

Started by Cohollow, June 11, 2019, 07:24AM

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:archangel: Finally putting together the Angel download! Expect the thread to show up shortly! :archangel:

Well Chocolate egg...During my most recent play through to test out my toad, sabretooth, magneto, and rogue boosters something went terribly wrong. animations seemed to be totally randomized. run would activate different animations and handlers that my characters didnt have and the same happened with enemies. It was funny as hell to see everyone on screen falling over and doing stun animations then lunging across the screen all seemingly at random but crap. I can narrow it down to ether the rogue changes, the magneto changes, or a small change i made to a power style mid play through.... BALLS!

Did you start off a new game when you made changes? A saved game tries to use the previous powerstyle when you make changes

Quote from: Cohollow on July 19, 2019, 05:06AM
Well Chocolate egg...During my most recent play through to test out my toad, sabretooth, magneto, and rogue boosters something went terribly wrong. animations seemed to be totally randomized. run would activate different animations and handlers that my characters didnt have and the same happened with enemies. It was funny as hell to see everyone on screen falling over and doing stun animations then lunging across the screen all seemingly at random but crap. I can narrow it down to ether the rogue changes, the magneto changes, or a small change i made to a power style mid play through.... BALLS!

How large (in KBs) are their individual .engb PS files? They shouldn't exceed more than approximately 20 KBs a piece.

I did make a change mid game, but it was just a slight playspeed increase. None of the KB's exceed 20 ether

Quote from: Cohollow on July 19, 2019, 12:46PM
I did make a change mid game, but it was just a slight playspeed increase. None of the KB's exceed 20 ether

That's strange. What you described was exactly the same as what happened to me when I had overstuffed Magneto's PS file. Whenever he was present in a full team (didn't seem to happen much when he was solo) and we made it to an enemy loaded area, such as the Cerci tunnels on Genosha, the game would completely soil itself in stupidity. Storm fired off infinite Xtremes, Wolverine would throw non-stop flying kicks, Cyclops behaved like Wolverine, all the enemies would teleport like Nightcrawler, Xavier stood up and NPCs at the Sanctuary were in combat poses instead of casual idling.

Once I cut down on Magneto's PS file, that nonsense stopped. It was hilarious to watch, but endlessly frustrating when I didn't understand what was causing the glitches.

July 19, 2019, 01:11PM #67 Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 01:14PM by Cohollow
magneto's sitting at 20 KB rn. I took a look at your magneto code and there are ways to decrease the lines of code and tighten it up without removing or changing how anything functions. I may do so just for the hell of it and send it to u. Also yupp thats exactly the same as my experience. It was at the infinite factory and where the enemies spawn out of the walls with barries they were lunging on the way out so it was as tho the game was firing enemies at me XD oh man it made me rofl hard

I think its toad at 18 KB. flip me why does this have to happen. I'm not sure how to go about this right yet

Quote from: Cohollow on July 19, 2019, 07:55PM
I think its toad at 18 KB. flip me why does this have to happen. I'm not sure how to go about this right yet

Well it can't be the size involved since 20kb was fine for my Magneto mod, so there has to be something terribly wrong with an aspect you've changed about Toad if you suspect its him. When did you notice things acting up and what all have you changed about him?

The changes are rather immense. There is very little i haven't changed. I'm thinking I'll cut out some of his custom basic combos I changed up. I didn't have this issue until i got to the infinite factory and a restart of the game fixed it. It started up again in egypt tho

I found it! There were 2 instances of doublejumpland. thank god


Toad has been fixed! Use the new download to fix any bugs. You do not need to start a new game for this fix to be applied!,


Rogues booster is getting a much needed update! Expect her boost abilities to be fixed and functional. Sapping Strangle will now increase the damage the affected target receives. She has the new shared talent called striker that increases the damage of basic melee attacks along with another passive all at reduced skill point cost. Extra sounds and improved effects are also a go! I will also be adding so skins the were made by other members of the modding community. As my second most downloaded booster to date I am very excited to share this big improvement with everybody!

Huge discoveries by the modding community have let to a big developments in what can be done with custom skins! Check out this hella sexy 90's skin made by the talented Julio Cabral!