HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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July 18, 2007, 09:59PM #60 Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 10:28PM by Norrin Radd
you mean when you check the herostat.engb?

Chocolate egg, i see there is a problem. it has to do with the changes i made to Character Selector,
i'll take a look right away
i know exactly why its doing that, i will update it shortly

edit: i just fixed it, i'll upload the new version, so you guys and anyone else who downloaded it will have to redownload it. I will mark it *patched* once it is uploaded.

thanks blizz for pointing this out!

edit: done (all you really need to replace is Characterselect.exe, for those of you who downloaded the un-patched version)
Just to be clear, the patch fixes the program so Default team and Random team work correctly from HeroSelect.

if anyone else encounters other problems, please let me know.

A quick note to everyone using HeroSelect:
You can verify if you have added a character successfully if you do the following:
After you click on the Accept team button, go to the directory of your herostat.engb
There you will find herostat.xml, this file was created by CharacterSelect after you clicked on Accept Team. Open this file with Notepad (or similar editing program) and look at all the entries. If you are concerned about their menulocations you can check those too.
Look to see if all the characters you checked are in your herostat.xml, or if it was random or a default team you can also check if the right amount of chacters are there.

This is the easiest way to check if all the steps were done correctly.

Love the new GUI.  Haven't found any problems yet, but if I do I'll let you know.

July 19, 2007, 07:23AM #64 Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 07:35AM by Norrin Radd
thanks, but there is one problem

you need to put the character name before endoffile name on the list at the beginning of herostat.cfg so it looks like:



I always added the characters names before 'endoffile' so i never had any problems, but in the pdf i said to do it the other way, so i am updating the pdf
(this is also true for CharacterSelect)

Just updated the program with the new pdf (i also removed toxin, psp, and other characters from the selection menu)

This is a great utility. Thanks for this. Everyone should be using this so you can change your team on the fly.

Quote from: Bane1 on July 19, 2007, 10:51AM
This is a great utility. Thanks for this. Everyone should be using this so you can change your team on the fly.

thanks, and i'm glad you got it to work!

I must be doing something wrong.
I can get the "default" option to work, but can't get "select" or "random" to include my new characters.
I think I've edited them into herostat.cfg, and into character_list.cfg, and entered them in the GUI correctly.
But I must be doing something wrong....
if it helps I could post the herostat and character_list here.
I wish I could get this to work, because it's exceptionally awesome...

July 19, 2007, 11:45AM #68 Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 12:00PM by Norrin Radd
you dont need to touch character_list.cfg (edit: character_list.cfg is for changing skins with CharacterSelect)

edit: but yes, you can post what you have, i will check it

did you read the latest instructions?, you cant put the characters name after 'endoffile'. this will make the last character not work!

if the random option doesnt select your new characters, then it is not a GUI configuration problem, it has to do with herostat.cfg because using random does not check the GUI list, it ONLY checks herostat.cfg

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 19, 2007, 11:45AM
you dont need to touch character_list.cfg

edit: but yes, you can post what you have, i will check it

did you read the latest instructions?, you cant put the characters name after 'endoffile'. this will make the last character not work!

if the random option doesnt select your new characters, then it is not a GUI configuration problem, it has to do with herostat.cfg because using random does not check the GUI list, it ONLY checks herostat.cfg

Yep, I read the instructions (though obviously still got confused about character_list.)
Oddly, the herostat.xml shows my selected characters, but in game I just get the defaults...
I'll play around, because clearly its an error on my part...
Thanks for the help, if I get stuck I'll come running back..

July 19, 2007, 12:26PM #70 Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 12:29PM by Norrin Radd
i think i know what your problem is.
you may not have put the xmlb-compile.exe in c:\windows

Why do i think this:
Because if everyone is in your .xml file, then HeroSelect (and CharacterSelect) worked properly. This also means you configured your files correctly. If they dont show up in game its because your herostat.engb wasnt compiled.
(if the HeroSelect sees that it couldnt decompile the herostat.engb file, it will create a NEW file called herostat.xml and edit that file)
If the compiling/decompiling wasnt a success, unfortunately there is no easy way to tell unless you run the non-GUI CharacterSelect, change characters from there, and then watch for error messages.

Nope, it's in there, from way back when NBA2Kstuff released it.
I took out all but two characters and it worked OK, so theres an error in one of my files, that'll teach me to bulk-add all my NPCstat>27 characters in one go....
I'll add them two at a time till I find the culprit (because I did look but saw nothing that looked like it wouldnt compile).
Thanks again for the help, and for a GREAT utility.

no problem, and i'm glad you like it, i just want it to work for everyone,
once you get it to work once, then adding new characters later should be easier (at least you then have confidence that the program works).

Just a note to everyone who uses HeroSelect V1.0, if you want to play with Colossus and Moonknight you will need to change their CG values to PS in herostat.cfg

Dagflabbit. Rather than every character appearing in slot "0", ONLY one character shows up (in their correct slot, though).

Using "Default":

Using "Random":

(I only fixed the Iceman/daredevil glitches, shrunk Cage/Colossus, got rid of Moony/Colossus' hidden problem and added Hulk)