Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Outsider on June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

Title: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

The Outsider, Julio Cabral, Aventureiromax, Erik Lensherr, Andersonbrazil, UltraMegaMagnus, AdrianoAp, Enchlore, Ceamonks890, Escanor610, Hannah


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Classic Sub-Zero is playable through Noob Saibot.
Kintaro is playable through Goro.
Dark Raiden is playable through Raiden.
Fire God Liu Kang is playable through Liu Kang.
Robot Smoke is playable through Smoke.
Cyber Sub-Zero is playable through Sub-Zero.
Dark Kahn is playable through Shao Kahn.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please note that these mods are only compatible with the original 2006 port of MUA. They will not work on the "remastered" 2016 Steam version. Unsure which version you got? Check the game folder -- if you see .bin files and the exe file date is 2016, then you've got the "remastered" version that is useless here. You can find a free, legal, and safe archived version of the game in the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide (,10809.0.html).


(This is a separate version of MUA designed for just MK warriors, will save games separately from other MUA saves. EXG-compatible.)

Vs. Shao Kahn: (scroll down)




If you are using the 50 Roster Hack and want to use those who were guest characters for MK, you can find them in the Non-Marvel Mod Catalog:
Alien by Erik Lensherr
Conan the Barbarian by Outsider
Freddy Krueger by Ceamonks890
Ghostface by Ceamonks890
Homelander by Ceamonks890
Jason Voorhees by Aventureiromax
The Joker by BLaw
Kratos by Outsider
Omni-Man by Ceamonks890
Peacemaker by Ceamonks890
Predator by Julio Cabral
Rambo by Aventureiromax
RoboCop by Aventureiromax
Spawn by Outsider
Terminator by Aventureiromax

( Suggested Blue Print for Mods (developed by Julio Cabral & The Outsider):
(1) Icons should mostly consist of sprites from an in-game appearance. They can be acquired via Google or at various MK fan sites. Try to use a different color than what other kombatants are using.
(2) The term "Xtreme" is not used, and is replaced by the word "Fatality."
(3) HUDs should be an enlarged version of the kombatant's in-game portrait (like those shown here), depending on which game costume used. For example, if the skin is a kombatant's MK2 costume, then the HUD should be of the kombatant's MK2 portrait.
(4) All kombatants should have a Stage Fatality uppercut (Hold block & press light attack), and can taunt (Hold block & press heavy attack), called the "Mortal Kombat" ability. The taunts are usually of their MK9 intro lines.
(5) The moveset should mostly consist of powers that the kombatant has done in MK games. The Fatality should resemble a fatality that the character has done in the past, if possible.
(6) The Fatality should start with the fatality chime (for xtreme sound) and should end with Shao Kahn saying "Fatality!"
(7) In their sound files, the first "victory" line should be Shao Kahn saying the kombatant wins, and the first "tauntkd" should say "Finish Him!"
(8) Try not to give them the same stance & menu animations as other kombatants. Each should be different.

While mods can be done however the individual modder wants, this is suggested to keep all Mortal Kombat mods uniform, and capable of skills similar to their skills in the fighting games.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 01, 2017, 12:34AM
Man, this is so cool! I can't believe we already have so many Mortal Kombat characters in MUA! Here's hoping that there will be more ^_^
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MelloMods on July 01, 2017, 03:12AM
I must say, I'd prefer a Marvel mod over a Mortal Kombat any day of the week.

However, I still love MK, and the attempt to keep them all somewhat uniform is an astounding idea!

Still I must admit, seeing this post builds a lil hype to create a new herostat
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on July 01, 2017, 03:46AM
It's really magnificent :jumping: started with Julio, then Erik and now Outsider + friends  :rockon:

Eager to see which characters we'll get because we still have 20 vacancies in MUA and the dreaming is free  :jumping: :naughty:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on July 01, 2017, 04:03AM
It's amazing to see how fast Mortal Kombat's characters are growing in numbers! Will be cool to have full herostat of MK fighters :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 01, 2017, 04:14AM
I only wish I could try to learn modding faster so that I could contribute to this, but I'm afraid I won't get the chance for at least a few months... There's definitely lots of characters I'd love to see here, though! Maybe one day when I can, I might be able to add at least a few.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Pirata on July 03, 2017, 10:32AM
So do I, but my notebook has crashed and this one I have is really bad, so I'm not really too much motivated.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 04, 2017, 01:05PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post.

Also, there is a new poll posted. It will run for 10 days, so get your votes in.

Quote from: TheMK on July 01, 2017, 04:14AM
I only wish I could try to learn modding faster so that I could contribute to this, but I'm afraid I won't get the chance for at least a few months... There's definitely lots of characters I'd love to see here, though! Maybe one day when I can, I might be able to add at least a few.
Quote from: Big Boss on July 03, 2017, 10:32AM
So do I, but my notebook has crashed and this one I have is really bad, so I'm not really too much motivated.

There is no rush to fill the 19 vacancies, so no pressure. Learn what you can at your own pace.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AdrianoAp on July 04, 2017, 01:15PM
Congratulations to all for the initiative, this enriches and very the range of characters for MUA ... very eager to see what is to come :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 04, 2017, 06:09PM
Wonderful stuff! I am loving the love that MK is getting in MUA ^_^
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 07, 2017, 04:58PM
Poll Results (so far):

After 10 votes, it appears the majority would like to see Raiden's successor, the God of Wind, Fujin created. I admit, he would  be very interesting to create, with a unique moveset -- all wind related. I don't think that's ever been done before.
However, Shao Kahn's resurrected lover, the queen of Edenia, Sindel is right behind him. I think she has one of the best MK9 intro lines, saying "You are pathetic and weak!" And, after what she did in MK9's story mode, she's got to be considered a bad-ass.
On the flip side, poor Baraka is not even on the board yet. You know what? I'm gonna sub him out for another on the poll. Hmm... let's put the blind swordsman Kenshi in there. Would your vote change, or stay where it's at? There's still time to vote for your pick. Again, I'm not confirming any of these, but I'd like to know who the community would like to see created out of some less-popular characters.

Also, I've been asking if anyone has found Shang Tsung's secret morph (the question mark on his morph guide), but no one has answered. I assume then that no one has found out who it is. Did I make it too hard? Maybe I'll reveal who it is and how to morph into that kombatant sometime later.

In the meantime, a female kombatant is coming soon. Get ready for this.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 07, 2017, 05:43PM
I had voted for Sindel, but I'd rather see Kenshi out of all those other choices! He's one of my absolute favorite Mortal Kombat characters! ^_^
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on July 08, 2017, 01:48AM
I actually found this secret morph. It's easy for those who played as your shape-shifters before and knows this system well, but for a new guys it can be hard, so maybe you can give a hint on it.
BTW, I also would like to see Kenshi someday, and his "spirit-friend" in the game.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 08, 2017, 11:24AM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post.

Quote from: Erik Lensherr on July 08, 2017, 01:48AM
I actually found this secret morph. It's easy for those who played as your shape-shifters before and knows this system well, but for a new guys it can be hard, so maybe you can give a hint on it.
BTW, I also would like to see Kenshi someday, and his "spirit-friend" in the game.

I'm glad someone found it. Hope I did it justice.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 08, 2017, 03:32PM
Epic!!! Mortal Kombat continues to live strong in MUA thanks to Outsider, Erik and Julio! You guys are amazing and I love everything that all of you do, whether it's together or individually! ^_^

Edit: Please forgive me, I also forgot to extend thanks to aventureironmax and everyone else who's contributed skins for MK characters : ) all of you together have done wonderful things. I'm very happy about it!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 09, 2017, 10:45AM
Poll Results (so far):

Wow, this is a close race. After 21 votes, the God of Wind Fujin is still strong, but is now tied with the blind swordsman Kenshi - those two are neck-in-neck. Nightwolf and Kabal are closely right behind them. Sindel, who was once one of the top is now behind, but not by much. It's way to close to call -- it's still anyone's poll.

If you haven't voted yet, you still have until Friday to vote. I can't confirm any of these for modding, but if modders are seeing this, it could sway them to mod whoever wins. So, choose your destiny.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 14, 2017, 05:31PM

Final Poll Results
26 people have voted, and the winner is Kenshi, as the blind swordsman took 7 votes. Nightwolf, Fujin, and Sindel did well at 5 votes each, and Kabal was right behind them at 4 votes.
I cannot confirm whether Kenshi or the other characters listed will be modded (whether by me or someone else), but this poll was to show everyone where the community is at with the lesser-known kombatants.

Meanwhile, I am working on another kombatant. No telling when she will appear, but it'll be good. And I may or may not be the only person working on a new kombatant... stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 14, 2017, 07:33PM
Yes!!! I'm so glad Kenshi won!

It's especially refreshing to me since, in my opinion, a lot of characters created after the MK3 era (usually with the exception of Quan Chi alone) are neglected/underrated/overlooked, but thankfully Kenshi has been perhaps the sole MK5 debut who's endured ever since.

Either way, I'm just glad that Kombat is not yet over in MUA! It's so exciting to see it here!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 14, 2017, 10:33PM
A new poll has been created. The question is: What is your favorite MK game, post-MK Trilogy? Feel free to place to your vote. It'll be up for 10 days. (Note: This poll does not include Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, which is strangely considered MK8, even though it really isn't.)

Quote from: TheMK on July 14, 2017, 07:33PM
It's especially refreshing to me since, in my opinion, a lot of characters created after the MK3 era (usually with the exception of Quan Chi alone) are neglected/underrated/overlooked, but thankfully Kenshi has been perhaps the sole MK5 debut who's endured ever since.

I'll give you my take on that.

After Mortal Kombat Trilogy (which is a very cool game featuring all characters since MK1) was made, they knew a change had to be made. Unfortunately, they stopped using real-life people to portray the characters.

MK4 -- I give them props for trying their hand at 3-D, and introduced the use of weapons, and some cool characters from Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, such as Quan Chi, Shinnok, and Fujin. Those were very cool characters. Kai was alright, too. My only problem with Shinnok was that he was a Shang Tsung knock-off who mimics the moves of other characters without morphing into them. He should've had his own moves.
However, some other characters just didn't do it for me.
Reiko was a character who just tried to mimic Shao Kahn and was looked at as a joke.
Tanya (at the time) wasn't anything special -- her ending was what made her interesting.
And Jarek was a cheap knock-off of Kano (the only one of the original 7 from MK1 who wasn't at MK4). They might as well just have Kano there instead of Jarek stealing all of Kano's moves. Jarek didn't get his own moves until Armageddon.
So yeah, some characters were a hit or miss.

MK5 --  I liked the storyline of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi joining forces (as the Deadly Alliance) to kill off their two biggest threats in Shao Kahn and Liu Kang. Those two sorcerers are a dangerous duo to say the least. I also like that they were using real-world fighting styles into the game. Once again, they introduced characters that were a hit or miss. Kenshi was definitely a hit. What's not cool about a blind swordsman who can control an ancestral sword (Sento) containing the spirits of warrior kings? Frost was a hit, too. A female Sub-Zero with slightly different moves was a cool idea. Bo' Rai Cho was a hit as well, as seeing a plus-size mentor was a great concept. But most characters introduced were a miss. Mavado in my opinion was lame, and many felt the same way about Hsu Hao. Nitara was MK's vampire character, but it just lacked that "special something." Drahmin was an original concept, but I doubt he would have a lasting appeal. Blaze (at the time) was nothing special, either. Li Mei wasn't anything special, but I gave MK props for introducing more female fighters who weren't dressed in next-to-nothing like the Edenian girls. And, don't even get me started on Mokap...

MK6 - What I liked about Deception was the Konquest side-game featuring Skujinko where you traveled to new worlds like Seido (the Realm of Order) and Chaosrealm (obviously, the realm of Chaos). Chess Kombat wasn't so bad, either. However, the only new characters I liked from that game were Shujinko (only because of Konquest mode), Kira and to a lesser extent, Ashrah. All of those other characters like Hotaru, Dairou, Kobra, Darrius, and Havik were uninteresting (although some people like Havik). This is why most of those characters didn't get revived.

MK7 - Armageddon to me was basically the next version of MK Trilogy, featuring all of the characters from previous games, but so many of them were losers. While I liked the stages and the Kreate-A-Fighter option (something I wished they had done in previous games), I hated the button-pressing fatalities.  It was a mess. Motor Kombat was a decent racing game, though.

MK9 - I loved this game. The retelling of MK1, MK2, and MK3 reintroduced so many klassic stages and characters, all with their signature moves, the new X-Ray moves, and basically taking it back to what made the series so popular. My only complaint was that Sonya was too over-sexualized. It makes sense for the Edenian girls to be practically naked, as that's always been their style, but it didn't make sense for Sonya to wear a tiny vest and no bra. Still, it was a great game. New characters Cyber Sub-Zero and Skarlet were cool additions. And even though most people didn't like MK having guest characters, I thought Freddy Krueger was a nice addition. (I couldn't play as Kratos because I have the X360 version.)

MKX - I like this game as well, for how dark and gritty it is, and how much more gruesome the fatalities are. Plus, the veterans are older now, and their sons or daughters are introduced. I won't go into the new characters on this one, but most of them are welcome additions in general. I particularly like Tremor and Cassie Cage. I think there are far too many guest characters in MKX though.

When Netherealm begins working on their next MK game, I hope they will answer the one question we've all been wondering... Who is the mysterious Shimmering Woman from Jade's MK9 ending?

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 15, 2017, 03:19AM
That is definitely a more than fair observation. I readily admit that the better of the newer characters after MK3 were more often or not less frequent per each new installment at the time; I guess for me I liked small groups of them each game that clustered into the "post-MK3" category for me (which is why I particularly enjoyed Armageddon). MKX definitely had the best amount of newer characters since MK3. If/when I get my chance to mod, I'd like to take a shot at modding these post-MK3 characters I like who I believe would be less likely to make it as mods into MUA.

A lot of it is also a matter of my personal opinion, as I actually really enjoy characters others didn't find that interesting (Nitara, Ashrah, Havik, Kobra). I think a lot of it had to do with me reading more into them than what other people might have gotten out of them (I liked Nitara more for her cunning and pragmatism while being morally neutral and strangely selfish -- mostly doing her own thing -- and selfless -- freeing her realm from Outworld -- at the same time, while I found Ashrah and her story to be incredibly tragic and sympathetic). As fun as the games were, I liked the story and characters most of all (thanks in part to the organization and helpfulness of Gavok's Mortal Kombat Plot Faq on GameFaqs), which is why I was ecstatic that MK9 and MKX (and, to a lesser extent, MK vs DC) focused more on those aspects (the character interactions in MKX alone show an incredible amount of personality and thought into them unprecedented in any fighting game before it).

I really like MKX's roster overall; the only thing I didn't like that much about it is that I felt like it had an overabundance of human characters, though I guess that couldn't be helped with the theme of legacy and familial relations, and also I miss some of the older characters who I wish made it back, like Noob Saibot and Jade, but at least they got a chance to shine well in MK9. I'm hoping in the future installments that Netherrealm Studios looks back on more of the post-MK3 characters and decides to give them another shot; I was pleasantly surprised when they included Bo 'Rai Cho among the last of the DLC characters (I had always believed he was a character I thought was really cool that no one else seemed to like, evoking an obese version of Jackie Chan's character in The Drunken Master). Even so, if they choose not to, I'm sure they're on the right track to making more worthy successors (no pun intended) given how on point the newcomers to MKX are.

I also hope they eventually decide to bring back some of the features they chose in previous installments that showed up once and then never again, like Chess Kombat from Deception and Kreate-A-Fighter from Armageddon.

I tend to like the guest characters more often than not. Freddy Krueger and Predator were really great, but I was less interested in the others. I really wish they had gotten Ash Williams from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness in MKX; I hope they get him in a future installment. I remember at one point they made an April Fool's Day joke announcing MK9 would get ported to a Nintendo console with The Legend of Zelda's Link as a console exclusive guest character (as funny as it was to me, I thought it would have been super cool; I really enjoyed playing as him in Soul Calibur II and Super Smash Bros.).

As for the Shimmering Woman in Jade's ending, it's interesting to speculate who she could be. I heard a theory that she's the one who influenced Kitana in her MKX ending (I think she even shows up in the background unmentioned if I recall correctly). As for that ending itself, it was such a shocking headtrip, though I can't help but wonder if it was a deliberate misinterpretation on the part of whoever showed it to her, since the creators of MK themselves confirmed the only survivors of Armageddon were few more than Shao Kahn (most of the others being confirmed dead in the very beginning of MK9, including Kitana herself I think), though this could be another potential retcon, which MK was notorious for (though likely not in this case, I think).

The new poll is tough... I have to vote for MKX, since it's the best of them all, but I do want to point out why I love each game.

MK4 - Gave us the classics Quan Chi and Shinnok (even though Quan Chi debuted in a cartoon)

MK5/Deadly Alliance - The first MK game to dive deeper into the lore and story, shaking things up by killing Shao Kahn (kind of) and Liu Kang right away, completely reinventing the gameplay style and making each of the characters feel more unique gameplay-wise outside of fatalities and special moves (that always bugged me about the older games as much as I hate to admit it)

MK6/Deception - Continues the strong points of the previous game, adds a higher number of interesting additions as opposed to MK4 and MK5, bringing back some neglected past characters, Konquest Mode, Chess Kombat, Puzzle Kombat, Hara-Kiris

MK7/Armageddon - Every MK character ever at the time (though you can make MKX characters in KAF technically), Kreate-A-Fighter

MK9 - The perfect reboot (although I was less impressed with the story and characters than the original timeline, although MKX makes up for it beautifully), x-ray attacks, taking everything good about the previous games and perfecting them

MKX - The best MK game so far, best roster of new characters, best story mode, most fun to play, most gruesome fatalities (the first in the series that actually made me feel physically sick the first time I saw some of them), multiple unique character interactions prior to fights, extremely high replay value especially with Single Fight

I also hope they have more good action/adventure games, like Shaolin Monks. I really enjoyed that one, especially getting to use Action Replay to use the normally VS mode exclusive characters (Johnny Cage, Kitana, Reptile, Baraka) in the single player story mode.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 15, 2017, 04:32AM
Nothing can beat the Classics like MKII or UMK3 but I got to say, Shaolin Monks is the game that took MK to another level. The adventure type of game, the Player V Player mode, everything! It's part of the reason why I started this MK mods.
I don't find MKX that good since Boon created a World of possibilities after MK9, it was a reboot, but for some reason it's sequel continue decades after, so much histories wasted. Plus the X-RAY moves gore, way too over the top, to the point of ridiculous.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 15, 2017, 05:39AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on July 15, 2017, 04:32AM
Nothing can beat the Classics like MKII or UMK3 but I got to say, Shaolin Monks is the game that took MK to another level. The adventure type of game, the Player V Player mode, everything! It's part of the reason why I started this MK mods.

I absolutely agree on MK: Shaolin Monks. That was such a fun game. I loved how they used the various stages from MK1 and MK2 as the backgrounds. It was easy to goad your enemies into death traps such as spike pits or living trees, etc. So many familiar characters were bosses you had to fight, like facing Ermac at the Warrior Shrine. In my opinion, it was their best action/adventure game to date.
I did like MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero as well, as you see him (now Noob Saibot) battling the various gods of Earthrealm, before having to visit the Netherrealm to undo his mistake. That game was fun too, but difficult at times.
As for MK: Special Forces, that was a train wreck! It was awful! The only good thing that came out of that was the first appearance of Tremor, who became available in MKX later on.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 19, 2017, 01:46PM
Poll Results (so far):

After 21 votes, it's a tie between the two games that I predicted would be at the top: Mortal Kombat 2011 (MK9) and Mortal Kombat X/XL (MKX) -- both at 7 votes. The rest of them aren't even close. If one of them reaches 10 votes, I'll close the poll and declare that game as the winner.

I will come up with more interesting polls like this in the near future. Meanwhile, if anyone has a topic, a suggestion, a visual, or anything else MK-related to share, go ahead and post it here.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 22, 2017, 07:39AM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Warrior Select screen at the first post. And, take a look at the previous post. Help keep this thread going strong.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 29, 2017, 11:32AM
The Poll Results are in, and the winner is Mortal Kombat X with 11 votes. The runner-up was Mortal Kombat 9 with 8 votes. (I may create another poll soon.)

You may have seen it, but Erik Lensherr has plans for Reptile and Rain, but they won't be anytime soon, since they didn't get enough votes in his poll.

As for myself, the next Mortal Kombat character I'll work on is an interesting one that is much tougher than many are giving him credit for... you'll see. And, I am also planning a huge update for Shang Tsung, but I'm trying to gather more materials first. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 07, 2017, 03:27PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the "Select Your Fighter" screen at the first post.

We now currently have 11 Mortal Kombat fighters in MUA. 16 spots remain. Yes, I do have a few more planned as part of my Summer of Shadows event, but there is no way I'll do them all. So, who else is making MK mods? Will there be a full roster of kombatants? We'll just have to wait and see.

If you wish to create videos for some of these MK character mods, go right ahead.

In the meantime, here's a question: What is your favorite Stage Fatality? Is it The Pit? Dead Pool? Kombat Tomb? The Subway? There's a lot of them out there.
I happen to like The Prison from MK4. I thought it was cool to see your fighter spin the enemy around in a 360-degree motion before throwing them into the large fan, shredding them, with their head hitting the camera! The background music was cool as well -- a remix of The Prison from MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero.
The Street from MK9 was good too, seeing the enemy get fatally hit by a taxi! And, I also like The Kove from MKX where a giant octopus pulls the enemy into the ocean, then rips his/her body apart as they are drowning underwater.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 07, 2017, 03:33PM
I'd love to make MK mods, to the point where there's more than 27 overall even, but I'm nowhere near ready yet. I also don't want to interfere with anyone else's modding plans; my guess is it'll be a few months before I can make any since I'm still a complete beginner. Still, there's little else in life I want than to be able to contribute to this.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on August 08, 2017, 02:18PM
Outsider, congratulations! His latest releases are really incredible. I'm very impressed with the Mods MK. Now to complete, this new Stryker mod is diversifying my game with style. Thank you!
My technical issues with my PC have been resolved. Although my time is still not the best, in the last hours of the night I will make skins again.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 23, 2017, 03:51PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post. Mortal Kombat now has 12 fighters in MUA, and I have a few more coming...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 23, 2017, 07:06PM
I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see what else Outsider has planned for MK in MUA!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on August 24, 2017, 05:16AM
So considering the current popularity of Mortal Kombat characters being made into playable ones for MUA, I figured I'd try my hand at making some of my own movesets that modders can use or take inspiration from. Decided to not place these in the Moveset Contribution Thread, in order to avoid having them get lost among everything else.

Skarlet(Mortal Kombat 9)
1. Blood Spill: Skarlet teleports behind the nearest enemy and slashes them viciously in the back.
2. Double Dagger Stab: Skarlet throws two of her daggers at an unlucky enemy.
3. Krimson Dashing Slide: Skarlet moves forward quickly along the ground, knocking opponents over if they get in her way.
4. Blood Ball: Skarlet stabs herself, firing a projectile of her own blood at opponents which does high amounts of damage. A significant amount of health is drained as a side-effect.
5. (Boost) Feels So Good: Skarlet gains extra health orbs back from defeated enemies for a time.
6. (Boost) Bloodthirsty: Skarlet's attacks inflict more damage for a time.
7. (Fatality) Pillar Crush: Skarlet stabs herself with one of her own weapons, creating pillars of blood that move in and proceed to crush nearby enemies unlucky enough to be in range.

D'Vorah(Mortal Kombat X)
Abilities of healing factor, flight
1. Stinger charge: D'Vorah strikes an unlucky enemy in the back with her two stingers.
2. Brood Blast: D'Vorah commands some of her insects to fire yellow resin at enemies.
3. Venomous Insects: D'Vorah commands some of her insects to fire green resin at enemies, dealing low poison damage with each successful hit.
4. Insect Tornado: D'Vorah spawns a swarm of wasps under nearby enemies, knocking them into the air and being repeatedly stung during the attack.
5. Squishy Explosion: D'Vorah throws a red insect at a nearby enemy, attracting a swarm of wasps towards them and causing them to attack said foe.
6. (Boost) Poisonous Strikes: Each of D'Vorah's regular attacks will deal mid-level poison damage for a time.
7. (Fatality) Feeding Time: D'Vorah summons a swarm of wasps to attack all threats on-screen.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 28, 2017, 07:18PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post.

As of now, the original seven playable warriors from the very first Mortal Kombat are now in MUA. (I know, I know -- officially the original Sub-Zero is actually Noob Saibot now, but for this game, his younger brother Sub-Zero is representing the original here.)

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on August 24, 2017, 05:16AM
So considering the current popularity of Mortal Kombat characters being made into playable ones for MUA, I figured I'd try my hand at making some of my own movesets that modders can use or take inspiration from. Decided to not place these in the Moveset Contribution Thread, in order to avoid having them get lost among everything else.

Not a bad idea. There are plenty of MK characters out there, and they are very easy to do as they already have moves from their games. The challenge for modders is to somehow replicate them. Most can be done, while a few can't be done. Since MKX was the winner of the poll as best MK game, perhaps you can continue with some of the newer MK characters who made their debut at MKX.

Quote from: TheMK on August 23, 2017, 07:06PM
I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see what else Outsider has planned for MK in MUA!

You have two or three more reasons to be excited... :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 08, 2017, 02:18PM
Outsider, congratulations! His latest releases are really incredible. I'm very impressed with the Mods MK. Now to complete, this new Stryker mod is diversifying my game with style. Thank you!

No problem, Anderson. I have seen some of your videos on Youtube displaying your skins, and congratulating me in one of those videos. I appreciate that.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 28, 2017, 07:24PM
Thank you so much!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on August 28, 2017, 10:29PM
Here's movesets for Kung Jin and Takeda from Mortal Kombat X:

Kung Jin:
1. Bow Whack: Kung Jin spins around hitting an unlucky enemy twice, before uppercutting them into the air utilizing the adornment on his bow.
2. Chakram: Kung Jin throws his boomerang-like weapon at nearby enemies, dealing damage with a 20% chance to leave struck threats stunned.
3. Bow Scorch: Kung Jin launches fireballs from the dragon head on his bow.
4. Cartwheel Dive: Kung Jin leaps into the air and lands a powerful kick to an unlucky opponent's jaw, knocking them to the ground.
5. Cheap Shot: Kung Jin aims several arrows at an unlucky enemy's knees, dealing high levels of damage.
6. (Boost) Quiver Types: Kung Jin will have the option of ending up with one of the following randomized arrow variants:
•   Fire: Every arrow shot for a limited time will deal low amounts of fire damage to foes.
•   Stun: Every arrow shot for a limited time will leave enemies dazed, opening up critical hit damage opportunities.
•   Vampiric: Every arrow shot for a limited time will drain an opponent's energy, giving free orbs to Kung Jin and his allies on top of the usual arrow damage.
7. (Boost) Too Quick for Ya?: Kung Jin's natural agility makes it more difficult for foes to land a successful hit on him.
8. (Fatality) Painful Rain: Kung Jin runs up to kick several enemies in the face, before firing several flame-coated arrows from his bow into the air, which quickly come back down on said threats.

Takeda Takahashi:
Abilities of reflecting enemy projectiles back at opponents by pressing heavy attack button whilst blocking, teleportation by pressing the jump button twice, whip-based hand-to-hand combat(perhaps use Ghost Rider's combat style as a basis?)

1. Triple Kunai: Takeda throws three kunai at enemies, which land near their positions and explode in their surprised faces.
2. Blade Tornado: Takeda throws the hilt of a plasma sword on the ground, telekinetically commanding it to knock unlucky enemies into the air, before returning to him.
3. Come Here Now!: Takeda launches a whip spear at a nearby enemy and stabs them with it, dragging them over to him for a quick punch across the face.
4. Fists of Fury: Takeda deals a rapid array of punches towards unlucky enemies.
5. Deadly Spark: Takeda slams his plasma blades together, generating a beam of energy from it.
6. Lashing Barrage: Takeda moves his whips around in a downward arc, dealing a quick series of swipes.
7. (Boost) True Power: Takeda starts to glow with an orange aura surrounding him, as overall damage potential is increased further for a time.
8. (Debuff) Mental Mush: Takeda telepathically confuses enemies, causing them to flee.
9. (Fatality) Good Lashing: Takeda brings out his whips and moves them around his general area, dealing bleed damage to nearby foes.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Just HAZ on August 29, 2017, 02:51AM
nice idea Ceamonks890
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2017, 06:14PM
Pretty awesome mods you have made! I hope to finish that must have figther that's missing soon enough.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 01, 2017, 01:16PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2017, 06:14PM
Pretty awesome mods you have made! I hope to finish that must have figther that's missing soon enough.

Thanks for that, Julio. Yeah, you have to have the original seven in there for sure. And yes, hopefully you'll finish that fighter soon. (If you need me to review it when you're finished, let me know -- depending on my availability, of course.)
I have portraits of many prolific MK warriors on file, so once your fighter is released, the portrait will fill one of the 14 remaining spots on the "Select Your Fighter" screen in the first post.
Erik Lensherr wanted to work on Reptile and Rain, but other characters defeated them in his poll. Still, MUA is starting to look like the next (unofficial) action game since MK: Shaolin Monks!

If anyone is interested in creating gameplay videos of the MK mods released so far (perhaps with MK Trilogy music), go right ahead. But don't forget the boosters that were made so that all MK mods are uniform. I'm curious to see how someone would do it. Maybe Ed Boon would give us props!
Here are some MK Trilogy music that would fit the videos nicely:

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 01, 2017, 05:53PM
And here are the rest of the new fighters introduced in Mortal Kombat X(No Triborg obviously, as we already have Sub-Zero available separately. And I'm pretty sure people would prefer to play as Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke in the same way too).

Cassie Cage:
1. Glow Kick: Glowing with green energy, Cassie performs a high kick which knocks an opponent into the air.
2. Akimbo: Cassie pulls out both of her handguns and fires away.
3. Going Down: Cassie rushes forward and tackles a foe to the ground, proceeding to punch them in the face before getting off them.
4. Jewel Crusher: Cassie drops to her knees and punches an unlucky enemy in the solar plexus twice.
5. Target Sighted: Cassie calls through her earpiece, for a missile strike from the Special Forces on enemies.
6. (Boost) Runs in the Family: Taking after her father, Cassie's body is covered entirely in green energy, reducing damage done to her for a time.
7. (Debuff) You Got Caged!: Cassie mocks her opponents, causing their defence to decrease.
8. (Fatality) Take 'em Down!: Cassie carefully aims at nearby enemy knees, before proceeding to shoot all affected targets in the head.

Erron Black:
1. Sand Skid: Erron slides along the ground, knocking an enemy into the air and proceeding to shoot at them, before they land back on the ground.
2. Caltrops: Erron throws out caltrops, dealing bleed damage to any enemy stupid enough to step on them.
3. Let Off Steam: Erron pulls out a rifle and unloads several shots from it.
4. Downed Shootout: Erron tackles an enemy to the ground and proceeds to fire at them several times, before getting off.
5. Blade Stab: Erron stabs an unlucky enemy in the gut with his Tarkatan blade, dealing bleed damage as soon as its pulled back out.
6. (Boost) Sharpshooter: Erron becomes much more proficient at dealing critical hit damage to enemies.
7. (Fatality) Sand Grenades: Erron throws out specially-designed grenades, which explode and release sand that entraps enemies in a huge amount of it, before he shoots at them till they die. Any enemies lucky enough to survive, will remain trapped in the sand.

Ferra & Torr:
1. Brute Smash: Torr uppercuts an enemy into the air.
2. Back Breaker: Torr grabs an enemy and proceeds to crush them with a bear hug.
3. Boulder Roll: Torr curls into a ball and rolls forward, knocking enemies to the ground.
4. Enemy Slice: Torr grabs an enemy and holds them steady, while Ferra proceeds to slice at the enemy with her claws.
5. Ferra Throw: Torr throws Ferra forward like a projectile, as she proceeds to stab an enemy before they collapse on the ground briefly. Ferra will return to Torr's back after the attack.
6. (Boost) No Pain, No Gain!: Ferra stabs Torr with her claws, depleting health in exchange for a damage buff across them & their allies.
7. (Boost) Primitive Rage: Ferra & Torr's attacks do more damage for a time.
8. (Fatality) Time for Fun: Ferra jumps off Torr's back, moving around from enemy to enemy as they're stabbed in the gut by her claws.

Jacqui Briggs:
1. Ground Slam: Jacqui leaps into the air and comes back down, delivering a devastating shockwave from her gauntlets.
2. Gauntlet Barrage: Jacqui performs a quick, deliberate series of strikes on an unlucky enemy.
3. Robotic Dash: Jacqui runs forward and uppercuts her opponent.
4. Fish in a Barrel: Jacqui fires two shotgun blasts from her gauntlets.
5. Gauntlet Blasters: Jacqui fires a few rapid-fire machine gun rounds from her gauntlets.
6. (Boost) Tech Barrier: Jacqui clashes her gauntlets together, creating a strong barrier which absorbs attack damage for a time.
7. (Boost) Electric Personality: Jacqui clashes her gauntlets together, generating an electric current around them, which adds further electric damage to her attacks.
8. (Fatality) Rocket Barrage: Jacqui fires two rockets from her gauntlets, which explode when close to valid targets.

Kotal Khan:
1. Sword Sweep: Kotal Khan draws out his sword and performs a low sweep attack.
2. Counter Attack: Kotal Khan draws his sickles out and counters an enemy attack, reversing their attack back on them as damage is dealt.
3. Sunstone: Kotal Khan throws a specially-made discus at enemies, dealing fire damage.
4. Sunburns: Kotal Khan calls down rays of sunlight, which do burn damage briefly to enemies before dissipating.
5. On Your Knees: Kotal Khan grabs two opponents by their faces and proceeds to burn them via the sun's power, before flinging them over him.
6. (Boost) Blood Donation: Kotal Khan loses a portion of health in exchange for a damage buff.
7. (Boost) Soul Incineration: Kotal Khan gains health & energy orbs from the sun, which can be spread out across his allies.
8. (Fatality) Honor Your Sacrifice: Kotal Khan moves from enemy to enemy, stabbing them in the chest as they proceed to bleed out.

