If you could change the Roster how would you change it)

Started by marvelfan12345, August 10, 2009, 01:58PM

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I love the roster but just like many others I would trade out some characters for others.

Also for those of you who don't have a 360 or PS3 then don't put Juggs for a character you would want replaced as it really doesn't matter then. Only characters you have access to.

Penance - Moonstone

I really don't care for Penance and he fits better as an NPC. I chose Moonstone cause we need four Thunderbolts and I'm kinda sick of Hawkeye and I really hate his character now. Monstone would be cool cause she adds more females, and has really cool powers.

Gambit - Cyclops

Don't get me wrong I like Gambit but I rather have Cyclops. Cyclops, Jean, Wolvie, and Storm are the heart and soul of the X-Men and I would love a team with those four. Plus now Jean and Scott can be together with Reed and Sue for a Double Date.

Iron Fist - Elektra

I have never really cared much for Iron Fist and I like Luke Cage so I don't need Iron Fist to enjoy Cage. I prefer Elektra with her martial arts and I think she is awesome and one of Marvel's most known females. THis time she should fit into a Odd Couples team bonus with DD. The other pair would have to be Wolverine and Jean I guess.

Secret Character #1 - Spider-Woman

Spider-Woman is a very popular character in Marvel and I think NEw Avengers needs another female besides Ms. Marvel as she is a new member.

Secret Character #2 - Dr. Strange

Marvel needs a magician in my opinion and who better to fill that role than Dr. Strange. With a magic character we will have all roles for the game filled.

Juggernaut - Scarlet Witch (I have a 360 so I can replace him)

Scarlet Witch isn't to popular, but she is wanted by many so she can boost sales for the 360/PS3 and people will pre-order. It's great cause another female, magic character, Avenger, and popular. I always have liked her anyway.

If I had room others I would include, or readd would be.....

Gambit, Psylocke, Punisher, Black Cat, Emma Frost, Rogue, Shadowcat, Polaris, Wasp

Penance, Gambit, Iron Fist and Juggy are good for me, and I would use Dr. S and S-W too. I think, the current roster is fine.

Penance --> Hawkeye

The guy is full of awesome and (at least in MUA1) was a blast to use.

Jean Grey --> Psylocke

Don't get me wrong Jean worshipers, I like her, but she's been in 100 games and I want a different female to take the 4th X-Men slot.  This way you get psychic powers + glowy purple blades.  How is that not cool?

Secret Character #1 - Black Cat

I don't think 'Cat has been represented well enough.  Yeah, you can play her in Friend or Foe, but even then I think there's much more that can be done to make her fun.

Secret Character #2 - Dr. Strange

I'm not a big fan of the guy, but I can't deny he rounds out things really nicely.

Juggernaut --> Moon Knight

I was really disappointed...  Juggernaut?  Really?  I thought the could do better with a pre-order bonus.  Besides, I don't need someone who's going to play exactly like Hulk.

Quote from: Teancum on August 10, 2009, 02:14PM
Penance --> Hawkeye

The guy is full of awesome and (at least in MUA1) was a blast to use.

Jean Grey --> Psylocke

Don't get me wrong Jean worshipers, I like her, but she's been in 100 games and I want a different female to take the 4th X-Men slot.  This way you get psychic powers + glowy purple blades.  How is that not cool?

Secret Character #1 - Black Cat

I don't think 'Cat has been represented well enough.  Yeah, you can play her in Friend or Foe, but even then I think there's much more that can be done to make her fun.

Secret Character #2 - Dr. Strange

I'm not a big fan of the guy, but I can't deny he rounds out things really nicely.

Juggernaut --> Moon Knight

I was really disappointed...  Juggernaut?  Really?  I thought the could do better with a pre-order bonus.  Besides, I don't need someone who's going to play exactly like Hulk.
Now that I think of it...That Psylocke and Hawkeye thing would be cool, but Juggy is fine.

You have two slots left for Psylocke and Hawkeye.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 10, 2009, 02:19PM
You have two slots left for Psylocke and Hawkeye.

That's great, but I want them to replace Jean and Penance.

Penance for Hawkeye: I just dislike Penance too much. Speedball wasn't a great character to beginn with, and somehow they made him even less interesting. And Hawkeye, as a wise man said, is full of awesome.

Juggernaut for Magneto: If there's one thing I've learned about myself while playing and modding MUA, is that Magneto is probably my favourite Marvel character (even though if you ask me, I'd say it's Iron Man). Besides that, magnetism, Havok physics and ultra-destructive environments provide some incredible potential for powers, and they've still got to make a Magneto that really shows just how powerful the Master of Magnetism really is.

Jean Grey for Emma Frost or Psylocke: I don't care which it is as long as it's not that flaming pigeon.

Juggernaut for Hawkeye: Who needs another bruiser when trick arrows are just so cool?

Character-who-will-never-be-revealed-but-is-most-likely-to-be-Nick-Fury-if-the-leaked-list-is-to-be-believed for Moon Knight: Moon Knight is just cool and Deadpool shouldn't have the monopoly on insane anti-heroism.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Penance - Quicksilver

I want the Magnus family to be in the game for a good bouns: Family Affair like in XMLII.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 10, 2009, 01:58PM
Gambit - Cyclops

Don't get me wrong I like Gambit but I rather have Cyclops. Cyclops, Jean, Wolvie, and Storm are the heart and soul of the X-Men and I would love a team with those four. Plus now Jean and Scott can be together with Reed and Sue for a Double Date.

I agree

Iron Fist - Iron Fist

I want some-one new, and he wasn't in the MUA 1 unless you had the mod for him so I guess he'll stay.

Secret Character #1 - Cable

I want a bounses: 'Partners in crime' cause it'll bve something new.

Secret Character #2 - Magneto

Same reason for what Dihan said.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 10, 2009, 01:58PM
Juggernaut - Scarlet Witch (I have a 360 so I can replace him)

Scarlet Witch isn't to popular, but she is wanted by many so she can boost sales for the 360/PS3 and people will pre-order. It's great cause another female, magic character, Avenger, and popular. I always have liked her anyway.

I agree cause of the same thing for Quicksilver

Life, it's a simple thing; it doesn't shout or scream or even ignore you. No life takes what it gets, it expects that it is fate, it expects that the only thing stopping it's self is its self. But what if, what if the only thing stopping you from becoming you is some-one you love. That's my life...

I would replace The Thing, Luke Cage, and Thor. I would probably put in Emma Frost, Black Cat, and not too sure who I would put in for the third slot. Any choice I could think of isn't a popular character so there would really be no chance of them making the list. Jubilee would be great since I loved her powers in XML and would love to see how they could update her!

Well Rogue is probably DLC and lots of people are clamoring for Kitty so I can imagine them. Don't know if you like them or not. Maybe Elektra, Spider-Woman, Punisher, Scarlet Witch.

I've decided to extend the roster to 30. In that case I would readd Gambit, then add Rogue as she is awesome! I'd add Wanda here and give her 360/PS3 slot to Psylocke as Psylocke is my 2nd fav character. The exclusive counts for the 30 roster so I have 2 slots left. Black Cat is one as I really would love to play as her and the last slot goes to Shulkie as she is another Avenger, and I loved her in the FF. I'd use her even if she clashes the story as she is an NPC. Too bad I can't fit Emma.

Juggernaut> Dr. Strange
Jean Grey > Emma Frost
Gambit    > Cyclops
Deadpool  >The Punisher
Penance   > Hawkeye

