Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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air i just love when strong winds come around me :P
what are you going to give me for my birthday?? july 13th

a hug!

y is captain america sucha big deal?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Because he's the embodiment of American patriotism?

Would you hug Tar Baby for £/$/€1,000,000?
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ugh...NO!!!! That dude is gross by himself, nopt counting the fact that he lives in the sewers!

Dp you often generalise people into catagories (as in Indian = eats curry/ Bearded man = terrorist/ asian = nerd/ French = arrogant)?

Asians/cant drive. Ounces you say all your being races
If that is what you mean?n no way I don't. But then again i really think a lot of American hates us Latino/Hispanic. I have allot to say about this but I wont.

Who's gonna win miss Universal?

Miss Universe? I'd go for Miss India this time around. She is one HOOOOT babe!!!! But seeing this year's miss india contest, I'd have to say she wasn't exactly the best choice. But still, no denying she is hot!

Who do you think (NOT wish, just think) will die in Young X-Men?

Hopefully none of the new Brotherhood.

If you could bring one currently dead character back, who would it be?
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Captain America, a true icon.

Or has Cap already been resurrected?

I guess you could say the icon has been resurrected, but not the man.

If you could have a superhero as a spouse, who would it be and why? wait, Mystique! That way, I could be with whoever I wanted.. heh heh...

What is the weirdest food you've ever tasted?

As I got beaten to the punch by Shafcrawler, I'll answer Teancum's question aswell. I'd either go for Lady Mastermind or Northstar. Yup.

I suppose that would be barbecued alligator.

If you could permanently kill off one villain or hero, who would it be?
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pheonix, cuz i dont believe it vould happen :P

if u could have one heroes/villains power who's would it be?[normally it would be spiderman for me right???well im starting to like iceman again(my previous favorite character....)]
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

quicksilvers speed!!!

What x-men would you date?

kitty pride.

pannkakes or waffles?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):


Is cake a lie?
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