1. Stone Uppercut: Tremor forms a bigger fist with the rock aspects of his skin, performing a powerful uppercut.
2. Crystal projectiles: Tremor throws deadly crystal shards at enemies.
3. Rock Bash: Tremor picks up a big boulder and slams it on enemies.
4. Aftershock: Tremor punches his fists into the ground, emitting vibrational shockwaves which knock foes off their feet.
5. Earthquake: Tremor punches his fists into the ground, emitting stronger vibrational shockwaves which deals significant damage to foes.
6. Bowling Pins: Tremor throws a spherical rock along the ground, knocking enemies over.
7. (Boost) Crystal Armor: Tremor amplifies the crystalline aspects of his skin further, reducing damage done to him for a time.
8. (Fatality) Stone Walls: Tremor traps nearby enemies' feet in stone, before creating walls around them and slamming them together, dealing significant physical damage.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 02, 2017, 08:59PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the "Select Your Fighter" screen at the first post.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on September 01, 2017, 05:53PM
And here are the rest of the new fighters introduced in Mortal Kombat X(No Triborg obviously, as we already have Sub-Zero available separately. And I'm pretty sure people would prefer to play as Cyrax, Sektor and Smoke in the same way too).

Nice job on these. Don't forget about the brown ninja Tremor, unless you count that horrible game Mortal Kombat: Special Forces as his debut. Technically, it's true, but MKX is his fighting game debut.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 02, 2017, 09:08PM

One could technically argue that Tremor had a prototype in Special Forces that was fully fleshed out in MKX. A lot like Blaze, who was just a cameo in MK2 and then became a fully made, super secret unlockable character in Deadly Alliance.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 02, 2017, 10:32PM
Quote from: Outsider on September 02, 2017, 08:59PM
Nice job on these. Don't forget about the brown ninja Tremor, unless you count that horrible game Mortal Kombat: Special Forces as his debut. Technically, it's true, but MKX is his fighting game debut.

Updated my previous post accordingly, with Tremor added to the rest of the MKX cast. Anyone else from the series you guys want me to try? Or is everyone satisfied? :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 13, 2017, 05:12PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the "Select Your Fighter" screen at the first post. Also, Andersonbrazil has been added as a contributor.

As you can see, the Fighter Screen is really starting to fill up! We all know that the game can only allow for 27 characters on a roster (though I personally would prefer 28... oh well). 15 kombatants are now playable, which means only 12 more remain. Bear in mind that I promised I would on focus on Marvel and others for the time being, but I do have one more MK character coming in between those. And, now that Andersonbrazil released his Pack 10, I will soon release a major update for Shang Tsung...

So, let's have a poll: Who would you like to see fill the remaining 12 spots? Try not to say any more than 12 for the obvious reason stated above. (I won't participate in this since I'm a modder  -- it may give some things away.) So go ahead, sound off and... Choose Your Destiny.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on September 13, 2017, 05:26PM
Jade, Kung Lao, Baraka, Reptile, Rain, Sindel, Shinnok, Jason, Freddy, Tanya, Noob Saibot and Nightwolf   :jumping: :rockon: :thumbsup2: :naughty:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 13, 2017, 08:48PM
I'd like to see Goro, Reptile, Kenshi, Fujin, Kung Lao, Bo' Rai Cho, Tremor, Jade, Rain, Baraka, Cyrax & Noob Saibot from the Mortal Kombat cast made playable in MUA most of all.

A lot of the less popular or samey characters introduced into the franchise over the years, can just as easily be made into skins for existing MK mods ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 13, 2017, 08:54PM
My desires for the remaining 12 would be Goro, Reptile, Jade, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Bo 'Rai Cho, Erron Black, Kenshi, Kotal Kahn, Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, and Takeda. I would pick more if I could, but those are the ones I'd like to see the most!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Jaybird on September 14, 2017, 10:06AM
My picks would be Kung Lao, Reptile, Jade, Smoke, Noob Saibot, Goro/Kintaro/Sheeva, Baraka, Cyrax/Sektor/Triborg, Kenshi, Bo'Rai Cho, D'Vorah, and Erron Black. I feel like the first 8 are have a pretty good chance of making it in but I have no idea about the last 4. Personally, I don't think we should count guest characters like Alien or Freddy although I do think guest characters should have mods.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 10:56AM
I was going to enjoy seeing these characters, and I belive have models for it them on the net:
(http://) (,100):origin()/pre10/bfc7/th/pre/i/2014/339/d/7/mka_sheeva_primary_by_undeadmentor-d88reex.jpg) (

(,100):origin()/pre00/9a2a/th/pre/i/2014/247/d/4/mk4_reptile_by_undeadmentor-d7xxoob.jpg) (,100):origin()/pre00/291f/th/pre/i/2014/194/4/8/reptile_alternate___mortal_kombat_9_by_romero1718-d7pql2a.png)(,100):origin()/pre00/1c02/th/pre/i/2015/172/d/8/mkx_reptile_alternate_by_undeadmentor-d8y5d1i.jpg)



(,100):origin()/pre00/b5e3/th/pre/i/2015/183/5/d/mortal_kombat_x__tarkatan_solider__by_ogloc069-d8zp0w0.png) (,100):origin()/pre00/5aac/th/pre/i/2015/171/9/d/baraka_by_romero1718-d8y18dz.png) (,100):origin()/pre00/61ef/th/pre/f/2013/193/0/5/mk9__baraka__primary__remixed__by_kodracan-d6d5cy4.jpg)

(,100):origin()/pre00/e6a8/th/pre/i/2014/203/0/4/mortal_kombat_9__smoke__retexture___by_ogloc069-d6lq481.png) (,100):origin()/pre00/d87c/th/pre/f/2014/265/3/2/smoke__mksm_outfits__by_texmoder-d7zut2x.png)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 11:03AM
Your mod Quan Chi is really very cool! Congratulations Outsider, your mods are occupying pretty much my entire list of characters on Herostat!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 17, 2017, 02:39PM
Everyone, if you happen to have my mod of Shang Tsung, then it is critically important that you re-download him. I have upgraded him to now have 33 different morphs! That's more that any other shape-shifter mod I've done. One of the coolest mods I've ever done just got cooler. Go download him now. Don't say I didn't tell you...

In fact, in the future, I will look to see if I can add even more morphs to him without complicating his morph system. The more MK skins that skinners/model converters make, the more I can add to him. I'd say five more is enough.

Interesting picks as to who you all want to see fill up the remaining 12 spots. I wasn't really counting guest characters, but to each their own. More interestingly, there is a possibility that someone found a way to increase MUA's roster limit. I've yet to test this out, but if this turns out to be legitimate, then obviously MK can have more spots on their roster. I don't want to get my hopes up for now.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 14, 2017, 11:03AM
Your mod Quan Chi is really very cool! Congratulations Outsider, your mods are occupying pretty much my entire list of characters on Herostat!

I appreciate that. I enjoy making Mortal Kombat mods. There's just something fun about making them.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 11, 2017, 03:32PM
In case you didn't know, Mortal Kombat is celebrating its 25th anniversary! I can't believe it's been out for that long. I feel old right now...

I'm working on Marvel characters right now, but in recognition of this milestone, I will let you all choose the next kombatant I will create when I come back to MK. It's a poll that you can vote on for the next 10 days. The winning vote will be my next MK mod when I return to MK. If there's a tie, I will extend the time until there is a winner. So go ahead, choose your destiny.

In the meantime, Julio Cabral was working on an important kombatant. (I am not at liberty to reveal his/her identity.) Julio's been busy lately, and I am unsure whether he's near completion or not, but be patient, as I am certain it'll be worth the wait.

Also, if you have any comments or critiques on the MK characters released so far, feel free to post them here.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on October 11, 2017, 04:19PM
Hello, Outsider! I'm looking forward to seeing this MK in my game. I think I'm the first to vote. This is my preference, I would love to have Baraka in my game. I hope he's the winner.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on October 11, 2017, 07:44PM
For the current voting occasion, I've made movesets for all three characters that modders can use.

1. Power Slide: Reptile slides across the ground, hitting & sending any struck foes into the air.
2. Acid Spit: Reptile spits out acid from his mouth, dealing burn damage over time to struck foes.
3. Rolling Spikes: Reptile curls up into a ball and rolls around the level, knocking foes over.
4. Klaw Pounce: Reptile lunges forward and forces an enemy to the ground, slashing at them with his claws as bleed damage is dealt.
5. Slow Force Ball: Reptile fires a projected green ball of force energy that moves across slowly, but any foe stupid enough to get close to it will be knocked towards Reptile for an easy knockout.
6. (Boost) Invisibility: Reptile becomes completely invisible to enemies for a time.
7. (Boost) Basilisk: Reptile is able to move and attack much faster, while enemies are seemingly slowed down for a time.
8. (Fatality) Tasty Meal: Reptile takes off his mask, proceeding to open up his mouth and use his long tongue to grab enemy heads one at a time, entirely devouring them and insta-killing minor threats. Does not work on bosses!

1. Blade Charge: Baraka lunges forward and stabs an enemy with his blades.
2. Flying Shard: Baraka fires a spark projectle at foes via scraping his blades together.
3. Chop Chop: Baraka slices his opponent up vertically, attacking with his blades very quickly as bleed damage is dealt.
4. Blade Spin: Baraka proceeds to do a spin attack, dealing bleed damage to any struck foe. Hold down button to keep attack going!
5. Blade Lift: Baraka stabs an enemy in the chest and lifts them high up, before throwing their expired corpse away.
6. (Boost) Tarkatan Instinct: Baraka is able to deal critical hit damage with his attacks for a time.
7. (Boost) Tarkatan Senses: Baraka sniffs the environment out, using his highly acute sense of smell to reveal foes on the map.
8. (Fatality) Mutant Dissection: Baraka uses his blades to slice several enemies to pieces, with any enemy left standing, dealt bleed damage over time.

1. Staff Grab: Jade grabs an enemy with her staff and slams them behind her.
2. Razor-rang: Jade throws a deadly boomerang at enemies.
3. Staff Overhead: Jade leaps into the air and brutally hits an enemy with her staff.
4. Eclipse Kick: Jade becomes illuminated with green energy and performs a 360 kick that knocks an enemy into the air.
5. Staff Buster: Jade runs behind an unlucky foe and uses her staff to whack an enemy in the groin, before proceeding to whack them in the back and force said threat to the ground.
6. (Boost) Dodging Shadows: Jade generates a forcefield, which renders her immune to projectile attacks for a time.
7. (Boost) Vanishing Winds: Jade teleports to a different position.
8. (Fatality) Staff Shake: Jade stabs two enemies with her staff in the chest, shaking them to the point that their bodies explode and deal additional splash damage to nearby foes.

And as an extra bonus to mark MK's 25th anniversary, I threw in Goro as well.

1. Chest Pound: Goro picks up an enemy with his lower arms and proceeds to punch them with his upper arms for a bit, before throwing them to the ground.
2. Flame Ball: Goro spits fireballs out of his mouth.
3. Leaping Stomp: Goro disappears off-screen, before unexpectedly landing on enemies, crushing them.
4. Spinning Fists: Goro holds his arms out, imbuing them with fire and spins around, hitting enemies several times.
5. Fireball: Goro fires a more powerful green fireball variant from one of his arms, dealing significantly more damage to enemies.
6. (Boost) Invincibility: Letting out a laugh, Goro becomes significantly more durable to attacks temporarily.
7. (Debuff) Roar: Goro lets out a terrifying roar that scares enemies, causing them to run away from him & his allies, reducing overall defence.
8. (Fatality) Dragon Fangs: Goro pulls out his weapons and proceeds to slice & stab any foe unlucky to be nearby.

Alternate costumes:
1. Classic:
2. Kintaro:
3. Sheeva:

I hope others find these useful :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 13, 2017, 02:24PM
So far, 15 people have voted. Reptile and Jade are tied at 6, while Baraka is trailing with 3. I myself won't be voting, but I am very curious to see who wins this poll.

In other news, I guess I should get rid of the dragon logo in the Select Your Fighter screen (first post). Because thanks to the 28 Roster Limit Hack that I created off of Nikita488's discovery, we can now have 28 kombatants on the roster instead of 27. (Look for it in the "Modder's Workbench" section.) Ideally, he was able to have as many as 33 heroes, but it had NPC problems that ruin the game. Hopefully, he'll find a fix for that soon.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on October 14, 2017, 05:59PM
Noob Saibot:
1. Shadow Slide: As a nod to his original Sub-Zero form, Noob sends his shadow out during a slide, tripping over an enemy.
2. Teleport Jump Slam: Noob teleports behind an enemy, grabs them as they go up into the air and immediately slams said foe into the ground.
3. Blue Fireball: Noob fires bluish-white fireballs at enemies.
4. Dark Assassin: Noob throws several pieces of shuriken at foes, with a 15% chance of dealing critical hit damage.
5. Disabler: Noob fires a ghostly fireball, dealing multiple hits to struck foes at once. Also temporarily disables them from using their special abilities for a time.
6. (Boost) Darkness: Noob vanishes from sight, becoming invisible to enemies. Any attacks done to him have their overall damage potential reduced as well.
7. (Boost) Cyber Smoke: In a nod to their temporary forced partnership in MK Deception, Noob calls in a cyberized Smoke for assistance in combat.
8. (Fatality) Shadow Spin: Noob spawns in a cloud that lifts enemies into the air and spins them around like ragdolls, dealing bleed damage.

Bo' Rai Cho:
1. Drunken Fist: Bo' Rai Cho performs a series of punches on an enemy, before finishing up with a kick that sends them flying.
2. Fire Spit: Bo' Rai Cho blows flames out of his mouth.
3. Puke Puddle: Bo' Rai Cho vomits all over the ground, causing any enemy whom steps in it to trip over.
4. Belly Bash: Bo' Rai Cho charges forward, leaps into the air and does a powerful belly flop that crushes any unlucky opponents.
5. Sumo Stomp: Bo' Rai Cho stomps on the ground, creating a tremor that shakes the environment.
6. (Boost) Time to Drink: Bo' Rai Cho takes a sip from his jug, somehow increasing the strength of his attacks.
7. (Debuff) Fart Cloud: Bo' Rai Cho lets out flatulence so bad, that it causes enemies to run away & throw up, reducing overall defence.
8. (Fatality) Booze You Loose: Bo' Rai Cho forces his alcohol-filled jug down an enemy's throat, before throwing a match into their mouth, causing said enemy to blow up and deal additional fire splash damage to nearby threats.

1. Grapple Hook Strike: Borrowed from Mavado, Shujinko catapults himself forward with grapple ropes, kicking an unlucky foe to the ground.
2. Iron Leg: Borrowed from Dairou, Shujinko blasts a three-pronged energy star from underneath his leg.
3. Twisty Kick: Borrowed from Darrius, Shujinko runs forward and performs three spin kick attacks on enemies.
4. Tele-Punch: Borrowed from Kobra, Shujinko disappears and reappears behind an enemy, beating them to a pulp.
5. Ring of Hatred: Borrowed from Taven, Shujinko leaps into the air and smashes his fist into the ground, generating a shockwave of fire.
6. (Boost) Charge Up: Borrowed from Hsu Hao, Shujinko and his allies' hands glow red, increasing overall attack damage.
7. (Boost) Corpse Taunt: Borrowed from Havik, Shujinko bends his body back a bit before coming back up, restoring health.
8. (Fatality) Shaolin Evisceration: Shujinko unsheathes his swords and slices at opponents as he moves from one target to the next quickly, causing them to collapse as bleed damage is dealt for those still standing.

For Shujinko, I felt it would be best to have him replicate cool attacks from some of the much less interesting characters of the MK franchise, that no-one would want to make a separate mod for(rather than ones everyone already likes).
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 15, 2017, 06:33AM
25 people have voted so far. Reptile has suddenly taken the lead at 11 votes. Baraka and Jade are behind him, tied at 7 votes. If you haven't voted yet, your vote does count as the winner will be my next MK mod.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on October 14, 2017, 05:59PM
For Shujinko, I felt it would be best to have him replicate cool attacks from some of the much less interesting characters of the MK franchise, that no-one would want to make a separate mod for(rather than ones everyone already likes).

I agree. A lot of the characters released in MK Deception weren't all that interesting. Kira and to a lesser extent Ashrah were probably the only exceptions -- though I doubt mods of either would be created. Shujinko was interesting since the player controlled him throughout Konquest mode from youth to old age.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 21, 2017, 03:40PM
Well, voting has ended, as the poll is now closed. After 31 members, it has been decided...


I am working on Marvel characters right now (just released Bloodscream, in fact), but when I return to Mortal Kombat mods, you have my word that Reptile will be the first to be worked on.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: StarAndy on November 13, 2017, 10:15AM

I would like to see a mod of kung lao and kratos based on the mk9.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on November 13, 2017, 03:59PM
Quote from: StarAndy on November 13, 2017, 10:15AM
I would like to see a mod of kung lao and kratos based on the mk9.

But Kratos isn't even a Mortal Kombat character *facepalms*
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 09, 2017, 05:25AM
Spoiler alert! (
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 09, 2017, 09:51AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 09, 2017, 05:25AM
Spoiler alert! (

What's that, you say? I don't think it was Kung Loud enough ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Johnny Crazy on December 09, 2017, 10:34AM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on November 13, 2017, 03:59PM
But Kratos isn't even a Mortal Kombat character *facepalms*
Kratos is a guest character in MK9
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 10, 2017, 06:08AM
Quote from: TheMK on December 09, 2017, 09:51AM
What's that, you say? I don't think it was Kung Loud enough ;)
You know your stuff lol. Ok, enough trolling around. Next time I post here it will include real news.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 17, 2017, 09:35AM
Please add Kung Lao,8986.msg188346.html#msg188346
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2017, 11:27AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 17, 2017, 09:35AM
Please add Kung Lao,8986.msg188346.html#msg188346

Shao Kahn voice: "Outstanding!"

Everyone, thanks to Julio Cabral, Kung Lao has been added to the Warrior Select Screen at the first post. Click on his portrait to access his release post. The Shaolin Monks are now officially in MUA!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 29, 2017, 02:15PM
I will return to Mortal Kombat soon enough, as part of The Outsider's Road To 150. I have many MK mods planned... but I'm torn on one choice in particular. That said, I have an unofficial poll question for you all:

Who would you rather see as a playable mod -- Fujin or Shinnok? I'm 50/50 on this one.

On one hand, Fujin is the underrated God of Wind and would compliment Raiden as the only playable gods of light in MK. He would make for a very intriguing moveset, being all wind-based and using "dmg_wind." The challenge there would be to create different powers using only wind. I do have some ideas for that. (No, I wouldn't add his crossbow from MK4 -- looked stupid to me.) I have to admit, Fujin intrigues me because of the challenge.

On the other hand, Shinnok is the fallen elder god and Raiden's arch-enemy that Quan Chi and the Brothers of the Shadow worship. His most-known powers appear to be using bone formations (i.e. :marrow: Marrow), and can also use mimicry to replicate others' powers without the need to morph into them like Shang Tsung has to. Honestly, his mod wouldn't be hard, and I have great ideas for him as well. One idea in particular is bad-ass.

What do you think? Who would you rather see on that Fighter Select screen? Can you make a good argument as to why either should be chosen?

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 29, 2017, 03:00PM
I'd prefer to see Fujin(as we already have Shang Tsung to cover a lot of the bases that Shinnok could potentially offer). Plus we don't have a combatant which is anything like Fujin currently among the MK mod roster.

A shame you won't add his crossbow though, as I personally love how ridiculously over-the-top it is to use :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 29, 2017, 05:39PM
Personally, I would rather see Shinnok. I can understand the appeal of Fujin and recognize he is sort of a (officially overlooked) fan favorite, but I feel like Shinnok brings more to the MK series and has a more interesting evolution as a character. He was arguably a complete joke in MK4 and was given an appropriately and (stylistically, not literally) redeeming badass makeover for MKX. He may not be as classic a villain as the likes of Shao Kahn, but he ranks high up there and his earned his place among the MK villainy greats by now.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MMXZero2002 on December 31, 2017, 12:03PM
I would prefer Shinnok too. He has some cool bone attacks in MKX (and his Corrupted Shinnok form would make an awesome alternate costume!).

I am hoping someone will make Kintaro and Onaga at some point too.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2017, 03:23PM
Please include the Mortal Kombat Simulator mod to the katalog,8986.msg182653.html#msg182653
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 02, 2018, 09:35PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 31, 2017, 03:23PM
Please include the Mortal Kombat Simulator mod to the katalog,8986.msg182653.html#msg182653

I finally got to test out Kung Lao, and he came out great! All of his moves, including the Dive Kick executes well. Even smacking enemies with the rabbit is hilarious. Nicely done. I just released a booster to expand on him more, and keep him uniform with the other MK mods:,8753.msg188541.html#msg188541

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on January 03, 2018, 03:12PM
Just wanted to say that I would also like to see Shinnok. His appearance in MKX is great in my opinion, played as him a lot. And he can actually steal powers - that's my favourite thing, in MUA it should look cool ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 05, 2018, 03:53PM



Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Just HAZ on January 05, 2018, 09:01PM
Oh.. is that mean we will see reptile soon?.. can't wait
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 06, 2018, 06:44PM



Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 07, 2018, 10:27AM
Really excited for Reptile! I just know he'll be amazing!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 07, 2018, 11:21AM



Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 07, 2018, 12:38PM
Loving these MK1 references ^_^ hooray for the first secret character in fighting game history!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 07, 2018, 08:41PM


That's right, folks. Reptile has joined the Mortal Kombat roster, and his portrait is now up at the Fighter Select screen. Also, Jax has been updated, as there was a minor error in his talents file, and his taunt animation is now faster. Only overwrite his talents & powerstyle files.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 08, 2018, 06:29AM
Yes!!! Thank you!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on January 08, 2018, 05:48PM
Good job ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 09, 2018, 02:50PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 08, 2018, 06:29AM
Yes!!! Thank you!!!
Quote from: Aventureiromax on January 08, 2018, 05:48PM
Good job ;)

I appreciate that. Now the playable roster of both Mortal Kombat 1 and Mortal Kombat 2 are all in MUA with the exception of Baraka, so he is definitely my next target in MK. However, I promised Andersonbrazil that I'd create another Marvel character first... (Everyone, don't forget to update Jax, and see the Kung Lao booster.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 10, 2018, 07:27AM
Congratulations Outsider! Reptile has a very loyal set of powers of the MK, as well as being very fun to play with. Thanks for the mod!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 12, 2018, 12:00AM
Baraka is next, along with a secret mod on the Marvel side...

Earlier, I had asked if you all would rather have the God of Wind, Fujin playable, or the fallen Elder God, Shinnok playable. It appears to be 3-1 in favor of Shinnok. Still, I think I found a way for them both to be playable, but at the cost of another, as there are only 28 spots on the MK roster, and 17 of them are taken (with Baraka being #18).

That said... Cyrax or Goro?

On one hand, Cyrax is arguably the most humanized of the robotic warriors of MK. He has cool cybernetic powers such as bombs and an energy net (which I can make), he has been a member of both the Lin Kuei and the Special Forces, and has even aligned himself with the vampire Nitara before... (NOTE: Currently to my knowledge, there is no skin of Cyrax that has been converted as of yet.)

On the other hand, Goro is a legendary boss character since the very first tournament. Though his moveset is limited and slightly uninteresting, his brute strength makes up for it. He is a prince of his Shokan race, but is the only one from MK1 that is not playable. Should that change...? (NOTE: A skin was done of Goro, but that was so Shang Tsung can morph into him.) Let me know who you'd prefer.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 10, 2018, 07:27AM
Congratulations Outsider! Reptile has a very loyal set of powers of the MK, as well as being very fun to play with. Thanks for the mod!

Thanks for that. I'm a huge fan of Mortal Kombat, and of fighting games in general.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 12, 2018, 06:47AM
I have to say: Goro all the way!!!

Goro is a legendary figure whose status in the MK canon is much more important than Cyrax's (no offense to him; he's cool too).

It's interesting that you note that Cyrax has been both a hero and a villain, because the same thing has actually happened with Goro; right around the same time as Cyrax, even! There was a point in time (in the original timeline, before the reboot) where Goro redeemed himself and changed his ways (for a while), becoming best friends with Kitana and helping her lead the charge against the last remnants of Shao Kahn's empire before the Deadly Alliance took over. It all started with Kung Lao's ending in Mortal Kombat Gold (which was canon at the time), which shows a rare example of Goro's noble side.

Aside from that, I feel like Goro would be a much more unique addition to MUA. Again, as cool as Cyrax is, MUA already has plenty of robot/cyborg-type characters on it's own, both playable and not, while there's nothing quite like Goro in there.

Plus, who can forget the feeling they had the first time they were playing the first Mortal Kombat and saw that four-armed monster?!? He was so fittingly terrifying and awesome!!! Getting to bring that fearsome might to the Masters of Evil would be such a powerful feeling! He's called the "Prince of Pain" for good reason, after all! I always felt, personally, that Goro had some of the most painful fatalities, especially in the last two Mortal Kombat games.

As for his moveset, I think it could provide an interesting enough variety. He's been able to shoot fireballs, breathe fire, do spinning attacks, jump with such force it shakes the ground, have a boost that makes his physical attacks cause fire damage, wield four bladed weapons on each arm (similar to a Tarkatan's blades even), have all kinds of great grab/grappler attacks, roar intimidatingly; all pretty cool things, I think. Plus, in some of the games like MK4 and MKX, he's been shown to be alarmingly and deceptively fast, which makes him even scarier and more powerful, I think.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 12, 2018, 02:41PM
That was a very solid argument, I must say. Honestly, all throughout work today, I was thinking about how this is really a no-brainer. As I've said, Goro is historic indeed, since the very first tournament. I have to agree he's the better choice. Plus, there was the worry that if Cyrax was created, people would then ask for Sektor... but there are only but so many spots on the roster, and I see no point in going over the roster limit, as then some would get left out.

Now if Nikita or someone successfully brings the playable roster to 33, it would be a different story...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on January 12, 2018, 04:04PM
Hmmp. How could Goro's animations work? I feel that monsters like Goro, Kintaro and Motaro are characters that will need animations that are impossible in MUA. That's why I suggested to put Motaro and Kintaro as Shao Kahn's helpers.
When it comes to other kombatans, the ninjas have a little too similar powers to each other (Smoke and Scorpion for Example or Sektor and Smoke); Cyrax is kinda unique in that matter.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MMXZero2002 on January 12, 2018, 06:33PM
Goro definitely. He's about as synonymous to MK as Shao Kahn. (Plus then we could have my favorite MK character Kintaro as a skin.) Also it would be awesome to see a mod made for a character with 4 arms.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on January 12, 2018, 06:39PM
Goro definitely. Once that mod's made, all of the characters from Mortal Kombat 1 will officially be playable in MUA :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 13, 2018, 04:17AM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on January 12, 2018, 04:04PM
Hmmp. How could Goro's animations work? I feel that monsters like Goro, Kintaro and Motaro are characters that will need animations that are impossible in MUA. That's why I suggested to put Motaro and Kintaro as Shao Kahn's helpers.
When it comes to other kombatans, the ninjas have a little too similar powers to each other (Smoke and Scorpion for Example or Sektor and Smoke); Cyrax is kinda unique in that matter.

I'd imagine that Goro's anims would work similar to the Hulk -- I think I can make that possible. Kintaro and especially Motaro won't get mods of their own (for Motaro, it is definitely impossible), so they can still be Shao Kahn's helpers, but Goro can be worked on. I have some ideas for him...

As for Smoke, I agree with you. In the past, he was basically a faster clone of Scorpion, and his robot version was too much like Sektor. But in MK9, they gave him some unique moves of his own, and I would replicate those with his mod.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 18, 2018, 09:48PM
Just to let you know, the mod progress of Baraka is doing well, though I'm having some problems trying to replicate his Shredder move (the one where he repeatedly slices the enemy from a kneeling position). To my knowledge, there are no animations like that, but I'll keep trying. He may be done soon.

Quote from: MMXZero2002 on January 12, 2018, 06:33PM
Also it would be awesome to see a mod made for a character with 4 arms.

If you think that's something, I once created a mod for a character with 6 arms! (,8753.msg178175.html#msg178175)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 19, 2018, 09:09AM
Although this kind of animation seems to be impossible, we can not forget that Kraken uses an animation for four arms, in addition to it I believe that there are characters in XML2 with animation of four arms as well.
But for a mesher this is a big problem because the 3DS Max does not offer to biped with this four-arm configuration.
We would have to create bones and learn to bind them correctly in the biped.
I still have not been able to create furs for Angel for this reason.
But we can create a pseudo-animation by balancing the influence of existing arms on the others.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MelloMods on January 19, 2018, 03:56PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on January 19, 2018, 09:09AM
Although this kind of animation seems to be impossible, we can not forget that Kraken uses an animation for four arms, in addition to it I believe that there are characters in XML2 with animation of four arms as well.
But for a mesher this is a big problem because the 3DS Max does not offer to biped with this four-arm configuration.
We would have to create bones and learn to bind them correctly in the biped.
I still have not been able to create furs for Angel for this reason.
But we can create a pseudo-animation by balancing the influence of existing arms on the others.

you mean to do this while using the physique method? I've thought about this before, but never tried it in Max.

I must admit, I'm a bit confused when you mention Angel's "furs", tho.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on January 19, 2018, 06:02PM
Quote from: MelloMods on January 19, 2018, 03:56PM
you mean to do this while using the physique method? I've thought about this before, but never tried it in Max.

I must admit, I'm a bit confused when you mention Angel's "furs", tho.

Angel is a big challenge for me. I even managed to pair bones and animate the wings but they appear deformed in the game ... it is as if the bones are disoriented, it is as if they dismount in the game. I stopped to study and found out that there is a process of organization by hierarchy and ligature ... I have to delve into that.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 23, 2018, 10:23PM
Ladies and gentlemen, all of the playable fighters from Mortal Kombat II are now in MUA, as Baraka just entered the fray! His portrait has been added to the first post's Warrior Select screen.

Downloading the Tarkatan will also get you a Stage Fatality booster that allows for those vicious uppercuts to make impact sounds when you hit an enemy! (Before, there was no sound.)

Also, I'm about to put up a new poll question right now -- this one about the greatest shape-shifter mod I've ever done, Shang Tsung. Feel free to vote!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 24, 2018, 03:57AM
Great to see more Mortal Kombat is still making it's way into MUA!

As for whether Shang Tsung should have more morphs, I voted yes, but I would like to add a stipulation. In my opinion, while I personally am excited for the potential of these extra morphs, some other people might not think so, and might be fond of his boss version. This is obvious given the poll, but that being said, I think it would be best if this potential version with more morphs is kept as an optional update/booster rather than replacing the default Shang Tsung file itself. Just my two cents; whatever you ultimately decide to do would surely be best, of course!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on January 24, 2018, 08:18PM
I agree with everything TheMK said. It's the best of both worlds that way :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 25, 2018, 01:14PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 24, 2018, 03:57AM
Great to see more Mortal Kombat is still making it's way into MUA!

As for whether Shang Tsung should have more morphs, I voted yes, but I would like to add a stipulation. In my opinion, while I personally am excited for the potential of these extra morphs, some other people might not think so, and might be fond of his boss version. This is obvious given the poll, but that being said, I think it would be best if this potential version with more morphs is kept as an optional update/booster rather than replacing the default Shang Tsung file itself. Just my two cents; whatever you ultimately decide to do would surely be best, of course!

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on January 24, 2018, 08:18PM
I agree with everything TheMK said. It's the best of both worlds that way :)

An interesting idea -- I'll consider that. I'm 50/50 on the idea of giving Shang Tsung more morphs, as I don't want to complicate his mod. But, at the same time, in Mortal Kombat Trilogy, he was able to morph into nearly everyone in the game, so it would be fitting. In fact, just now, I thought of a way to possibly add these new morphs without sacrificing his boss version or making his mod too complex. It'll be a bit of a challenge, but I think I can pull it off.

Currently, I have skins of Sektor and Cyrax, but not the others yet. I'm also trying to find Shang Tsung's costumes from MK9 for his mod, as they look very cool. (The first one would be his new primary costume, and the second one would be his boss version morph.) Maybe they are both on Deviantart somewhere. In the meantime, keep on voting.


Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 31, 2018, 01:31PM
The poll has ended. After 15 votes, 60% voted in favor of Shang Tsung having more morphs, so I'll see what I can do -- just not at the moment. Plus, I'll look for a way to keep his boss version with complicating him too much.

I'm taking a little break for MK for now, but when I return to MK, the next mod will likely be Goro, just to complete the MK1 collection. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 31, 2018, 08:07PM
Really excited for Goro!!! He's one of my top favorite characters!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MMXZero2002 on February 02, 2018, 07:42PM
Quote from: Outsider on January 31, 2018, 01:31PM
The poll has ended. After 15 votes, 60% voted in favor of Shang Tsung having more morphs, so I'll see what I can do -- just not at the moment. Plus, I'll look for a way to keep his boss version with complicating him too much.

I'm taking a little break for MK for now, but when I return to MK, the next mod will likely be Goro, just to complete the MK1 collection. Stay tuned.

Awesome, can't wait to play as Goro!!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 18, 2018, 08:11AM
Coming next to the Mortal Kombat roster of MUA...


Goro lives...

A 2,000 year old half human dragon, Goro remains undefeated for the past 500 years. He won the title of Grand Champion by defeating Kung Lao, a fighting Shaolin monk. It was during this period that the tournament fell into Shang Tsung's hands and was corrupted.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 18, 2018, 08:47AM
I played Mortal Kombat X last night, my first time playing a mortal Kombat game, so now I actually understand these characters
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on February 18, 2018, 11:02AM
Very amped for Goro!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 18, 2018, 11:57AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on February 18, 2018, 08:47AM
I played Mortal Kombat X last night, my first time playing a mortal Kombat game, so now I actually understand these characters

So, you've played MKX... what did you think? You should also try Mortal Kombat (2011), as it's a good introduction to a lot of the classic ...or should I say klassic warriors of MK that are not in MKX, such as Shang Tsung. (Not counting guest characters, of course.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 18, 2018, 04:14PM
Quote from: Outsider on February 18, 2018, 11:57AM
So, you've played MKX... what did you think? You should also try Mortal Kombat (2011), as it's a good introduction to a lot of the classic ...or should I say klassic warriors of MK that are not in MKX, such as Shang Tsung. (Not counting guest characters, of course.)

