Spider-Man vs. Mr Fantastic

Started by Faure, February 27, 2009, 08:37PM

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February 27, 2009, 08:37PM Last Edit: February 28, 2009, 07:34AM by Faure
So after a pretty succesfull Jean Grey vs Storm which was won by Jean Grey (60% vs 26%) thought we try the next hero vs hero.

So imagine this; Mr. Fantastic in a fight with Spider-Man.

Will the sticking webs of Spider-Man be enough to captivate Reed Richards, preventing him from flabbering all around Peter Parker.

Or will Dr. Richards be too elastic and stretchy to be sticked to the wall or into a web.
What do you think?

Wow look what i started. I'm soo happy. This trend should continue. Interesting match up and well thought up. Spiderman is agile with the strength of a bear and speed and spider sense and many other qualities. While Mr. Fantastic is flexible,super strong and also quite agile. My first thought would be for a Spiderman win since he has got the Spider-sense on his side and he is quick but however one wrong move by him, would be an instead Mr. Fantastic win all Reed has to do is catch him and that's it. He'll break crush him like the bug he is. I'm gonna go with Mr. Fantasic. It will be very close though.

Mr Fantastic, definitely.

Spider-man vs the most intelligent person in the world who can create anything to stop anything out of a rubber band and a tin can? Spidey has no chance.
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I have to go with Mr Fantastic too, he could just wrap himself around Spidey until he suffocates or just crush him to death
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Quote from: Dihan on February 28, 2009, 02:03AM
Mr Fantastic, definitely.

Spider-man vs the most intelligent person in the world who can create anything to stop anything out of a rubber band and a tin can? Spidey has no chance.

interesting, i wasn't thinking of preparation. Maybe we should make it more clear. Make it an as-if fight, so no preparing to make machines etc, just a 1 vs 1 battle.

I'd go for a draw; If spiderman can fire his webs before fantastic manages to stretch he can't move anymore. On the opposite; if Fantastic wraps around spiderman before he can fire webs I think fantastic wins.

So i'm gonna go for a draw.

Oh please! Spider-man would win this thing. Maybe his the biggest brain, but Spider-man is more powerful and his web is sticky (A good trap and kapow!)

All things considered, Spidey wins 6 out of 10.

And besides: Spidey is really agile, so he can dodge Mr. F's attacks!

And besides: Mr Fantastic can dodge around things and make himself into a trampoline to dodge and bounce Spidey's projectiles back!
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Well, this is weird, no? I mean, how can somebody bounce back a really sticky something? If you ask me, you can be a really bouncey trampoline if some gluey, sticky web would fly towards you, but yeah, he can dodge them.

Even a sticky substance has kinetic energy. Reed can absorb the impact and flex his body in such a way to repel it back. He can also make his body almost have the properties of liquid. Unless Spider-Man can cover him head to toe in web, instantly, then Reed can escape.
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That's assuming that Reed can react fast enough to do all of that. Reed's powers are very interesting but are limited by his speed. He reacts at the speed of a normal human, even with his brain maximally compressed (as he has done in the past). Spider-man has too much to his advantage to lose. Spider-man is far faster than Reed. So fast that he has gotten the jump on both Speed Demon and Quicksilver. Spider-man's sidey sense, in combination with his speed, causes the world to move in slow motion, especially in battle sitations. This is, as stated in a comic, why Spidey comes up with so many jokes and one-liners while still being able to come up with a plan to take out the person he's battling. essentially, Spider-man can think faster than most people. This certainly makes up for any deficienies he may have when dealing with Reed's intelligence. Moreover, the webbing's chemical nature makes it hard for most things to escape from it or for it not to stick to it. Finally, I'm fairly certain that Spidey has already beaten the Fantastic Four before, including Reed.

Quote from: ThatGuy on February 28, 2009, 05:23PMMoreover, the webbing's chemical nature makes it hard for most things to escape from it or for it not to stick to it. Finally, I'm fairly certain that Spidey has already beaten the Fantastic Four before, including Reed.

Err... what about his new, "organic", web? Is it the same deal as the previous fabricated one?

He doesn't have organic webbing anymore. They changed it back to regular web-shooters.