
HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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Did you ever get around to an XML2 version of HeroSelect?
That would also be a nice utility to have.

August 26, 2007, 09:26AM #121 Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 09:29AM by Norrin Radd
i didnt yet, but i could work on it soon if people are interested. since i have the pc game now it should also be easier for me to test, so if i get at least five people that want it for xml2 then i will spend some time on it (so 4 more people). i dont have access to my other computer now, but i can take a look at it when i get back (in a few days).

i would love to see one too :)
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

You can add me to the list of people that'd like an XML2 version

even though there doesnt appear to be much interest in an xml2 version, i have decided that i will work on an xml2 version when i have time. I will post xml2 information in a new thread when i get started. hopefully i will be able to work on it within the week

Excellent news, thank you.
And I still think people just dont know what they are missing...HeroSelect is essential to my MUA experience.

thanks for the support tommyboy, since i saw you were releasing new meshes i decided that i should at least try to do something for you, even if it is a small gesture

the link for V1.2 isnt working for me, could someone post it again

i can repost it in around 8 hours from now

could someone post it now cos i really need it and cant wait 8 hours plz.

October 03, 2007, 10:07AM #132 Last Edit: October 03, 2007, 10:29AM by keilian
i'm not sure if people are still looking at this but can anyone help

I downloaded the hjeroselect 1.2

followed all the instructions...
I.E. added the characters to the proper locations in the game folders...
Added the character information to the Hero.cfg file
Added them to the program itself.

My problem is I set my team... and say set this, and it pops up a dos screen saying decompiling herostat then hangs there for over half an hour...

As a note when i close the dos window and try loading the game... i get the same crew that i had before i tried hero select.

if it is trying to decompile the herostat, and the window hangs there, it is probably looking either for xmlbcompile (did you put it in c:/windows?) or it is maybe looking for the location of your herostat.engb (did you change the folder name in herostat.cfg to point to the correct one?)

ok... i'm getting upset at this.

I followed the link in the PDF... downloaded version 2.2 without UI *like it said*

Took everything in the folder and crammed it in c:\windows.

made sure it was pointed in the correct direction *didn't change the directory so c:\\program files\\activision\\Marvel - Ultimate alliance\\Data is correct.

and it still hangs...

And it all but locks my computer up until I close the dos window.