I enjoyed it, though I was terrible at it. I'll look into that other one, and I might try to get it and try it out
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on February 18, 2018, 05:09PM
I'm curious which of the characters in that game interested you, BaconWizard. A lot of them are classic staples from the original games, much like the ones there's mods made of here, but MKX was the first game in some time to have truly welcome new characters (Erron Black, Cassie Cage, Kotal Kahn, etc.).
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 18, 2018, 05:21PM
Quote from: TheMK on February 18, 2018, 05:09PM
I'm curious which of the characters in that game interested you, BaconWizard. A lot of them are classic staples from the original games, much like the ones there's mods made of here, but MKX was the first game in some time to have truly welcome new characters (Erron Black, Cassie Cage, Kotal Kahn, etc.).

I played as Kung Lao, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion, and my friend played as some other fire character that I can't remember the name of.  I didn't get to play too much though, as it's my friend's game and he had several people over.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on February 18, 2018, 07:43PM
Ah, yeah.

Maybe that other fire character was Kotal Kahn.

There's a lot of characters in that game I like to play as, but Sub-Zero's been my favorite character in all of the games.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 19, 2018, 05:53PM
Everyone remembers that Stage Fatality Booster that was within the mod of Baraka? Well, now all of the Mortal Kombat mods have updated with better stage fatalities. If you've already got the Stage Fatality Booster from before and updated them, then you don't need to do anything. (Note that in the case of Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, and Kung Lao -- those are not mods that I've created, so the updates are within their critically important boosters.)

As you know, Goro is next. His mod will have Kintaro as a skin, but not Sheeva as even though it makes sense power-wise, I thought it'd be weird to hear Sheeva with a male Shokan voice.

So, you all know that only 10 spots remain on the Mortal Kombat roster, and Goro has taken one of those spots. Stay tuned to find out who will eventually take the 9 remaining spots. And remember... you can only play as all 28 kombatants with my 28 Roster Limit Hack - located at The Outsider's Crypt. Otherwise, you'll have to eliminate one of them.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 06, 2018, 07:56PM
So, in case you haven't heard, I am back after some computer problems. As I've promised, Goro is next. However, if you've played Mortal Kombat X, you'd notice that his Tigrar Fury variation is really just the moves of Kintaro. That said, I will try to give Kintaro moves exclusive to him. Once complete, everyone from MK1 will be officially playable in MUA.

After him will be another kombatant. Who is it... not saying yet, but it will blow you away!

By the way, I still haven't found an answer to having music play continuously in the character select screen. I seriously hope someone finds it. Naturally, if it is found, it would probably play MK3's character select music. Anyway, stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on March 06, 2018, 07:59PM
Really amped for Goro!!! And I'm sure whoever else you have in mind is going to be awesome, too ^_^
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 06, 2018, 09:00PM
I hope you can figure out how to add music. That would be so cool.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 17, 2018, 09:53AM
Everyone, a new kombatant has been unlocked -- Goro has been released, and his portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. The cast of the original Mortal Kombat is now complete. (NOTE: Kintaro is playable through Goro.)

Nine spots remain! Stay tuned to find out who will get to the roster. I will also release a poll question concerning MK mods. Feel free to tell me what you think, but please don't answer until you've played as Goro (and Kintaro). This way, you get a feel for the idea.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on March 17, 2018, 11:29AM
Yes!!! Thank you so much!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on March 17, 2018, 05:59PM
For me the biggest problem with mix genres is the audio files because in my opinion it looks strange but if you make separate audios like Akuma/Ken/Ryu, the story can change ;)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 18, 2018, 10:47AM
Alright, so the next mod I'm attempting is another Mortal Kombat warrior, and this kombatant will blow you away!

It looks like judging from the poll results so far, the majority of you wouldn't mind characters as alternate outfits, as long as genders aren't mixed. I suggested this because it's obvious that some kombatants are not making the roster on their own. There are only 28 possible spots, and 19 are taken. Kintaro was a perfect example of this, so it made sense to mix him with Goro. I'm not going to mix in as many as I can -- maybe just a couple.

Also note that although Predator and Alien have been released as mods, they do not count as MK mods, for they were guest characters. This thread only covers authentic Mortal Kombat characters.

Quote from: Aventureiromax on March 17, 2018, 05:59PM
For me the biggest problem with mix genres is the audio files because in my opinion it looks strange but if you make separate audios like Akuma/Ken/Ryu, the story can change ;)

I agree -- that's why I didn't attempt to add Sheeva to the mod of Goro. Because, while her skills are also similar, she's female and wouldn't sound right with Goro's roars. I could have separated some of her sounds from his, but I can't do that with pain sounds (for example).

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on March 18, 2018, 02:40PM
Good job with Goro/Kintaro ;)

Note: I did a small skins update for this mod on my page ;),4284.msg189634#msg189634

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 22, 2018, 08:42PM
So, I've decided not to keep you all in suspense -- the next Mortal Kombat mod I'm creating is none other than the God of Wind, Fujin. I have some ideas for him to make his mod unique. Stay tuned for that! After him, only eight more spots will remain. I already know who the remaining eight are, and I know everyone will like the warriors I've chosen.

Also, remember when you all voted for me to upgrade Shang Tsung even more? Well, I've sent a message to Julio Cabral, asking if it is possible to convert a skin of Motaro for the possibility of Shang Tsung morphing into him. I know it's impossible for the centaur's hind legs and tail to move, but if the skin doesn't look bad while Shang Tsung is walking or running, then maybe it's passable. Maybe skinners can play around with it? I'd rather try and possibly fail than to not try at all. No response from Julio yet.
My plan is to give Shang Tsung up to (possibly) 40 morphs without complicating his mod too much for the ULTIMATE Shang Tsung mod! I am six skins away from making that happen -- I'll keep you posted. (NOTE: If he reaches 40 morphs, that will be final. No more after that.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on March 22, 2018, 08:44PM
Fujin's an interesting choice; I'll enjoy seeing what you do with him! Very eager to see the remaining characters you make for MK as well!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 28, 2018, 02:06PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Fujin is now available, and his portrait has been added to the warrior select screen in the first post.

We now have 20 Mortal Kombat fighters in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance! This is the closest thing to having Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks moddable! One may ask though -- why are the MK warriors invading MUA? I will soon post what their individual reasons could be.

8 spots remain! (If you don't use my 28 Roster Limit Hack, well then there's only 7 spots remaining for you! Shao Kahn Laugh)... Stay tuned to this thread to find out which kombatants will fill the roster soon enough.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on March 29, 2018, 12:53AM
I love this so much, I'm constantly checking back for updates. Good work!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 01, 2018, 08:45AM
Everyone, so I'm taking a little break from Mortal Kombat to work on a Marvel character (the Ancient One) and a DC character (Starfire). But after that, I will return to MK -- in which case I will work on my next kombatant... Khameleon!!!


Some of you may wonder why she was chosen when there are only eight spots left. Well, here are my reasons:
(1) She has the powers of all of the female ninjas, so kombatants that won't make the roster (i.e. Frost, Skarlet) would be playable through her.
(2) She has connections to Reptile, as she too is a Zaterran. The two of them can team up in MUA -- much in the same way as Raiden & Fujin (The Gods of Earthrealm), Liu Kang & Kung Lao (the Shaolin Monks), Sonya & Jax (Special Forces), and Shang Tsung & Quan Chi (the Deadly Alliance).

The outfit you see above would be her primary skin. I am unsure if I can acquire her costume from Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. I will work on her when I am done with Ancient One and Starfire. That's right -- she will be no longer exclusive to just Nintendo players. Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 01, 2018, 09:47AM
Yes!!! Khameleon is an excellent choice!!!

I can't believe I never thought to bring her up before -- definitely an underrated character. Also very interesting that she's been Nintendo exclusive in the official MK games.

I hope she shows up in the series again. Her character and story have so much potential, and could lead to more interesting developments with Reptile as well.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AdrianoAp on April 01, 2018, 01:16PM
Outsider's you guys are doing a great job with MK, my congratulations ... and I still can not even test everyone kkkk
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 01, 2018, 03:00PM
Great news to hear on my 25th birthday(2nd April New Zealand time).

This is a great, subtle way to get many MK characters into the roster by technicality! Wonder if the male Chameleon will get made too, to compliment her and be able to have more male combatants playable in spirit. Or Shujinko, as he fills a lot of the same roles.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 01, 2018, 05:45PM
Quote from: TheMK on April 01, 2018, 09:47AM
Yes!!! Khameleon is an excellent choice!!!

I can't believe I never thought to bring her up before -- definitely an underrated character. Also very interesting that she's been Nintendo exclusive in the official MK games.

I hope she shows up in the series again. Her character and story have so much potential, and could lead to more interesting developments with Reptile as well.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on April 01, 2018, 03:00PM
Great news to hear on my 25th birthday(2nd April New Zealand time).

This is a great, subtle way to get many MK characters into the roster by technicality! Wonder if the male Chameleon will get made too, to compliment her and be able to have more male combatants playable in spirit. Or Shujinko, as he fills a lot of the same roles.

Happy birthday Ceamonks! And a happy belated birthday to Maegawa! Lot of birthdays recently...

Oh man... :banghead: Considering your reactions, I feel really bad now to say this... the news of Khameleon was actually intended as an "April Fools" joke, being April 1. She actually isn't one of the eight remaining kombatants. My apologies.

However, it appears that she is more beloved than I thought. In the spirit of today also being Easter (Resurrection) Sunday, I will come up with another way to get her and Chameleon playable somehow, without taking one of the spots. That said, I've just set up a poll. How should I go about adding them in? I may go the route of the special hidden boost for the ninjas. Let me know what you think.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 01, 2018, 07:55PM
Oh, darn it XD you got me good! I remember wondering for two seconds as well also if it was a joke, but I quickly dispelled that, partially out of hope, as I'm a huge Khameleon fan. It's ridiculously evident by now, but I love many, many MK characters, some more than others, but most of them I'm very passionate about.

Personally, I think Khameleon would be ideal as an alternative skin for Jade if a mod of her gets made.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 05, 2018, 07:58PM
Hmmm... interesting. From the poll results so far, it would appear that people have mixed reviews about Chameleon and Khameleon being included somehow. The choices are neck-in-neck.

So, what exactly do I mean by "a hidden boost for all of the ninjas?" Well, for the male ninjas, if you hold block and press a button, the ninja you're playing as would become Chameleon in a small explosion while Shao Kahn says "Chameleon." He would probably move faster, and immune to energy damage. The same would go for the female ninjas, but Khameleon would appear instead. She would be semi-transparent and would have more critical strikes. So far, I do have a skin of Chameleon, but not of Khameleon. However, as soon as I find the time, I'll see if I can use 3DS Max and see if I can create my own models. (Wish me luck on that -- I may need it...) The Chameleon stuff probably won't happen until the eight remaining spots are filled, though.

I have two questions for you all:
(1) What is so great about Tanya? (No, she's not one of the eight.) I get baffled when I hear some people requesting her for entries in MK games, and honestly I just don't get the appeal. In my opinion, the only thing that makes her special (her selling point) is that she is seemingly the ultimate queen of betrayal, ever since MK4. Feel free to chime in on that.
(2) What is your view on Nitara? (She's not one of the eight, either.) The vampire was introduced in MK Deadly Alliance, and I thought she was interesting. They didn't really explore her story all that much, except for Cyrax helping her to find some strange orb so she can shatter it and save her realm. I think she could have been (or could grow to be) a strong villainess for MK. Feel free to chime in on that, too.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 06, 2018, 03:46AM
Quote from: Outsider on April 05, 2018, 07:58PM
Hmmm... interesting. From the poll results so far, it would appear that people have mixed reviews about Chameleon and Khameleon being included somehow. The choices are neck-in-neck.

So, what exactly do I mean by "a hidden boost for all of the ninjas?" Well, for the male ninjas, if you hold block and press a button, the ninja you're playing as would become Chameleon in a small explosion while Shao Kahn says "Chameleon." He would probably move faster, and immune to energy damage. The same would go for the female ninjas, but Khameleon would appear instead. She would be semi-transparent and would have more critical strikes. So far, I do have a skin of Chameleon, but not of Khameleon. However, as soon as I find the time, I'll see if I can use 3DS Max and see if I can create my own models. (Wish me luck on that -- I may need it...) The Chameleon stuff probably won't happen until the eight remaining spots are filled, though.

I have two questions for you all:
(1) What is so great about Tanya? (No, she's not one of the eight.) I get baffled when I hear some people requesting her for entries in MK games, and honestly I just don't get the appeal. In my opinion, the only thing that makes her special (her selling point) is that she is seemingly the ultimate queen of betrayal, ever since MK4. Feel free to chime in on that.
(2) What is your view on Nitara? (She's not one of the eight, either.) The vampire was introduced in MK Deadly Alliance, and I thought she was interesting. They didn't really explore her story all that much, except for Cyrax helping her to find some strange orb so she can shatter it and save her realm. I think she could have been (or could grow to be) a strong villainess for MK. Feel free to chime in on that, too.

I agree with your views on Nitara! In my opinion, she was definitely underrated and underused. Even though her outfits were, umm... Sultry... I like that she seemed to use her intellect more than anything, smartly manipulating not just Cyrax but Reptile. There's also somewhat of an element of honor to her, as she did fulfill her promise to Cyrax at least, although she was unintentionally indirectly responsible for Onaga being reincarnated through Reptile's body as a vessel. I really hope Nitara returns in a future game; if you're considering making a mod of her, or even an alternate skin for a character like, say, Skarlet, I'd definitely love to see it!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on April 06, 2018, 01:22PM
Quote from: TheMK on April 01, 2018, 07:55PM
Personally, I think Khameleon would be ideal as an alternative skin for Jade if a mod of her gets made.

I agree with TheMK and I saw the whole story and found it interesting if you did a Jade mod in the style of other mods like Black Canary / Batgirl and other doubles. I do not remember if I sent these Jade skins to you in the past and took a little time and did two skins for Khameleon. Here is ;)



Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 06, 2018, 01:30PM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on April 06, 2018, 01:22PM
I agree with TheMK and I saw the whole story and found it interesting if you did a Jade mod in the style of other mods like Black Canary / Batgirl and other doubles. I do not remember if I sent these Jade skins to you in the past and took a little time and did two skins for Khameleon. Here is ;)



That's -awesome-!!! Sweet mannequin, too!

I forgot to mention how I felt about Tanya... I guess I'm indifferent to her. I agree she is a little overhyped -- Jade, her archrival, interests me a lot more as a character. She's my favorite of the female ninjas, tied maybe with only Khameleon, but if I had to pick one I'd go with Jade, only because she's been in the series more. I think what appeals to Tanya is her gameplay more than her character, since her story and motives do tend to be a little weak. Or maybe it just interests people that there are some evil Edenians whose motives aren't necessarily tied to Shao Kahn; in that regard, I'd find Rain to be the much more interesting of the two.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 06, 2018, 03:17PM
Quote from: TheMK on April 06, 2018, 03:46AM
I agree with your views on Nitara! In my opinion, she was definitely underrated and underused. Even though her outfits were, umm... Sultry... I like that she seemed to use her intellect more than anything, smartly manipulating not just Cyrax but Reptile. There’s also somewhat of an element of honor to her, as she did fulfill her promise to Cyrax at least, although she was unintentionally indirectly responsible for Onaga being reincarnated through Reptile’s body as a vessel. I really hope Nitara returns in a future game; if you’re considering making a mod of her, or even an alternate skin for a character like, say, Skarlet, I’d definitely love to see it!

Quote from: Aventureiromax on April 06, 2018, 01:22PM
I agree with TheMK and I saw the whole story and found it interesting if you did a Jade mod in the style of other mods like Black Canary / Batgirl and other doubles. I do not remember if I sent these Jade skins to you in the past and took a little time and did two skins for Khameleon. Here is ;)

Quote from: TheMK on April 06, 2018, 01:30PM
That's -awesome-!!! Sweet mannequin, too!

I forgot to mention how I felt about Tanya... I guess I'm indifferent to her. I agree she is a little overhyped -- Jade, her archrival, interests me a lot more as a character. She's my favorite of the female ninjas, tied maybe with only Khameleon, but if I had to pick one I'd go with Jade, only because she's been in the series more. I think what appeals to Tanya is her gameplay more than her character, since her story and motives do tend to be a little weak. Or maybe it just interests people that there are some evil Edenians whose motives aren't necessarily tied to Shao Kahn; in that regard, I'd find Rain to be the much more interesting of the two.

Thanks for your opinions, fellas. (And Aventureiromax - thanks for the Khameleon skins.) The results of an earlier poll showed that the majority want me to add more kombatants as alternates ("doubles" as Aventureiromax calls them), as long as genders are not mixed. It worked well with Goro / Kintaro. I will think of some kombatants I can do that with...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 11, 2018, 06:04PM
So a couple of days ago, the recent poll ended. The question was How should the Outsider implement the creation of Chameleon & Khameleon without taking a spot in the roster? With 40% of the poll, the winning choice says that I should have them as a hidden boost for all of the ninjas. Personally, I agree with that choice.

To remind everyone how that would work: For the male ninjas, if you hold block and press a button, the ninja you're playing as would become Chameleon in a small explosion while Shao Kahn says "Chameleon." He would probably move faster, and immune to energy damage. The same would go for the female ninjas, but Khameleon would appear instead. She would be semi-transparent and would have more critical strikes. I will likely do that once the roster is filled.

You also voted a while back that I should do whatever I can to have more kombatants in there without mixing genders. The most popular method is to create "dual mods" like I've done with Goro, having Kintaro as an alternate. I told everyone that I would think of some ideas, and get back to you all. Well, here are some I've thought of:

Sektor can be an alternate for Baraka, though animations may not be perfect.
Cyrax can be an alternate for a kombatant who's identity has not been revealed.
Kenshi can be an alternate for Kung Lao.
Frost can be an alternate for Kitana.
Tremor can be an alternate for Jax. ---(NOTE: I do not have a skin for Tremor as of yet.)---
Skarlet can be an alternate for Mileena, though her moves of blood may be very difficult.

Please note that these additions are not confirmed to happen, due to time restraint/availability or skinner availability. These are just ideas I'm thinking of. I may do some of them, but maybe not all of them. I'll also see what remaining skins are needed to complete the entire Mortal Kombat experience, including the new morphs for Shang Tsung. Man, so much work...

I'll return to MK soon, but I have to create DC's Starfire next. Stay tuned as kombat continues...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 11, 2018, 06:17PM
Excited that More Kombat is on the way, with Starfire in tow as well!

I was kind of hoping Kenshi would wind up being his own mod, but as long as he can be in MUA at all, I'd be happy with it. Same with Khameleon, though I saw her not being her own mod and rather an alternate skin or booster as much more likely.

I think the other ideas sound good too! In the end, I'm sure whatever you decide is best will be amazing!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: MMXZero2002 on April 14, 2018, 07:52PM
 I also like Nitara, mainly because she's a vampire. I'm surprised she wasn't in more MK games, she looked like an interesting character (and I think she was the only vampire character in a MK game). IMHO vampires should go perfectly with the MK series. Maybe Bloodrayne could be an alternate costume for her (I know she's not from MK, but she is another underused vampire. I was quite disappointed that she only had 3 games total. Although personally I only liked the first two ones.)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 16, 2018, 01:20PM

The Tarkatan warrior from the wastelands of Outworld known as Baraka heard about Shao Kahn's invasion into an alternate Earthrealm, and decided to aid Kahn in his plan. There, Baraka seeks to also challenge a certain Adamantium-laced mutant that caught his attention. He knows that this berserker could even be more deadly than he is, but Baraka salivates at the thought of battling opponents that can match his own ferocity.

A legendary master of combat arts who originates from Outworld but aligns himself with the heroes of Earthrealm, Bo' Rai Cho was a natural choice by the Special Forces to join in the aid of an alternate Earthrealm. Venturing through the portal alongside the other warriors of light, he quickly forges a friendship with a man who fired specialized 'optic' blasts from his eyes, who reminded him of his greatest pupil, Liu Kang. Not desiring all innocent life to be wiped from existence for the sake of appeasing an arrogant dictator's power-hungry desires, Bo' Rai Cho prepares himself for his new journey.

Wanting to make her parents proud, Cassie Cage stepped through the portal to protect an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn's invasion. Fascinated by this new world briefly, she took a selfie, then realized someone photobombed it... it was a young hooded superheroine hanging on a web. Instantly finding something in common, the two agreed to team up and defeat their haters.

Very little is known about the ninja called Chameleon, so it is unknown which side of the war for an alternate Earthrealm that he is on, if any side. With the combined might of his fellow ninja, Chameleon knows that he is powerful and destined for greatness. Journeying into this new world, a rumor he heard about peaked his interest -- the Infinity Gems. That said, an urban powerhouse with skin as hard as steel is watching him, as is his sassy resilient wife...

Having been automated by the Lin Kuei, yet somehow maintaining his soul, Sub-Zero looks to be able to switch between human and cyber form at any time, to make the Lin Kuei pay. As he enters an alternate Earthrealm, he teleported up to outer space and met a cosmic elder who collects many artifacts from alien worlds. His sensors computed that cosmic relics would be the key to destroying his former clan.

Being a cyborg that somehow still has his soul, Cyrax aids the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's forces in an alternate Earthrealm. However, he seeks to visit a famous billionaire industrialist who wears a suit of armor on the regular. He believes that this rich playboy can teach him how to enhance his weaponry and make him the "War Machine" of his Earth. This will lead him one step closer to getting revenge on the Lin Kuei.

Taking a more aggressive approach in protecting Earthrealm, Raiden takes this same killer instinct to defend an alternate Earth from Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and the like. However, some warriors from Asgard such as the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge believes that Raiden's new methods are harsh and unbecoming of a god. As a result, this guardian along with a blonde chooser of the slain will be watching him and will intervene if he goes too far.

When Shao Kahn launched his plan to conquer an alternate Earthrealm, Ermac was one of the first to step through the portal to aid Kahn. Just then, the living collection of souls felt the presence of immense power, as an Egyptian mutant of great size saw potential in Ermac, and gave an offer to become one of his Horsemen. Suddenly, another mutant suffering from a techno-organic virus saw this coming and will give his life to stop it.

The gunslinger known as Erron Black had no real interest in Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, except for getting paid to assist them. So he went through the portal with no idea what awaits him, which is how he likes it. Soon enough, he came across another skilled shot -- only not with a gun, but with a bow and arrow. Normally, bullets are faster, but Erron sensed this archer could challenge that theory, and will be watching him.

Having thawed out from being severely frozen, Frost had betrayed her sifu, Sub-Zero, turned herself into a cyborg, and formed the Cyber Lin Kuei. Now Frost aids Shao Kahn in the alternate Earthrealm war, having received orders from Kronika. She also seeks to become more powerful than Sub-Zero's medallion. She eventually met a green-skinned man with a gamma-charged brain, who agrees to aid her. However, a vigilante associated with Earth's moon plans to stop them.

Upon seeing the gateway between Outworld and an alternate Earthrealm collapse, The God of Wind named Fujin aided Raiden in gathering the warriors of light to defend this new Earthrealm. Upon arrival, he began to notice a beautiful mutant who can control the weather. Though focused on the invasion, he wants to learn more about her, and hope that she will become his disciple.

A half-human, half dragon who is a proud Shokan warrior, Goro has no allegiance to Shao Kahn or the warriors of light. He enters the alternate Earthrealm simply upon hearing of a jade-colored creature who is said to be the strongest warrior there is... especially when angry. Goro seeks to prove that he is in fact the strongest.

An evil and deceptive member of the Red Dragon clan, Hsu Hao has made many allies and enemies during his time amongst the realms. Infiltrating the Special Forces base as they prepared to embark for an alternate Earthrealm and assist its resident forces against a very real threat, Hsu Hao covertly went through the portal undetected. Encountering a mysterious man who displayed a combination of black and white, they immediately saw value in Hsu Hao's talents and suggested an alliance, as they prepared their own plans for when the current crisis was over...

Alongside her father, Jacqui stepped through the portal leading to an alternate Earthrealm. While purely focused on defending this new world from Shao Kahn's forces and impressing her future family the Shirai Ryu, she rescued a child by taking down an army of HYDRA agents easily. This impressed a time-displaced British agent who watched the events unfold. She told Jacqui that she has a bright future ahead -- as a soldier and a heroine.

Betrayng Shao Kahn and siding with her fellow Edenian friend Kitana, Jade joined the warriors of light against Kahn's invasion. The shimmering woman she met told her that she would meet a psychic mutant ninja there who's survived the Siege Perilous. Jade felt that this purple-haired mutant can help her find out the identity of the shimmering woman.

When Raiden told the warriors of light about Kahn's plan to invade an alternate Earthrealm, Jax was one of the first to enter the portal. He is ready to combat the forces of Evil. There, he discovers an organization called SHIELD and sees a sexy agent who can cause vibrations with her hands. Attracted to her, Jax enters the invasion to both defend and impress, no longer being attached to Vera Briggs.

Realizing that he is the descendant of a Mediterranean cult, Johnny Cage sees his full potential as he is chosen to defend an alternate Earthrealm against Kahn's invasion. While there, he turned down a television deal offered by a six-armed sorceress, and flirted with a woman who suddenly disappeared ...or maybe just turned invisible. Nonetheless, Cage is prepared to fight.

The former police officer and Black Dragon thug Kabal speeds through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed. While he is intent on battling Shao Kahn's forces, he also seeks to visit a well-known scientist who can stretch his entire body. Kabal hopes that this hero can help him to no longer need his respirator, but still keep his powers.

Once a member of the White Lotus Society, Kai sought to continually improve himself. Now he finds himself on a new world, contacted by a future god version of his former teacher Liu Kang, requesting Kai to join Earthrealm's defenders against Shao Kahn's war. He accepted, and Raiden accepted his inclusion, having been impressed by him during the 4th tournament. Kai avoided talking to the present Liu Kang about the latter's future self to prevent a chrono paradox, and he mutually befriended a shielded American hero. Kai enters the battle wanting to learn all that he can, and may impress the gods once again.

The Black Dragon thug known as Kano steps through the portal to aid Shao Kahn in his plan to conquer an alternate Earthrealm. But Kano also has plans to reform the Black Dragon using new recruits. One villain skilled at throwing objects and never missing caught Kano's cyber eye. However, Kano can't shake the feeling that someone with heavy guns is following him ...with the intent to punish him.

Being blind has not slowed down the swordsman known as Kenshi, as he aids the warriors of light to defend an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn and his forces. Seeking to end Shang Tsung for good, Kenshi caught the attention of a crimson-colored super hero who is also blind. Learning from this defender's experience should aid him in his quest.

Vengeful towards Shao Kahn for dooming her Saurian race to extinction, Khameleon battles on the side of good towards defending an alternate Earthrealm, but unbeknowst to her allies. Seeking guidance from a powerful mutant professor, she is focused on making Kahn pay for his sins -- even if she must go through her friend Reptile.

Being a Shokan, Kintaro takes great pride in serving Shao Kahn in his war to conquer an alternate Earthrealm. However, he is of the lesser-class Tigrar race of Shokan, and wants to enhance his kind to the elite class. Kintaro heard of a country named Wakanda and plans to steal the metal there. But, their king will have something to say about that.

The beautiful Edenian princess known as Kitana decided to answer Raiden's call and join the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. While seeking to aid Liu Kang to battle, Kitana also seeks to ignore the flirty advances of two men she met. Interestingly, one was seemingly engulfed in fire, and the other was somehow made of ice.

Witnessing Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, and Raiden's forces trying to prevent it, Kronika enters the portal unnoticed with the intent to let the war rage on. Her son Shinnok seeks to take Odin's power, while her bodyguard Geras and her daughter Cetrion gradually steal power from the gigantic "devourer of worlds." This will create the New Era she had envisioned ...a new era that won't sit well with a powerful purple-skinned fellow Titan.

The Shaolin Monk known as Kung Lao agreed to join Liu Kang in traveling to an alternate Earthrealm to fight off Shao Kahn's invasion. There, he met the assistant of a mystical townhouse in Greenwich Village who told him that he should see an old powerful Tibetian sorcerer should the warriors of light succeed. Kung Lao believes that the answers about his ancestor draws near.

Becoming first constable to Princess Kitana's Edenian Guard was a blessing to Li Mei, as she can legally protect her people of Sun Do, who were once enslaved by Shang Tsung & Quan Chi. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earth, she was approached by a powerful monarch wearing ten rings who wanted her to serve him. Ready to fight and familiar with these types, she prepares herself. However, a proud master of Kung-Fu appears and stands by her side, knowing of his evil. Li Mei senses his heart is true, and together, the two martial artists battle their powerful foe.

The undisputed champion of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang was the first to be contacted by Raiden to join the warriors of light to defend an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn's invasion. While there, he met someone by the name of Danny Rand who challenged him in battle after he battles Kahn's forces. Liu Kang accepted the challenge. This battle should be epic.

A terrifying, incomplete human experiment of Shang Tsung's, the obscure being known as Meat would inexplicably escape the sorcerer's containment before he could be fully completed and used by the fallen Elder God Shinnok. Now running loose in Earthrealm, Meat would eventually stumble across the Special Forces base and was intrigued by the portal technology on display, deciding to venture through to parts unknown. Encountering a 'merc with a mouth' who had equally horrific skin hidden underneath his blood-colored costume, the two felt a surprising amount of silent empathy for each others' plight, becoming best friends overnight as Meat began to discover his sense of identity...

Willing to help Shao Kahn conquer an alternate Earthrealm, Mileena stepped through the portal into this new world. While there, some people confused her with some female ninja who also wields a pair of sai daggers. Annoyed by the comparison, Mileena hopes to sink her jagged teeth into this red-clad ninja, and end her.

With the aid of his ancestors, Nightwolf was able to temporarily repel the wolf spirit that had been corrupted by Shao Kahn. However, the curse remains and he seeks help. While focused on aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Nightwolf senses sheer power within a lovely woman in scarlet gypsy clothing. He believes that she is the key to his curse ending.

The Moroi vampire known as Nitara has been a victim of constant subjugation at the hands of Shao Kahn, ever since her realm was conquered and merged centuries before by the power-hungry dictator. Taking advantage of Kahn's attempted invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Nitara seeks out a man apparently made of heavily armed iron, in the hopes of bringing her realm out of the lava and finally having a chance at freedom from Kahn's rule. But in order to convince this 'Avenger' to her cause, Nitara will have to work with him and his associates in order to get what she wants.

The enigmatic Noob Saibot stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed and with an allegiance to no one. He seeks to gain power from a place called the Shadow Realm. His motives are unknown, but are no doubt of pure evil. However, he senses a supernatural presence lurking in the shadows in the form of a half-vampire wielding a katana hot on his trail. Noob Saibot is normally feared, but not by this warrior called the "daywalker." A fight between them is inevitable.

Stepping through the portal with Shao Kahn seemingly to aid him in conquering an alternate Earthrealm, the Netherealm sorcerer Quan Chi has plans unbeknownst to Kahn. He plans to steal an artifact called the M'Kraan Crystal located on a ship out in outer space. Gaining it, he can create an undefeatable army of revenants and become unbeatable himself. However, a powerful silver guardian of the spaceways won't allow that to happen.

Giving up his status as an Elder God once more to help an alternate Earthrealm, Raiden summoned the warriors of light to defend this new world from Shao Kahn's invasion. However, he knows that some warriors siding with Kahn each have their own evil agendas. Raiden plans to team with the God of Thunder of that realm and his hammer to lead the charge and vanquish the darkness.

The Edenian prince known as Rain has no alliance to Shao Kahn or the warriors of light, and has no interest in the battle for this alternate Earthrealm. Instead, he enters the portal because he hears of something called a Soulsword. He plans to steal it from a young mutant and become Ruler of Limbo. No longer a prince, but a king. However, his actions will anger the god-like master of magnetism.

When Shao Kahn entered an alternate Earthrealm filled with super heroes and villains in his diabolical scheme to conquer it, his war general Reiko was the first to join him. Ever the loyal soldier, Reiko immediately went to work, planning out tactical strategies for the invasion. Suddenly, another soldier appeared in the night, with one of his arms metallic and firearm in hand, ready to take the general on. Never one to back down from a fight, Reiko happily accepted his challenge.

While serving Shao Kahn in his invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Reptile has been longing to return to Zaterra, his homeland. He plans to force a one-armed doctor with a reptilian curse to create a portal back there... or else. However, a hero with the proportionate strength of a spider will definitely be a foil in his plans.

Since learning the truth that Quan Chi, not Sub-Zero, was responsible for the death of his family and clan, Scorpion has a burning rage for vengeance. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion from afar, Scorpion caught the attention of another being who shares some similarities to him... a powerful "spirit of vengeance."

Ignoring what is left of his humanity and embracing that he is becoming a purely robotic machine of destruction, Sektor joins Shao Kahn's forces as they attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. A powerful but evil artificial intelligence noticed Sektor, and believes that he has the right idea -- that machines should rule the universe. Sektor allies his Tekunin clan with this sentient robot for total domination.

One of the first to aid his master Shao Kahn in his invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Shang Tsung has betrayed the emperor before and plans to do so again. He plans to enter this Earthrealm's version of Hell, and steal the unlimited souls there, making him even more powerful than Kahn or the devil that rules that Hell. Shang Tsung must not make it to this alternate Hell, or the realms will be doomed.

