
HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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Well I did what you said and it worked. Thanks. :applause: I don't know why I have all these crazy problems. I know I inputed alot of characters real quick and that is when the problems started. Maybe that was what caused it.

August 08, 2007, 07:06PM #106 Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 07:09PM by cvc
Norrin Radd I took a look at your program and it looks great My Q, is does it matter how many char I have or is there a limit because I have so many and it looks great I want to use it.

EDIT:thank you sir.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

August 08, 2007, 07:08PM #107 Last Edit: August 08, 2007, 07:12PM by Norrin Radd
use as many as you want, you'll have a pretty long list but it should be all good

(also, if you add them all at once just do it slowly to make sure you get everything right)

no problem, and good luck

hey norrin its me again, i just wanted to let you know that i replaced luke cage with psylocke and i am still having the problem where all four players are psylocke. the hero stat is fine, it has everyone there, nothing wrong, i erased luke and put in psy with the right menulocation but still same results i tried using hero select and same thing only this time it was four colossus who could not attack what did i do wrong?(thank you so much for all your help You should get promoted or something)

1. can you upload your herostat.engb (using for example and post the link here. i can take a look at it tonight to see if everything is ok.
2. also, are you loading a save game or always starting a new game
3. does it still only crash when you are at the hero selection menu?

i just checked the file, it looks good (except that colossus and moonknight may not be completely playable because they have platform_hidden = CG instead of platform_hidden = PS)
so a couple of things to check:
1. i see that you sent herostat.noel.engb, make sure that you rename it to herostat.engb before you use it.
2. make sure you have installed the psylocke mod as the instructions in the mod say
3. make sure you start a new game, from the beginning

WAIT! i think i found the problem... give me one minute...

it works! for some reason there was a hidden hero stat file in my data folder, i tried looking for it but nothing. when i went to edit the one i already had it appeared in the folder so i erased it and now it works fine. but how do i fix the mk and col problem?(your wicked helpful thank you so much!)

to fix the mk colossus problem, decompile your working herostat file, then find the lines:
platform_hidden = CG
which will be located in Colossus and Moonknight entries. Change the CG part to PS for both of them.
then recompile it

if you are using the latest version of Heroselect (found on the first post of this thread), then you wont have this problem because i changed the entries to PS already in the herostat.cfg file (a file that the heroselect program uses, see the pdf for more info)

Glad you got it to work finally, congrats!

i fixed it i just used hero select and it works perfectly no problems what so ever. man what a journey! just to add psylocke. great character it would be cool to have her use the elektra running animation. Thank you so much for all your help you, have been a great representation of the people on this site! MARVEL MODS IS AWESOME!

thanks, and again, i am glad to see you got it to work, if you have any questions later regarding Heroselect feel free to ask.  :thumbsup:

hey norrin, any suggestion on a good mod to add to my game? who do you think is a good character?

August 22, 2007, 01:28PM #118 Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 01:39PM by Norrin Radd
hm, i like the venom one by dark_mark (i like how the tongue moves)
i also sometimes play with the Dazzler mod (by Tetragene) and the new Mysterio and Vision mods by idrinkdrpepper were pretty cool too. after that maybe hawkeye (with the skins/meshes by tommyboy) and magneto (by dark_mark)

also, i am looking forward to the she-hulk mod

in my heroselect list i have many of the mods available here, but usually i just test things and dont really play the full game, so im not really sure which mods are the best ones to have on your team for the full game