The Avengers: Battle for Earth

Started by Quentin Hex, May 10, 2012, 10:03AM

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I was excited for this... Then I saw Kinect and the gameplay.
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how hard it is to the producers realize that they are makin sh....

Quote from: razard on June 08, 2012, 01:25PM
how hard it is to the producers realize that they are makin sh....

Very hard apperantly lol, I mean Marvel games haven't been the best as of late at least I believe.

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well the trailer doesnt show any gameplay only showing the characters, :spiderman:, :wolverine:, :venom:, :magneto: and all the heros from the avengers movie.There is still screenshots of gameplay though  :)

well 2 different gameplay fotage was posted on you tube, the awesome much better cooler first person Deus Ex type canceled version and the crap 2d fighting game version that they say they are sticking with

October 02, 2012, 10:53AM #21 Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 10:57AM by CmdrRiker1701D
Well, the demo is available on the XBOX Marketplace. Its like a "Kinect" 3rd person fighting game, with a little Marvel vs Capcom team fighting flair. Unfortunately, the controls aren't as responsive as you'd hope, which tends to be the story with most every Kinect or motion-controlled game. The demo says you can select between 4 characters... what they should say is that you are forced to play as 2 characters, and therefore forced to play against the other 2. You control Hulk and Thor while you battle against Skrull Captain America and Skrull Magneto. It allows you to get used to how the fighting controls are set up, although it usually doesn't go as planned when putting it into use.

The character models do indeed look very detailed, very awesome and comic-book-esque. And as a lot of people have said, if this was a controller-based game instead of a Kinect game, then it might actually have been welcomed with open arms by more gamers and Marvel fans alike. As for me, I'll probably get it because I'm a die-hard Marvel fan... I have some of the Marvel games on XBOX 360 that some people might cringe to even think of (Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man II), but I can't help it. (I am also a die-hard Star Wars fan, although I don't get every Star Wars game that comes out... I did, however, get Star Wars Kinect... and was seriously let down.)

Anyway, try it out for yourself and see what you think. The game will be available in stores on October 30th.

Anyone know if the models will be able to be ripped from this game? Would be cool for MUA I think ^-^

Quote from: DeeDooo on October 02, 2012, 12:39PM
Anyone know if the models will be able to be ripped from this game? Would be cool for MUA I think ^-^

Well, there is going to be a Wii version of the game, and I believe I saw someone using Wii models/skins in MUA, so its possible.

October 18, 2012, 02:42PM #25 Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 02:55PM by MarvelFan12345

New heroes confirmed such as Jean Grey/Phoenix and Scarlet Witch. Looks like I have to add this game to my wishlist...that and a Kinect ;)

I am excited to see some of the new characters, but is it just a 2D boring looking game or does it actually look like fun?

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 18, 2012, 03:01PM
I am excited to see some of the new characters, but is it just a 2D boring looking game or does it actually look like fun?
It's not 2D, but a 3D fighting game like MvC3. Besides the fact you can't use a controller, it looks pretty cool (and since I'm awful at fighting games, with a controller, this may be better for me personally.) Has an arena, versus mode, the works.

The 18 heroes and villains in the picture will be playable alongside Super-Skrull and Queen Veranke.

October 18, 2012, 03:15PM #28 Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 04:07PM by midnightphoenix123
Well I am gonna get it just because haha, I hope it's fun. Although I must say I am not a fan of the Kinect at all.

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on October 18, 2012, 03:15PM
Well I am gonna get it just because haha, I hope it's fun. Although I most say I am not a fan of the Kinect at all.
I've never played it so I'm curious to give it a try and see why people dislike it so much :D