Annoyed by nearly conquering Earthrealm only to fail, Shao Kahn decided to invade an alternate Earthrealm full of super-heroes and villains. With the heroes' attention on some ruler of Latveria, Kahn plans to bring the realm to its' knees with his own powers. No doubt Raiden and the warriors of light will seek to stop him, but Kahn is always one step ahead, using the Masters of Evil and any personal goals they have to hold them off. This world will belong to Shao Kahn.

The four-armed Shokan lady called Sheeva has aligned with Shao Kahn's forces in their attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. However, before she could get very far, a jade-colored muscular woman stood in front of her, looking to fight her. Sheeva roared as she ran to meet her challenger.

The fallen Elder God known as Shinnok is fully aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. He wants the plan of Odin's power being stolen to work... only for him to steal it at the end. Shinnok is a god and can wield the immense power without the realms becoming lifeless, useless voids. Shinnok laughs, knowing that all the fighting just leads him to his goal. However, his presence was noticed by a half-alien outlaw with a love for 80's music. His team will do whatever it takes to stop the tyrant.

Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Edenia, Sindel wishes to aid him in conquering the alternate Earthrealm they've stumbled upon. However, Sindel hopes that while she is there, she will garner the attention of some fiery malevolent force and become the new host of that force... by murdering the current mutant host and proving herself. Perhaps then, Sindel will no longer be brainwashed to stand beside Kahn, but instead stand over his defeated carcass.

A poor street orphan now mastering blood magic, Skarlet serves Shao Kahn as his personal assassin. To aid him further in his conquest of an alternate Earthrealm, Skarlet wishes to travel to a place called Asgard and conduct a deal with their goddess of death. She figures if she can absorb the blood of hundreds of dead Asgardian warriors, she would become unstoppable. Odin's daughter, however, will oppose her wicked plans.

The mysterious ninja known as Smoke followed the warriors of light into an alternate Earthrealm from a distance. He seeks to aid Sub-Zero in ending the threat created by Shao Kahn. However, Smoke began to hear voices in his head. He learned that the voices came from a flirtacious mutant telepath that wears scantily-clad white. The mutant said that Smoke is more powerful than he thinks he is, and she's even become attracted to him. With this knowledge to wonder about, Smoke enters into battle.

Forced into automation by the Lin Kuei, Smoke is now an emotionless killing machine. Having allegiance to no one as he enters an alternate Earthrealm, his only mission is to kill Sub-Zero. Forcing a scientist there with four mechanical arms to enhance his strength and weaponry, Smoke begins his mission to terminate the rogue ninja. However, his soul may not be completely gone...

Lieutenant Sonya Blade of the Special Forces was one of the first to answer Raiden's call to protect an alternate Earthrealm from the invasion of Shao Kahn. She in particular has full support from the director of an organization called SHIELD, as the one-eyed director sees potential in recruiting her. Sonya is also very curious of a former Air Force soldier turned blonde superheroine.

The New York City police officer named Kurtis Stryker went with the warriors of light in their attempt to stop Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. Stryker is out to prove that he doesn't need special powers, and that he is just good as is. A star-spangled hero told him that he can relate. Stryker also fell in love upon seeing a beautiful red-haired Russian in a black catsuit. Wanting to impress her, he has even more reason to defend this new world.

The grandmaster of the Lin Kuei known as Sub-Zero was chosen by Raiden to help defend an alternate Earthrealm from the invasion by Shao Kahn. However, Sub-Zero also wishes to help his revenant brother by undoing the curse of Noob Saibot once and for all. He then learned of someone called the "Sorcerer Supreme." Sub-Zero figures that if anyone can help his brother, it was him.

Having somehow been freed of the Noob Saibot curse, Sub-Zero was himself once more. As Shao Kahn and his forces invade an alternate Earthrealm, he appears unnoticed with two objectives: To reunite with his younger brother, and to rid the world of the Brotherhood of Shadow for good. Sub-Zero aligned himself with a black sorcerer who masters voodoo. His plan involves giving Quan Chi a taste of his own medicine.

The Edenian fighter named Tanya stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm on the side of Shao Kahn. But Tanya has gained a reputation not to be trusted, as a mistress of betrayal. Something she shares in common with a Wakandan assassin she met who is a sadist and former soldier. The two agreed to aid each other in their plans, with the knowledge that neither will hesitate to betray and kill the other at a moment's notice.

The brown-garbed ninja known as Tremor follows Kano in aiding Shao Kahn to invade an alternate Earthrealm. While causing havoc and trying to prove the Black Dragon's dominance, a certain blue-eyed fantastic creature seemingly composed of rock confronted Tremor. A true test of strength was about to happen.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Jaybird on April 16, 2018, 04:36PM
This is awesome!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 16, 2018, 06:24PM

I always loved Mortal Kombat for the stories and characters. I'm so glad MK9 and MKX have brought those elements to the forefront.

These bios you wrote almost makes me wish the MK mod characters could have their own sim missions!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 25, 2018, 08:16PM
Everyone, I'll be busy with Marvel characters for a little while longer, but I'll see if I can squeeze in time to add a Mortal Kombat character to the mix... Sindel is coming! If you thought Marvel's Siryn or DC's Black Canary can hurt your eardrums, imagine someone who can scream near you enough for your head to explode... Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Agent Bachello on April 26, 2018, 02:45AM
What is next? Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 26, 2018, 07:36PM
Quote from: Agent Bachello on April 26, 2018, 02:45AM
What is next? Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance?

I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 26, 2018, 11:06PM
It's ironic you mention it, since this game has aged -phenomenally- well even on it's own without mods thanks to the MCU, renewing it's appeal. It's probably why it was rereleased on Steam.

On a semi-related note, I saw Infinity War tonight, it was absolutely -bananas-, in a good-but-also-unbelievable way.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 27, 2018, 12:07AM
Quote from: Outsider on April 26, 2018, 07:36PM
I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

If a project of that scale was tackled, we would seriously need many new levels to explore for that narrative to work as a cohesive whole(So no Murderworld, Atlantis or Latveria, due to those not even being a thing in the MCU at time of writing). And even worse, the new levels to replace those ones in particular, would need to be done entirely from scratch. Same applies to any other non-Marvel centric roster to a significantly greater degree.

Its a shame really. Over the past decade, modders have been able to add new loadscreens/huds, simulator missions, alternate costumes, movesets for existing characters, sounds, music, trivia quizzes & most importantly of all, new characters to play with. But the only modding aspect that has yet to be tackled on this game, is the construction of entirely new hubs/levels to explore in the main campaign. Ultimate Alliance 1 is a great game to be sure, but there is only so many times one can go through the same locales, before the wonder starts to wear off.

I mean, I'd love to have my team visit the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, Gotham City, the Kree Empire, Themyscira, Outworld, Fortress of Solitude or a multitude of countless other iconic fictional locales within entertainment for example, just to go somewhere different within the game itself(in order to spice things up). But I suppose that's asking way too much out of modders, on account of tech limitations & a general lack of interest in that field no doubt :/
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on April 27, 2018, 04:27AM
If I remember correctly, we simply don't have the software capability to make new levels
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 27, 2018, 06:46AM
In time I'm sure the MCU will come closer to resembling MUA just by happy accident; with Disney buying Fox, it seems they'll eventually want to implement X-Men and F4, the latter of which would doubtlessly include Dr. Doom since he's be a perfect recurring MCU villain like Loki. Skrulls are even going to be in the Captain Marvel movie. I suppose if one really wanted to, they could just take the MCU-themed skins and put them on not just the playable characters, but also anyone else in the game respective to how they look in there (BLAW's Nick Fury for the NPC Nick Fury, MCU Loki for NPC Loki, etc.). That seems like the closest thing for now, even though it's purely cosmetic.

But not meaning to get too off-topic; I'm still excited for more Mortal Kombat in MUA :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Agent Bachello on April 28, 2018, 04:44AM
Quote from: Outsider on April 26, 2018, 07:36PM
I'd imagine that wouldn't be too hard to implement. Almost everyone has been created in this game. The only thing would be to eventually change the storyline. Instead of Dr. Doom trying to gain Odin's power, Thanos is locating the six Infinity Gems ("Infinity Stones" in the MCU). Only Black Panther's Dora Minaje (his Wakandan female bodyguards) and Thanos' Black Order were not created yet. Perhaps the Gems are scattered throughout the game: Omega Base, Atlantis, Mephisto's Realm, Asgard, Niffleheim, and the Skrull Planet.

It will be MARVELOUS to see Phil Coulson, Yondu, and Hulkbuster mods (like in the Marvel Future Fight game) among Black Order' and Dora Minaje' skins... I know about Coulson's status ;-)

Quote from: TheMK on April 26, 2018, 11:06PM
It's ironic you mention it, since this game has aged -phenomenally- well even on it's own without mods thanks to the MCU, renewing it's appeal. It's probably why it was rereleased on Steam.

On a semi-related note, I saw Infinity War tonight, it was absolutely -bananas-, in a good-but-also-unbelievable way.

Unfortunately, I have not see AIW yet. It's just our country issues :-(

Since the Iron man movie and until Avengers 4 movie, all of us walk through this way with the favourite MCU characters.  And the same thing Marvelmods members have done playing, supporting, modifying this coolest game! I think, the idea to create MCUA roster (or something like this) gives respect to everyone, who loves  Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Studios movies and serials (AOS, Defenders).

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on April 27, 2018, 12:07AM
If a project of that scale was tackled, we would seriously need many new levels to explore for that narrative to work as a cohesive whole(So no Murderworld, Atlantis or Latveria, due to those not even being a thing in the MCU at time of writing). And even worse, the new levels to replace those ones in particular, would need to be done entirely from scratch. Same applies to any other non-Marvel centric roster to a significantly greater degree.

Its a shame really. Over the past decade, modders have been able to add new loadscreens/huds, simulator missions, alternate costumes, movesets for existing characters, sounds, music, trivia quizzes & most importantly of all, new characters to play with. But the only modding aspect that has yet to be tackled on this game, is the construction of entirely new hubs/levels to explore in the main campaign. Ultimate Alliance 1 is a great game to be sure, but there is only so many times one can go through the same locales, before the wonder starts to wear off.

I mean, I'd love to have my team visit the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building, Gotham City, the Kree Empire, Themyscira, Outworld, Fortress of Solitude or a multitude of countless other iconic fictional locales within entertainment for example, just to go somewhere different within the game itself(in order to spice things up). But I suppose that's asking way too much out of modders, on account of tech limitations & a general lack of interest in that field no doubt :/

Speaking about this... We couldn't create new levels, but we can edit them, or replace some parts with the new ones. As far as I remember, Kingadam85 and Maegawa have already tried to do this.
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I think, we should try ourselves in this sphere!

Quote from: TheMK on April 27, 2018, 06:46AM
In time I'm sure the MCU will come closer to resembling MUA just by happy accident; with Disney buying Fox, it seems they'll eventually want to implement X-Men and F4, the latter of which would doubtlessly include Dr. Doom since he's be a perfect recurring MCU villain like Loki. Skrulls are even going to be in the Captain Marvel movie. I suppose if one really wanted to, they could just take the MCU-themed skins and put them on not just the playable characters, but also anyone else in the game respective to how they look in there (BLAW's Nick Fury for the NPC Nick Fury, MCU Loki for NPC Loki, etc.). That seems like the closest thing for now, even though it's purely cosmetic.

But not meaning to get too off-topic; I'm still excited for more Mortal Kombat in MUA :)

Interesting moment! I suppose, we will see F4 and Xmen in MCU after 2020, when "Disney buying Fox" and production problematic moments would be solved. By that time, the active modders will lose interest and time to  do amazing things in our big community  :ugh:

About MCU-themed skins on the playable characters... If I will put Ultimate Universe skins on the characters - practically nothing will change. Ultimate Cap practically the same as Earth - 616's Cap. But in some cases...
MCU Falcon and Prime Universe (616) Falcon have differences. Baron Mordo, Crossbones, Quicksilver, Spider-man and others have them too. Creating boosters with voice files, skins, skinsegments, huds, loadscreens and powers of MCU characters would be the most impressive part of modding on Marvelmods.

TheMK, that's right, exciting to see MK Roster (the best fighting game ever, IMHO)!
But I hope, if everyone, who just writes some post on this site, will help to active modders like AdrianoAP, Aventureiromax, Andersonbrazil, Baconwizard17, Ceamonks890, Julio Cabral, Eric Lensherr, Mellomods, Maegawa, Dorpond, LarsAlexandersson, we can create Marvel Cinematic Universe Roster or even Marvel Cinematic Universe Alliance big mod! I have big amount of content (promo, models, stiils, some voice files), connected with MCU. You can sent PM\email, or connect with me via social networks Facebook,, Instagram, and so on.

I apologize to you for such big post.  Awaiting Avengers Infinity War falls my head over heels.. :runaway: :chuckle:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 29, 2018, 07:37AM
Everyone -- going back to the topic of Mortal Kombat, Sindel is going well so far. I think she will be one of the easier mods to create. After that, I will go back to Marvel to work on a possible booster for Polaris and later, the Wendigo.

Now that you know Sindel is in, there are 7 spots remaining in the MK roster. Stay tuned to find out who they are...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on April 29, 2018, 08:07AM
I never knew I wanted her in the game, but I'm really looking forward for Sindel. I just like sound powers :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 29, 2018, 09:09AM
Good news! Sindel will be cool!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 30, 2018, 06:16PM
Everyone, Sindel has been released. Check out her portrait at the warrior select screen, and check her mod out. Her bio has been added as well...

Shao Kahn's wife and Queen of Edenia, Sindel wishes to aid him in conquering the alternate Earthrealm they've stumbled upon. However, Sindel hopes that while she is there, she will garner the attention of some fiery malevolent force and become the new host of that force... by murdering the current mutant host and proving herself. Perhaps then, Sindel will no longer be brainwashed to stand beside Kahn, but instead stand over his defeated carcass.

Now that there are only 7 spots remaining in the Mortal Kombat roster, let's play a game, shall we?

Can you guess which seven warriors that I picked? If you can successfully guess all seven, I will send you a PM with a :done:, confirming that you are correct. (If you do guess correctly, keep it to yourself, ok.) No partial credit - you have to guess all seven. Right now, I believe only Aventureiromax knows who the seven are. See if you can guess who was chosen for kombat. Choose your destiny.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 30, 2018, 08:14PM
Very awesome!

Going off of the past mods (and a little bit of wishful thinking), these are my guesses for the remaining seven.

Noob Saibot
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on April 30, 2018, 09:13PM
would love to have rain and tanya to round out my all time fav mk characters since i have mileena and johhny
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 01, 2018, 09:14PM
In case you all missed my previous post on the last page, here it is again:

Quote from: Outsider on April 30, 2018, 06:16PM
Now that there are only 7 spots remaining in the Mortal Kombat roster, let's play a game, shall we?

Can you guess which seven warriors that I picked? If you can successfully guess all seven, I will send you a PM with a :done:, confirming that you are correct. (If you do guess correctly, keep it to yourself, ok.) No partial credit - you have to guess all seven. Right now, I believe only Aventureiromax knows who the seven are. See if you can guess who was chosen for kombat. Choose your destiny.

So far, no one's guessed all seven, but keep trying. Someone may get it...

Quote from: nephilim667 on April 30, 2018, 09:13PM
would love to have rain and tanya to round out my all time fav mk characters since i have mileena and johhny

If you don't mind my asking, just what is so great about Tanya? I seriously don't get the appeal.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 01, 2018, 09:29PM
Damn... I would think at the very least Jade, Noob Saibot, Smoke, and Shinnok could be in there.

I find it hard to guess who the other three could be. I'm trying to keep in mind not just mods you've done before and mods you talked about possibly doing, but who could possibly be made into boosters, and I forgot Cyrax and Sektor fell under that I think. Of course, there's always the chance you could have changed your mind about some of them (some, like Kenshi IMO, would make great standalone mods).

To me, the other three could be just about anyone, but so far you've stuck to just the crew from the first three games with the sole exception of Quan Chi (MK4). If this means some MK4+ chars are coming, I'm very excited about that, because there's tons of them I love (Kenshi, Cassie Cage, Erron Black, Kotal Kahn, etc.).

Then there's a few others I thought of, but seem unlikely, like Motaro... Hard to think of many others.

I'll have to scratch my head over this for a while before I try guessing all seven again! Either way, I'm excited to see who they are in time. :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:49PM
If you don't mind my asking, just what is so great about Tanya? I seriously don't get the appeal.

honestly i have no idea i just like her as an added with fujin, johnny, mileena (faaaavvv) and rain
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:50PM
i do have to ask for some reason the character select screen wont come up when i try to select them. the game shuts down. im playing the game on steam can anyone help me with this issue
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 03, 2018, 05:16PM
Quote from: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:50PM
i do have to ask for some reason the character select screen wont come up when i try to select them. the game shuts down. im playing the game on steam can anyone help me with this issue

Unfortunately I don't think any of the mods work on the Steam version because that one ported the Xbox 360 version and the mods are made for the original PC release on physical disk.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 05:19PM
yea i figured because i can use  :pyro: :cuckoo: :quicks: :enchantress: :avalanche: :havok: :jubilee: :dazzler: and goblin queen thats my main team plus a few like nebula and now the mk peeps
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 03, 2018, 08:12PM
Quote from: TheMK on May 01, 2018, 09:29PM far you've stuck to just the crew from the first three games with the sole exception of Quan Chi (MK4).

A certain God of Wind would beg to differ on that point... but either way, I think you'll definitely like who the seven are when they are each revealed.

Quote from: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:49PM
honestly i have no idea i just like her as an added with fujin, johnny, mileena (faaaavvv) and rain

:laugh: I appreciate your honesty. I'm not judging anyone, but I just don't get why Tanya's so popular. That said, I can confirm that she definitely isn't one of the seven.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 04, 2018, 02:33AM
Ah, yes, how could I forget Fujin! I guess it slipped my mind because the available MK roster so far struck me as a mix of the ones from MK Trilogy and MK9, with some differences here and there (where, in the latter, Quan Chi -- and later Kenshi -- were the only non-MK1-3 chars playable, unless you want to count Skarlet, who debuted there).

Still, this broadens the possibilities considerably! The remaining seven are now much harder to guess than I anticipated... Fingers still crossed for Jade/Noob Saibot/Smoke/Kenshi, but I'm excited to see more post-MK3 characters as well if they make it!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on May 05, 2018, 07:00AM
fair enough on no tanya but i got fingers crossed on rain annnd maybe kung jin... to spice it up
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 11, 2018, 05:07PM
Everyone, I will very soon work on the Wendigo from Marvel. But after him, I may work on the next MK kombatant.

In the meantime, I have a question for you all that I won't place as a poll:
Research and interest has sparked again on trying to successfully increase the roster of playable heroes in MUA without the NPC glitch or other problems.  Currently, the maximum amount is 28. Most of you have voted that I try to create "dual mods" where two kombatants share a moveset within the same mod, as long as genders aren't mixed. (Example: Frost becomes a skin within the mod of Kitana, but is given some exclusive moves.) Please note that dual mods are not guaranteed to happen.

Should I go ahead and (possibly) attempt those dual mods? Or should I wait in case the roster is increased so that some kombatants may get their own mods? Sound off below and Choose Your Destiny.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 11, 2018, 05:17PM
Personally, I'd like as many kombatants possible, but that's just me :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 11, 2018, 05:57PM
Quote from: TheMK on May 11, 2018, 05:17PM
Personally, I’d like as many kombatants possible, but that’s just me :)

I know you particularly wanted to see Kenshi in the game. He's not one of the remaining seven, but he can be created as a "dual mod" within one of the seven. So you're saying you'd rather I hold out on Kenshi in the hopes that the roster is successfuly extended past 28? I can confirm that if the roster is extended, he is likely to be chosen for his own mod, as I already have the materials needed for him.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 11, 2018, 06:38PM
Kenshi is absolutely one of my top favorites, I just personally feel he'd be worthy of his own mod if it were possible, but as long as he's playable at all I'd be happy.

As for my last post, I was referring to the idea of dual skin mods :) I think you mentioned before he could be one for Kung Lao, unless as your post indicates he's now meant to be one for one of the current remaining mods.

Whatever you decide to do I'm sure it will be great! If you do include Kenshi in any capacity I'm sure you'll do him justice.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Jaybird on May 11, 2018, 07:52PM
Let's hold off for a little while and see where this roster expansion leads.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 11, 2018, 08:05PM
I think it would be more practical to wait for the roster expansion to continue. There's some promising work going on over there.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 12, 2018, 01:31PM
Quote from: jaybird on May 11, 2018, 07:52PM
Let's hold off for a little while and see where this roster expansion leads.
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 11, 2018, 08:05PM
I think it would be more practical to wait for the roster expansion to continue. There's some promising work going on over there.

Personally, I agree. I am with that team on researching and attempting to increase the roster limit past 28. In fact, I have to put my mod projects on hold to conduct experimentation.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 21, 2018, 05:44PM
Everyone, if you have been paying attention to a... certain thread, then you know that something awesome is on the verge of successfully happening. Want a hint? Take a look at the Warrior Select Screen at the first post.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 21, 2018, 06:18PM
Very cool!!! I'm excited for More Kombatants in MUA!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 29, 2018, 01:19PM
So, now that I'm back to character creation, I hope everyone is excited for the next Mortal Kombat character. I think this warrior will be fun to play as. Let me know if you think this kombatant was a good pick. Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 29, 2018, 06:46PM
Excited to see who it is!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 30, 2018, 06:42PM
Quote from: TheMK on May 29, 2018, 06:46PM
Excited to see who it is!

Oh... so you all don't know who it is already? I had revealed who it was a couple of nights ago. Interesting... :king: (evil laugh)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 30, 2018, 06:50PM
Aww, damn! I'm not paying enough attention lately :(

Edit: OHHH!!! Awesome!!! One of my favorites!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 02, 2018, 01:57PM
So everyone, my next three (maybe four) mod projects will be of Mortal Kombat warriors. Thanks to the 33 Roster Hack, the MK roster has been extended. One of my goals is to create a FULL roster of MK warriors. 12 to go...

That said, if you've looked at the Warrior Select screen at the first post lately, then you know that the next kombatant is none other than the mysterious ninja, Smoke. Which one, you ask? The human one. The robot version is just a skin that you can pick. Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on June 02, 2018, 06:47PM
I'm glad there's a dozen MK warriors waiting to make it in and that three or four are your next projects :)

I prefer cyborg Smoke but I'm glad he's a costume :)

I'm not sure who else you have in mind but the ones I'd be most excited for after Smoke are Jade, Kenshi, and Noob Saibot.

Also hopeful for some other post-MK3s like Cassie Cage and Erron Black but I'm not sure how likely those are.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on June 02, 2018, 07:26PM
Alright smoke hes my favorite after sub zero of course, in so excited to see if you do pull of this 33 roster....knowing how you pop mods I'm so excited.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 12, 2018, 02:14PM
Everyone, a new kombatant enters MUA -- Smoke has arrived. His portrait is now unlocked at the Warrior Select Screen.

I've made some changes to the first post -- the critically important boosters are now accessible by clicking on the kombatant's portrait. They each have a link to the original mod. This is because the boosters are so very important to make all MK mods uniform, that I've made it so you can't miss them.

In its place are the portraits of alternate kombatants one can play as through other mods. That may grow in time.

Also, I have added Smoke and Kintaro's MK on MUA bios --

Being a Shokan, Kintaro takes great pride in serving Shao Kahn in his war to conquer an alternate Earthrealm. However, he is of the lesser-class Tigrar race of Shokan, and wants to enhance his kind to the elite class. Kintaro heard of a country named Wakanda and plans to steal the metal there. But, their king will have something to say about that.

The mysterious ninja known as Smoke followed the warriors of light into an alternate Earthrealm from a distance. He seeks to aid Sub-Zero in ending the threat created by Shao Kahn. However, Smoke began to hear voices in his head. He learned that the voices came from a flirtacious mutant telepath that wears scantily-clad white. The mutant said that Smoke is more powerful than he thinks he is. With this knowledge to wonder about, Smoke enters into battle.

Finally, a new poll is up. I've recently wondered about the Stage Fatality uppercut and maybe some Fatality moves have blood-like effects. Should I add that? It would probably look cool and true-to-MK. However, a lot of MUA's enemies are robotic and it therefore wouldn't make sense. Sound off your opinion.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on June 12, 2018, 03:23PM
I would vote, but I'm honestly not sure what to pick. Honestly, I love blood with anything MK related, but I always figured the red health orbs are an okay substitute.

Looking forward to the next mods :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 15, 2018, 09:11PM
Everyone, Sindel has been updated. She now has new skins made by Andersonbrazil. However, I have hex-edited them to properly work in the game. Download her now.

Before I announce who the next kombatant will be, I first have to make a huge update for Shang Tsung. Here's hoping I can successfully pull it off without complicating his mod.

Also, I think I'm going to cancel the recent poll -- it doesn't make sense to put blood in there. There's just far too many robotic enemies. If this game were more like MK Shaolin Monks, it would be a different story... Thanks for voting, though.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on June 16, 2018, 08:09AM
Omg smoke mod is amazing and thank you for updating sindel! Wonder what you gonna do with Shang tsung but whatever it be I'm sure it's gonna be top work as always.  ;D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 19, 2018, 07:07PM
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just updated Shang Tsung to an unprecedented 39 morphs! Yes, the ultimate shape-shifting sorcerer experience is here! (NOTE: I won't be seeking to add any more morphs, as that would be overkill at this point.) He also has more skins as himself. Download the upgrade now, and view the new Morph Guide. However, use in moderation to avoid potential glitches due to the game's memory.,8753.msg187034.html#msg187034

Up next is a kombatant that a lot of you have been waiting for -- the sexy Edenian ninja known as Jade! Stay tuned, and you'll find out why that "shimmering woman" picked her...

Quote from: edward on June 16, 2018, 08:09AM
Omg smoke mod is amazing and thank you for updating sindel! Wonder what you gonna do with Shang tsung but whatever it be I'm sure it's gonna be top work as always.  ;D

Thanks for that -- I really wanted Smoke to stand out and be nowhere similar to Scorpion.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on June 19, 2018, 07:57PM
YES!!! Jade is both my favorite MK heroine and my favorite MK female character at all!!! :)

She's the last of the MK1-MK3 characters I've -really- been dying to see her in MUA -- I know you'll do her justice!!!

I always felt like she was stiffed out of chances to shine compared to some of the other characters. I personally find her more interesting than both Kitana and Mileena, even though the latter two have been given larger roles in the stories of the games. Jade has a lot of potential that I hope NRS realizes someday but I sort of doubt it given how she was excluded from MKX :( no mention of her at all except one of Kitana's variations! Sad!

And your upgrade to Shang Tsung is very impressive!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 01, 2018, 07:01PM
Everyone, Jade is still being worked on -- I've just been very busy lately, and plus I had to make time to create the new QUICK LIST ( for The Outsider's Crypt. She will come soon enough.

In the meantime, what do you think?
What if MK were created in MUA -- Shaolin Monks II?

Helicarrier = Earthrealm (Unsure where Fin Fang Foom would fall under in this case. Onaga the Dragon King, maybe?)
Act 1 = Shang Tsung's Island (Mandarin would be where you'd fight Shang Tsung.)
Act 2 = Netherrealm (Mephisto would be where you'd fight Shinnok if he gets created. Blackheart is where you'd fight Quan Chi.)
Act 3 = Edenia (Loki would be where where you'd fight Sindel.)
Act 4 = Outworld (Titannus would be where you'd fight Goro. Unsure where Galactus would fall under in this case. Blaze, maybe?)
Act 5 = Kahn's Fortress (Dr. Doom would be where you'd fight Shao Kahn.)

Murderworld = Realm of Chaos (Havik would be Arcade)
Niffleheim = Seido, the Realm of Order
Cityscape (Skrull Planet) = The Pit
Omega Base = The Prison
Sim Missions = Special Forces Simulator

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 01, 2018, 08:33PM
I think that would be incredibly awesome!!!

-But-, I'm a huge MK fan, so I'm really biased, LOL

As much as I would love to see it, it sounds like a lot of effort and might not feel as rewarding to undertake unless a lot of people are really enthusiastic about it. I mean, I'd love to do it myself if I could, but that's not happening anytime soon : /

If you (and/or someone else) decide to do it then that's great!!! But even if not it's very satisfying just to have so many cool MK characters in MUA at all :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on July 04, 2018, 06:39PM
Hmm, Classic Sub-Zero's listing has been mysteriously removed. Is Noob Saibot possibly on the cards as a separate character mod now?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 04, 2018, 07:11PM
I would hope so!!! I LOVE Noob Saibot!!!

Even if I still want to see Jade first. ^///^";

The two of them along with Rain are the only MK1-3 characters left without mods I still want to see :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 08, 2018, 06:22PM
Everyone, AdrianoAp has been added to the contributors line at the first post for his contributions to the MK mods.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on July 04, 2018, 06:39PM
Hmm, Classic Sub-Zero's listing has been mysteriously removed. Is Noob Saibot possibly on the cards as a separate character mod now?

Ah, you've noticed that... Yes, I can confirm that Noob Saibot will be next after my current project of Jade. This is to complete the MK2 collection, and of course we all know that Noob Saibot is the original Sub-Zero.

I must admit that Jade is giving me some difficulty, as it seems to be cancelling out effects. I'm trying to find alternate methods to fix them. She's about 75% done.

Quote from: TheMK on July 04, 2018, 07:11PM
I would hope so!!! I LOVE Noob Saibot!!!

Even if I still want to see Jade first. ^///^";

The two of them along with Rain are the only MK1-3 characters left without mods I still want to see :)

Noob Saibot is one of my favorite characters, but he's a tragic character as well -- the original Sub-Zero who would never join Quan Chi's Brotherhood of Shadow (as we saw in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, but ended up becoming part of it anyway and became such a powerful being that would challenge Quan Chi and others and take over the Netherealm... His story is interesting.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 08, 2018, 06:43PM
I'm excited Noob Saibot is next after Jade!

I agree his character is very tragic and his story is very interesting. I always wanted to see Sub-Zero manage to reform him and Smoke like he always tried to. I hope Noob and Smoke return in future MK games.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on July 09, 2018, 12:31AM
Quote from: Outsider on July 01, 2018, 07:01PM
Everyone, Jade is still being worked on -- I've just been very busy lately, and plus I had to make time to create the new QUICK LIST ( for The Outsider's Crypt. She will come soon enough.

In the meantime, what do you think?
What if MK were created in MUA -- Shaolin Monks II?

Helicarrier = Earthrealm (Unsure where Fin Fang Foom would fall under in this case. Onaga the Dragon King, maybe?)
Act 1 = Shang Tsung's Island (Mandarin would be where you'd fight Shang Tsung.)
Act 2 = Netherrealm (Mephisto would be where you'd fight Shinnok if he gets created. Blackheart is where you'd fight Quan Chi.)
Act 3 = Edenia (Loki would be where where you'd fight Sindel.)
Act 4 = Outworld (Titannus would be where you'd fight Goro. Unsure where Galactus would fall under in this case. Blaze, maybe?)
Act 5 = Kahn's Fortress (Dr. Doom would be where you'd fight Shao Kahn.)

Murderworld = Realm of Chaos (Havik would be Arcade)
Niffleheim = Seido, the Realm of Order
Cityscape (Skrull Planet) = The Pit
Omega Base = The Prison
Sim Missions = Special Forces Simulator
I think that'd be amazing! Some of the maps, like Mephisto's realm, already resemble their MK counterparts so if it was to be done hopefully many assets could be reused :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 10, 2018, 09:23PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked -- Jade has been released, and her portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. Skarlet is playable through her as an alternate costume with her own moves.

Their bios have been added as well...

Betrayng Shao Kahn and siding with her fellow Edenian friend Kitana, Jade joined the warriors of light against Kahn's invasion, but from a distance. The shimmering woman she met told her that she would meet a psychic mutant ninja there who's survived the Siege Perilous. Jade felt that this purple-haired mutant can help her find out the identity of the shimmering woman.

A living collection of blood from slain warriors, Skarlet serves Shao Kahn as his personal assassin. To aid him further in his conquest of an alternate Earthrealm, Skarlet wishes to travel to a place called Asgard and conduct a deal with their goddess of death. She figures if she can absorb the blood of hundreds of dead Asgardian warriors, she would become unstoppable. Odin's daughter, however, will oppose her wicked plans.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 11, 2018, 01:59AM
Yes!!! Awesome!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on July 13, 2018, 07:24PM
So these are my guesses for who the remaining 9 fighters are going to be, since Noob Saibot has already been revealed to be in the works.

The remaining fighters from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(Cyrax, Kabal, Nightwolf, Rain & Sektor), Shinnok from Mortal Kombat 4, Tremor from Mortal Kombat: Special Forces and Bo' Rai Cho & Kenshi from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. But if it turns out that Cyrax & Sektor share a slot(like Jade & Skarlet), I think Frost from Deadly Alliance will be added separately too.

These just seem like the most likely choices to me, as they're all popular characters within the games, have all interesting distinct movesets and they all have models available for mods on this site(unlike MKX's newcomers and the forgettable new cast members, that came about during the 3D era).

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 14, 2018, 09:33AM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on July 13, 2018, 07:24PM
So these are my guesses for who the remaining 9 fighters are going to be, since Noob Saibot has already been revealed to be in the works.

The remaining fighters from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3(Cyrax, Kabal, Nightwolf, Rain & Sektor), Shinnok from Mortal Kombat 4, Tremor from Mortal Kombat: Special Forces and Bo' Rai Cho & Kenshi from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. But if it turns out that Cyrax & Sektor share a slot(like Jade & Skarlet), I think Frost from Deadly Alliance will be added separately too.

These just seem like the most likely choices to me, as they're all popular characters within the games, have all interesting distinct movesets and they all have models available for mods on this site(unlike MKX's newcomers and the forgettable new cast members, that came about during the 3D era).

Interesting theory. While I can't confirm nor deny if you're correct, I do agree that many of the kombatants that came during the 3D era are indeed forgettable. I was not a fan of a lot of them. Though Tanya is popular among some, I personally just don't get the appeal.

