

Started by Cohollow, June 11, 2019, 07:24AM

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 :colossus: I'm going back over some earlier boosters to tidy and improve them. I'm working on colossus and it will feature some dope skins by the talented BaconWizard17! :colossus:

Playin with some new and improved attacks. My boy might be able to keep up now.

Playing around with making Jugg's charge accelerate as he runs

Neat idea. Is he turning red as he gains momentum?

That looks cool but it seems to be happening due to my Gif capture. I keep jumping from character to character to do things i have ideas for. I'm going to forget so many things when i detail the changes in my mod download threads

Quote from: Cohollow on June 26, 2019, 02:40PM
That looks cool but it seems to be happening due to my Gif capture. I keep jumping from character to character to do things i have ideas for. I'm going to forget so many things when i detail the changes in my mod download threads

Use Notepad and jot down each change as you think of them. Test each one out and if it sticks, note it, and if it doesn't stick, cross it out.


Gains momentum in charge attack.
Crashes through breakable objects just from moving into them (as part of a passive).
Has "grappling" like Beast and Rogue from XML1.

Things like that. Put a + near what works, an X next to what doesn't, and a ? next to undetermined items.

Yes i need to be less lazy about that. I do have a note pad with a page for each character and when its full or a confusing mess of notes i take the easy route of just going meh *shrug* :P

Giving Toad some luv!

Features a new kick flip move. Has slobber mastery which adds to both spit and tongue attacks, and adds rad damage to spit attacks. Leg day acts like a kick and jump mastery and adds to movement speed. then a whole bunch of other changes and improvements

I wonder if i should replace critical strike with amphibian and use it to up movement speed, add rad to spit, and add special jump moves hmmmm. Crits good but he can be overpowered and it makes spit moves less useful.... I JUST CANT DECIDE

I made it so he had a boost that gave him "poison" damage and a taunt that lowered the damage enemies taunted could do. I also made it so he can jump higher, though the more you up that the more his AI could become stuck.

June 29, 2019, 05:23AM #41 Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 11:01AM by Cohollow

So heres what im think I'll do with my boosters and character mods moving forward

- Reduce the point count of passives from 15 to 12 and add a 5th passive to all characters. this means releasing my mods with a modified shared talents file that reduces the count of passives like mutant master, and crit strike etc.

- Add a new shared talent called striker that adds to non powered melee damage for characters that are melee oriented. I do believe i will also make changes to things like psionic combat so that non melee characters dont do more melee damage than their melee oriented colleagues.

- remove block as an ability all together

- have characters with might and flight start with points in those skills. I will also hide them from the powers menu and have them at a set level so characters with might and flight simply have those powers

Please tell me if u like or dislike these changes i plan to make

Be sure to download this file when using my mods in order to reduce the skill point count of shared talents like mutant master, and to add the striker passive that i will be adding to some characters such as colossus

 :quicks: So I figured i should give everyone a quick update. Started working on Quicksilver and I'm having a hard time choosing a skeleton and playstyle but I'll figure it out. Also Angel is pretty much done and ready. A lil cleaning up and he'll be available for download! :archangel: