return or just not be active all the time.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Will you ever be bringing in someone who is not on the roster as a "new recruit?"
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

Plenty of people/things will just show up as we go along. I believe this fictional company has some pretty loose contracts, they'll just sign anyone and then they get to show up and fight lol.

Edit; And we just wait on MUAlover to finish this match up, unless he's taking this match off lol. I'll start up the next one tomorrow as per my own rules i said 2-3 days lol.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Winner: Megatron

Megatron celebrates his victory as Starscream comes down to the ring. Megatron stands on guard but

Starscream simply raises his arm in victory. Megatron nods his head and makes the assumption that all is

back well in control. The two exit from the ring.

Backstage those two mices are talking

Pinky: Gee Brain, what are we going to do tonight?

Brain: The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world! My hopes of being WWE Champion  may have been overestimated, however Pinky together as a tag team there are more doors open to us.

Pinky: Really Brain?

Brain: Yes Pinky, that is why we are in tag team action up next.

Pinky: well Brain, let's go.

Pinky and the Brain make their ways to the ring. The crowd still digs them. However their opponents receive a bigger reaction. Donatello and Raphael make their way down to the ring to represent the TMNT.

Both teams stare off as the ACME referee rings the opening bell

Pinky & Brain vs Raphael & Donatello
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Yay Megatron! Haha, I'll go with Raphael and Donatello.

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Quote from: Oddark123 on August 07, 2013, 02:05PM
Edit; And we just wait on MUAlover to finish this match up, unless he's taking this match off lol. I'll start up the next one tomorrow as per my own rules i said 2-3 days lol.

Ah XD Just saw your message, my internet is been very very slow on that time lol, it's frustrating XD

BTW, I go with Raphael and Donatello :D
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
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