I've recently watched some videos on Youtube providing their list of the top 10 worst Mortal Kombat characters ever. All of these have funny commentary and are true for the most part. I do however disagree with Rain and Stryker being picked. (I disagree on his picks of Rain and Stryker.) (I question the validity of this one, as Mokap was not mentioned.) (Stated that Khameleon's entry was a mistake.)

That said, I think Stryker is unfairly judged. Personally I think anyone who has no powers at all, yet can battle gods, sorcerers, ninjas, monsters etc is a beast. He's like freakin' Batman in that he doesn't need powers. While I get the argument that he doesn't fit in, what's the fun in fitting in? You'd want to stand out. Yes, I hated his MK3 attire too, but they made him much cooler in MK9, redeeming himself in my opinion.

So with that, I've decided to compile my own list of the top 10 worst Mortal Kombat characters ever. The characters I usually perform fatalities on because they are just awful. Needless to say, the following characters will NOT be chosen for mod creation.

10. Dairou
Other than the fact that he's some sort of assassin, there's just nothing that stands out about him. Horrendous and bland moveset, and I can't even remember what his fatalities were, which is bad in itself. Maybe if they re-introduce him in a better way, he could be redeemed.

9. Reiko
When this piss-ant of a character appeared in MK4 and I saw his ending, I thought as a lot of you did - that he was really Shao Kahn in a different form (which would have been cool). But no... instead he's just a cheap knock-off. Apparently they made him a bad-ass in the MKX comic teaming him with Skarlet. Maybe if THAT Reiko appears, he could redeem himself.

8. Hotaru
There is nothing, and I mean nothing interesting about this character. I can't stand his armor with the two flags, his story of wanting order in the realms makes him feel like a horrific security guard. Nothing more than a space-filler for MK Deception. No... just, no.

7. Kobra
This uninspiring piece of crap is a total ripoff of Ken from Street Fighter except not nearly as fun to play as. He's completely generic and has no memorable moves what so ever. And his story of robbing people just makes him worse. Good thing Erron Black killed him off. Please, stay dead.

6. Darrius
No, one doesn't get points for diversity if the black character happens to be a sh**ty piece of work. Darrius has a pathetic name, a lousy moveset, and really no reason to exist other than to create space-fillers for the realms of Order and Chaos. Nothing cool about this bonehead at all.

5. Jarek
Instead of Kano who is actually cool, at MK4 we got this reject carbon copy of him in Jarek. He stole all of Kano's moves -- they should have just put Kano in there. Plus, I agree with the videos that he has such a awful MK4 ending. His return in MKA was a little better, but the damage was already done.

4. Hsu Hao
While I admittedly did like his mechanical heart design, that's about it. His outifts? Lame. His moves? Lame. This supposed bad-ass is about as lame as it gets. He just doesn't work for me (and most people) at all. He works for the Red Dragon, which basically means that he stinks. And speaking of the Red Dragon...

3. Mavado
What's worse than the lame Hsu Hao? I'd say the Blade reject that he works for - Mavado. He has one of the worst movesets I've seen in a fighting game, using ropes. There's nothing cool about him. And using Kabal's hookswords? Glad Kabal got them back and showed this imbecile who's boss.

2. Meat
Started off as an easter egg in MK4, this awful idea should not have appeared in MKA as its own character. His moveset is beyond pathetic, and a clear example of the developers just trying to fill up the roster. Who would want to play as Meat anyway? Waste of space.

1. Mokap
I bet you all saw this one coming. Of all the characters to have ever been created, this one takes the cake. While I get the reason behind his appearance in MK5 Deadly Alliance as a tribute to the developers' motion capture work, this (expletive) piece of crap should have never seen the light of day after that. He will always be a joke of a character and should never be counted among MK warriors at all.

So what do you think? Think this list is legit? Sound off, but yeah if any of you were hoping that one of these 10 would take one of the remaining spots, you may as well perform a hara-kiri on that dream. Not gonna happen.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 14, 2018, 01:35PM
I'm not sure if it's because I'm one of the biggest MK fans or what, but I seem to have a hard time finding characters I outright hate. Even some of the really unpopular ones I at least see potential in (not to say they're necessarily good characters, just that they -could- be interesting if they were done/explored right). It seems to be universally agreed that after MK3 there were always some disappointments in the new arrivals until MKX (the only new addition in that game I find boring is Ferra/Torr). IMO, during the period in between, I feel like Deadly Alliance had the strongest addition of new characters (Kenshi, Bo 'Rai Cho, Nitara, Frost), followed by MK4 (mostly Quan Chi and Fujin, though Shinnok became actually interesting later in Armageddon and X, and Tanya is debatable/I'm indifferent to her), finishing up with Deception (pretty much just Ashrah and Havik). I don't really count the games after those until X since the contributions were either very minimal or really forgettable (Skarlet was cool in MK9, but Taven and Daegon were pretty bland, and Dark Kahn was just a cliche).
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 21, 2018, 09:54PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked -- Noob Saibot is now playable and his portrait has been revealed at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Classic Sub-Zero is playable as an alternate with a couple of exclusive moves. Here is his bio...

The enigmatic Noob Saibot stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed and with an allegiance to no one. He seeks to gain power from a place called the Shadow Realm. His motives are unknown, but are no doubt of pure evil. However, he senses a supernatural presence lurking in the shadows in the form of a half-vampire wielding a katana hot on his trail. Noob Saibot is normally feared, but not by this warrior called the "daywalker." A fight between them is inevitable.

Now, my next project will not be a Mortal Kombat one, but a Marvel one and you'll think it's a rather ...strange pick. However, I will return to MK before you know it. In fact, per my request, AdrianoAp is currently making mannequins for some future kombatants. In the meantime, stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on July 21, 2018, 11:59PM
Awesome can't wait to try him, but I don't know why I'm getting the same problem I had with sindel with smoke and jade. Jade has other animations some of her powers not working right. I don't get it I recently installed starfire and she didn't give me any kind of problem....please help.  :bowdown:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 22, 2018, 06:17AM
Quote from: edward on July 21, 2018, 11:59PM
Awesome can't wait to try him, but I don't know why I'm getting the same problem I had with sindel with smoke and jade. Jade has other animations some of her powers not working right. I don't get it I recently installed starfire and she didn't give me any kind of problem....please help.  :bowdown:

This is seriously mind-baffling and frustrating... ok, a few questions for you:

1. How many mods have been suffering these random animation problems? Give a ballpark estimate.
2. Are these problems only happening with mods that I create?
3. Are these problems only happening with Mortal Kombat characters?
4. Are you using the GEC (Gold Edition Content) or 33R (33 Roster Hack), and if so, are these characters in the last 5 spots?
5. You said Jade is using "other animations" but she's listed using fightstyle_default, meaning she doesn't have more anims than others. What exactly is she doing?
6. What operating system is your computer using?
7. You mentioned that Smoke was amazing (thanks for that). Was he suffering those problems then, or just now?
8. Ever since I've sent you that modified file, has Sindel been good since then?

I ask these questions to try and pinpoint exactly what the problem is, as you seem to be the only one suffering these random animation problems. So, if they are having the same problems as Sindel, that means that some of their melee animations aren't working? And you said Jade's powers aren't looking right, either? I seriously don't get this at all.

Everyone, if there is anyone else having these random animation problems, let me know. Don't be silent about it. And if anyone has solutions or theories as to what is happening in Edward's game, feel free to mention them.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 22, 2018, 06:18AM
So excited!!! I love what you've done with Noob Saibot and how you managed to include Classic Sub-Zero as well!

I'm eager to see who else is going to make it as a mod :) fingers crossed for Kenshi! As long as he makes it in I couldn't be happier, but I feel confident that the remaining mods you'll create for MK will be very impressive.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on July 22, 2018, 10:11AM
Sorry I don't know exactly what I did but it seem to fix itself. Sorry all is good including sindel default odd. Anyways amazing job! :rockon:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on July 29, 2018, 12:42AM
Everytime I sign in and see a new face on the character selection screen in the first post it's like Christmas <3
Just gonna say, if you make Kabal my existence will be completed lol
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 30, 2018, 08:19PM
Quote from: TheMK on July 22, 2018, 06:18AM
So excited!!! I love what you've done with Noob Saibot and how you managed to include Classic Sub-Zero as well!

I'm eager to see who else is going to make it as a mod :) fingers crossed for Kenshi! As long as he makes it in I couldn't be happier, but I feel confident that the remaining mods you'll create for MK will be very impressive.

I can't confirm nor deny anyone in particular, but I'd say you'll be pleased with my picks.

Quote from: edward on July 22, 2018, 10:11AM
Sorry I don't know exactly what I did but it seem to fix itself. Sorry all is good including sindel default odd. Anyways amazing job! :rockon:

Thanks for that. I hope you'll somehow remember what you did in case it happens again...

Quote from: AfroSkylark on July 29, 2018, 12:42AM
Everytime I sign in and see a new face on the character selection screen in the first post it's like Christmas <3
Just gonna say, if you make Kabal my existence will be completed lol

Don't you mean Khristmas? :laugh: Yeah, as you can tell I'm a big Mortal Kombat fan. Stay tuned as more kombatants reveal themselves -- I'll return to MK soon.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 31, 2018, 04:22AM
Very great!!! I'm definitely looking forward to everything you do next!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rinswind on August 05, 2018, 06:12PM
First off, loving all these MK mods! Have most of em on my roster atm lol. One of my favorites probably has to be Baraka but, I seem to be having an issue with him that I can't track down the cause of.

His powers "The Shredder" and "Tarkatan Tenderizer" are doing ludicrous amounts of damage, like 600+. This is when starting a new game on Hard mode. The tooltips say they should be normal damage, like 50-60, as do the corresponding powers in the talents file. I get a similar issue with Kano's "Knife Uppercut" which does 300+ and Stryker's "Riot Control" also 300+.

Not sure if it's related to the mod or some weird clashing issue with another file or what, is anyone else having this happen?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 05, 2018, 09:00PM
Everyone, a new kombatant has been unlocked -- Cyber Sub-Zero is now playable. Select Sub-Zero at the Warrior Select screen, then download the Sub-Zero booster, as it's been heavily updated. Unit LK-52O is now an alternate costume with some unique extra powers. He can throw an ice bomb (which can freeze multiple enemies at a time), can perform a diving kick from mid-air, and can teleport. His bio has been added.

Having been automated by the Lin Kuei, yet somehow maintaining his soul, Sub-Zero looks to be able to switch between human and cyber form at any time, to make the Lin Kuei pay. As he enters an alternate Earthrealm, he saw what appears to be a man the size of an ant. He followed him to eventually speak with Hank Pym in the hopes that he can accomplish his goal.

One thing, though -- Cyber Sub-Zero's skin is suffering from stiff hands and can't make fists, which makes his attacks look weird. Blacthulhu made the skin, and I have asked him to fix that if is he able to. He admitted that all of his skins are stiff-handed, but I've been trying to get him to work with Andersonbrazil on fixing the problem. Maegawa has provided him with tutorials from Dark_Mark. Let us hope that this problem gets fixed in a timely manner, so we can all enjoy Cyber Sub-Zero better.

Quote from: Rinswind on August 05, 2018, 06:12PM
First off, loving all these MK mods! Have most of em on my roster atm lol. One of my favorites probably has to be Baraka but, I seem to be having an issue with him that I can't track down the cause of.

His powers "The Shredder" and "Tarkatan Tenderizer" are doing ludicrous amounts of damage, like 600+. This is when starting a new game on Hard mode. The tooltips say they should be normal damage, like 50-60, as do the corresponding powers in the talents file. I get a similar issue with Kano's "Knife Uppercut" which does 300+ and Stryker's "Riot Control" also 300+.

Not sure if it's related to the mod or some weird clashing issue with another file or what, is anyone else having this happen?

Strange... I've looked at the talents and powerstyle files of those characters, and they are all fine (minus one error in Kano where I put "dmg-blade" instead of "dmg_blade").  The enemies should be "harder" in Hard mode, yet they take more? Baraka's powers cause enemies to bleed, but only by 5% extra damage. I can't find any reason why you're experiencing that problem. Did you accidentally input the Level 99, God mode, or One Hit Kill cheat codes? Because that amount of damage -- especially in Hard mode, isn't natural. I am curious as well if anyone is having that problem as well.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rinswind on August 05, 2018, 10:38PM
Quote from: Outsider on August 05, 2018, 09:00PM

Strange... I've looked at the talents and powerstyle files of those characters, and they are all fine (minus one error in Kano where I put "dmg-blade" instead of "dmg_blade").  The enemies should be "harder" in Hard mode, yet they take more? Baraka's powers cause enemies to bleed, but only by 5% extra damage. I can't find any reason why you're experiencing that problem. Did you accidentally input the Level 99, God mode, or One Hit Kill cheat codes? Because that amount of damage -- especially in Hard mode, isn't natural. I am curious as well if anyone is having that problem as well.

Yea, no cheats or anything, full roster works fine in new game Hard mode yet those couple skills I mentioned doing that high damage for some reason. I change my roster and remove Baraka, re-add him with different characters and all, and it still remains. :O

Like I said though his other powers and basic melee are working normally, it's just Shredder and Tenderizer that's behaving oddly.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 06, 2018, 02:59AM
Quote from: Rinswind on August 05, 2018, 10:38PM
Yea, no cheats or anything, full roster works fine in new game Hard mode yet those couple skills I mentioned doing that high damage for some reason. I change my roster and remove Baraka, re-add him with different characters and all, and it still remains. :O

Like I said though his other powers and basic melee are working normally, it's just Shredder and Tenderizer that's behaving oddly.

I haven't tried Baraka yet, but I do see what you mean with Kano -- just two of his Knife Uppercut seems to take out enemies. It's possible that Kano's "dmg-blade" error may be causing it, but I'm not sure. I saw no problems with Stryker's Riot Control -- damage was normal. After I try out Baraka, I'll see what I can do.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 06, 2018, 04:25AM
Very cool! (no pun intended!)

I have to admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Cyber Sub-Zero when he debuted in MK9, but I softened up to him a little bit after he got uncyberized in MKX. I have mixed feelings about how the reboot series has altered the storyline (not just the apparent changes from Raiden's foresight, but retroactive things they changed, like Mileena's age and Goro's morality). I feel like at some point they had dropped the ball with MK9's story (mostly around Sindel's power hour) and then picked it back up pretty smoothly for MKX (despite some MK9 changes that made me sad, mostly the fate of most of the revenants, I feel they made a pretty good story out of it).

Still, I like this idea :) Sub-Zero not being trapped in his cyber form, but being able to switch between it and his classic self freely. Very nice update!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rinswind on August 06, 2018, 09:37AM
Quote from: Outsider on August 06, 2018, 02:59AM
I haven't tried Baraka yet, but I do see what you mean with Kano -- just two of his Knife Uppercut seems to take out enemies. It's possible that Kano's "dmg-blade" error may be causing it, but I'm not sure. I saw no problems with Stryker's Riot Control -- damage was normal. After I try out Baraka, I'll see what I can do.

Riot Control is working normally for me now for some reason, however for Kano I've tried changing dmg-blade to dmg_blade to no effect, Knife Uppercut still does about 250 dmg in a new game.

On a semi-related note, if I may leave a small piece of feedback, I think Kano's "Optic Upgrade" might be a smidgen too powerful the way it currently works. Almost feels like cheating when I can just use all my energy on the buff and just spam high single target and AoE laser attacks for free permanently. I suppose that comes down to self-control and not abusing the buff, it's just that the nature of it makes it hard not to abuse just by playing normally is my point I guess. Either way Kano is friggin awesome and will probably be staying on my roster pretty much full time :P
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 06, 2018, 01:04PM
Quote from: Rinswind on August 06, 2018, 09:37AM
On a semi-related note, if I may leave a small piece of feedback, I think Kano's "Optic Upgrade" might be a smidgen too powerful the way it currently works. Almost feels like cheating when I can just use all my energy on the buff and just spam high single target and AoE laser attacks for free permanently. I suppose that comes down to self-control and not abusing the buff, it's just that the nature of it makes it hard not to abuse just by playing normally is my point I guess. Either way Kano is friggin awesome and will probably be staying on my roster pretty much full time :P

I don't mind any criticism or feedback at all. My take on it is that yes, Kano's Optic Upgrade is a bit on the powerful side, but like you said, it all comes down to self-control. Take Noob Saibot in the games for example: All he had to do was nail someone with his Ghost Ball, and enemy attacks would be useless long enough to land two uppercuts or a sick combo, defeating them easily. So skilled players won't just use that all match long, for that's cheap and no fun. Say you picked Reptile or Smoke -- they have invisibility, but players wouldn't continuously use it just to gain an advantage. Heck, even Shang Tsung's many morphs should be used in moderation. Same thing here.

But, I hear what you're saying -- if I get Kano's MK9 skin, I may modify him by lowering the boost's duration, allowing players to think twice about spamming it. Nonetheless, good to hear that you dig Kano and the MK mods as a whole. Still don't know what's causing the random high-damage output, though...

Quote from: TheMK on August 06, 2018, 04:25AM
Very cool! (no pun intended!)

I have to admit I wasn't the biggest fan of Cyber Sub-Zero when he debuted in MK9, but I softened up to him a little bit after he got uncyberized in MKX. I have mixed feelings about how the reboot series has altered the storyline (not just the apparent changes from Raiden's foresight, but retroactive things they changed, like Mileena's age and Goro's morality). I feel like at some point they had dropped the ball with MK9's story (mostly around Sindel's power hour) and then picked it back up pretty smoothly for MKX (despite some MK9 changes that made me sad, mostly the fate of most of the revenants, I feel they made a pretty good story out of it).

Still, I like this idea :) Sub-Zero not being trapped in his cyber form, but being able to switch between it and his classic self freely. Very nice update!

I agree that they made Sindel look far too powerful during MK9's story mode. It was ridiculous. And to be honest, I felt that Cyber Sub-Zero was a great idea, but he would have been better off as an alternate costume for Sub-Zero in the same way that the Lin Kuei's robo-ninjas both had their human versions as alternate costumes in MK9. That way, he doesn't take a roster spot that could have been used for guys like Fujin or Chameleon or who ever the heck that shimmering woman was in Jade's ending...

Same thing here. I like Cyber Sub-Zero, but it doesn't make sense to me that he takes one of the 9 remaining roster spots when he can just be an alternate for Sub-Zero. Now we get to play as him and no spots were taken. Problem solved.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rinswind on August 07, 2018, 04:53PM
Quote from: Outsider on August 06, 2018, 01:04PM
But, I hear what you're saying -- if I get Kano's MK9 skin, I may modify him by lowering the boost's duration, allowing players to think twice about spamming it. Nonetheless, good to hear that you dig Kano and the MK mods as a whole. Still don't know what's causing the random high-damage output, though...

Ah so were you able to test and see if you were experiencing similar issues with Baraka as well then? Curious if it's related to the mod or something I fudged up myself.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 07, 2018, 10:28PM
Quote from: Rinswind on August 07, 2018, 04:53PM
Ah so were you able to test and see if you were experiencing similar issues with Baraka as well then? Curious if it's related to the mod or something I fudged up myself.

Yes, I have, and unfortunately Baraka does suffer that problem with those two moves. However, the problem is that I don't know how to fix them. The coding is correct, and the damage output listed at the talents file is also spot on. If anyone has an idea as to what is causing it, let me know here.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Maegawa on August 08, 2018, 09:12PM
Quote from: Outsider on August 07, 2018, 10:28PM
If anyone has an idea as to what is causing it, let me know here.

I took a look at the coding for Baraka's "The Shredder", and I can point out what is causing the huge damage issue:
      trigger {
      damage = %baraka_p3_dmg ;
      damagetype = dmg_blade ;

      hiteffect = char/wolv/p11_power ;
      name = punch ;
      powerusage = %baraka_p3_pwr ;
      time = 0.25 ;
         damagemod {
         name = dmgmod_stun ;

         damagemod {
         name = dmgmod_popup ;


Between the two lines in bold there should be a damagescale = none line, because punch entries have damagescale = normal set by default, meaning their damage increases according to the character's Strike stat. (fun fact: Ronin's "Spine Teaser" causes ridiculous amounts of damage because of that too)

Although I haven't checked the other powers who reportedly cause huge damage, the cause is likely to be the same.

To be sure on which entries require the damagescale = none line, the shared_event_templates.xmlb file has all the info on them.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 09, 2018, 02:42AM
Quote from: Maegawa on August 08, 2018, 09:12PM
I took a look at the coding for Baraka's "The Shredder", and I can point out what is causing the huge damage issue:
Between the two lines in bold there should be a damagescale = none line, because punch entries have damagescale = normal set by default, meaning their damage increases according to the character's Strike stat. (fun fact: Ronin's "Spine Teaser" causes ridiculous amounts of damage because of that too)

Although I haven't checked the other powers who reportedly cause huge damage, the cause is likely to be the same.

To be sure on which entries require the damagescale = none line, the shared_event_templates.xmlb file has all the info on them.

Ah yes, I forgot about that line! You see how one missing line can throw everything off? Thanks for that. It appears that some of Baraka's powers have that line and some ("punch" powers) do not. Kano's Knife Uppercut has that problem as well. Stryker's Riot Control does not since it's a radial power.

(Shao Kahn voice): "Well done."

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 12, 2018, 10:17AM
For his many contributions to be seen later, UltraMegaMagnus has been added to the contributors line at the first post.

I will fix Kano and Baraka shortly when I am finished with my current Secret Mod project.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 14, 2018, 02:05PM
Everyone, in light of Rinswind's discovery, Baraka and Kano have been updated. Thanks to Maegawa for seeing the fix.

What was that ominous message that Clea mentioned at the Sanctum Santorum? Something about an immense energy that stalks the house like a wolf in the night? Hmm...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on August 14, 2018, 03:46PM
Nightwolf's next, ey? Look forward to seeing your take on him :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 14, 2018, 05:38PM
It sounds like the MK1-3 crowd is getting rounded out! Exciting!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on August 16, 2018, 01:14PM
Everyone, in addition to Baraka and Kano being updated due to Rinswind's discovery, Sub-Zero has been updated with a better Cyber Sub-Zero skin that doesn't have stiff hands and can even open his chest compartment to fire his Ice Bomb! Download them quick before you forget to. Don't say that I didn't tell you they were updated.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on August 16, 2018, 01:56PM
Very nice updates!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rinswind on August 23, 2018, 05:59AM
Ah, awesome news! Thanks for the updates and fixes :D  And thank you Maegawa for finding out what the issue was! Now they can be perma additions to my roster =)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 02, 2018, 10:54AM
I know it's been awhile, but I'm back now to Mortal Kombat, as I have to switch between here and the comics section when time allows.

Here is the bio for Robot Smoke, obviously different from Human Smoke:

Forced into automation by the Lin Kuei, Smoke is now an emotionless killing machine. Having allegiance to no one as he enters an alternate Earthrealm, his only mission is to kill Sub-Zero. Forcing a scientist there with four mechanical arms to enhance his strength and weaponry, Smoke begins his mission to terminate the rogue ninja. However, his soul may not be completely gone...

So as you've learned by now, Nightwolf is next. But, the kombatant who is coming after that may surprise some of you... Stay tuned.


Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 02, 2018, 01:06PM
Awesome! Eagerly looking forward to your next mods!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 04, 2018, 02:54AM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Nightwolf is now playable, and his portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. Select the Native American shaman and check him in action. Here is his bio:

With the aid of his ancestors, Nightwolf was able to temporarily repel the wolf spirit that had been corrupted by Shao Kahn. However, the curse remains and he seeks help. While focused on aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, Nightwolf senses sheer power within a lovely woman in scarlet gypsy clothing. He believes that she is the key to his curse ending.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 04, 2018, 04:29AM
Very awesome! I'm excited to see which kombatant is next!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 05, 2018, 07:30PM
8 spots remain on the MK roster. So, who's coming next? Well, there's not enough women on roster. We need another one... perhaps one that is super strong, has experience as a bodyguard ...and oh yeah, has four arms.

For those of who you may worry that this kombatant is going to play exactly like a certain four-armed sub-boss, no worries. I don't make cookie-cutter mods, and this one will play differently. Stay tuned for her.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 05, 2018, 07:43PM
Sheeva? Awesome!

I always loved the shokans in the MK games :) having her be the first playable one in the series always made MK3 stand out to me.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on September 06, 2018, 01:31AM
God yes!! I've been hoping so hard for Sheeva lol I neeeeed my Mortal Kombat 3 family 
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 06, 2018, 06:55PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Sheeva is now available and her portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. Check her out now. Here is her bio.

The four-armed Shokan lady called Sheeva has aligned with Shao Kahn's forces in their attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. However, before she could get very far, a jade-colored muscular woman stood in front of her, looking to fight her. Sheeva roared as she ran to meet her challenger.

Also, on the Marvel side, John Blaze and Secret Mod 4 have been updated as they now have mannequins.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 06, 2018, 08:18PM
Very awesome!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 09, 2018, 12:24PM
So, I know I haven't announced who the next kombatant is yet, but I've been very busy updating many of my Marvel mods, as they gained a lot of skin and mannequin improvements. Stay tuned for the next kombatant ...have you've already figured out who it is? (Enter Shao Kahn laugh)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 09, 2018, 12:54PM
OH!!! OH GOD!!!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 09, 2018, 05:37PM
Yes! Kenshi!!! :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on September 09, 2018, 11:56PM
Yay! Awesome! I have a weird issue with Sub Zero that i'm not sure has been brought up by anyone else. For some reason, after installing the character and booster pack on a clean save with the 33 character roster hack, I can't seem to get Cyber Sub Zero to appear. The MK9 skin works, as shown in the pic attached, but it seems to have the talent tree of what would be Cyber Sub Zero, and the Cyber Sub Zero skin is simply a blank line.


Attempting to select the blank skin crashes the game, and I can't find anything specifically off about my herostat. The Sub Zero entry isn't in the first of last five of the herostat either, so I can't seem to figure out what's wrong :(
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 10, 2018, 02:52AM
Quote from: AfroSkylark on September 09, 2018, 11:56PM
Yay! Awesome! I have a weird issue with Sub Zero that i'm not sure has been brought up by anyone else. For some reason, after installing the character and booster pack on a clean save with the 33 character roster hack, I can't seem to get Cyber Sub Zero to appear. The MK9 skin works, as shown in the pic attached, but it seems to have the talent tree of what would be Cyber Sub Zero, and the Cyber Sub Zero skin is simply a blank line.


Attempting to select the blank skin crashes the game, and I can't find anything specifically off about my herostat. The Sub Zero entry isn't in the first of last five of the herostat either, so I can't seem to figure out what's wrong :(

Show me the herostat anyway, as there may be something wrong with it. Also, check the "packages/generated/characters" folder, and confirm that you have all 12 "szero" entries. You should, but check anyway just in case.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on September 10, 2018, 07:10PM
Quote from: Outsider on September 10, 2018, 02:52AM
Show me the herostat anyway, as there may be something wrong with it. Also, check the "packages/generated/characters" folder, and confirm that you have all 12 "szero" entries. You should, but check anyway just in case.
Sure thing! Here's the entry specifically for Sub Zero that I have

Quotestats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 10 ;
   characteranims = 60_szero ;
   charactername = Sub-Zero ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 22 ;
   mind = 8 ;
   name = szero ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_szero ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 6006 ;
   skin_01_name = Unmasked (MK3) ;
   skin_02 = 07 ;
   skin_02_name = Modern (MKDA) ;
   skin_03 = 10 ;
   skin_03_name = Cyber Sub-Zero ;
   skin_04 = 05 ;
   skin_04_name = Klassic (MK2) ;
   skin_03 = 09 ;
   skin_03_name = Remake (MK9) ;
   skin_06 = 08 ;
   skin_06_name = Ultimate (MKD) ;
   sounddir = szero_m ;
   strength = 6 ;
   team = hero ;
   textureicon = 3 ;
      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 Spine2 ;
      effect = char/iceman/special_selfchill ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;

      Multipart {
      hideskin = thorax_open ;
      showskin = thorax_close ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = szero_p1 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = szero_resist ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_szero ;


I checked the packages/generated/characters folder and I did have 12 szero entries, so it may be an error in how I entered the stats. Here's my entire herostat (copied into a txt), if it might help to see it. (

Thanks again :D I love your creations

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 10, 2018, 07:51PM
OK, I looked at your herostat from you displaying it, and I found the problem. Take a look at the parts in bold red...

   skin = 6006 ;
   skin_01_name = Unmasked (MK3) ;
   skin_02 = 07 ;
   skin_02_name = Modern (MKDA) ;
   skin_03 = 10 ;
   skin_03_name = Cyber Sub-Zero ;
   skin_04 = 05 ;
   skin_04_name = Klassic (MK2) ;
   skin_03 = 09 ;
   skin_03_name = Remake (MK9) ;
   skin_06 = 08 ;
   skin_06_name = Ultimate (MKD) ;

See the problem?
The second one "Remake (MK9)" is supposed to say "skin_05" and "skin_05_name." That should fix your problem.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on September 10, 2018, 11:54PM
That fixed it, thank you!! The skin is gorgeous btw.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 13, 2018, 06:53PM
I've been very busy lately, but I'll start on creating Kenshi. Prepare yourself for the blind swordsman. That said, I wonder who people are looking forward to seeing next... if chosen, that is.

Quote from: AfroSkylark on September 10, 2018, 11:54PM
That fixed it, thank you!! The skin is gorgeous btw.

No problem. Andersonbrazil did a great job with the skin using Nikita's tool.

Quote from: TheMK on September 09, 2018, 12:54PM
OH!!! OH GOD!!!

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on September 09, 2018, 05:37PM
Yes! Kenshi!!! :D

Guess my message was too obvious. Good y'all were able to see that.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 13, 2018, 06:59PM
I am seriously so happy about it!!! Once Kenshi makes it in, all my top favorite Mortal Kombat characters will be playable in MUA!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 15, 2018, 09:39PM
Sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to put Kenshi's creation on hold temporarily. A really bad glitch was found, and my Ghost Rider booster may or may not be the cause of it. It requires my full attention. See The Crypt for details.

EDIT: The cause of the problem has been solved, and is not my doing. Work on Kenshi will resume.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 16, 2018, 01:14PM
Please do whatever you have to, Outsider. I may be very excited for Kenshi, but I appreciate how you put precedence towards making sure your mods work the way you've intended. Very diligent of you!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 19, 2018, 12:12PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Kenshi has been released, and his portrait is now at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is his bio:

Being blind has not slowed down the swordsman known as Kenshi, as he aids the warriors of light to defend an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn and his forces. Seeking to end Shang Tsung for good, Kenshi caught the attention of a crimson-colored super hero who is also blind. Learning from this defender's experience should aid him in his quest.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 19, 2018, 12:24PM
Yes!!! I am so excited for this!!! Thank you so much, Outsider!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on September 20, 2018, 12:11AM
Thank you so much!! Adding him to the roster now :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 20, 2018, 05:54AM
A new kombatant has been unlocked... sort of. Frost has been released as an alternate kombatant for Kitana (so the latter has been updated), and her portrait is now at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is her bio:

Having thawed out from being severely frozen, Frost survived gaining more experience with the element of cold. Reluctantly joining the warriors of light alongside her sifu, Sub-Zero, Frost has no interest in the alternate Earthrealm war against Shao Kahn. Rather, she seeks to become more powerful than Sub-Zero's medallion. She eventually met a green-skinned man with a gamma-charged brain, who agrees to aid her. However, a vigilante associated with Earth's moon plans to stop them.

Reptile has been updated as well, as there were coding errors with his Force Ball projectiles when you hit a boss.

Quote from: TheMK on September 19, 2018, 12:24PM
Yes!!! I am so excited for this!!! Thank you so much, Outsider!!!
Quote from: AfroSkylark on September 20, 2018, 12:11AM
Thank you so much!! Adding him to the roster now :D

Thanks for that, fellas. Kenshi wasn't the easiest to create, but I like a challenge sometimes. And he really is one of the only standout characters during Mortal Kombat's 3-D era.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 20, 2018, 07:42AM
Nice to see Frost there too!

I know the 3D era games in the Kombat series have characters most find generally lacking. I have a soft spot for most of them, but it seems like some of the only ones almost everyone universally loves are the new characters from Mortal Kombat X (who I'd love to see as mods if they ever make it, but I'm not sure how likely this is). I think it speaks volumes that Quan Chi and Kenshi were the only post-MK3 characters to make it into MK9.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Canino on September 20, 2018, 03:11PM
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 21, 2018, 12:46PM
The following MK warriors have been updated as of today (9/21/18):

Kitana: Added some icons for Frost and changed her accessibility.
Jade: Fix an error on Skarlet and changed her accessibility.
Noob Saibot: Added a Classic Sub-Zero loading screen, changed CSZ's taunt line, changed herostat, and changed his accessibility.
Fujin: Changed his taunt line and fixed his jump smash animation.
Kenshi: Added a minor effect to the victim of his Mind Lift.

Download these now before you forget to, as these are important updates in more ways than you know -- just overwrite the previous stuff.

And here is Classic Sub-Zero's Bio:

Having somehow been freed of the Noob Saibot curse, Sub-Zero was himself once more. As Shao Kahn and his forces invade an alternate Earthrealm, he appears unnoticed with two objectives: To reunite with his younger brother, and to rid the world of the Brotherhood of Shadow for good. Sub-Zero aligned himself with a black sorcerer who masters voodoo. His plan involves giving Quan Chi a taste of his own medicine.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 21, 2018, 01:05PM
Thank you for the updates, Outsider! Excited to see whoever's next :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on September 21, 2018, 02:00PM
Here after the Kitana update the FAN LIFT power stopped being loaded :/

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 21, 2018, 03:31PM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on September 21, 2018, 02:00PM
Here after the Kitana update the FAN LIFT power stopped being loaded :/

Thanks for the report -- I've fixed it. I also forgot the new voice file for Noob Saibot. My bad, I've got a lot of things going on at once.

Ok, so NOW you all can update the following:

Kitana: Added some icons for Frost and changed her accessibility. Fixed the error Aventureiromax just pointed out.
Jade: Fix an error on Skarlet and changed her accessibility.
Noob Saibot: Added a Classic Sub-Zero loading screen, changed herostat, and changed his accessibility. Added the voice file I forgot to put in.
Fujin: Changed his taunt line and fixed his jump smash animation.
Kenshi: Added a minor effect to the victim of his Mind Lift.

