The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Adam

Adam has his hand raised but a man on a horse rides out on the stage. It's War

War: You beat Death at Vengeance Adam, but remember last week? I beat you.

Adam: Your point?

War: I earned my self a championship shot and i think at the next PPV, the Great American Bash.

Adam: You'll fall just like Death did.

War: Then i await your challenge.

War heads off and Adam holds the belt up high

Going backstage Dahak is standing in a lockeroom with JR EWing standing beside him and Black Knight, Tar Monster and Jaguaro looking on

Dahak: Everything went well at Vengeance but now i must tell the truth.

Knight: Speak on One God!

Dahak: We are aligned in our dislike of the dog and his friends but don't expect me to babysit you all on a regular basis, make your own choices in this organization but know you have an ally here if needed.

The monsters nod their heads and walk off

Dahak: You on the other hand this partnership is only just beginning.

JR: I couldn't agree more.

Dahak: I think it's time to put the screws to that dog even more.

JR: Sticking to the plan?

Dahak: Of course, let's go.

Dahak and JR Ewing exit off camera as we go back to the ring.

Evil Ash comes down to the ring ready for action. He had proved he was the better Ash...for now but now he's in for more action.

Batman comes down to the ring to a loud pop.

The ACME referee rings the bell

Evil Ash vs Batman
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Evil Ash

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Batman

Batman stands tall in the ring with his victory tonight

Going backstage, we see Daphne walking by herself backstage. She walks into Nick Fury's office.

Back out in the ring, Hulk and Jerry come down ready to try and get a w in

Scorpion and Quan Chi come out together looking ready to go at one another

Scorpion & Quan Chi vs Hulk & Jerry
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Scorpion & Quan Chi

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Scorpion & Quan Chi

Scorpion and Quan Chi pick up the win after a hard fought battle. They exit the ring as Jerry and Hulk lick their wounds and exit too

With the ring cleared. Daphne comes down to the ring with a mic in hand.

Daphne: Everyone saw me go into Nick Fury's Office. I recall what Scrappy Doo did for himself a couple of weeks ago but now it's my turn. It's time i show that i'm not the dim-wit i was in the 70s. I asked Nick Fury for a match to try and prove myself. Black Knight get out here!

Black Knight comes down to the ring after being called out. No back up for him since there is no one out there with Daphne.

The ACME referee rings the bell and these two circle the ring for the match

Daphne vs Black Knight
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Black Knight

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Black Knight

Black Knight cheap shots Daphne after the match. Tar Monster and Jaguaro run out to the ring too.

Scooby Doo, Shaggy and Scrappy Doo come down after eating some Scooby Snacks they actually get the upper hand on the monsters for the night spilling them down to the floor. The monsters decide to take the high road for now but they most certainly are not done

We cut backstage to see Pinky and the Brain.

Pinky: Gee Brain what are we going to do tonight.

Brain: The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world

Pinky: How does it start Brain?

Brain: We take on the new WWE Tag Team Champions and earn ourselves a shot at them.

Pinky: Sounds great Brain, lead the way

Pinky and the Brain make their way down to the ring with the crowd singing along.

Raphael and Michaelangelo come out next holding the new belts high. They get the crowd on their feet and the match is under way

Pinky & Brain vs Raphael & Michelangelo
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way