
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Parallax

Tonight's contest is in the bag for Parallax who celebrates in front of the booing crowd as Superstars ends for the night.


RAW Episode #10

RAW starts off for another night of action. A graphic displays on the tron that tonight both men in the WWE Championship match at One Night Stand shall be involved in Pick Your Poison Matches. Meaning they will pick the opponents of one another tonight.

War Machine comes out first to start the show, Iron Man follows him behind as they come down for the opening contest.

Starscream follows out to the ring next with Megatron in tow. This one on one match isn't going to be restricted to one on one.

War Machine w/ Iron Man vs Starscream w/ Megatron
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Starscream with Megatron

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Starscream

Starscream gets the win and Megatron attacks Iron Man on the outside leading to yet another brawl. After being separated, Iron Man grabs some mics.

Iron Man: This is getting plain outrageous between us. Nick Fury you need to get down here and book the match these fans want to see.

Starscream: Wait

Megatron: Starscream don't speak unless i tell you too.

War Machine: Put up or shut up.

Nick Fury appears on the tron

Fury: Fine looks like some issues around here just need to be promptly dealt with. Since this one looks obvious i'm just going to add the match to One Night Stand. Iron Man & War Machine vs Starscream and Megatron.

Iron Man: Thank you!

Megatron: You asked for this loss.

War Machine: You're the one who shall you.

Megatron: Keep beliving that.

We cut from this scene in the ring backstage to show Scrappy Doo is walking out to the ring as it clears. He has no one with him.

Scrappy walks into the ring and grabs a mic

Scrappy: No one knows why i'm out here by myself. I didn't tell Daphne, or Shaggy or even my Uncle Scooby. At Judgment Day the Black Knight showed up and we weren't expecting him, but last week he got beaten right here in the ring so i decided it would be the perfect honesty to earn respect from my haters over the years. Black Knight, i challenge you to a match at One Night Stand!

Black Knight comes down to the ring

Knight: Planning your own funeral?

Scrappy: You don't scare me, i'm going to beat you down with PUPPY POWER!

Knight: How annoying.

Scrappy: Is it or on not?

Knight: Oh it's on.

Scrappy: See you on Sunday

Scrappy doo throws the microphone at Black Knight and exits from the ring leaving the Black Knight staring back at him.

We cut backstage to see Spike warming up. Drusilla approaches him

Spike: Dru, i thought all of this was over.

Drusilla: The match is over you were better

Spike: So then why are you here?

Drusilla: To tell you the truth

Spike: Which is?

Drusilla: I think we should get back together. Imagine what we could do as champions, i wouldn't lose the matches for you like the slayer does.

Spike: Dru, leave me alone.

Spike walks off as Drusilla states back at him

We cut back to the ring as the Fonz makes his entrance and grabs a mic

Fonz: Ehhh! Last few weeks it's been pretty obvious i have been getting a snub but this week i've decided i will show the world what i'm made of and show someone i'm better than him. So that's right i'm calling out Michael Myers to face me right now!

The crowd gasps but Michael Myers heads down to the ring to accept the challenge. The ACME referee rings the bell

Fonz vs Michael Myers
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Michael Myers

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Michael Myers

Michael Myers takes care of the Fonz, which then we see Doctor Loomis walk out on the stage and stare down at Michal Myers. There big rematch comes up this Sunday and Loomis looks ready.

Backstage Dr. Doofenshmirtz is standing around as Perry the Platypus walks in

Doof: Perry the Platypus we need to talk.

Perry: *Platypus sonds*

Doof: We both lost at Judgment Day but we should have been working together instead of against one another.

Pinky and the Brain walk into the room

Brain: Pinky do you see this?

Pinky: I think so Brain.

Brain: These two buffoons got to wrestle on PPV but we couldn't even appear on the pre-show?

Pinky: It's down right shameful Brain.

Doof: Hey do you guys mind, i'm trying to have a moment here with Perry the Platypus.

Brain: How about you two go out to the ring and face the two of us and see what happens.

Doof: FIne i guess we will.

Perry: *Platypus sounds*

Doof: And Perry the Platypus agrees!

Pinky and the Brain make their entrance to the ring and the crowd chants along.

Perry the Platypus makes his entrance next with Dr. Doofenshmirtz coming out last. Perry knows Dr. Doof sometimes can be trusted and he really hopes tonight is one of those nights

Pinky & Brain vs Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Pinky and Brain

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Perry and Doof embrace in a hug for tonight they managed to get the job done as a team

Backstage Conan the Barbarian is seen chatting with Deadpool. Before the camera can get close enough to make out what they are saying, Doctor Doom comes out of nowhere and blindsides Conan knocking him down to the ground.

Doctor Doom happy with his beatdown exits as ACME referees attend to Conan.

Back out in the ring the #1 contender Darth Vader makes his entrance. He stands in the ring knowing Ares will have picked a very strong opponent for him.

Darth Vader stands in astonishment as the opponent for him tonight is making his WWE debut, it's Yoda! Yoda stands in the ring across from Darth Vader and the bell rings

Darth Vader vs Yoda
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

It's cool that Yoda has debuted!  But I have to go with Darth Vader.
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