Download these now before you forget to, as these are important updates in more ways than you know -- just overwrite the previous stuff.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 22, 2018, 07:50PM
Hope you all got the chance to download the recent update to the kombatants in the previous post.

So, I have a bit of bad news: I was working on a secret project (which is why I didn't reveal who was next) to have Khameleon playable without taking a spot on the roster. My plan to mimic the same method used for flying ("moveset_flying" --> "moveset_khameleon") where some animations would change when any of the female ninjas turn into Khameleon, who would have some skills from all of the female ninjas. The tests were tried on Kitana, and I figured if Khameleon was successful, then the same can be done for Chameleon who has more skills and powers to work with.

While I did successfully get all of the female ninjas to morph into Khameleon, she unfortunately did not gain all of the ninjas' powers. She only retained the powers of the one that she morphed from -- which obviously defeats the purpose. After 12 tests and 3-4 methods tried, the project was deemed unsuccessful. Sorry everyone, it looks like Chameleon and Khameleon won't be making it to the roster.

Also, what do you guys think of the little features I've added to certain mods? You've had to notice them. Sonya can perform a Babality, Nightwolf can perform an Animality, Smoke can perform a Brutality, and Sheeva can perform a Friendship. Considering how easy the game is, I doubt anyone will get a Hara-Kiri or Quitality, and I tried to get Nightwolf to perform a Mercy, but that was no good. Maybe one of the future mods will get the X-Ray move and another will get the Faction Kill. Am I missing anything? Sound off, as I like when MK fans are active on this thread.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 22, 2018, 11:52PM
It's sad to hear Khameleon won't make it, but the effort is appreciated. I think she's a skin around here somewhere; anyone who really wants to play as her (myself included) could just skin her over their female MK ninja of choice, I suppose.

I don't think Chameleon was ever given much narrative relevance in Mortal Kombat (he's probably still one of the most mysterious characters in the entire series) but it's easy to see his appeal in terms of gameplay.

I'm excited to see whoever you have in mind for next though :)

As for the other suggestions, I think x-ray moves would be awesome, but I think I might not yet understand how they can translate to MUA. I'm sure if anyone could figure out a good way to do it though it would definitely be you.

On the other hand, I think the idea for implementing faction kills is extremely cool and would be more doable. There's only so many factions that were allowed this feature thus far in MKX so you could probably just model off the ones that are already there (Lin Kuei for Sub-Zero, Black Dragon for Kano, etc.), and then I guess if you really wanted to split hairs you could add additional ones based on the other characters who belong to factions that weren't given representation in MKX (not in that form, anyhow).
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 27, 2018, 02:55AM
OK everyone, let's take a moment to recognize the fact that we have 27 MK playable kombatants. Originally, the game's roster only allowed for 27 spots, so if we stopped there, we'd actually have a full MK roster. But of course, since we can have as many as 33 spots (albeit with some memory problems), we can't stop there.

Six spots remain. So who's next? That would be the former NYC police officer and former Black Dragon member, the nomadic renegade Kabal. Stay tuned for the speedster.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 27, 2018, 04:17AM

With all the development they game him in MK9, I'm a little sad he didn't get to do more in MKX. Here's hoping in a future game they figure out a way to restore more of the revenants to their original forms.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 30, 2018, 10:04PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Kabal has been released, and his portrait is now at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is his bio:

The former police officer and Black Dragon thug Kabal speeds through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm unnoticed. While he is intent on battling Shao Kahn's forces, he also seeks to visit a well-known scientist who can stretch his entire body. Kabal hopes that this hero can help him to no longer need his respirator, but still keep his powers.

By the way, I hope you all have been seeing the MK on MUA bios so far. You can see that in each, I've referenced a Marvel hero or villain to really sell the idea of why the MK warriors are in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on October 01, 2018, 12:33AM
Amazing, i'm trying him out now and he's a blast! I'm also trying out your Nina Williams from Tekken, they're both amazing, I love that you're doing these.
I also did read you bios, very nice!! I hope one day there's a way figured to modify stages, a Mortal Kombat - Marvel overhaul would be off the chain.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 01, 2018, 02:18AM
Very awesome!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 02, 2018, 11:03PM
Everyone, as of 10/3/2018, the following warriors got updated:
Scorpion (booster), Sub-Zero (booster), Kung Lao (booster), Reptile, Kitana, Mileena, Kabal, Stryker, Ermac (booster), Smoke, Jade, & Noob Saibot.

These updates are small (they don't really affect gameplay) but are very necessary, I assure you. For example, in Kabal's case, his hookswords were misaligned (he wasn't holding them correctly), but UltraMegaMagnus fixed them. Go ahead and update them as soon as you can.

Quote from: TheMK on October 01, 2018, 02:18AM
Very awesome!

You're probably feeling like you're on cloud nine, with having nearly a full MK roster.

Quote from: AfroSkylark on October 01, 2018, 12:33AM
Amazing, i'm trying him out now and he's a blast! I'm also trying out your Nina Williams from Tekken, they're both amazing, I love that you're doing these.
I also did read you bios, very nice!! I hope one day there's a way figured to modify stages, a Mortal Kombat - Marvel overhaul would be off the chain.

I appreciate the kind words. As for modifying stages, we can only hope.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 05, 2018, 01:52PM
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 05, 2018, 05:18PM
I had a really good day today, I felt like a prince. I saw the most beautiful, purple sunrise sky.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on October 06, 2018, 03:17AM
I just was thinking when this character will appear in MK roster ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 08, 2018, 02:26AM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Rain has been released and his portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. Here is his bio:

The Edenian prince known as Rain has no alliance to Shao Kahn or the warriors of light, and has no interest in the battle for this alternate Earthrealm. Instead, he enters the portal because he hears of something called a Soulsword. He plans to steal it from a young mutant and become Ruler of Limbo. No longer a prince, but a king. However, his actions will anger the god-like master of magnetism.

And with that, I'll be returning to Marvel for a little while, but I'll be back here soon enough. We are down to the final four!!! Who do you think they are? Feel free to sound off.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 08, 2018, 02:47AM
Yes! Great to see Rain in MUA!

I'm not entirely sure who the final four could be, but I'm sure they're going to be great choices :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on October 08, 2018, 03:54AM
I'm guessing the final four characters will be Bo' Rai Cho, Shinnok, Tremor and Cyrax(with Sektor sharing a slot).
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 08, 2018, 06:33AM
Good job with Rain ;)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on October 08, 2018, 11:12AM
I just found out today Mortal Kombat turns 26 years old, old as me.
Happy to be part of these mods for MUA but ashamed that I haven't release more content though. (Hope you guys find a way to defeat Shao Kahn in the Simulator lol)
Anyway, congrats to MK and all the fans. Cheers.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 16, 2018, 01:40PM
Everyone, Fujin has been updated -- it came to my attention that he was the only MK mod that didn't have sprites of himself on his icons. It took quite some digging, but I found enough so it looks much better and more uniform with the other MK mods.

I'm going to stick with Marvel for now, but I'll be back here in good time to work on the final four kombatants... whoever they might be.

Quote from: TheMK on October 08, 2018, 02:47AM
Yes! Great to see Rain in MUA!

I'm not entirely sure who the final four could be, but I'm sure they're going to be great choices :)

Indeed they will be.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on October 08, 2018, 03:54AM
I'm guessing the final four characters will be Bo' Rai Cho, Shinnok, Tremor and Cyrax(with Sektor sharing a slot).

Interesting guesses. We'll have to wait and see if you're correct...

Quote from: Aventureiromax on October 08, 2018, 06:33AM
Good job with Rain ;)

Thanks. I know you were waiting quite awhile for him particularly.

Quote from: Julio Cabral on October 08, 2018, 11:12AM
I just found out today Mortal Kombat turns 26 years old, old as me.
Happy to be part of these mods for MUA but ashamed that I haven't release more content though. (Hope you guys find a way to defeat Shao Kahn in the Simulator lol)
Anyway, congrats to MK and all the fans. Cheers.

It's alright that you haven't released more content -- you're still active as a modder, and the skins you're providing are aiding me to create the remaining warriors. And who knows... maybe more sim missions will appear down the road, such as Vs. Shang Tsung, Vs. Quan Chi, or Vs. Goro / Kintaro.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on November 23, 2018, 07:43PM
Ok, I know it's been a long while after creating many Marvel characters, and a classic 90's cartoon hero, but I am finally back to Mortal Kombat.  And I am here to create the final four of the MK roster! Soon enough, we will have a full roster of Mortal Kombat warriors to either defend or destroy this Earthrealm.

So, who is the first of the final four? Well, you may know who it is if the number 99 is a good hint to you...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on November 23, 2018, 08:46PM
Ooh, I feel like I should know this, but I'm not sure >.<

The only thing I can think of is that Mortal Kombat Gold (the updated edition of MK4) came out in 1999 but that could mean a lot of different people. Who?! Shinnok?! I'm not sure <=P
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on November 27, 2018, 03:06PM
Hmm... it would appear a lot of you are lost on that 99 hint in reference to who the next MK fighter is. Would it be better if I spelled it out? Ninety-Nine...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on November 27, 2018, 08:34PM
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 02, 2018, 03:12PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked -- Sektor is now available, and his portrait is at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is his bio...

Ignoring what is left of his humanity and embracing that he is becoming a purely robotic machine of destruction, Sektor joins Shao Kahn's forces as they attempt to take over an alternate Earthrealm. A powerful but evil AI intelligence noticed Sektor, and believes that he has the right idea, that machines should rule the universe. Sektor allies his Tekunin clan with this sentient robot for total domination.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 02, 2018, 04:10PM
Nice! Sektor teaming up with Ultron is a pretty effective and terrifying idea...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 05, 2018, 03:24AM
Man, this roster is really shaping up. It's got plenty of ketchup on it. But, does it have any mustard? I wonder...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 05, 2018, 03:54AM
Yessss Cyrax!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: StarAndy on December 05, 2018, 03:02PM
Cyrax oh weah !
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 09, 2018, 09:49AM
Yay for Cyrax!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 09, 2018, 09:56AM
A new warrior has been unlocked -- Cyrax is now available and his portrait has been revealed at the Warrior Select screen. Here is his bio:

Being a cyborg that somehow still has his soul, Cyrax aids the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's forces in an Earthrealm. However, he seeks to visit a famous billionaire industrialist who wears a suit of armor on the regular. He believes that this rich playboy can teach him how to enhance his weaponry and make him the "War Machine" of his Earth. This will lead him one step closer to getting revenge on the Lin Kuei.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 09, 2018, 04:43PM
Cyrax and Iron Man is an epic team up! :)

I would hope with any luck Mr. Tony Stark could also help him remove and re-don the armor at will. Poor guy's been stuck in that thing ever since Mortal Kombat 3!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on December 09, 2018, 06:33PM
Thanks for both Cyrax and Sektor! All time favorites kombatants.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 11, 2018, 02:13PM
Quote from: Julio Cabral on December 09, 2018, 06:33PM
Thanks for both Cyrax and Sektor! All time favorites kombatants.

Much appreciated. This roster is a dream game already, and there's still two spots remaining!

With that said, I'm sure everyone can guess that a certain character is guaranteed to take the final spot. It's a foregone conclusion because you can't have MK on MUA without him. But, who do you think is the other? I've heard names such as Bo' Rai Cho and Tremor thrown around. A skin of Cassie Cage was created a while ago, too. I can tell you that the next warrior is from Mortal Kombat X -- who do you think it is? Sound off.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: StarAndy on December 11, 2018, 02:29PM
Master Bo' rai cho is one good mod in the next character from game.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 11, 2018, 02:39PM
I'd hope for it to be either Bo' Rai Cho or Tremor, but its more than likely Shinnok on account of how much of an improvement he is across the board from his forgettable MK4 fighting game debut. I can imagine how fun it would be to transform into his corrupted form and use slightly OP moves against enemies temporarily :D

EDIT: I do wonder what the random question mark is present in the alternate kombtants section for however, as it wasn't present before until Sektor was made available as a mod.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 11, 2018, 02:54PM
I feel like Shinnok is most likely. He might have been an unimpressive Shang Tsung knockoff in his debut in MK4 but he has evolved into a badass bad guy alongside the greats like Shao Kahn :)

I would be very happy if Bo Rai Cho, Cassie Cage, or Tremor made it in. Ones I suspect are less likely, but would be really cool to see, are Kotal Kahn and Erron Black.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nephilim667 on December 11, 2018, 03:35PM
 :pyro: i guess i would also like to see as many fighters as possible. particularly kung jin who i guess could be a dual mod really
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 15, 2018, 12:02PM
A new warrior has been unlocked... Tremor is now available, and his portrait has been revealed at the Warrior Select Screen at the first post. Here is his bio:

The brown-garbed ninja known as Tremor follows Kano in aiding Shao Kahn to invade an alternate Earthrealm. While causing havoc and trying to prove the Black Dragon's dominance, a certain blue-eyed fantastic creature seemingly composed of rock confronted Tremor. A true test of strength was about to happen.

So, as revealed on the Discord server a couple of days ago, Shinnok will take the final spot to fill the MK roster of 33. He would be a huge omission if someone else were chosen. Won't start on him right away, but stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 15, 2018, 02:29PM
Tremor and Shinnok are great choices for the final spots :) awesome work!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 05:01PM
Everyone who downloaded Tremor, just download him one more time, as there was a small but necessary fix in the powerstyle file.

Now, let's play a game of TEST YOUR MIGHT, shall we? I have a special surprise for the Marvel Mods community, but you'll have to work together to unlock it. Here's how it goes: I have 10 questions below. You must answer all ten correctly, but 10 members have to answer. So, if one person answers a question correctly, he/she cannot answer for the other questions. The strength of the community is being tested, and once all 10 are answered correctly, something will be unlocked... Good luck.



(1) What Marvel characters am I referring to in the MK on MUA bios (from Baraka to Johnny Cage)? Wolverine, The Collector, Iron Man, Apocalypse & Cable, Leader & Moon Knight, Storm, Hulk, Psylocke, Quake, Spiral & Invisible Woman :done: - Answered by Maegawa.

(2) What Marvel characters am I referring to in the MK on MUA bios (from Kabal to Nightwolf)? Mr. Fantastic, Bullseye & Punisher, Daredevil, Black Panther, Human Torch & Iceman, Wong & Ancient One, Iron Fist, Elektra, Scarlet Witch :done: - Answered by Rodrigo79.

(3) What Marvel characters am I referring to in the MK on MUA bios (from Noob Saibot to Shang Tsung)? Blade, Silver Surfer, Thor, Magik & Magneto, Lizard & Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, Ultron, Mephisto :done: - Answered by Jaybird.

(4) What Marvel characters am I referring to in the MK on MUA bios (from Shao Kahn to Tremor)? Dr. Doom, She-Hulk, Jean Grey, Hela & Angela, Emma Frost, Dr. Octopus, Nick Fury & Ms. Marvel, Captain America & Black Widow, Dr. Strange, Dr. Voodoo, The Thing :done: - Answered by Ceamonks890.

(5) Visit the Phantom Four page ( and see the Villains page. How many listed there sold their soul/made a bad deal with the Devil? Six :done: - Answered by Nickjustint.

(6) Visit the Phantom Four page ( and see the Reviews page. How many critics gave the first novel a perfect 5 stars? Three :done: - Answered by LTCProductions.

(7) Visit the Phantom Four page ( and see the Heroes page. How many listed there are female? Eight :done: - Answered by BaconWizard17.

(8) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat Trilogy where you can perform a Stage Fatality? The Pit 1, Dead Pool, Kombat Tomb, The Subway, Bell Tower, The Pit 3, Scorpion's Lair/Hell :done: - Answered by UltraMegaMagnus.

(9) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat 9 where you can perform a Stage Fatality? The Pit (Day), The Pit (Night), Hell, The Subway, Dead Pool, The Street, Living Forest, Chamber of The Flame :done: - Answered by Erik Lensherr.

(10) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat X where you can perform a Stage Fatality? The Pit, Refugee Kamp, The Kove :done: - Answered by TheMK.



All ten questions were correctly answered, and the special secret has been unlocked. To claim your prize, go to the Warrior Select Screen on the first post and click on the mystery portrait...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 16, 2018, 05:44PM
Oh, man... I want to contribute to this, but I feel unworthy of it. ._.";

I guess I'll try...

(1) Wolverine, The Collector, Iron Man, Cable, Moon Knight, Storm, Hulk, Psylocke, Quake, and Invisible Woman, in that order.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 05:49PM
Quote from: TheMK on December 16, 2018, 05:44PM
Oh, man... I want to contribute to this, but I feel unworthy of it. ._.";

I guess I'll try...

(1) Wolverine, The Collector, Iron Man, Cable, Moon Knight, Storm, Hulk, Psylocke, Quake, and Invisible Woman, in that order.

Sorry, a few were missed. Feel free to try again.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on December 16, 2018, 06:19PM
The answer to #7 is 8 female characters
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 06:30PM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on December 16, 2018, 06:19PM
The answer to #7 is 8 female characters

That is correct. Question #7 has been recorded as done :done:. (Every time someone answers correctly, it will be seen on that Test Your Might post.) Who can join BaconWizard17 in unlocking one of The Outsider's secret treasures?

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: LTCProductions on December 16, 2018, 07:43PM
To answer #6, 3 critics gave the first book 5 stars.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: LTCProductions on December 16, 2018, 07:45PM
Also, for #5, the answer is 5 villains.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 07:51PM
Quote from: LTCProductions on December 16, 2018, 07:43PM
To answer #6, 3 critics gave the first book 5 stars.
Quote from: LTCProductions on December 16, 2018, 07:45PM
Also, for #5, the answer is 5 villains.

Question #5 is incorrect, but fortunately you got question #6 right. The rule is that you can only answer one question correctly, so I guess you didn't break that rule.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: LTCProductions on December 16, 2018, 07:51PM
Ah, sorry.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 16, 2018, 11:06PM
For Question 4 in order: Doctor Doom, She-Hulk, Jean Grey, Hela, Emma Frost, Doc Ock, Nick Fury, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo & The Thing.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 11:23PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on December 16, 2018, 11:06PM
For Question 4 in order: Doctor Doom, She-Hulk, Jean Grey, Hela, Emma Frost, Doc Ock, Nick Fury, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo & The Thing.

You only missed two... you're almost there.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 17, 2018, 01:35AM
Quote from: Outsider on December 16, 2018, 11:23PM
You only missed two... you're almost there.

Oh, was it the Phoenix Force and Ms. Marvel that I missed?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 03:06AM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on December 17, 2018, 01:35AM
Oh, was it the Phoenix Force and Ms. Marvel that I missed?

Ms Marvel was one. Now just one more left... (Was going to give you a pass on the Phoenix Force, since it's not a "character" per se.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 17, 2018, 04:49AM
Come on! To the challenge, from Baraka to Johnny Cage.
1 - It's Wolverine.
2 - It's the Collector.
3 - It's the Iron Man.
4 - It's the Apocalypse.
5 - He is the Leader.
6 - It's the Storm.
7 - It's the Hulk.
8 - It's Pyslocke.
9 - It's Quake.
10 - It's Spiral.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 17, 2018, 05:03AM
From Kabal to Nightwolf.
1 - It's Mr. Fantastic.
2 - It's the Bullseye.
3 - It's the Daredevil.
4 - It's the Black Panther.
5 - They are the Human Torch and the Iceman.
6 - It's Ancient One.
7 - It's the Iron Fist.
8 - It's Elektra.
9 - It's the Scarlet Witch.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 17, 2018, 05:17AM
Answer of 5 question.
There were 3 villains:
Omen, Jagin and Serpent.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 01:25PM
Anderson, I am sorry to tell you that your answers to each question is incorrect, as in each, you are missing one or two people. Very close, though.

Hmm... 2 out of 10 so far... Everyone, did I make this Test Your Might challenge too hard?

Here's what I would do if I were you... Instead of trying to hit multiple questions, just focus on one question and try to get that one right. You can also help others to get the question they chose to be correct. Take TheMK for example -- he chose question 1, but he missed a few people. Someone can help him find the missing people so he can answer it correctly. Same for Ceamonks with question 4 -- he only has one missing. The key is to work together -- converse with each other here, via PM or on the Discord server. Help each other out, as Marvel Mods is a community, right? Post your answer here though, not via PM or Discord.

And remember, if you've already answered a question correctly, you can't answer for the other ones. But you can help other people to answer them. (BaconWizard17 and LTCProductions answered theirs correctly, so they can't answer the other questions. But they can help other people to answer the other questions.) And in case you're wondering, yes, the locked secret will be worth the effort. Good luck. I am confident that you all can do it.,10082.msg193219.html#msg193219

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 17, 2018, 01:50PM
I'll try to help:

(9) MK9 stage fatalities can be done in:

1. Hell.
2. Subway.
3. The Pit - day.
4. The Pit - night.
5. The Living Forest.
6. The Street.
7. The Dead Pool.
8. The Chamber of the Flame (Kratos's stage???)

I'm not sure about the last one though, because I don't understand what platform we are talking about, so...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 02:13PM
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on December 17, 2018, 01:50PM
I'll try to help:

(9) MK9 stage fatalities can be done in:

1. Hell.
2. Subway.
3. The Pit - day.
4. The Pit - night.
5. The Living Forest.
6. The Street.
7. The Dead Pool.
8. The Chamber of the Flame (Kratos's stage???)

I'm not sure about the last one though, because I don't understand what platform we are talking about, so...

Your answer is correct. :done: (The Chamber of the Flame counts, even though it's a Playstation only stage.) Well done!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 17, 2018, 03:50PM
Yeah! That's how we do it :D
As I understood, I can help others. What do we have here..

Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 17, 2018, 05:17AM
Answer of 5 question.
There were 3 villains:
Omen, Jagin and Serpent.

Hi, Anderson! Inferno and Skittles are also sold/offered their souls to the devil! So I believe those two are the missing parts of your answer.. Memory wanted to become immortal, killed her only daughter and gave her life to the devil. Is she also the answer? I think she is... Also I like how she got what she deserves in the end.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: CroiseLegato on December 17, 2018, 04:30PM
Lemme see if I can get this one right.

For (10);
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 05:25PM
Quote from: CroiseLegato on December 17, 2018, 04:30PM
Lemme see if I can get this one right.

For (10);

  • The Dead Woods
  • Outworld Marketplace
  • The Kove
  • Kuatan Jungle
  • Quan Chi's Fortress
  • The Lin Kuei Palace

Sorry, but incorrect. You can't perform a Stage Fatality in all of those stages. A Stage Fatality is where the winner uppercuts the victim, and the stage itself kills them in a unique way.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 17, 2018, 06:21PM
For 10, I think it's The Kove, The Pit, and the Refugee Kamp.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 06:23PM
Quote from: TheMK on December 17, 2018, 06:21PM
For 10, I think it's The Kove, The Pit, and the Refugee Kamp.

That is correct. :done: The Marvel Mods community is now 4 out of 10 towards unlocking the special secret. Excellent!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Jaybird on December 17, 2018, 08:28PM
The Mk is missing Apocalypse for Ermac, The Leader for Frost, & Spiral for Johnny Cage.
Andersonbrazil is missing The Punisher for Kano, & Wong for Kung Lao.
Caemonks860 is missing Angela for Skarlet
Now I will try #3 Blade for Noob Saibot, Silver Surfer for Quan Chi, Thor for Raiden, Magik & Magneto for Rain
The Lizard & Spider-Man for Reptile, Ghost Rider for Scorpion, Ultron for Sektor, & Mephisto for Shang Tsung.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 08:42PM
Quote from: jaybird on December 17, 2018, 08:28PM
Now I will try #3 Blade for Noob Saibot, Silver Surfer for Quan Chi, Thor for Raiden, Magik & Magneto for Rain
The Lizard & Spider-Man for Reptile, Ghost Rider for Scorpion, Ultron for Sektor, & Mephisto for Shang Tsung.

Correct. :done: The community is now halfway there. Hopefully, you can get others to post those answers since you're helping to fill up the holes.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 17, 2018, 09:06PM
I'm excited for whatever this secret is. Maybe it's some kind of Kombat Pack?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 11:07PM
Quote from: TheMK on December 17, 2018, 09:06PM
I'm excited for whatever this secret is. Maybe it's some kind of Kombat Pack?

You and everyone will find out soon enough if the Test Your Might challenge is completed. So far, you, Jaybird, Erik Lensherr, LTCProductions, and BaconWizard17 have given out correct answers and therefore cannot answer for the other questions. However, if other members were to read all of those previous posts where people were helping out, they can combine that info and post the correct answers.

For those of you who don't know about the Test Your Might challenge, look here:,10082.msg193219.html#msg193219

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Maegawa on December 17, 2018, 11:31PM
Have to say I had a blast reading all those bios, Outsider. As Shao Kahn would say: outstanding!

Speaking of them, here's my contribution:

Baraka: Wolverine
Cyber Sub-Zero: The Collector
Cyrax: Iron Man
Ermac: Apocalypse & Cable
Frost: The Leader & Moon Knight
Fujin: Storm
Goro: Hulk
Jade: Psylocke
Jax: Quake
Johnny Cage: Spiral & Invisible Woman
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 17, 2018, 11:34PM
Quote from: Maegawa on December 17, 2018, 11:31PM
Have to say I had a blast reading all those bios, Outsider. As Shao Kahn would say: outstanding!

Speaking of them, here's my contribution:

Baraka: Wolverine
Cyber Sub-Zero: The Collector
Cyrax: Iron Man
Ermac: Apocalypse & Cable
Frost: The Leader & Moon Knight
Fujin: Storm
Goro: Hulk
Jade: Psylocke
Jax: Quake
Johnny Cage: Spiral & Invisile Woman

Thanks for that -- much appreciated, as I love to write. It's kinda my thing. As for your answer, that is correct. :done: Well done!

6 out of 10 towards unlocking the secret prize.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 18, 2018, 02:30AM
Thanks to jaybird, here's Question 4 in full: Doctor Doom, She-Hulk, Jean Grey, Hela, Angela, Emma Frost, Doc Ock, Nick Fury, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo & The Thing.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 18, 2018, 01:57PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on December 18, 2018, 02:30AM
Thanks to jaybird, here's Question 4 in full: Doctor Doom, She-Hulk, Jean Grey, Hela, Angela, Emma Frost, Doc Ock, Nick Fury, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo & The Thing.

Yes, that is correct. :done: The Marvel Mods community is really doing it -- 7 out of 10 now. Just 3 questions away...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 18, 2018, 02:09PM
Common, guys, someone should answer on 5 question combining Anderson's variants with my variants. I can be wrong about one character, but the answer is still close enough, see for yourself...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on December 18, 2018, 09:06PM
We're almost there everyone!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 18, 2018, 10:42PM
7 out of 10 so far... it appears I didn't make it too hard after all. Good to hear -- I knew this community was smart.

Hmm... Andersonbrazil attempted to answer before but hasn't tried since. Perhaps some motivation is needed for him to try again?

Julio Cabral isn't modding for the time being, but he is still posting, and he's an MK fan. Maybe he can take a shot at it?

Nickjustint said over at Discord that he's bad at tests. Some help from the community should get rid of that problem with this test...

UltraMegaMagnus has tried yet. Could he be motivated into making an attempt towards unlocking the secret surprise?

Or, perhaps anyone else reading this right now who hasn't already answered may be the hero and nail the shot at the buzzer... You all are so close, don't give up now.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 19, 2018, 02:56AM
(8) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat Trilogy where you can perform a Stage Fatality? :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
The Wasteland of Outworld
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 19, 2018, 02:21PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on December 19, 2018, 02:56AM
(8) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat Trilogy where you can perform a Stage Fatality? :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
The Wasteland of Outworld

Sorry, but incorrect. You're missing a few stages, and you can't perform a Stage Fatality at the Wasteland. Keep trying, though.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 19, 2018, 03:50PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on December 19, 2018, 02:56AM
(8) Name all of the stages in Mortal Kombat Trilogy where you can perform a Stage Fatality? :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
The Wasteland of Outworld

I think your missing components are Pit 1, Pit 3, Subway, and Hell. But there can be something else. I just don't know MKT as much as I know MK9 because it's my favourite chapter. Anyway, I think you should try these :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 19, 2018, 10:36PM
You know what's funny? Between pages 21 and 22 of this thread, the answers are actually being given! It just takes other people to notice that and post them. The secret prize can be unlocked right now if the community really wanted to...

Meanwhile, I will begin on Shinnok sometime tomorrow. The entire Mortal Kombat roster is just one away from completion!!!!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nickjustint on December 20, 2018, 12:02AM
Question 5 is 6

Inferno, Omen, Skittles, Memory, Jagin, Serpent,

I see some others part answered this but I did go check to make sure and I'm confident these are the ones.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 20, 2018, 12:10AM
Quote from: nickjustint on December 20, 2018, 12:02AM
Question 5 is 6

Inferno, Omen, Skittles, Memory, Jagin, Serpent,

I see some others part answered this but I did go check to make sure and I'm confident these are the ones.

That is correct. :done: Well done! The community is now just two questions away... Two more people need to try and go for it.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 20, 2018, 12:13PM
New answer with Erik Lensher help :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
The Wasteland of Outworld
Pit 1, Pit 3, Subway, and Hell
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 20, 2018, 12:15PM
Oh, I forgot to tell, you should delete The Wasteland!!!! I'm so stupid
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 20, 2018, 02:32PM
Quote from: Erik Lensherr on December 20, 2018, 12:15PM
Oh, I forgot to tell, you should delete The Wasteland!!!! I'm so stupid

Thx, rectifying that, new answer with everyone help !!
New answer with Erik Lensher help :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
Pit 1, Pit 3, Subway, and Hell
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2018, 06:16PM
Honestly I have to mention that MK was not my most favorite game, although I greatly enjoy its gameplay and its, this list of stages fatalities is the result of a brief survey. So let's go there:

The Pit Bottom
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
Scorpion's Lair
The Subway
The Belltower
The Pit 3

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 20, 2018, 06:42PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on December 20, 2018, 02:32PM
Thx, rectifying that, new answer with everyone help !!
New answer with Erik Lensher help :

Bell Tower
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
Pit 1, Pit 3, Subway, and Hell

That is correct. :done: The community is now just one away from unlocking my special secret.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 20, 2018, 06:16PM
Honestly I have to mention that MK was not my most favorite game, although I greatly enjoy its gameplay and its, this list of stages fatalities is the result of a brief survey. So let's go there:

The Pit Bottom
Dead Pool
Kombat Tomb
Scorpion's Lair
The Subway
The Belltower
The Pit 3

Actually no, the Pit Bottom is not a Stage Fatality stage, but The Pit 1 uppercuts an enemy into the Pit Bottom so I know what you meant. In any case, UltraMegaMagnus answered it correctly, so I have to credit him for it. But Anderson, if you can correctly answer Question #2, you can win it for everyone! Look in pages 21 and 22 of this thread, as the community has been helping to find the answers. You're just one away! (I'm curious, Anderson, what is your favorite game?)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on December 20, 2018, 11:57PM
I'm hoping this is #2, let's see lol

-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher
-Black Panther
-Human Torch and Ice Man
-Ancient One?
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 21, 2018, 01:03AM
I'm so excited, we're almost there :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 21, 2018, 01:36AM
Quote from: AfroSkylark on December 20, 2018, 11:57PM
I'm hoping this is #2, let's see lol

-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher
-Black Panther
-Human Torch and Ice Man
-Ancient One?
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch

Not quite... you're missing two. Try again - don't give up.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Agent Bachello on December 21, 2018, 10:26AM
Question #2
My list:
-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher and Bullseye
-Black Panther
-Sunfire and Ice Man
-Wong and The Ancient One
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Maegawa on December 21, 2018, 10:52AM
A tip to those trying to answer question 2: read again both Kano's and Kung Lao's bios...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Erik Lensherr on December 21, 2018, 11:55AM
I guess everyone says Punisher or Bullseye in Kano's bio, but no one named them both. And the same thing I believe with Kung Lao's bio - there should be both The Ancient One and Wong. Someone should try this
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 21, 2018, 07:27PM
Everyone, my Raiden booster has been updated. (NOTE: This is not the special secret that is surprisingly still locked.) I've made his Fatality strike lightning three times instead of once, and the main change... Dark Raiden now has red lightning effects!!! This change is in reference to his new appearance in the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11. Dark Raiden to my knowledge is not a villain, but is far more aggressive in defending Earthrealm. Here is his bio:

Taking a more aggressive approach in protecting Earthrealm, Raiden takes this same killer instinct to defend an alternate Earth from Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and the like. However, some warriors from Asgard such as the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge believes that Raiden's new methods are harsh and unbecoming of a god. As a result, this guardian along with a blonde chooser of the slain will be watching him and will intervene if he goes too far.

Quote from: Agent Bachello on December 21, 2018, 10:26AM
Question #2
My list:
-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher and Bullseye
-Black Panther
-Sunfire and Ice Man
-Wong and The Ancient One
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch

Sorry, that is incorrect. One is being confused for someone else there... Man, you guys are so close, yet still not there.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Rodrigo79 on December 21, 2018, 08:18PM
So I edit Agent Bachello answer:

Question #2
My list:
-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher and Bullseye
-Black Panther
-Human Torch and Ice Man
-Wong and The Ancient One
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch

Is it okey now????
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 21, 2018, 08:48PM
Quote from: Rodrigo79 on December 21, 2018, 08:18PM
So I edit Agent Bachello answer:

Question #2
My list:
-Mr. Fantastic
-The Punisher and Bullseye
-Black Panther
-Human Torch and Ice Man
-Wong and The Ancient One
-Iron Fist
-Scarlet Witch

That is correct. :done: It is now official...


