
New downloadable content

Started by aerophex, January 25, 2007, 08:09AM

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What "they" should or could do is a real danger room it would add so much replay to the game.So we don't have to switch the files to fight some new characters, I'm amazed the sim was all we got to start with...
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: kfcrispy on March 16, 2007, 02:36PM
don't want to spread rumors but a guy in this thread made some claims because he knows some testers at Activision. ...........

That could be true...but still...I am p'd about the X360 being the only platform getting the DLC!

guys if ever we did get our hands on the new dlc and incorporate it in our current mua pc games can  there be implications regarding copyright from the developers, just asking? (xbox is mircrosoft what the heck dont we have dlc's our os in our pc's are microsoft and were willing to pay for any dlc in pc :hulk_icon:)

with great powers comes with a great costume and a taylor perhaps?

Quotecan  there be implications regarding copyright from the developers, just asking?
If there were, we'd already be on our way to the slammer as we've already violated quite a few TOUs by adding the next-gen and PSP exclusives. It will get worse only if Activision decides to charge money for the DLC, at which point they will get firebombed by angry Hulk fans :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on March 19, 2007, 09:25AM
Quotecan  there be implications regarding copyright from the developers, just asking?
If there were, we'd already be on our way to the slammer as we've already violated quite a few TOUs by adding the next-gen and PSP exclusives.

Not to mention XML content.

I'm not a lawyer, but the saving grace there is that we are only using the game for our own personal enjoyment and not selling modified versions.  I think you get into what the music industry went through a few years ago with file sharing, but since we all paid for our software, then we should be able to do whatever we want to it, again, as long as we are not selling it.   :ohnoes:

Strictly speaking, everytime we upload or modify a file that isn't completely homemade, we are in breach of some sort of copyright regulations.

HOWEVER (and it's a big however)

Until we receive notice from a license or copyright owner to remove content, or until legal action is taken, it tends to fall into a grey area where it's actually beneficial, in some way, to the owners. Consequently, I would say that even if Activision and Marvel knew what we were doing, they would have very little to gain, and more to lose once word got out of how they threw down with some fans who just wanted to play as X, Y, or Z character in a game.

Basically, since this is essentially a Marvel Comics fansite, and everything is done to promote their game and, by extension, the comics, and since no profit is being made from this (meaning they would have little to no financial gain in taking any action), there is no good, logical reason I can think of as to why anyone would have a real issue with this site or the modifications contained herein.

Full agreement.  I am sure that both Activision and Marvel know about all the progress that is being done here (especially by a select few) and that would be the obvious reason for them to stiff the PC platform and only release new DLC for another market.  Why spend the time or resources to modify something that would only pale in comparison to you guys.  Besides...if they really didn't want mods being done, then I am certain there are ways to completely lock us out, n'est se pais, petit? :gambit:

and i would still happily pay for Activision's official versions of these characters (reasonable prices, of course) if they release them ^_^

That's the rub. Since they are only releasing the downloads to one platform's owners, how can Activision (and by default Marvel) really gripe? If they gave us any kind of choice we'd probably pay for the characters.

I don't understand why they aren't releasing DLC for PC.  Especially since Vista users will soon be able to play with xbox live users.  It makes sense to release DLC for PC since they are essentially bridging the two platforms.

Apparently some people might have found an early leak to who will be downloadable

WTF?  How the heck can Dr. Doom be playable?  He's the main bad guy! That makes no sense at all...  All the others seems cool enough, the only truly "new" addition being Hulk.  We beat them to the punch on the rest of the characters.  Go modders!


So, 3 characters we don't already have, which are easily makeable.  Big deal.  *shrugs*
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

I pray to god it is bullshit. 4 XML2 characters AND Hawkeye? I might go ahead and call bullshit on this simply based on the fact that Hawkeye is there....