[MUA1 PC] Limit Documentation

Started by BaconWizard17, May 20, 2020, 01:55PM

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I would recommend mentioning between brackets that the 30 limit for Triggers in Powerstyle files is for each FightMove.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

July 08, 2022, 03:05PM #16 Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 03:08PM by corvetterules
I recently discovered that this game has a limit to how many .xmlb effects files can be referenced in total by the powerstyle files of all members of a team. That limit, according to my findings, should be roughly 85. Breaching this limit will result in effects simply not appearing at all. Whose effects will start to not appear is irrespective of their position on the team, be they in the 4th/rightmost position or in the first/leftmost position.
All units, we have a high priority situation in data/powerstyles.

Quote from: Outsider on August 23, 2022, 01:54PM
Updated the first post with the limit on the extraction points. The limit is 31.

Is this just extraction points in general, or is it extraction points listed in the extraction menu?

Quote from: BaconWizard17 on August 23, 2022, 04:44PM
Is this just extraction points in general, or is it extraction points listed in the extraction menu?

The latter. The former is still unknown... for now.

Quote from: Outsider on August 26, 2022, 05:52AM
The latter. The former is still unknown... for now.

Since they're just map objects, my guess is that there isn't an actual limit to the number of extraction points.

... other than it'll play into the total memory usage like any other objects. Doubt it would make much difference, but it's good to be memory-conscious.

Quote from: Teancum on August 27, 2022, 03:04PM
... other than it'll play into the total memory usage like any other objects. Doubt it would make much difference, but it's good to be memory-conscious.

Well yes, but I would imagine it would take a whole ton of extraction points for that to actually happen, more than would ever be added.

New limit documented: Game Stages. The limit is 94. Only the first 94 stages listed in the "zoneinfo.engb" file will play. Any after that will just revert back the game's main menu.