Thanks to the efforts of Maegawa, Rodrigo79, Jaybird, Ceamonks890, Nickjustint, LTCProductions, BaconWizard17, UltraMegaMagnus, Erik Lensherr, & TheMK --  The Marvel Mods community has successfully answered all 10 questions correctly, defeating the Test Your Might challenge! As a reward, you have unlocked The Outsider's special secret. To claim your prize, go to the Warrior Select Screen at the first post, and click on the mystery portrait...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 21, 2018, 08:53PM
Very cool!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 21, 2018, 09:41PM
This is a repost of two very important announcements.

Everyone, my Raiden booster has been updated. I've made his Fatality strike lightning three times instead of once, and the main change... Dark Raiden now has red lightning effects!!! This change is in reference to his new appearance in the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11. Dark Raiden to my knowledge is not a villain, but is far more aggressive in defending Earthrealm. Here is his bio:

Taking a more aggressive approach in protecting Earthrealm, Raiden takes this same killer instinct to defend an alternate Earth from Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and the like. However, some warriors from Asgard such as the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge believes that Raiden's new methods are harsh and unbecoming of a god. As a result, this guardian along with a blonde chooser of the slain will be watching him and will intervene if he goes too far.



Thanks to the efforts of Maegawa, Rodrigo79, Jaybird, Ceamonks890, Nickjustint, LTCProductions, BaconWizard17, UltraMegaMagnus, Erik Lensherr, & TheMK --  The Marvel Mods community has successfully answered all 10 questions correctly, defeating the Test Your Might challenge! As a reward, you have unlocked The Outsider's special secret. To claim your prize, go to the Warrior Select Screen at the first post, and click on the mystery portrait...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 23, 2018, 11:01PM
In addition to the good stuff above...

A new kombatant has been unlocked -- Shinnok has been released, and his portrait has been added to the Warrior Select screen at the first post. Here is his bio:

The fallen Elder God known as Shinnok is fully aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm. He wants the plan of Odin's power being stolen to work... only for him to steal it at the end. Shinnok is a god and can wield the immense power without the realms becoming lifeless, useless voids. Shinnok laughs, knowing that all the fighting just leads him to his goal. However, his presence was noticed by a half-alien outlaw with a love for 80's music. His team will do whatever it takes to stop the tyrant.

Also, Quan Chi and Kabal were updated due to some minor errors found.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 24, 2018, 05:29AM
Awesome :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 24, 2018, 03:08PM
Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached a milestone. The Mortal Kombat roster is complete!!! For screenshots and details on how to set up your roster of kombatants, click here:,58.msg193333.html#msg193333.

All 33 warriors are done, and that's all we should do, as if any more MK mods are done, you'd have to pick and choose who you want and someone would get left out. Not exactly ideal. 33 is currently the maximum amount of playable characters we can have (albeit with some problems with the last five listed).

That said, if the playable roster were extended to let's say 40, here's the seven kombatants that The Outsider would have chosen to mod (in no particular order):

(1) Kotal Kahn: One of my favorite characters in Mortal Kombat X, he would have been a cool mod for sure. His totems of his Blood God variation would have made for good boosts.

(2) Tanya: Even though I personally still don't get why she's so popular, the fact remains that she is, so she likely would've been chosen. Though, her moveset wouldn't be all that inspiring.

(3) Cassie Cage: The daughter of two Mortal Kombat originals would have been a definite pick, as she has solid moves, looks attractive, and besides, the roster could use more women.

(4) Bo' Rai Cho: A sensei for many warriors, this plus-size kombatant is sometimes a joke character with the puking and... flatulance, but I would've made his fighting style no laughing matter.

(5) Nitara: I like vampires, but her appearance in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance left a lot to be desired, so I would have likely came up with an original moveset for her.

I would have left the last two spots open in case anyone cool comes out from the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11. I'm still hoping that "shimmering woman" from Jade's MK9 ending is somehow in MK11. If she is, she likely would be picked. Others like Ashrah, Erron Black and Li Mei would have been considered as well.

Oh well... we can't have more than 33, but if it becomes a possibility someday, you now know who I would be thinking about modding.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on December 25, 2018, 01:31AM
Talk about a Christmas present!! Thank you SO much Outsider, I can't wait to complete the roster and try out the secret character :D hopefully one day the limitation on roster will be patched and we can see Nitara in this game too. Merry Christmas!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 28, 2018, 06:24PM
Everyone, for those who love the Mortal Kombat roster on MUA, here is some MK on MUA Content that I've made:
It's basically jpg files of the MK bios I've wrote, along with a small general story. It's just some stuff "fan fiction" I've made to compliment the roster. Check them out.

Quote from: AfroSkylark on December 25, 2018, 01:31AM
Talk about a Christmas present!! Thank you SO much Outsider, I can't wait to complete the roster and try out the secret character :D hopefully one day the limitation on roster will be patched and we can see Nitara in this game too. Merry Christmas!!

I appreciate the compliment. Won't hold my breath on the roster being further expanded, but perhaps one day if somebody finds a ground-breaking discovery...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 17, 2019, 09:48PM
So for those you don't know, many details were given about the upcoming Mortal Kombat 11, and as an MK fan, I have to tell you, I'm excited for it. I particularly like the storyline feud between Raiden (Dark Raiden, really) and the new female boss Kronika, the keeper of time. The prologue video is awesome. (Still unknown if she were the mysterious "shimmering woman" from Jade's ending, but from what she said to Shinnok, it sure sounds likely.)

Check out this link for more:

Excited for MK11 as I am? Sound off.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 18, 2019, 04:38AM
I am pretty optimistic about the game as well :)

From the sound of things some of my favorites/mains are back in (Sub-Zero, Raiden, Cassie Cage) are back in and the new characters (Kronika and Geras) sound like they'll be interesting. Also it's cool to see Skarlet and Baraka again. I kind of hope that the rest of the roster are a mix of some of the cooler additions/inclusions of MKX (Johnny Cage, Goro, Reptile, Erron Black, Kotal Kahn) and returning characters from MK9 with cool updates (Jade, Noob Saibot, Stryker, etc.).

I'm definitely getting the premium addition right away XD as much as I feel torn about how they do their DLC, NRS is one of the only companies where I feel like it's worth it personally, just because I love what they do that much. I'm hoping we get some more cool guest characters this time around -- personally I'd really enjoy seeing Spawn and Ash Williams in there.

I'm excited for the story as well. Something Ed Boon mentioned is that Kronika has secretly been in the background ever since the original MK1, and the story would involve characters meeting younger versions of themselves; I think that could be very interesting.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 18, 2019, 02:20PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 18, 2019, 04:38AM
Something Ed Boon mentioned is that Kronika has secretly been in the background ever since the original MK1...

Whoa... never, ever take anything Ed Boon says seriously. He's been saying that Chameleon was around since the first tournament as well. I can't speak for others but I never saw him. He also said back in 2015 that MK9 would be backwards compatible... it still isn't. So unless Kronika is a shape-shifter that posed as a shadow Santa in MK1, as "Hornbuckle" in MK2, as Cyrax in the UMK3 desert etc. (which would be cool to say), I would say that she wasn't around back then.

Skarlet looks like she got a huge improvement and fights like a beast. If the "shimmering woman" from Jade's MK9 ending isn't Kronika, then I hope she is one of the newest characters, in which case Jade would have to be in somehow. As for UFC/WWE star Ronda Rousey playing as Sonya, it seems to be getting mixed reactions from people. Personally, I don't mind -- I'd rather Sonya look like someone who can legitimately kick your ass then for her to look like a blonde sex vixen. Too bad they can't go back to using real actors in-game. I miss that honestly, as it felt more real then.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 18, 2019, 09:06PM
I don't think he meant the literal background as in the arenas in the games, but rather hiding within in the lore retroactively. Mortal Kombat is notorious for retcons, after all (Noob Saibot had been around since MK2, but no one knew he was the reincarnation of the original Sub-Zero until Deception).

The one thing that puzzles me is, if she's upset with Raiden for messing with the timeline, why wait until right after Mortal Kombat X to do anything about it? Maybe something about how the ending transpired finally spurred her into action. I guess we'll see when the game comes out.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on January 19, 2019, 10:10PM
Oh you finish the roster that is so sick dude!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Pirata on January 25, 2019, 06:42PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 18, 2019, 04:38AM
I am pretty optimistic about the game as well :)

From the sound of things some of my favorites/mains are back in (Sub-Zero, Raiden, Cassie Cage) are back in and the new characters (Kronika and Geras) sound like they'll be interesting. Also it's cool to see Skarlet and Baraka again. I kind of hope that the rest of the roster are a mix of some of the cooler additions/inclusions of MKX (Johnny Cage, Goro, Reptile, Erron Black, Kotal Kahn) and returning characters from MK9 with cool updates (Jade, Noob Saibot, Stryker, etc.).

I'm definitely getting the premium addition right away XD as much as I feel torn about how they do their DLC, NRS is one of the only companies where I feel like it's worth it personally, just because I love what they do that much. I'm hoping we get some more cool guest characters this time around -- personally I'd really enjoy seeing Spawn and Ash Williams in there.

I'm excited for the story as well. Something Ed Boon mentioned is that Kronika has secretly been in the background ever since the original MK1, and the story would involve characters meeting younger versions of themselves; I think that could be very interesting.

It's gonna be awesome, wish I could buy it, unfortunately it's too much expensive here in my country and I have already bought the new RE2 Remake, another franchise I'm a big fan.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 26, 2019, 12:56PM
Mortal Kombat 11 is less than a month away, and already it's looking better than MKX. Thanks to TheMK for info that I wasn't aware of. So far (to my knowledge) the confirmed roster so far are below.
(RED = Wasn't modded for MUA, no more space.)
(BOLD RED = New kombatant.)

Cassie Cage
Erron Black
Jacqui Briggs
Johnny Cage
Kotal Kahn
Kronika (Unplayable Boss)
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung (DLC)
Shao Kahn (DLC)
Sonya Blade

It has also been said that the kombatant that was seen visiting the Krypt was not Rain, so it may be a new character entirely. We'll just have to wait and see. I know there was some leak of who the full character roster will consist of, but let's keep this thread official, where info is released as they release it. MK11 is looking damn good so far.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 01, 2019, 07:33PM
Everyone, Johnny Cage has been updated. While I was working on Blue Marvel, I realized there was a way for the character to slide. That said, Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick wasn't gliding as it does in the games. It does now.

Has anyone played the MK11 beta? I did, and it was off the damn hook. Can't wait for the full game.

In other news, Canino will contribute to the MK thread, as he is going to produce one or several videos featuring the MK mods. He can be as creative with it as he wants, and we've seen how his videos look, so expect something entertaining for the warriors of MK. What better way to get us excited for the release of MK11? Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 01, 2019, 07:56PM
Very awesome! :)

I really wanted to play the beta, but didn't get the chance :( I'm absolutely getting the game, though! It does look really great.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 17, 2019, 02:50AM
Bumping this thread, in order to post my movesets for the three new characters introduced in MK11 on the base roster. Hope modders find these useful if they ever want to tackle these guys in future.

Geras(Mortal Kombat):
Abilities of teleportation by pressing jump button twice, 100% chance of resurrection(granting him a temporary buff in damage output and chances of avoiding enemy attacks), healing factor
1. Metallic Fist: Geras generates one of his hands into a metal-like gauntlet, before throwing a hard punch an enemy's way. Charge attack for max damage!
2. Sand Pillar: Geras spawns a column made of sand that sends opponents flying into the air, dealing knockback damage.
3. Titan Tackle: Geras charges forward and grabs an unlucky enemy, continuing on for a while longer before flinging them away, dealing physical damage.
4. Sand Trap: Geras generates a trap on the ground made of sand. If an enemy moves across it, they'll seemingly sink into the ground and be struck by a pair of sand hammers, dealing physical damage.
5. Sand Spikes: Geras lifts an opponent up and generates sand spikes on the ground, flinging the unlucky foe into them dealing bleed damage.
6. (Boost) Temporal Advantage: Geras freezes struck foes in place temporarily so long as this ability is active, making them much more vulnerable to damage.
7. (Boost) Keeper Loyalty: Geras's master, Kronika, creates a doppelganger of her servant to fight alongside him for a time.
8. (Fatality) Phasing Through Time: Geras seemingly vanishes into sand, before reappearing behind opponents at impressive speeds and punching a hole right through their chests, dealing high bleed damage.

Alternate costumes:
1. Classic:

The Kollector(Mortal Kombat):
1. Grappling shock: The Kollector picks up an enemy and generates energy from his hands through an enchanted lantern, dealing energy damage before he flings them to the ground.
2. Hording strike: The Kollector attacks with a wide variety of weapons, flinging them at enemies as physical damage is dealt.
3. Flaring brutality: The Kollector attacks an enemy with an enchanted staff, then slams the ground with a custom flail before extending it out and slicing them in its chain form, dealing bleed damage.
4. Directional sickle stabs: The Kollector attacks different parts of an enemy's body by moving upward and downward, flinging them into the air at the final strike as bleed damage is dealt.
5. Energy pushback: The Kollector stabs an enemy with his custom flail in its default state, before pulling out an enchanted lantern and firing it while holding the stabbed enemy with the flail, sending them flying as bleed damage is dealt.
6. (Boost) Lust For Greed: The Kollector is able to earn more SHIELD credits and XP for a time.
7. (Debuff) Bola Ensnarement: The Kollector flings out enchanted bolas which bind enemies in the position they're standing, making them unable to retaliate for a time.
8. (Fatality) What's Yours Is Mine!: The Kollector viciously stabs enemies with four knives, before ripping body parts off them for his collection as high bleed damage is dealt.

Alternate costumes:
1. Classic:

Cetrion(Mortal Kombat):
Ability of teleportation(Teleport effect has her turn into water briefly)
1. Monument Tribute: Cetrion generates a monument-styled rock out of nowhere and telekinetically flings an unlucky enemy into it hard twice, dealing bleed damage.
2. Rock fight: Cetrion generates rocks out of thin air and flings them at enemies like projectiles telekinetically, dealing physical damage so long as button continues to be mashed.
3. Hellish Wrath: Cetrion generates magma from the earth's crater, setting nearby enemies alight as fire damage is dealt.
4. Cold Temper: Cetrion uses generated water to float enemies off the ground, before firing an ice beam that freezes them solid before she telekinetically slams them back to the ground, dealing cold damage.
5. Tendril Slam: Cetrion spawns vines out of the ground, grabbing nearby enemies as they're forcibly face slammed into the ground, dealing bleed damage.
6. Strong Winds: Cetrion generates a fast moving tornado that sends enemies flying, dealing physical damage with a 20% chance to stun.
7. (Boost) Natural Barrier: Cetrion generates rocks around herself, reducing damage dealt to her for a time.
8. (Fatality) Giantess Blast: Cetrion ensnares nearby foes in rocky cocoons, before increasing to the size of a giant and firing a yellow energy blast from her mouth, dealing high energy damage before shrinking back to normal size.

Alternate costumes:
1. Classic:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: nickjustint on April 20, 2019, 01:03PM
Oooh great stuff Ceamonks, maybe we'll see them pop up one day :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 05, 2019, 06:59AM
Had to bump this topic up, because a new poll is up. Now that we can have a roster of 36, should I work on three more kombatants, at the cost of losing three other planned projects? The poll is up for three days. I can't say that the winning vote is what I'll do -- depends on my mood. But, it doesn't hurt to hear what the community has to say. I guess it depends on how much you dig the MK mods. I'll await the results...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 05, 2019, 09:44AM
I say absolutely, although I am clearly biased ^///^"; but whatever you decide to do will be great, I'm sure!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on September 05, 2019, 04:51PM
Hmm... I'm quite content with the MK cast members who have been made playable in MUA already.

Does that make me completely against any new MK character mods being made altogether? Absolutely not. I'd love to see Bo' Rai Cho, D'Vorah and Kotal Khan made playable, but not really at the price of characters from other franchises who likely deserve the spotlight more in your schedule Outsider.

So in this respect, I've voted no.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 06, 2019, 12:07PM
Everyone, I'm going to cancel that poll I released. I was looking at the number of mods I've done, and it turns out I can create three more MK fighters without sacrificing anyone, or going over the end goal. I've done so many mods that it's easy to lose count sometimes.

So, three more kombatants are coming, and MK mods are honestly so much fun to do. Who are they? Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 06, 2019, 01:50PM
YES!!! Everyone wins!!! :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 07, 2019, 01:54PM
To everyone reading this that know how to convert 3-D models, I will create three more Mortal Kombat fighter mods so the roster will be a complete 36. UltraMegaMagnus has agreed to convert for one of those three (props to him for that), but admits that it's too difficult for him to convert skins for the other two.

Perhaps one day I'll be able to convert my own models, but that will take a LOT of time to learn -- time that I do not have right now due to my hectic schedule, starting a new job, and of course being a rookie/novice in the 3-D conversion department. So, if there is anyone interested in converting models for the other two kombatants, let me know via PM (either here or on Discord), and I'll tell you who they are. It would certainly help if you're an MK fan as I am. Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 20, 2019, 06:51PM
So, you've heard the news about three more kombatants joining the fray. While I'm not working on them just yet -- I can reveal to you now who one of them will be: Cassie Cage is koming! The daughter of the ...unlikely pairing of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade was chosen for being the big hero in Mortal Kombat X, defeating Shinnok in his corrupted form. She's clearly more powerful than she thinks she is. Cassie has quickly became both a popular and important kombatant in the MK universe, so her entry to the MK in MUA roster is well earned. Cassie will be fun for me to make as well. Looking forward to it.

Now, I have in mind who the other two are, but they are both still up in the air due to skinner availability and/or interest. I do have two other kombatants in mind as backup characters in case the original two can't be done, and they may prove easier for someone to convert. We will see how it goes. (Hint: One of them debuted in Mortal Kombat X, and the other is a new character from Mortal Kombat 11... This hint also applies to the backups...)

Perhaps I will work on Cassie after my current project of Batgirl and perhaps one other. Depends on my mood. Don't worry -- one way or another, Mortal Kombat will have 36 kombatants in MUA before I'm done. Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on September 20, 2019, 07:18PM
Quote from: Outsider on September 20, 2019, 06:51PM
So, you've heard the news about three more kombatants joining the fray. While I'm not working on them just yet -- I can reveal to you now who one of them will be: Cassie Cage is koming! The daughter of the ...unlikely pairing of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade was chosen for being the big hero in Mortal Kombat X, defeating Shinnok in his corrupted form. She's clearly more powerful than she thinks she is. Cassie has quickly became both a popular and important kombatant in the MK universe, so her entry to the MK in MUA roster is well earned. Cassie will be fun for me to make as well. Looking forward to it.

Now, I have in mind who the other two are, but they are both still up in the air due to skinner availability and/or interest. I do have two other kombatants in mind as backup characters in case the original two can't be done, and they may prove easier for someone to convert. We will see how it goes. (Hint: One of them debuted in Mortal Kombat X, and the other is a new character from Mortal Kombat 11... This hint also applies to the backups...)

Perhaps I will work on Cassie after my current project of Batgirl and perhaps one other. Depends on my mood. Don't worry -- one way or another, Mortal Kombat will have 36 kombatants in MUA before I'm done. Stay tuned...

Awesome news!!! I love Cassie Cage and the MKX/MK11 debuts!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 09, 2019, 06:21PM
Everyone, Sindel has been updated. It's a very important update, so be sure to update her now if you have her mod installed.

Also, visit the first page of this thread, as the Warrior Select screen has been modified to accommodate the three upcoming kombatants. I think it looks sick!

Who are these three kombatants? I've mentioned that one of them is Cassie Cage. She is konfirmed. However, another planned kombatant has been cancelled -- Kotal Kahn. He was becoming too much of a hassle to kreate, but don't worry -- I've picked a suitable replacement that will make for a kick-ass mod. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 09, 2019, 06:31PM
Awesome work, Outsider! Really looking forward to Cassie Cage and the other two kombatants!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 26, 2019, 04:54PM
So, I wanted to inform you all that one of the three kombatants I had planned to mod was Kronika -- the unplayable goddess of time from MK11. Unfortunately I have no choice but to cancel her. While it would have been cool and unique to play as her, the only model she has out there is far too high-poly to be converted. She would have slowed down your computers, which is not exactly the time manipulation I would like her to do.

Don't worry -- I will think of something else...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 26, 2019, 10:11PM
I appreciate you keeping us updated, Outsider.

While Kronika being unplayable in MUA is sad, perhaps it's for the best; she's not playable in MK11, after all.

Still eagerly looking forward to Cassie Cage and the others!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 05, 2020, 12:15PM
Hey Outsider, I'm sorry for bumping this thread when I was the last one to post, but, do you have an ETA on Cassie Cage and the other MK mods?

I've been holding off on using the 50 character herostat because I've been waiting for Cassie at the very least. I'm really excited to play as her!

If you're not sure when, or it won't be for a while, I'd understand. I'd just appreciate some news if you can help it :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 05, 2020, 01:59PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 05, 2020, 12:15PM
Hey Outsider, I'm sorry for bumping this thread when I was the last one to post, but, do you have an ETA on Cassie Cage and the other MK mods?

I've been holding off on using the 50 character herostat because I've been waiting for Cassie at the very least. I'm really excited to play as her!

If you're not sure when, or it won't be for a while, I'd understand. I'd just appreciate some news if you can help it :)

That's alright. So, to rekap, there will be three kombatants coming -- Cassie Cage being one of them. I am about to release the Character Mod Tournament winning mod. I still have a couple of projects in front of Cassie, and I'm in the process of moving, so I can't really give an estimate on when I'll start working on her unfortunately. But I can tell you that she will not be cancelled -- her project is reserved and secured.

BTW, even though the game can now have 50 characters, I will not be attempting to create 50 Mortal Kombat warriors. That is simply too much for me to attempt. If others want to create more, or separate the alternate fighters from the originals, be my guest.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 05, 2020, 05:18PM
I appreciate the news and your patience, Outsider :)

I may be itching to play as Cassie Cage, but I just know she'll be worth the wait!

As for a 50 character slot MUA Kombat, I completely understand. 36 is plenty -- I suppose if someone really -did- want to have a 50 character version, they could use the guest characters from MK vs DC to MK11, many of whom have their own mods, or at least skins.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 22, 2020, 04:25PM
So, just to let everyone know, the three remaining mods for Mortal Kombat are still on my plans. But I'm in the process of moving to my new apartment. Sometime in March, I will start on them. Because I know how I am with MK mods -- once I start, I'm going to want to FINISH THEM!

The other reason for the delay is because (with help from UltraMegaMagnus, and taking MelloMods' suggestion), I want to create an MUA experience solely for MK mods (sorry, no guest characters), and it will only work with the 36 Roster Hack, since there will be 36 of them. I won't spoil it for you guys, but it'll be worth the wait.

And to reward you for your patience, I will reveal who the remaining three will be: Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, and Frost (as the avatar for Kronika since she is not possible). I promise, as soon as I am settled into my new place, I'll get to them. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on February 22, 2020, 04:58PM
Oh, yes!!! Thank you so much for this, Outsider!!! This is great!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: JubilationLee on March 31, 2020, 11:14AM
I'll be very excited to see how Cassie and Jacqui turn out :D
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 03, 2020, 05:43AM
Quote from: JubilationLee on March 31, 2020, 11:14AM
I'll be very excited to see how Cassie and Jacqui turn out :D

Thanks for that. These ladies will be represented very well. After my current project, Cassie will be first.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 13, 2020, 10:28PM
In case anyone isn't aware, the direct to video, R-rated, animated movie Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge has just been released for sale digitally :)

I just finished watching it and it is AMAZING!!! A fun and interesting retelling of MK1 with a special focus on Scorpion as the title suggests. It is EXTREMELY violent and bloody, about as much as MKX (which I personally believe is more violent than MK11), and highly entertaining. Any Mortal Kombat fan would be doing themselves a disservice to miss this!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 25, 2020, 07:24AM
Everyone, the following kombatants have been updated:

Baraka: Added the Mortal Kombat description, as it was forgotten.
Kitana: Fixed problems with Frost's exclusive powers, added better Frost taunt. (She now says, "Revenge is a dish best served cold!")
Jade: Added better Skarlet taunt. (She now says, "I will bathe in your blood!"), Added the Mortal Kombat description, as it was forgotten.
Smoke: Fixed up his menu animations.

Now that I am working on the last three kombatants, it is important for everyone to keep your MK warriors up-to-date. As promised, Cassie Cage will be next, followed by Jacqui Briggs, and then the 3rd & final kombatant. (Big thanks to Julio Cabral!!!)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 09, 2020, 04:53PM
For people's consideration:
Scorpion Mod Update
-New skins (compatible with X-men Legends II). New Spear texture.

Sub-Zero Mod Update
-New skins (compatible with X-men Legends II). New Ice Clone model. New Idle Animation.

-New Skin. Mortal Kombat Deception.

Shao Kahn
-New Skin. Mortal Kombat II.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 11, 2020, 04:55PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Cassie Cage is now available and her portrait is now on the Warrior Select screen in the first post. Check her out now. Here is her bio...

Wanting to make her parents proud, Cassie Cage stepped through the portal to protect an alternate Earthrealm from Shao Kahn's invasion. Fascinated by this new world briefly, she took a selfie, then realized someone photobombed it... it was a young hooded superheroine hanging on a web. Instantly finding something in common, the two agreed to team up and defeat their haters.

Also, as seen on the previous post, Julio Cabral has made some visual changes to Scorpion. Click on this link to get it: And here is a preview of the skins that come with it. (Click the pic to enlarge.)

Two more MK warriors to go! Next is Jacqui Briggs, followed by the final kombatant. Stay tuned...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 11, 2020, 05:07PM
Awesome!!! Thank you, Outsider!!!

I've been looking forward to Cassie Cage for so long! I love her! Looking forward to the rest of your MK in MUA works just as eagerly!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 17, 2020, 07:30PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Jacqui Briggs is now available and her portrait is now on the Warrior Select screen in the first post. See about her now. Here is her bio...

Alongside her father, Jacqui stepped through the portal leading to an alternate Earthrealm. While purely focused on defending this new world from Shao Kahn's forces and impressing her future family the Shirai Ryu, she rescued a child by taking down an army of HYDRA agents easily. This impressed a time-displaced British agent who watched the events unfold. She told Jacqui that she has a bright future ahead -- as a soldier and a heroine.

Now, only one kombatant remains. I won't reveal who this one is, but it will shock you. Who could it be? Is Frost getting her own separate mod from Kitana? Will D'Vorah make her presence known in MUA? Has Kotal Kahn grown tired of sitting on the sidelines? Did someone hire Erron Black to appear against the Masters of Evil?

It's anyone's guess, as only myself and two others know who it is. Stay tuned... :king:

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 17, 2020, 08:22PM
Awesome work on Jacqui, Outsider! Excited to see what you have next for MK in MUA! :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 22, 2020, 05:03PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked. Kronika is now available and her portrait is now on the Warrior Select screen in the first post. Check her out now. (Big thanks to Julio Cabral for helping her high-poly skin to become even possible for MUA, and for showing me how to use XPS.) Here is her bio...

Witnessing Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, and Raiden's forces trying to prevent it, Kronika enters the portal unnoticed with the intent to let the war rage on. Her son Shinnok seeks to take Odin's power, while her bodyguard Geras and her daughter Cetrion gradually steal power from the gigantic "devourer of worlds." This will create the New Era she had envisioned ...a new era that won't sit well with a powerful purple-skinned fellow Titan.

And with that, the Mortal Kombat roster of 36 is done! I am so damn proud of how this roster turned out, picking the best of the best. Sure, some were just picked as alternate costumes, but better than not being available at all, right? Now I know that there is a 50 Roster Hack as well, but I will not even try to attempt more kombatants. This is it for me.

If you prefer 50 characters, you can add the mods that were guests in MK: Predator (by Julio Cabral), Alien (by Erik Lensherr), Jason Voorhees (by Aventureiromax), the Joker (by BLaw), and Spawn (by me). And someone is making Terminator, but the modder wants to be anonymous. I have my suspicions on who it is, though... Unfortunately, even if you add the guest characters, you are still 8 short of 50.

That said, I still have some stuff for the MK roster coming up next. A huge update for Shang Tsung is coming, and I have more good stuff coming. Stay tuned, and thanks everyone. I hope you enjoy the MK roster.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 22, 2020, 05:06PM
Very awesome work! So happy with how this turned out! :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on May 22, 2020, 07:10PM
For any future modders who want to fill up the MK roster to 50, here are ones that would be interesting to see attempted from across the franchise:

-Bo' Rai Cho(38)
-Erron Black(41)
-Kotal Khan(43)
-Kung Jin(44)
-Takeda Takahashi(45)
-The Kollector(46)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 22, 2020, 08:53PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on May 22, 2020, 07:10PM
For any future modders who want to fill up the MK roster to 50, here are ones that would be interesting to see attempted from across the franchise:

-Bo' Rai Cho(38)
-Erron Black(41)
-Kotal Khan(43)
-Kung Jin(44)
-Takeda Takahashi(45)
-The Kollector(46)

I agree with all of those picks, except for Ferra/Torr. Those two were collectively the only one I didn't like in MKX. I would pick Blaze instead (the boss from MK Armageddon). Other than that, those are pretty solid picks. (No Li Mei? Ouch.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 22, 2020, 09:31PM
I think a lot of those choices are pretty good too :)

I'm indifferent as to Ferra/Torr but I think they'd be a hard mod to make, even with my zero knowledge about modding? They're always together normally.

I think other really good choices would be Havik, Geras, and Cetrion.

Also unpopular opinion here but I have a soft spot for Kobra, even though I freely admit he's a poorly disguised Ken Masters ripoff XD if nothing else a skin might be fun maybe.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 23, 2020, 02:05PM
An extremely important update for Shang Tsung is now here. He now has 40 morphs in total! But that's not even the most important part about this update. Taking into account of the "fightmove limit," his morphs were moved away from the powerstyle file. So now he only has a fightmove count of 31! (Much better.) As a result, his herostat has changed. Download him now, and keep the MK roster up-to-date.

Don't forget that Jacqui Briggs was updated recently because of an error found in one of her boosts.

Also, Julio Cabral has released a visual update for Sub-Zero along with Scorpion. You can download them here:

Here are the skin previews he made:
( (

I still have more to do with "MK on MUA," as I have to add more to the content files. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 23, 2020, 08:57PM
Wow, that's the skin Sub-Zero had in Shaolin Monks! That's one of the best costumes he's ever had!

Looking forward to more! :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on May 24, 2020, 09:22AM
They're not just skins though. I added a new rope texture for Svorpion's spear and a new Ice clone model for Sub-zero.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 26, 2020, 01:29AM
Ready to experience "MK on MUA" in full force? Then you may want to visit the Krypt ...The Outsider's Crypt, that is.,8753.msg198877.html#msg198877

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 26, 2020, 03:51AM
This is really great!!! I'm more excited for this than MK11's Aftermath DLC!!!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on June 07, 2020, 07:58AM
More stuff at,10082.msg198670.html#msg198670
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 09, 2020, 07:24PM
Everyone, the MK on MUA Content has been updated, as it now has up to 10 custom team stages instead of just one. Download as soon as you can.

Also, Kabal, Jade, and Nightwolf have been updated with better weapon models.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on June 19, 2020, 03:18AM
Everyone, the MK on MUA Content has been updated, as it is now compatible with the default 27 game, has more team bonuses, fixed team stages, and saved games will not be confused with other MUA saves -- because they are saved elsewhere.

Also, Scorpion (booster), Sub-Zero (booster), Shao Kahn, Liu Kang, and Fujin have been updated. The first three have Julio Cabral's recent updates added, but with hex-edited skins.

Don't forget that Kabal, Jade, and Nightwolf have recently been updated with better weapon models. It is best to keep the MK roster updated.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on September 22, 2020, 10:15PM
So, a newcomer named "Scarletivo" is having a problem with the MK version of the game, saying that it goes back to the main menu after he attempts to play it. This is the first time I am hearing that someone's having a problem with it. I'll share with you what he reported to me.

Quote from: Scarletivo on September 18, 2020, 04:12AM
Thank you for providing me with the needed info, I've done the first part and regarding the issues I'm having, yes, my apologies, I'll provide you with the needed context :
1) Yes, I've got the OCP as well as the XML2 pack.
2)  I am using the 36 roster hack.
3) Yes, I've downloaded each and every one and replaced my whole herostat with the MK Characters, I've taken all the Marvel chars' info out of the herorstat.
4) Yes, it goes to the main menu, after choosing a new game and choosing the  save or default options, it starts to load and after which it sends me back to the main menu.

I informed him that the MK version doesn't use "herostat" but uses a custom-made file instead. Still, I am drawing a blank as to what is happening in his game, as so far everyone has told me that it works great. (FYI: A small but cool update is coming soon! Get excited!) Anyway, if anyone has any ideas on how to help him, please share here.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 01, 2020, 07:16PM
Everyone, the MK on MUA Content has been updated!!! It now has its own feature video at the main menu! It's one extra step to do, but it's worth it. Check it out now.,8753.msg198877.html#msg198877

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on November 22, 2020, 11:03AM
So everyone, I've heard the complaints, but wasn't going to address them yet as I still had other mods I was creating.

People have mentioned how much they love the MK warrior mods -- most of which were of my creation. Thank you all very much for that. However, they also respectfully voiced their displeasure over the lack of voices. At the time, there wasn't a lot of voices to work with and some characters didn't have voices at all. For example, Fujin and Rain didn't have voices at time of their creation. Plus, the simplicity of having Shao Kahn say that the warrior wins made it easier to create them.

But now, with MK11 having released DLC of various characters, now it can be done, and I was already planning on doing so. Enchlore has provided me with voice files from MK11, and I will gather voice files from both MK9 and MKX. (Currently, only Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and Kronika has voices. The rest have taunts that fit whoever you're playing as.) I was going to wait until some of my planned mods were done, but with Ceamonks' recent release of Cassie Cage's MKX voice file (instead of the MK11 voice), it's now clear that the wait can't continue anymore. I promise you all, I will make sure that all of the warriors will have voices. I'll put my current plans on hold, and focus on this now. I've been this committed to the MK roster -- may as well see this through as well. Stay tuned.

