New downloadable content

Started by aerophex, January 25, 2007, 08:09AM

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I would bet on Hawky being tweaked, just like the difference between PC and PSP Cable in XML2.
But yeah, this is THE laziest approach - they've had to spend almost HALF A YEAR on THIS?

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

what do you mean cable PC for xml2? he wasn't officially in the PC version.....

Well, his icons from the PC version don't exactly match up to the powers (and icons) he got on the PSP? That's what I meant.
(Heavy morning, got an exam to attend in two hours, lack of sleep... bleh, I hate this life)

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.
This makes it totally official. I just hope Venom is has a decent moveset and isn't anything like Spider-Man. And I could do without Sabretooth, I'd rather have Cable... c'mon, Deadpool without Cable?

Who knows, maybe they will do even more downloadable characters in the future, depending on how well this offer is accepted?

Yeah, so now we totally need the 360 formats cracked :P.  I still think Doom is retarded.  Just like Nick Fury talking to Nick Fury.  Having Colossus and Cyclops (due to the cutscene) I can let slide.  Nightcrawler is awesome, but it's still a bit of breaking the story.  What would be sweet is if Mephisto resurrects Nightcrawler, you actually defeat Mephisto and save Nightcrawler at the same time.  At that point he'd be unlocked and it wouldn't ruin the story.

You can assume that these Dr. Doom, Nick Fury, Colossus, and Cyclops are a pun to Marvel's stories like Dr. Doom (Earth 1234) vs Dr Doom (Earth 5678).... :laola:

my main problems are with nightcrawler (who i think shoud have been playable anyway) Dr. Doom who is the main villain (DUH!) Venom whowasnt in the game period and Hulk. (even though i love the big lug i already have 3 guys who just beat the crap out of stuff, cage thing and colosus)

March 25, 2007, 08:52PM #67 Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 08:57PM by Teancum
Yeah, except Cage really sucks. :P 

...Well, I guess he's not terrible, it's just that there's a lot better units than him.

What the ideal DLC would have been:

-Captain Marvel
-The Hulk
-The Punisher (rights permitted)
-Skirmish mode
-Online Hero CTF mode

Heck yeah, CTF (or King of the Hill) would've made this game a blast! But only in conjunction with XML2's "play as bosses" abilities! That would'a been KILLER, man!

I would've also liked to have Classic Black Widow instead of Bendisverse Black Widow, please :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

oh *@#^$ CTF for MUA??  haha that would rule!


I weep over this pic in particular, as those are the 3 I actually want and we can't get no bump-mapped versions (as of now)

Gah, I hate how everything is shiny.  It looks cheap.  Still, nice models though.

Now taking bets on costumes!

We know from these pics:
Cyclops: Astonishing
Doom: Classic
Hawkeye: Classic
Hulk: Classic
Magneto: Classic
Sabretooth: Classic
Venom: Classic

My bets for the rest:
Cyclops: Ultimate, Classic (Jim Lee), Original
Doom: Ultimate, Doombot, House of M (blech, but it is what I think they'll do)
Hawkeye: Ultimate, Stret Gear, Modern :P
Hulk: Maestro, Planet Hulk, Mr. Fixit
Magneto: Ultimate, Joseph, House of M (blech again)
Nightcrawler: Ultimate, Modern/Uncanny, Classic, AoA
Sabretooth: Ultimate, AoA/Exiles, Modern/Weapon X
Venom: Ultimate, Carnage, Toxin

Well I was hopeing for new cool effects guess thats out the vista window, what hell did they do to cyc dam he's going to hurt his self with that :ugh:
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!