
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz

To the surprise of many Perry and Doofenshmirtz manage to get the win in this mayhem of a match. Mikey and Raph are shown watching on a monitor backstage as Perry and Doof celebrate up the ramp they are going to have a shot to be champions together even if they are enemies

Our next match is ready with a clear ring

Tigger hops down to the ring ready to go. The crowd cheers for him

Evil Ash comes out next ready to be his opponent.

Tigger vs Evil Ash
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Evil Ash

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Winner: Tigger

Tigger wins and he hops up the ramp in excitement but Ash Williams walks down with a mic

Ash: So here we are again. Evil Me, we've been at this war for quite some time and quite frankly we need to get it under control. I've talked to Nick Fury and he's agreed to let us go at it one more time this sunday at Vengeance. Simply put we determine who the better Ash is in that match. Now i know it's unlikely our paths won't ever cross again but this little thing we've got going is going to be settled on sunday deal.

Evil Ash: It will be settled....for now.

Ash: Yeah it will be settled...for now.

Evil Ash: See you then.

Ash: Oh you don't expect me to fall for that do you, you are going to cheap shot me.

Evil Ash: Fine you caught me!

Evil Ash low blows Ash who surprises him by wearing a metal cup

Ash: Take that!

Evil Ash: Damn you!

Evil Ash heads up the ramp not pleased with how that went.

We cut backstage now to Lois Lane once again

Lois: Here is your WWE Champion, Darth Vader.

Vader: Hello again Lois Lane.

Lois: The night is rolling on your title defense is getting closer.

Vader: I am well aware of this.

Lois: Worried?

Vader: As i have said before this is a busy week for me with two title defenses on my plate.

Lois: Assuming you retain tonight.

Vader: Assuming i do is how i plan on getting it done.

Lois: I guess time will tell.

Vader: Watch tonight Lois Lane

Darth Vader walks off and we head back to the ring.

Donatello comes down to the ring for a match.

JR Ewing makes his way down to the ring next via a big fancy limo. Dahak from somewhere afar lights the entrance ramp on fire to increase the aura of JR's entrance.

The ACME referee rings the bell and this match is under way

JR Ewing vs Donatello
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

(That was a funny confrontation between Ash and Evil Ash!)  :)

Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927


MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: JR Ewing

JR picked up the win over a turtle tonight, this stirs the pot on how well his friend Dahak will do against another turtle on sunday

Backstage we spot Mystery Inc sitting around watching that match from a monitor. However Black Knight, Tar Monster and Jaguaro jump them from behind and take them out. Leaving them lying on the ground.

In his office Nick Fury gets up and walks out to the ring

Fury: So wow this place just keeps getting more and more un-nerving. I guess i'm going to have to make another match to fix this. So here it is at Vengeance, one on one it will be Scooby Doo vs Tar Monster. And now another match that needs to be made, as of a request from last week i am adding another tag match to the card. It's going to be Doctor Loomis & Fonz vs Michael Myers and a partner of his choosing. Now Loomis and Fonz get down that ring you two are in action right now.

Doctor Loomis and Fonz make their way down to the ring looking like two guys not that familiar with one another. Loomis grabs a mic

Loomis: Arthur i don't really know you well at all.

Fonz: Ehhh call me Fonzie.

Loomis: Anyway i remember when we fought but what was most important was how you helped me last week, so i hope we can work well together tonight and at Vengeance.

Fonz: Me too Dr. Loomis, Me too.

Tom and candy Cane cut Loomis and Fonz's chance to get know each other short. Once in the ring the ACME referee rings the bell to get this thing going

Doctor Loomis & Fonz vs Tom & Candy Cane
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Doctor Loomis & Fonz

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Doctor Loomis & Fonz

Loomis and Fonz gather the win in their first ever team up. Tom and Candy Cane walk up the ramp in defeat. As they walk past the curtain they find Hulk and Jerry have set a trap for them where as soon as they walk through the curtain they both get punched with hulk fists. Both look ticked off but can't find any sign of Hulk or Jerry

The time finally comes for our main event of the night.

Scorpion makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Quan Chi.

Darth Vader comes out next with the WWE Championship around his waist. He hands it off to the ACME referee who holds it up in the air so both men can see it and then he rings the bell


Darth Vader vs Scorpion
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Darth Vader

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Scorpion

The crowd is shocked in the fact Scorpion has now become the new WWE Champion. Quan Chi claps slowly on the outside of the ring, As Scorpion holds it up high. RAW goes off the air with the emphasis on the new WWE Champion


Superstars Episode #4

The crowd is geared as the next episode of Superstars is here to get off the ground. The crowd boos as Doctor Doom once again walks out ready for action. He grabs a mic

Doom: Another week with me being wasted on this barren ground of a show. Bring my opponent out here let's get it over with.

Jerry comes out by himself for this match.

The bell rings and the match is on

Doctor Doom vs Jerry
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way