Oh, and for those wondering... No, Ronda Rousey's voice will NOT be used for Sonya. LOL

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on November 22, 2020, 04:08PM
Oh, wow! Very cool!

I'm very happy that you're doing this, but I hope those who voiced their feelings of the, well, voices (myself included) didn't come off disrespectful or rude to you in any way. If it came down to it, I'd rather have there be MK mods exactly as they are vs. not having them at all; and it's completely understandable that one would want to wait until there's enough material to give them all their respective voices.

Thank you for everything you do, Outsider!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on November 24, 2020, 08:40PM
I know I was the last person to post in this thread but something really cool and ironic just happened and I couldn't help myself!

Today MK11 announced and released a new skin pack that includes even more voices from the original 1995 Mortal Kombat movie! Now, not only is Shang Tsung modeled and voiced by the movie actor, but so are Raiden, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage! Awesome stuff!

If there's a way to use their skins and/or voices in MUA, that would be awesome!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 13, 2020, 10:31AM
Everyone, as part of my MK Voice Project, the following Mortal Kombat warriors have been updated:
Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kano, Raiden (booster), Scorpion (booster), Sub-Zero (booster), Sonya, Kung Lao (booster), Cassie Cage, Shao Kahn, Shinnok, & Kronika.

Also, note that Sub-Zero now has ice blasts that can estinguish small fires, and now has some skins and mannequins from MKX, thanks to Enchlore (who has now been added to the contributors section). And Shinnok had a small fix to his Faction Kill power.

This completes one third of my plan to update all 36 warriors with voice files, so yes, it's a lot of work, but I will see it through. (Note that Shao Kahn, Shinnok, and Kronika already had voice files -- they just needed "respaffirm" lines.) The other 24 will be under way, but bare in mind that some warriors such as the robots and Stryker are not in MK11 or MKX, so their voices won't have a whole lot to work with. Stay tuned.

Non-MK wise, Cable has been updated as well, as his icons have been slightly altered.

Quote from: TheMK on November 22, 2020, 04:08PM
Oh, wow! Very cool!

I'm very happy that you're doing this, but I hope those who voiced their feelings of the, well, voices (myself included) didn't come off disrespectful or rude to you in any way. If it came down to it, I'd rather have there be MK mods exactly as they are vs. not having them at all; and it's completely understandable that one would want to wait until there's enough material to give them all their respective voices.

Thank you for everything you do, Outsider!

I appreciate that, and no, nobody came off as disrespectful or rude thankfully.

Quote from: TheMK on November 24, 2020, 08:40PM
Today MK11 announced and released a new skin pack that includes even more voices from the original 1995 Mortal Kombat movie! Now, not only is Shang Tsung modeled and voiced by the movie actor, but so are Raiden, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage! Awesome stuff!

If there's a way to use their skins and/or voices in MUA, that would be awesome!

I am considering adding Bridgette Wilson's voice as an alternate voice for Sonya. However, I recently became a bit reluctant to, as upon hearing it, I would like Bridgette's voice to be used for (and preferably unique to) a non-MK character I have planned that is kind of a big deal for everyone. I can't say who it is just yet, but it'll be worth it.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 19, 2020, 03:49PM
Very nice work, Outsider!

Regarding the choices of voices, I understand if you'd prefer to save one for another mod. Truth be told, I'd be most excited for the voices of Linden Ashby, Christopher Lambert, and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa in that order (not meant as a request/demand, just my personal opinions and preferences). Bridgette Wilson is a great Sonya Blade, but I can live without that :)

But either way regardless of what you decide to do in the end I'm just glad the MK mods are getting these wonderful updates! Again, they were already fantastic before, but this is a very sweet cherry on top :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 26, 2021, 05:25PM
Everyone, as part of my MK Voice Project, the following Mortal Kombat warriors have been updated:
Baraka, Ermac (booster), Goro, Jax, Kitana, Mileena, Quan Chi, Rain, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Sindel, & Stryker. Some of these don't just have voice/sound changes, but also talents/powerstyle changes.

Also, note that Scorpion (booster) now has his MK11 skin that Anderson converted. I've hex-edited that skin and created a HUD for that skin.

This completes two thirds of my plan to update all 36 warriors with voice files. This is exhausting work and it's not exactly fun to do, so I'm now going to take a break from that. Also, an unfortunate situation prevents me from continuing anyway, due to lack of grunt sounds, now that my current source locked it behind his/her account requiring people to pay, which I'm not doing. Enchlore is currently helping to try and acquire these grunt sounds. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on January 26, 2021, 06:00PM
Who are the 12 characters left to have voices and grunts added? Perhaps I could finish up the rest for ya Outsider :)
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 26, 2021, 06:01PM
Very commendable work Outsider! Thank you for your dedication :) wanting to take a break is completely understandable and well-deserved. You always work so hard to make your mods as good as possible! Every creator could look up to you for a shining example of diligence.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 02, 2021, 10:07AM
Over at the first page, I just mentioned the guest characters that can be acquired if you have the 50 Roster Hack. I will resume working on the MK voices after my next mod. Don't forget that Kabal was updated with more skins.

So, that new Mortal Kombat movie coming out is looking very good. People have been talking... I am uncertain why Johnny Cage has not been shown yet, doesn't have his own poster, or possibly isn't in the film at all, as he is a popular mainstay and one of the originals that started it all.

When people watch this movie, two questions they will certainly wonder are (1) Where is Johnny Cage? and (2) Who is Cole Young? He's said to be the new protagonist of this movie. Already people are making theories that Cole is actually Johnny Cage (doubtful), Chameleon (unlikely), the Krypt Guy in MK11 (maybe!) or Taven (I hope not). Reports say that Cole is some descendant of Scorpion. Either way, I'm excited to see this film. And maybe Cole Young should be the final MK11 DLC as a way of introducing him.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 22, 2021, 10:27AM
Well, you've been waiting awhile due to my multiple projects, but I said I would do it, and I will. I will now work on finishing the remaining voices for the MK warriors. As a result, my next mods will be on hold until this is komplete. Stay tuned.

So, Johnny Cage will not be in this movie... that's a damn shame. I don't know who this Cole Young is, but hopefully the movie will be good.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on March 22, 2021, 08:12PM
Thank you for your dedication, Outsider. It will be great to enjoy all the new voices on these already wonderful mods.

I am sad Johnny Cage isn't in the new movie. I hope he appears in sequels.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Mapache_Malvado on April 06, 2021, 06:38PM
At first I was a little skeptical about having MK characters modded into MUA but then I tried Noob Saibot (my fav) and Shao Kahn... They are pretty damn good!
Loved the little details like having Noob beign pitch black in some of his costumes or the ability of Shao Kahn that can summon Kintaro or Motaro. 10/10 material here.

When I have a little more time, I surely gonna try the version with all the 36 characters. Thanks for the mods!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 09, 2021, 06:39AM
Quote from: Mapache_Malvado on April 06, 2021, 06:38PM
At first I was a little skeptical about having MK characters modded into MUA but then I tried Noob Saibot (my fav) and Shao Kahn... They are pretty damn good!
Loved the little details like having Noob beign pitch black in some of his costumes or the ability of Shao Kahn that can summon Kintaro or Motaro. 10/10 material here.

When I have a little more time, I surely gonna try the version with all the 36 characters. Thanks for the mods!

I appreciate the compliment. I am a huge MK fan, and are a fan of those little details and references, such as all 36 kombatants having different stances so that none of them stand the same, or have the same animations when chosen. While I can't say I created all of the mods, through the boosters, I had a hand in all of them, and I am very proud of the end result. Noob Saibot is one of my favorite kombatants as well.

Stay tuned, as I am currently working on the voices of the MK warriors -- including Noob Saibot. Should be done by sometime next week.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: AfroSkylark on April 10, 2021, 03:28PM
I'm still so in love with this, this mod needs more exposure! I do have one issue, though it may not even be related to these mods, I've noticed it on the Mortal Kombat: Ultimate Alliance overhauled version of the game so I figured i'd mention it just incase, I get a lot of random freezing starting in Atlantis. It will freeze then crash. Sometimes I can make it past Atlantis, but it will crash during the Mandarin mission as well. Could this be a problem on my end?
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 11, 2021, 03:30AM
Quote from: AfroSkylark on April 10, 2021, 03:28PM
I'm still so in love with this, this mod needs more exposure! I do have one issue, though it may not even be related to these mods, I've noticed it on the Mortal Kombat: Ultimate Alliance overhauled version of the game so I figured i'd mention it just incase, I get a lot of random freezing starting in Atlantis. It will freeze then crash. Sometimes I can make it past Atlantis, but it will crash during the Mandarin mission as well. Could this be a problem on my end?

This issue may or may not be related to the MK warriors or this version of the game. In order for us to help you with this, you'll need to provide more information such as what you use and what you downloaded to your game. Post this in the Technical Problems section rather than here. Or better yet, join our Discord and mention it in the #help! thread, as since it's in real time, we can help you faster.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 17, 2021, 12:31PM
Everyone, this is a MAJOR update to the Mortal Kombat collection of mods. All 36 MK warriors have been updated. The MK version of MUA ("MK on MUA Content") has also been updated. Here are the changes that were made:

-All 36 warriors have voice files now, as I have completed the MK Voices project, just as I promised.
-All of them no longer use a custom fightstyle. I have mixed their animations, so now they all use "fightstyle_default." This could help with teams of 3 or 4.
-All of their herostats have been updated and no longer need the "block" feature, as they can all now block without it. (Those of you that use OpenHeroselect, be mindful of this.)
-Stryker's gun has been changed to a different model I retextured, so there's no delay the first time he fires it.
-Sheeva's primary model has been retextured to have the correct colors of red & black instead of red & green. I also added an MK3 variant.
-Some of Shang Tsung's morph skins have been updated.
-The herostat of the MK version game now features the latest herostats.
-The loading screens of the MK version game have been updated.

So because of all of the changes, it is best to just re-download all of the warriors and overwrite everything. (In the case of Raiden, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Ermac, and Kung Lao, you don't need to re-download the mods that I didn't create, only re-download the boosters that I made for them.) The easiest way to do this is to go to the very first post of this thread, and click on the portrait for each MK warrior, as if selecting them. Re-download only the link of the page that opens.

Then, click here to the MK version of MUA. Re-download that and overwrite everything:

I thank you all for your patience and your faith in me to complete the voices project and for the MK version of MUA to run smoothly.

And while not required to, it would be best to do some "spring cleaning" in your game. Delete the following files, as you no longer need them:

"actors" folder:
fightstyle_tsung.igb (if you still have it)

"data/fightstyles" folder
fightstyle_tsung.xmlb (if you still have it)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on April 17, 2021, 02:19PM
Thank you for your dedication, Outsider. This is truly magnificent work. I recall you mentioning working on the voice updates earlier had been rather cumbersome; I hope it brings you some relief to be finished with it now.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on April 21, 2021, 04:52PM
I know it might now be much but thank you so much for getting all this done at the same time unbelievable dedication unreal if there was Grammys for this you would win them all and well deserved!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 22, 2021, 11:59PM
Quote from: edward on April 21, 2021, 04:52PM
I know it might now be much but thank you so much for getting all this done at the same time unbelievable dedication unreal if there was Grammys for this you would win them all and well deserved!

Quote from: TheMK on April 17, 2021, 02:19PM
Thank you for your dedication, Outsider. This is truly magnificent work. I recall you mentioning working on the voice updates earlier had been rather cumbersome; I hope it brings you some relief to be finished with it now.

Thank you both for those thoughtful comments. It was indeed a lot of work, so hopefully the end result is satisfying for everyone.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 08, 2021, 12:04PM
Everyone, the following kombatants have been updated.

Johnny Cage: Now has alternate voice file of Linden Ashby from MK movie.
Liu Kang: Fixed problem with sweep animation.
Kitana: Fixed problem with her "Edenian Slicer" power.
Noob Saibot: Now appears in shadow form at HUBs.
Sonya: Now has alternate voice file of Bridgette Wilson from MK movie. (NOTE: This voice is also planned for a future very special mod, so it's not ideal/preferred to use for Sonya.)

Anyone saw the recent Mortal Kombat movie? In my opinion, it was just alright. The fight scenes were great, but some other things just didn't make sense (besides Johnny Cage not being there). And the new addition of Cole Young didn't impress me at all. In fact, he gave me a Taven vibe. Could have just as easily been him.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 08, 2021, 08:42PM
Thanks very much for all your great work, Outsider.

I've seen the new movie a few times now, and I really enjoyed it. I do think that it could have been better and they definitely made some mistakes, chief of all being the omission of Johnny Cage, but for what it was, it was very enjoyable and good. The original movie will always be a classic I'll never get tired of, but it was very nice to see the blood and fatalities in a live action movie for the first time (if you don't count MK Legacy, which is technically a web series, but comparable).

I think it's also telling that, at least in my opinion, Annihilation remains the only truly bad Mortal Kombat movie; we now have three great films, all tackling the same origin story in their own different ways, all great for their own different reasons.

I'm actually surprised to say I think the objectively very best Mortal Kombat film to date remains the animated direct-to-video Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge from last year. It's definitely the bloodiest and most action-packed, but also I think captures the look and feel of the games better than the other movies; perhaps, at least aesthetically, Mortal Kombat might lend itself better to things like animation and comic books in some ways.

In any case, I'm excited for the potential of future Mortal Kombat movies with the release of this new reboot. Hopefully whatever happens next turns out to be good.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on July 01, 2021, 02:31AM
I'm always a little embarrassed to post again when I was the last one to post previously, but I just found something out that I thought would be exciting news for all the other Mortal Kombat fans here.

The wonderful animated Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge movie from last year is already getting a sequel! It's called Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, and it's coming August 31st of this year! That's barely over two months away!

It looks like this movie will revisit and reinterpret MK2 the way the previous movie did for MK1, but this time it sounds like they might even include some elements from MK3, MK4, and beyond; the previous movie also featured many characters and some plot elements that weren't in MK1, so I guess this is par for the course, but I have faith they'll do something good with it since the first was so good.

If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend checking out Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge. I'll always enjoy the other Mortal Kombat movies for their wonderful qualities, flaws and all (while begrudgingly accepting Annihilation as an unintentional comedy), but Scorpion's Revenge is truly a flawless victory -- the writing, acting, animation, fights, violence, and imagery are all just phenomenal. I truly believe that so far, it is the best out of all the Mortal Kombat movies; if the sequel is anything like it, it might just outdo it.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on July 01, 2021, 03:12AM
Quote from: TheMK on July 01, 2021, 02:31AM
I'm always a little embarrassed to post again when I was the last one to post previously, but I just found something out that I thought would be exciting news for all the other Mortal Kombat fans here.

The wonderful animated Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge movie from last year is already getting a sequel! It's called Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, and it's coming August 31st of this year! That's barely over two months away!

It looks like this movie will revisit and reinterpret MK2 the way the previous movie did for MK1, but this time it sounds like they might even include some elements from MK3, MK4, and beyond; the previous movie also featured many characters and some plot elements that weren't in MK1, so I guess this is par for the course, but I have faith they'll do something good with it since the first was so good.

If you haven't seen it already, I highly recommend checking out Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge. I'll always enjoy the other Mortal Kombat movies for their wonderful qualities, flaws and all (while begrudgingly accepting Annihilation as an unintentional comedy), but Scorpion's Revenge is truly a flawless victory -- the writing, acting, animation, fights, violence, and imagery are all just phenomenal. I truly believe that so far, it is the best out of all the Mortal Kombat movies; if the sequel is anything like it, it might just outdo it.

No need to feel embarrassed. While discussions are usually taking place on our Discord server, it doesn't mean you can't post news here. Hopefully this new series will be good.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 01, 2021, 08:22AM
Ladies and gentlemen, with the assistance of UltraMegaMagnus and Enchlore, I am proud to hereby announce that our Mortal Kombat kollection is expanding!!! Yes, four more warriors from the MK universe will be made into mods for MUA! I won't say who those four are... you'll just have to wait and see. Before I begin working on them though, I have to update a few of my projects. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 01, 2021, 05:28PM
This is very awesome news! I'm sure whoever the four are, they'll make great mods!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 16, 2021, 03:33AM
A new warrior has been unlocked... Chameleon has been revamped and updated as his own mod! No more of the complex system -- now he's easily playable and fun as hell. And yes, the Saurian vixen Khameleon is there as a alternate costume with her own moves. Click on Chameleon's portrait (which officially was the question mark in Mortal Kombat Trilogy) to go to his post. I am very proud to say that everyone from Mortal Kombat Trilogy is now playable in MUA with the exception of Motaro... and let's be honest, he's not possible because he's a centaur. A two-legged Motaro from MK Armageddon is no good, either. Here are their bios written from back in the day:

Very little is known about the ninja called Chameleon, so it is unknown which side of the war for an alternate Earthrealm that he is on, if any side. With the combined might of his fellow ninja, Chameleon knows that he is powerful and destined for greatness. Journeying into this new world, a rumor he heard about peaked his interest -- the Infinity Gems. That said, an urban powerhouse with skin as hard as steel is watching him, as is his sassy resilient wife...

Vengeful towards Shao Kahn for dooming her Saurian race to extinction, Khameleon battles on the side of good towards defending an alternate Earthrealm, but unbeknowst to her allies. Seeking guidance from a powerful mutant professor, she is focused on making Kahn pay for his sins -- even if she must go through her friend Reptile.

Stay tuned for the other three warriors to come! (NOTE: The "MK on MUA Content" package mod will be updated once all of the warriors are completed.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 16, 2021, 07:04AM
Very epic!!! Can't wait for the other three!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on October 31, 2021, 06:45AM
A new warrior has been unlocked... Tanya has arrived! Now you can play as the Edenian traitress that (for some reason) is very popular. Check her out by clicking on her portrait at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is her bio:

The Edenian fighter named Tanya stepped through the portal to an alternate Earthrealm on the side of Shao Kahn. But Tanya has gained a reputation not to be trusted, as a mistress of betrayal. Something she shares in common with a Wakandan assassin she met who is a sadist and former soldier. The two agreed to aid each other in their plans, with the knowledge that neither will hesitate to betray and kill the other at a moment's notice.

Stay tuned for the other two warriors to come! (NOTE: The "MK on MUA Content" package mod will be updated once all of the warriors are completed.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on October 31, 2021, 07:53AM
Very cool!

Tanya may not always be my favorite character, but she can be pretty neat sometimes.

Looking forward to the remaining two kombatants!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on November 15, 2021, 04:06PM
I'm hoping for Erron Black fingers 🤞. Tanya is amazing high quality work as always.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on November 25, 2021, 12:59PM
A new warrior has been unlocked... Skarlet has arrived! Play as the bloodiest mod ever made, now separated from Jade. Check her out by clicking on her portrait at the Warrior Select screen on the first post. Here is her bio:

A poor street orphan now mastering blood magic, Skarlet serves Shao Kahn as his personal assassin. To aid him further in his conquest of an alternate Earthrealm, Skarlet wishes to travel to a place called Asgard and conduct a deal with their goddess of death. She figures if she can absorb the blood of hundreds of dead Asgardian warriors, she would become unstoppable. Odin's daughter, however, will oppose her wicked plans.

Now that Skarlet is separated from Jade, I have updated Jade to no longer have Skarlet as an alternate. Re-download Jade, overwrite her previous files, and then delete "textures/loading/9403.igb" from your game.

Stay tuned, as there is one more warrior to come! (NOTE: The "MK on MUA Content" package mod will be updated once all of the warriors are completed.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on November 25, 2021, 08:56PM
Awesome work, Outsider! I love the idea of so much blood in an MUA mod!

Excited for the last kombatant!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 01, 2021, 08:55AM
Quote from: edward on November 15, 2021, 04:06PM
I'm hoping for Erron Black fingers . Tanya is amazing high quality work as always.

Much appreciated. I'm a big Mortal Kombat fan, so I want to make sure the entire roster is as good (and accurate) as can be.

Quote from: TheMK on November 25, 2021, 08:56PM
Awesome work, Outsider! I love the idea of so much blood in an MUA mod!

Excited for the last kombatant!

I know, right? For Mortal Kombat warriors, you'd expect a lot of blood. We couldn't add a blood mode to the game though, since a lot of MUA's enemies are robots or androids.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 14, 2021, 09:32AM
Just so y'all know, the last kombatant is on hold for just a little bit, as there is something Marvel-related I'm currently working on. You'll learn what it is soon enough...

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on December 14, 2021, 09:00PM
I'm sure both of those things will be awesome, Outsider! It's always worth the wait!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 31, 2021, 08:32PM
A new kombatant has been unlocked -- Erron Black has arrived in MUA! The Mortal Kombat expansion concludes with this redneck assassin. Click on his portrait at the warrior select screen at the first post. Here is his bio:

The gunslinger known as Erron Black had no real interest in Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earthrealm, except for getting paid to assist them. So he went through the portal with no idea what awaits him, which is how he likes it. Soon enough, he came across another skilled shot -- only not with a gun, but with a bow and arrow. Normally, bullets are faster, but Erron sensed this archer could challenge that theory, and will be watching him.

And with that, I will soon update the Mortal Kombat (MK on MUA Content) game. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on January 01, 2022, 06:45AM
Very epic!!! Excited for Erron Black and the update on MK in MUA!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: edward on January 01, 2022, 08:40AM
What excellent holiday's gifts we got and I'm so glad the last mk character was indeed Erron Black I fell so spoiled gonna go check him out, thank you for keeping this game living!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on January 02, 2022, 01:29PM
Quote from: TheMK on January 01, 2022, 06:45AM
Very epic!!! Excited for Erron Black and the update on MK in MUA!

Quote from: edward on January 01, 2022, 08:40AM
What excellent holiday's gifts we got and I'm so glad the last mk character was indeed Erron Black I fell so spoiled gonna go check him out, thank you for keeping this game living!

Thanks for the compliments, fellas. Yeah, it was fun creating Erron Black for sure, and he was definitely one of the more popular MK warriors, so he had to be done.
I'll update the MK on MUA Content package very soon.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 04, 2022, 03:17PM
Everyone, the following kombatants have been updated:

Kabal: Added more hooksword basic attacks.
Liu Kang: Fixed his Low Fireball Animation.
Scorpion: Fixed his Spear to function better.

A team stage I really wanted to create was The Prison from MK4 & MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, but the images are so small... I'll see what I can do.

In non-MK news, The Agent and Kate Bishop have been updated. The Agent had a script error, so just overwrite the scripts folder. As for Kate, her MCU mannequin was added.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on May 19, 2022, 05:28PM
The first new kombatant of 2022 - Nitara has been unlocked! Now, take control of this underrated vampire fighter introduced back in Deadly Alliance and demonstrate how dangerous she can truly be in the right hands. Here is her bio copy/pasted from my mod release thread, for the sake of consistency:


The Moroi vampire from the Outworld-conquered Vaeternus realm known as Nitara, has been a victim of constant subjugation at the hands of the conqueror known as Shao Khan, ever since her realm was conquered and merged centuries before by the power-hungry dictator.

Taking advantage of Shao Kahn's attempted invasion of an alternate Earthrealm for her own ends, Nitara seeks out a man apparently made of heavily armed iron, in the hopes of bringing her realm out of the lava its securely stored in and finally have a chance at freedom from Shao Khan's rule.

But in order to convince this 'Avenger' to her cause, Nitara will have to play ball and work with him and his associates in order to get what she wants...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 19, 2022, 06:33PM
Everyone, as a result of Nitara joining the fray, I have added her portrait to the MK Warrior Select screen at the first post. She is listed under "Other Kombatants" for now because I don't know how to place her with the others, and if there are more possibly coming. Click on her portrait to get to her. Nice to see a fellow MK fan enter our ranks!

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: TheMK on May 19, 2022, 06:45PM
This is so awesome!!! Nitara's one of my favorite characters from the 3D era!!! I feel like a huge opportunity was missed in not including her in the reboot trilogy from the last decade; at least she got some cameos in some of the latest movies, but I feel like this makes up for it! So happy to see the awesome vampiress playable again!
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 18, 2023, 06:48AM
Sorry to bump this topic up, but I think I've got a good reason for it... Mortal Kombat 12 is coming September 19th!!! Except, it's called Mortal Kombat 1.

Official Trailer:

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on June 09, 2023, 08:50AM
The first new kombatant of 2023 - Kai has been unlocked! Now, take control of this underrated pupil of Liu Kang's introduced back in Mortal Kombat 4 and demonstrate his true potential against the Masters of Evil!


Once a member within the secretive White Lotus Society and learning a variety of skills in martial arts from an assortment of experienced teachers across Asia, the mysterious African warrior known only as Kai still wasn't satisfied with what he had learned, desiring to continually improve himself and surpass his current potential.

Learning of an incredible Shaolin warrior that had saved the world through competing and winning several 'Mortal Kombat' tournaments named Liu Kang, Kai journeyed all the way to the United States in the hopes of getting in contact and becoming a pupil of his.

Soon meeting with him, Kai and Liu Kang would gradually develop a mutual respect for one another as Kai continued to impress his new teacher and colleague with how fast he learned and adapted to the techniques taught by him over the course of many weeks.

Kai's training prematurely interrupted as the invasion of the rogue Elder God Shinnok and his dark legions advanced upon the realm of Edenia, these events would go on to define Kai, affording him the chance to grow beyond his insecurities of not being strong enough to stop forces far beyond his initial comprehension.

Among the defenders of Earthrealm to successfully defeat Shinnok for the time being, Kai proceeded to finish off his training with Liu Kang before deciding to wander the world and uncover its many secrets, keeping in close contact when the situation required it through a provided Special Forces communicator.

Now however, Kai finds himself involved in a complicated mission with the many defenders of Earthrealm on an entirely new world, mysteriously contacted by a possible future version of his former teacher who had ascended to godhood, requesting Kai to stop the oncoming threat in order to prevent all of existence from being wiped away forever.

Accepting this daunting request while having to avoid confronting the younger Liu Kang about it (in order to prevent a chrono paradox), Kai found a mutual friend in a local hero of this new world who dressed like an American flag and fought against anything in his way with nothing but a durable shield.

Desiring to learn all he could during this time on this new world, Kai prepares to defend the multiverse as best he can and ensure that no-one has to lose everything over such selfish motives...
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 04, 2023, 09:57PM
Everyone, Shinnok has been updated. His skin numbers have changed as they unknowingly caused a clash with the Sentry / Void booster. As a result, his herostat has changed as well, using 20011-20016 instead. Please go into your "packages/generated/characters" folder and delete the following:


Also, the MK on MUA Content mod has been updated. A few changes were made for better functionality for OHS users.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 10, 2023, 08:50AM
Those of you who have downloaded the latest version of the MK on MUA Content mod, please do so once more. There was an unforeseen issue with Scorpion and Sub-Zero not appearing. That has been rectified.,8753.msg198877.html#msg198877

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on December 30, 2023, 09:49PM
Ladies and gentleman, a new kombatant has entered the fray. Frost is now her own mod and ready to whoop some ass. Click on her portrait at the Warrior Select screen (first post) to check her out. A reminder of her bio below:

Having thawed out from being severely frozen, Frost had betrayed her sifu, Sub-Zero, turned herself into a cyborg, and formed the Cyber Lin Kuei. Now Frost aids Shao Kahn in the alternate Earthrealm war, having received orders from Kronika. She also seeks to become more powerful than Sub-Zero's medallion. She eventually met a green-skinned man with a gamma-charged brain, who agrees to aid her. However, a vigilante associated with Earth's moon plans to stop them.

As a result of this, Kitana has been updated, as she longer shares her mod with Frost. Her herostat has changed. And because of that, the MK on MUA Content has also been updated to reflect the change to Kitana. I've also fixed an issue that caused the game to freeze before the character select screen appeared. (PLEASE NOTE: Warriors listed as "Other Kombatants" including Frost have not been added to the MK on MUA Content mod as of yet. I promise I'll get to that now that there's at least four new ones, I just have so much to do at this time.)

Shang Tsung has been updated as well, as the skin he uses to morph into Frost has changed. You don't have to re-install the whole mod though. Frost's skin there is 8260.

Finally, my Scorpion booster has been updated, no longer needing effects from Ghost Rider.

I may decide to go on a bit of a Mortal Kombat run at this time, so I will be bringing a few more kombatants in. Can't tell you how soon they'll come though. Who will they be? Stay tuned. :king: (evil laugh)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 13, 2024, 11:30PM
Everyone, the following MK warriors have been updated:

Liu Kang: Added new skin and HUD, and some newer animations. Herostat has changed.
Johnny Cage: Added newer animations, including fixed Ball Buster.
Raiden: Added some newer animations, and replaced "Staff Kombat" with new boost "Divine Wisdom." Herostat has changed.
Scorpion: Added new Spear animation and fixed sound of Hellfire Breath from going too long.
Kitana: Added some newer animations.
Jax: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Baraka: Added new skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Sindel: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Nightwolf: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Jade: Added new skin and HUD. Herostat has changed.
Quan Chi: Added new skins and HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Fujin: Added new skin and HUD. Herostat has changed.

In addition, because of all the herostat changes, the MK on MUA Content mod has been updated accordingly. It will still take some time before I can add the "Other Kombatants" to it. My apologies for the long wait, as I've been super busy. (I know, I know, I say that all of the time... but sadly it's true.)

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 13, 2024, 10:08PM
Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Li Mei joins the kast! Her portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.

Becoming first constable to Princess Kitana's Edenian Guard was a blessing to Li Mei, as she can legally protect her people of Sun Do, who were once enslaved by Shang Tsung & Quan Chi. Aiding the warriors of light against Shao Kahn's invasion of an alternate Earth, she was approached by a powerful monarch wearing ten rings who wanted her to serve him. Ready to fight and familiar with these types, she prepares herself. However, a proud master of Kung-Fu appears and stands by her side, knowing of his evil. Li Mei senses his heart is true, and together, the two martial artists battle their powerful foe.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 24, 2024, 04:25PM
Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Reiko is here! His portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.

When Shao Kahn entered an alternate Earthrealm filled with super heroes and villains in his diabolical scheme to conquer it, his war general Reiko was the first to join him. Ever the loyal soldier, Reiko immediately went to work, planning out tactical strategies for the invasion. Suddenly, another soldier appeared in the night, with one of his arms metallic and firearm in hand, ready to take the general on. Never one to back down from a fight, Reiko happily accepted his challenge.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on March 26, 2024, 11:53PM
Liu Kang has been updated. His Shaolin Flame boost has turned into a new Fire God boost, where he turns into his alternate universe form -- Fire God Liu Kang, complete with updated icons and a 2nd loading screen of his Fire God form.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on April 08, 2024, 08:07AM
Everyone, a new kombatant enters the battle, as Bo' Rai Cho is here! His portrait has been added to the warrior select screen at the first post.
(Please note that this mod was not done by me, but by Ceamonks890. The bio below is a shortened version of the bio listed in his release post.)

A legendary master of combat arts who originates from Outworld but aligns himself with the heroes of Earthrealm, Bo' Rai Cho was a natural choice by the Special Forces to join in the aid of an alternate Earthrealm. Venturing through the portal alongside the other warriors of light, he quickly forges a friendship with a man who fired specialized 'optic' blasts from his eyes, who reminded him of his greatest pupil, Liu Kang. Not desiring all innocent life to be wiped from existence for the sake of appeasing an arrogant dictator's power-hungry desires, Bo' Rai Cho prepares himself for his new journey.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on May 22, 2024, 06:45AM
Everyone, here are the following MK warriors have been updated recently...

Liu Kang: Added Bruce Lee skin.
Johnny Cage: Added movie and JCVD skins. Herostat has changed.
Kano: Added MKX and MKO skins. Herostat has changed.
Raiden: Added movie and Shaolin Monks skins. Herostat has changed.
Scorpion: Added MK12 Kuai Liang skin.
Sub-Zero: Added MK12 variant skin.
Sonya: Added movie skin. Herostat has changed.
Reptile: Added two more skins & HUDs, changed idle & menu_idle animations. Herostat has changed.
Mileena: Added MKD skin. Herostat has changed.
Stryker: Added MK7 primary and alternate skins. Herostat has changed.
Smoke: Added MK7 skin. Herostat has changed.
Fujin: Added two MKO skins. Herostat has changed.
Kenshi: Added four more skins & HUDs, changed skin segments to boltons. Herostat has changed.
Skarlet: Added Kold War, MK9 alternate, and Blood Magic skins. Herostat has changed.
Jacqui Briggs: Added MK11 skin, fixed up Shotgun Blasts.
Shao Kahn: Added Shaolin Monks and Dark Kahn skins. Herostat has changed.

Also, the MK on MUA Content Mod has been updated to reflect these changes. This concludes my Mortal Kombat updates for the time being. As more skins come in, I'll update them another time.

Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on July 31, 2024, 05:33PM
I took the models from the PS2 games and used them to recreate some skins previously released in the original mod.
Credits and more details in the picture bellow:
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 01, 2024, 05:13PM
Same as I did for Liu Kang,I took the ps2 models and create PS2 styled versions of previously released skins. I have also included the legit Deadly Alliance 3d model this time.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 21, 2024, 02:33PM
Using PS2 models I also created new models for Sonya. This time I've received the assistance of fellow Marvel Modder ak2yny by creating a new animation set for the mod.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 25, 2024, 08:41AM
Also using PS2 models,I made some Kano models. No Shaolin Monks models this time sadly but his Alternate from Deadly Alliance is similar.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 30, 2024, 03:17PM
Recreations of his originals costumes in the arcades and plus Deadly Alliance and Shaolin Monks, all in PS2 styled models.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 01, 2024, 05:22AM
Also using PS2 assets. Yes. Some of these are already in the mod, but I've remade them to have them all in one scale. File includes new menu  and idle animations that looks more like his Shaolin Monks stance.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 03, 2024, 02:37PM
Last but not least, from the playble roster of the original Mortal Kombat, brand new Scorpion models in PS2 era style. I've also redone some of these, removing some segments, adjusting the scale.
Title: Re: Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog
Post by: Outsider on February 23, 2025, 08:34PM
Everyone, the MK on MUA Content mod has been updated. It's a small update where now the MyTeam feature can be available at the start of the game.