SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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ah ha

gimp version 2.2.15

let me look at your links for the update

Incidently I love gimp!!!

even on this windows xp box

YEAH we possibly found the problem!!  :thumbsup2:

Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 08:39PM
Incidently I love gimp!!!

even on this windows xp box
haha, i didnt know it was available on windows platform until recently

Worked like a champ!

imported in now lets see if I can hose all my original files  :hyper:

Oh @ Tetra try using the older skinner. V1.1 I believe.

it seemed a bit more user frendly than tring to cypher syntax!

Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 08:50PM
Worked like a champ!
imported in now lets see if I can hose all my original files  :hyper:

YEAH, now just 2 more people to help

July 01, 2007, 09:03PM #37 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 09:05PM by iammingy
If Skinner crashes when you import, it's most likely you have a dash in front of "DXT3" or "DXT1" in the CFG file. This is what happens on all my computers btw. (Export is fine with and without the dash) Switch the color channels from BGR to RGB first, then save the file. Import the BMP without the dash, then it shouldn't crash... The latest version of skinner has "more" functions.

Quote from: iammingy on July 01, 2007, 09:03PM
If Skinner crashes when you import, it's most likely you have a minus in front of "DXT3" or "DXT1" in the CFG file. This is what happens on all my computers btw. Switch the color channels from BGR to RGB first, then save the file. Import the BMP without the minus, then it shouldn't crash... The latest version of skinner has "more" functions.
does it crash on export too then if there is a minus? (because some people cant export)
i can swap minus or not and it always works, just changes the channels

The dash/minus works perfectly for export for me!

hmm... that's just really weird. @_@

Since yall have been very helpful so far.

so in looking at skins and reading as much of the forums as I could. I still not sure where to actually make the change.

Meaning if I say want capt america in a green wetsuit (heaven forbid he turn to aquaman!). what dxt do I need to modify. I just changed the 512's and nothing came up in game. that is what is confusing me.

I read somewhere that the other dxts are for shading ect. I guess I need to change them all? if so that is a lot of redundant work.

July 01, 2007, 09:11PM #41 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 09:13PM by iammingy
mostly DXT1 for skins FROM MUA (PC) and DXT3 for skins FROM XML2 (PC).

EDIT: In this case, your Captain America should be DXT1. If you view the skin in Texture Finder, the texture should look "crispier" (lol) in DXT1 format.


thats the wierd thing I make a change and it doesnt appear.

maybe someone can give me some incite as to why it seems there are like 20 hands and heads in the igb file. thats what confuse me I keep wondering if I moded the wrong head.

July 01, 2007, 09:16PM #43 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 09:23PM by Norrin Radd
it doesnt appear in texture finder or in game?
also, what igb is it (number?)

for the 20 hands and heads, do you mean that there are multiple cap. am. heads just different sizes?
if yes, then this is how it should be, when you import your picture you overwrite all of these thats what all the numbers are for in the .cfg file, sorry if you already know this, i just dont understand what you are asking

Looks like iammingy just posted this info

July 01, 2007, 09:20PM #44 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 09:24PM by iammingy
hmmm... how should I explain it? lol

There are many heads and hands because there also smaller BMP (512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4) of the 1024x1024 BMP. If you have the "correct" entry in the CFG file, then importing an (edited) 1024x1024 BMP should be resized and inserted automatically to the smaller pics in SkinnerUI.

EDIT: The colored ones are your priority.