X-Men: Destiny

Started by Nowhere Man, October 07, 2010, 03:14PM

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Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 19, 2011, 06:04PM
(especially due to the lack of a fiery redhead, wind rider, psychic ninja, and southern belle ;))

Just a note on this,  I'm willing to bet that Jean, Storm, Psylocke, and Rogue are all not in the game because the game is set in the point when the X-Men are based in San Francisco, and none of these characters were with the X-Men at the time. (correct me if I'm wrong)  Jean is dead, Storm was in Wakanda, Psylocke was with the Exiles until the events of the Sisterhood arc in Uncanny X-Men, and Rogue was off with Gambit and Danger until the events of Utopia.  So the game is trying to stay true to the comics, which I like.

Quote from: ragincajun on September 21, 2011, 11:46AM
Just a note on this,  I'm willing to bet that Jean, Storm, Psylocke, and Rogue are all not in the game because the game is set in the point when the X-Men are based in San Francisco, and none of these characters were with the X-Men at the time. (correct me if I'm wrong)  Jean is dead, Storm was in Wakanda, Psylocke was with the Exiles until the events of the Sisterhood arc in Uncanny X-Men, and Rogue was off with Gambit and Danger until the events of Utopia.  So the game is trying to stay true to the comics, which I like.

Storm was technically part of the team but just a background character (which every X-Man has become these days besides a select few).

However Magneto was not leader of the Brotherhood and nor were Mystique and Juggernaut. Professor X was not dead while Pyro was. So the game isn't true to the comics which is what bugs me that they're trying to pass it off like it is.

Havok isn't even in the game but they still have his costumes, so i wouldn't necessarily give up on at least little bits of characters you like being in.

I know Psylocke has costumes in the game. I seriously doubt Jean will get anything because when fans asked about her they replied, "she's dead"

Nuff said.

Like the great Emma Frost once said in a flash movie

''You're to late, Jean's dead, but why dont you come back next week?''

I still lol when I see it xD

Im sure she will atleast get some kind of mention, anyone ever considered the Phoenix statue (Assuming this game has an X-mansion of course)
My Release topic : http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Has anyone seen the Emma Frost X-Genes Trailer. Her diamond form is just soo awesome and its glowing :D
I just hate the fact that its not on PC, i mean this game should have been on PC. XML1 was not, XML2 was. MUA was, MUA2 wasnt and XMD should be T_T

Emma Frost X-Genes Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvc6qlXof0Y

Its looks awesome yeah :), it seems they were kinda going for some sort op telephatic white beams?, the costumes however, kinda (really) suck, most of em atleast, I dislike the Emma costume (not the costume emma wears, but the costume the characters can wear) the most :P
My Release topic : http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Quote from: Polygone on September 24, 2011, 05:47AM
Its looks awesome yeah :), it seems they were kinda going for some sort op telephatic white beams?, the costumes however, kinda (really) suck, most of em atleast, I dislike the Emma costume (not the costume emma wears, but the costume the characters can wear) the most :P
Same here. Emma has a very unique style that looks really good on her but not on others. If I preorder the game I'll probably get the Havok suits (love the Tron look) although I prefer Emma's astral powers. I've heard that Emma's suit is actually in the game and Amazon only gives you earlier access to it.

So if Emma's suits are in the game, that means that Emma's X-Gene must be in the game as well, without preordering it, right?

Quote from: JeanGrey777 on September 24, 2011, 11:10AM
So if Emma's suits are in the game, that means that Emma's X-Gene must be in the game as well, without preordering it, right?
Yes that's what I've heard from others on Hero Hq anyway.

So is anybody actually buying this game? I caved and decided to go ahead and buy it (even with the lack of a fiery redhead, wind rider, southern belle, and psychic ninja :D) I figured that they wouldn't be playable anyway so I'm not missing much and its an X-Men game so I'm probaby gonna end up getting it anyway.

It came out already?
Im gonna watch videos of the gameplay on youtube before i even think about buying it

i'm wondering if the wii version will be significantly nerfed like usual...

I plan on getting it but im in no rush at all. I could wait a year or so until I actually think about buying it

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